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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Our Real Father Who Made Us A Sweet Home as a Family Members of Heaven

   Let’s open the chapter 4 of THE KEY TO HAPPINESS book.
Yesterday, in chapter 4 who did we find? Finally, after thousands of years we found our Real Father. Even in this world, our physical father may have four or five children and they will grow up, and they will buy houses for them, and allow them to live separately in those houses. In the same way, our Real Daddy has given birth to many, many children and given to these children many different homes to live in. But among them, who are the youngest in this whole universe who live, who were born in the greatest blessings? Who are the youngest in the universe?

Our Real Father Who Made a Sweet Home For Us as a Branch Family of Heaven.
[Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these things.](Isa. 40:26) [For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God](Heb. 3:4). If it is saying, “Lift up your eyes on high,” it don’t look for just money and look on the ground but look up and see who has created all these things throughout the universe. Only God can say these words. Can the Hindu god or the god of Islam say these things? Only the God who created the heavens and the earth will be able to say this. Though there are may be many gods on this earth, those gods did not create the heavens and the earth; it is written that they will be destroyed. Our Real Father who recreated this whole universe and who also begot us is our Real Father. I hope you worship Him. “Lift up your eyes and see who has created these things,” He says this with such confidence; for every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God.
      Please raise your hands if you were from Russia. How many houses are there in Moscow? Then, did all those houses in Moscow just come out automatically? Why won’t you answer? In Russia there is a city called Moscow, but you know they all come out automatically. So let’s say, about 35 million years ago these houses grew like mushrooms, the ones that grew for long-timer buildings, and the ones that kind grew and stop are houses, and that’s why there are so many houses in Moscow. Why don’t you say amen? Is this true or not? Then if it’s not true, how did those houses come about? How did those buildings come about? Did you watch them build those buildings and homes? No, no, that’s not true. You didn't even see that. I say that 35 million years ago they grew like mushrooms, and some grew taller and some grew shorter and that’s why they live in there.
      You know, even on this earth, even in Moscow, if anyone says they just grew up automatically, they just came up, no one would believe that. But what is more clear than that is that though there are many stars, and though there are many galaxies, they say that that has all come out automatically. Isn't that true? And of course they did not see what happened, and yet they still asserted “That’s true!”
Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these things. Nowadays, those who call themselves astronomers come out on TV and say, “Such lives without even blinking an eye.” They say, “Oh, see that star over there, it is 3.6 billion light years away and it was formed like this, and then in this universe it was formed like this and then disappeared. And the announcer says, “Oh yes, oh really, oh I see.”
You know, those who call themselves doctors, did they ever see those stars come about, then they see disappear? Do you want to become a doctor? I’ll tell you how you can become a doctor, receive a doctor’s degree. If you want to become a doctor and receive a doctoral degree I hope you will just make a big lie then you will become a doctor. If you don’t lie well, then you will go to jail, but if you will make a real big lie then you could receive a doctor’s degree. And that’s why nowadays they keep on trying to cover up these lies and they write these books in stories. All of us don’t know what’s going on, that’s why no one could say what is real or not, and so everything seems as if it’s true.
It says, “Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these things; for every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God. All those houses in Moscow, whether it is a tall building or shack, there is none which came up automatically. Ten, twenty, one hundred years ago was built by some person or some construction company, there’s not even a one shack that came out automatically. Then, when there are all these stars and all these planets in this universe and still they say, these things came out automatically. Did we not learn yesterday? Even in this galaxy, there are a hundred billion stars; a hundred billion galaxies, and then there are a hundred billion stars in a hundred billion galaxies, and yet stars did not crash into each other.
In the beginning, God, our Real Father said, “Mars, this is your orbit,” “Jupiter, this is your orbit,” “Sun, this is your orbit,” they all have their own orbit. And even though a millions and millions of years may pass, thousands of years may pass they continue going in the orbit, and they do not go in any other orbit, and they obey the first commands which God gave them in the beginning. And when we look at this Earth, for 365 days, 5 hours, 40 minutes, and 40 seconds it circles around the Sun. Whether it’s cloudy, sunny, rainy, snowing, and though this Earth has been going around for thousands of years, yet it returns in its very place on the exact orbit every year. Then, what bus or train could keep such a precise time and schedule? Can any plane keep that kind of schedule? No. And the future, for eternity, not only this Earth but all those stars in this universe will continue to obey exactly as it was told to do. And yet all these things came out automatically? So though there are many, so many stars, they all circle around the North Star, around God’s throne, that is scenery. So this whole universe is obeying the command from the throne of God.
There are two frogs living by the river tracks, they were like doctors I guess you could say, and these frog doctors say they know everything and that’s why they debate all nightlong, talking about all the things they know. But there is one thing they don’t know. What is that? Every day, there’s this huge train which looks like a mountain to them, and it goes “toot, toot,” and it comes by, and it shakes the whole ground, but it comes at 3:00 in the morning, 6:00 in the morning, 9:00 in the morning, and it returns at 3:00 in the afternoon, 6:00 in the afternoon, 9:00 in the evening. Whether it’s raining, windy, whether it’s sunny or not, it comes at the exact day, on the exact time every day. So these two doctors; doctor A said to doctor B, Hey doctor B, do you know why that big train comes at 3:00 in the morning, 6:00 in the morning, 9:00 in the morning and then 3:00 in the afternoon, 6:00 in afternoon, 9:00 in the evening? Oh, yea! Doctor B says, “I know, it’s automatic.” Doctor A does not think so. But do you know what? I think that though we can’t see, I guess that it has a driver that’s why this train could come at an exact time every day. I think there is a driver, how can it just be able to keep time? And so doctor B got mad because he disagreed. So he put down his eyeglasses and said, “Did you see the driver? Did you see him?” And of course doctor A had nothing to say, so he lost.
Do you know what people say? Did you see God? Then, you must lose the fight if someone asks you if there is God. You know even a train needs a driver for to be able to keep time, then how is that all those stars in this universe, the countless number of stars, and we cannot even express how many stars there are but there are stars which are hundreds, thousands of millions of times larger than our Earth, and yet they do not crash into each other. And that’s because they all circle around the driver who is in the center of the universe. And somebody is driving, someone is conducting, someone is moving this whole universe and who is that? We must go to Him to know the answer. Though there are many gods on this earth, I hope you will not be deceived by those false gods. But because the true God who is making this whole universe turn even today, I hope you will go to Him. But those who call themselves doctors of astronomy, they say that the stars were formed millions of years ago and then they disappear. Did they ever see that happen? You know, right now all those people who call themselves doctors are all deceivers, and they are all liars. They are all doctors of lies. So, if you want to become a doctor, I hope that you’ll listen carefully here and write out a thesis on it. Write about our Real Daddy, and then they must give you a doctor’s degree. If I wanted to get a doctor’s degree I could have got so many, but I must give them doctors’ degree. Why must I go to them? Why would this person who is teaching the truth go to those who are teaching lies and receive a doctor’s degree from them? They should come to Me.
Alright, let’s say then that’s so. Then let’s see, right next the Earth there’s a moon. That is the closest to the Earth and we always travel together. But when they went to the moon, was there a rabbit? Was there a tree? Was there oxygen? Was there a river where people can swim in? Were there oranges, bananas? There was actually nothing on the moon. There’s not even oxygen, and air for people to breathe or water to drink or fruits or trees for that matter. And then the dirt on the moon, even if you took that dirt and plant it with a flower or grass it would not live because there’s no life, there’s no nutrients in that soil. It’s no different than ground glass or trash from factories. So it’s so close to Earth but on that moon, there’s no air, water or delicious fruits or even vegetables for these children to use. On this earth, we have these birds which sing in the mountains, we have rivers and fish inside those rivers. Did you think these all came out automatically? Did everything come about automatically? Those who say that this universe came about automatically and same with this Earth, do not deserve to live on this Earth.
Truly God is alive, and He supplies everything for these children to eat and drink, even made aquariums for us to see the fish and He made a place for us to watch the birds fly. Would you believe in this God? I hope you return to Him. Do not be dragged by this demon that cannot even feed you or clothe you.
Let’s continue to read. [God who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord in heaven and earth…](Acts 17:24). [The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein](Ps. 24:1). God who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, He also made the fruits and vegetables, the water and the air. They all belong to whom? Our Daddy; He said it is mine.
[The heaven, even the heavens are the Lord’s, but the earth He has given to the children of men] (Ps. 115:16). The heaven, our Lord built for Him, but for the earth he gave to these youngest children. All people who believe in Jesus believed that they will go to heaven, go somewhere to heaven and live, but we will live on this earth.
This earth became degenerated like us and that’s why it’s ruined. When we become regenerated and become restored, this earth will also become restored and regenerated and this earth will become heaven. God’s plan from the beginning is the same plan and it is an eternal plan. That’s why Russians and Americans make these, built toys and they say that they are going to visit the moon and visit other planets, and that’s why so many people died trying to do that. Did God ever tell us to do things like that? He never told us to do that. He said, “Just resemble Me, just have My character and live My life, become a little Jesus,” then even if you don’t ride those kind of things, even if you don’t carry oxygen tanks, unless you will be able to fly all through universe, from this planet to that planet, this star to that star as God’s real sons and daughters. He promised that from the beginning. All He wanted us to do is to have His character and to resemble Him, and then we can travel all throughout the universe without even carrying any oxygen tanks. But look at those Americans and Russians; they are not doing what God has told them to do and they are doing something else and they will keep on doing that until they die.
One time I was on My way going to the city of Kwang Joo, and there was a student and he studied saying bad things about the Bible as if it’s some old story book. So I decided I must teach him a lesson. So I said, you know in this Bible, it’s even prophesied that the Americans would go up to the moon already thousands of years ago. They knew that Russians and Americans would be going to the stars, and he knew that they would try and build some space station. Oh is there anything like that in the Bible? Of course! Shall we look at it? Obadiah chapter 1 verses 3 and 4, [The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who dwell in the cliffs of the rock, whose habitation is high; you who say in your heart, who will bring me down to the ground? You are so proud, but your proud would bring you down. Though you ascend as high as an eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down, says the Lord.] So since the pride of your heart has deceived you, you who dwell in the cliffs of the rock, whose habitation is high; you who say in your heart, who will bring me down to the ground? You are so proud, but your proud would bring you down. Though you ascend as high as an eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars (and you build a space station), I will bring you down. So isn't it written here that there will be a nest among the stars, a space station? Yes, our Daddy already knew and He prophesied that America will be going to the moon first. The America represents of what animal? The eagle; though you ascend as high as the eagle (America), though you set your nest among the stars and build a space station, from there I’m going to bring you down because you can’t live there. God does not drag them down by the collar; if they run out of oxygen, they have to come back down to the Earth, and they come here coughing and whizzing. It’s not because God cursed them. If they try to leave God and leave where they supposed to be, they can’t live. Now, will you believe that the Bible is the book which is ahead of it’s time? To the foolish people of this world, this book seems like nothing to them, but for God’s children, this book is ahead of it’s time. And so that student was shocked. That’s why the Bible is so precise.
It says, “The heaven, even the heavens are the Lord’s, but the earth He has given to the children of men.” He has given this earth to us for us to live here, and all we need to do is to resemble His character and have His heart and we will become Gods who can live forever and travel throughout this universe as we please.
Here, this Elijah Gospel Missionary Institute, it’s the space-center of this universe and this is the very place where we build the satellites which will allow us to go all the way to heaven. Here we fire the rockets which will allow us to fly to heaven and here I am the head of this place. Will you believe that this is the headquarters of this universe? Yes, it is. You know, the true religion is one with religion; true signs are one with religion, and religion is the fact and reality. It’s not something that we imagine.
Though those Russians and Americans, they will research until their hairs turn gray and they die, and yet they will never be able to fly throughout this universe or enjoy eternal life. But you should be grateful for that you have become the scientists of this whole universe. It’s all because you met our Real Daddy.
Let’s continue to read. Our Father who has begotten us is the most skillful carpenter in the universe. Peerless in His superb skill, this is probably why Jesus of Nazareth, His Son, was also a carpenter while on this earth.
[It is He (our heavenly Father)… who stretches out the heavens like a curtain](Isa. 40:22).
[For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers](Ps. 24:2).
Those so-called scholars, they make fun of the Bible and say, “Look at this, what? He stretches out the heavens like a curtain? He spreads the heavens like a curtain?” And they make fun of this Bible. If God said He stretches out the heavens like a curtain, all you have to say is “Amen.” What did they know? We, who are as small as little microns on this earth, like bacteria, how can we know anything? We don’t even know why the moon is there, people don’t even know why the sun is there. The moon was made for us by our Real Daddy as a lamp at night for us to enjoy, and to sing and dance. And the sun was made for us as a lamp so that we can work and do what we have to do. And yet they are trying to live in the lamp. What do you think will happen? Why don’t you try and get a lamp and break the lamp and see something will work.
So it says here, [It is He (our heavenly Father)… who stretches out the heavens like a curtain], they say this is ridiculous. There is no end; how can it be like a stretch out like a curtain? There’s no end to the sky and to the universe and space.
But you know if you go to the moon, it is a hundred-thirty degrees Celsius (130 ˚C) in the daytime. Water boils hundred degrees Celsius (100 ˚C) so we can’t imagine how hot it is. And at night, it is a hundred-fifty degrees Celsius below zero (-150 ˚C); a zero degree water freezes, and what is a minus fifty degrees Celsius (-50 ˚C) in Siberia, it is cold; but it is a hundred and fifty degrees Celsius below zero (-150 ˚C) so difference of two hundred eighty degrees between day and night. Can you live in a place like that? If it is a hundred thirty degrees centigrade (130 ˚C) if you spray water, instantly you will become stiff and disappear. And a hundred fifty degrees Celsius below zero (-150 ˚C) as soon as you spray water it becomes ice and freezes. Can you live in a place where there’s a two hundred eighty degrees difference? And that’s why Americans and Russians, they are like a big worm of caterpillar and that’s why they walk around wearing these thick suits look like caterpillars, they’re afraid they are going to freeze and burn. What a shame it is! What a disgrace! And they call themselves astronauts. Astronauts are the ones who should travel all throughout the universe. Only God’s son is the true astronaut who can travel throughout the stars. But people, they were like worms; a worm is a worm, they can never fly like a bird no matter what they try to wear. That’s why people are so foolish if they came where they were truly being able to be those who conquer the whole universe. And when they were run out of oxygen they come down to this earth puffing and puffing. And sometimes they blow up and they can’t even find their bodies. All you have to do is do what our Daddy has told us to do. He wants us to have His character and live His life, that’s all we have to do.
So look at the earth and the moon, they are right next to each other but on the moon you burn and you will freeze but here on this earth when the sun goes down it still warm and when the sun rises it is warm, it’s the same. Why? Because our Real Daddy has covered our earth like the greenhouse, that’s why if the sun is up or now it is warm and comfortable. That’s why it says here, “It is He (our heavenly Father) who stretches out the heavens like a curtain.” If He said He did then all you have to know is that He did. Those so called doctors what did they know? Who did they think they are? And that’s why the only way for us to live is to return and be embraced like a little child. We should never be proud in front of God.
Let’s continue. [He has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, measured heaven with a span and calculated the dust of the earth in a measure, weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance](Isa. 40:12). With an elaborate design and accurate measurement [He founded it: He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited](Isa. 45:18, N.I.V.). And then [He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth](Acts 17:26). [Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good](Gen. 1:31).
It says that He measured the waters in the hollow in His hand and measured the heavens with a span of His hand and calculated the dust in a measure (one pound, two pounds), weighed the mountains in scales. He knows how heavy Mount Everest is and other mountains are; and hills in a balance. And those scientists again they laugh, what? God measured the waters and He measured the heavens and calculated the dust of the earth and weighed the mountains in scales and hills in a balance, so God knows how heavy all the mountains are? They all start laughing. But if He said so, all you have to do is say “Amen” and believe it. What do those doctors, those so-called doctors of nothing? No. If He who did it said He did it then we should have to believe it. I hope you will say “Amen” and we can go to heaven. Why must we fight against God and disagree with Him. This is for real.
You know the moon is so close to here; in order to go to the moon, if they make a satellite or spaceship all these scientists, they put down their glasses and they measure and weigh every single part, they measure and they weigh everything because if one side is too heavy it can crash so let it so precise and so exact and they send it out to space. And of course people can do it; computers have to check it out and sometimes it doesn't work, it fails and if you find out why? It’s because a certain part was incorrectly installed or something went wrong. It’s exact. So even you go to the moon they make a little toy to ride and go to the moon and yet they measure and weigh everything so precisely and make it so that it is balanced. And yet many times it fails and it crashes.
Then how about our Earth, it does not come or makes its orbit; an orbit has an exact precise time and exact path. How is it that this Earth is not precisely measured and weighed? Of course if one side of this Earth is too heavy then it will crash. And do you know what is precisely measured? It’s the very air which God’s sons and daughters are to breathe. If there is too much nitrogen what would happen? We would all die. If there is more oxygen then in the morning if we light the match then everything would burn. Now do you know how precisely everything was measured and weighed? That’s why this earth does not even go off its orbit for even a millimeter and also takes its orbit in exact time. And yet this earth does not become broken or go off its path. And yet scientists say that, they make all these reasons but it’s not true, it is because God said so and so, this earth is obeying.
He made everything. So the reason why our Daddy made everything so strong, it’s because He wanted His children, His youngest children to live on this earth. And so the moon is a light at night, and yet it’s our light in day, and He made this earth so beautiful for us: everything we can eat and drink and even gave a big swimming pool to swim in, birds to sing for us, aquariums for us to see the fish and play with, the flowers smile for us, fruits give themselves for us to eat in joy. Does an apple say, “Ah, this year I better come out nice and red and delicious?” And these apple trees say, “Hey! This year, let’s make a lot of apples,” did you ever see that? Or oranges, “Ah, this year let’s come out nice and orange and delicious and juicy,” Did they ever wish between each other like that? It’s the same dirt and they look like the same trees and they drink the same water but how is it on one tree there’s an apple, and another tree there are oranges. And even they say here is the banana, it’s because our Real Daddy made it that way. And He puts at the end of the tree telling us, “Here, eat it, eat it, that’s for you,” and yet people try to explain that in other way.
Those who say that everything is automatic, everything happen by itself, He throw them on the moon and teach them a lesson. Let freeze at night and burn in the daytime; and later when only a skin is leftover they still say God does not exist. Oh God exist, okay come back. If they say, I don’t think, I don’t know then leave them on the moon. They don’t even have the right to live on the moon either.
So in this way, this earth is moving so fast. Even the speeding bullet cannot follow this earth, that’s how fast the earth is moving right now. And even though this earth is moving so fast, do you ever see leaves fall off or the petals of flowers falling out because of the speed, or do you ever see the waters of the ocean spilling over because of the speed? Do you believe that our Real Daddy is watching over this earth? And when this earth is flying so fast it should be so much noise. You know a missile flies, it hurts our ears but when this earth moves people should die because of the sound. But people don’t die, do you know why? It’s because our Daddy made this earth soundproof. Even a sound, a gun or when the airplane goes by, our ears hurt so much. But how is it that there is no sound when this earth is moving, specially when this earth is moving so much faster than those airplanes? It’s because our Real Daddy made perfect soundproofing and He made it quiet so that we could speak with one another and we could speak with Him. And though this earth travels so far in its orbit, it’s like a boat which goes on the sea.
Everything is made for our happiness and we are Gods. These sons and daughters should be able to say, “Oh! Look our Daddy made that, oh look over that our Daddy made that,” He wanted us to go around this universe and see. But instead, what did we do? We followed the demon and our earth is all ruined and we can’t even see Him anywhere, that’s why we have to wear glasses and even nowadays we can’t even hear each other. Even cows can talk to each other even though they are far away, but even though someone’s at the field over there and then you call them, oh what! We have big ears but we can’t hear anything properly with them. Man has become the most pitiful out of everything on this earth, the most degenerated. You know people say, “You idiot, you idiot,” yes, we are truly idiots. We were so smarts; we did everything before but look at us. I hope that you will all not be idiots but know everything, the truths of everything. Then, why did Daddy made us this kind of a house to live in? It’s because He wants us to live and be happy, He wants to get us married and live us here.
It says here, [And then He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth]. [Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good]. You know, parents want their children to be healthy and live happily, that’s what they want the most for their children. But we’re deceived by the demon and look what happened to us. And from then on, our Father became a God who laments and cries. So in order to live like we did before, let’s all become healed and restored. Let us not take those ridiculous spaceships and without the use of oxygen tanks let’s all go to this universe with our Real Daddy.
Let’s continue reading. What an excellent workmanship of our Father it is! Isn’t our house so wonderful? What a loving, tender care He has for His children! The first home that our Father made for us was not as it is today: dark, dreary and filthy into which, because the roof (sky) collapsed, rain and snow pour down. It was always new, bright, sunny, mild and comfortable because there were no snowstorms or rainstorms. Beautiful flowers never faded and not a leaf from the tree fell to the ground.
Do you know what our Real Daddy first made us this home? It was not like this. Right now our roof has collapsed that’s why rain and snow leaks and the walls are collapse that’s why all these wind is blowing throughout our house, blowing things away, and that all these demons going around this whole universe. Yes we are drag to like a hunted house. The house, that original Eden, because the roof was in one piece it did not rain or snow, and there is no such thing as flowers and trees getting old, petals falling and leaves falling and no one ever knew what it meant to become sick or old. Right now we have been drag to the demons’ house, and then how beautiful was our original home.
Let’s read. There were no tears, no pain, no sorrow, no sigh; and no sounds of mourning over death of family members. It was a home in which no shadow of sorrow could be found. Instead, it was always full of joy and happiness, immortal life, unceasing pleasure, cheerful smiles and songs of praise. This beautiful world was not always a haunt of horrible demons where thieves swarm like they do today. Neither burglars, murderers, even mischievous boys who mimic thieves, were found there. Lions and deer, wolves and lambs all sorts of animals and birds lived together; neither the sound of roaring nor even a breath of fury, or anger were heard there.
      They were all one family, loving and helping, playing together in peace, joy and love. Yes, we are truly happy in our home. The horrible home we are living in now is so scary, people kill people and they even sliced them up and they took those pieces and put it in bags. The world we live in is truly a fearful hell. I hope you will know that the hell is nowhere else but on this earth right now. I hope that you will leave this hell and go to our Father’s country. There are not people who are living in this world. How can people kill someone else, cut them up and throw them into a bag and then burned it? They even carry the bag around. This is a very scary world we live in.
      Let’s read what happen to our beautiful home. Oh, what a beautiful home it was! But now, where has it disappeared to? Why must we live in this terrible home? It has become so horrible that daily events of terror make us doubt what we see and hear, trembling with surprise and fear. Why has it become like this? Before we search for the reason, let us take a look first at our first home that our Father made for us with His own hands in devotion and love. After God had created the heavens and the earth, on the earth He planted a garden, eastward in Eden and there He put the man whom He hath formed. And on the ground, the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, a water of life went out from Eden to water the garden and from there it parted into four riverheads. The name of the first is Pishon, it is the one which composes the whole land of Havillah where there is gold and the gold of that land is good. Beryllium and onyx stones are there. The name of the second, the third, the fourth, the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden to tend it and keep it. Indeed, it was very good and above all, God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it.
     The reason our Daddy made a home for us, there’s no such thing as falling petals or falling leaves and there was never anyone who killed another person or even cursed other people and animals didn't fight with one another. In the middle of this garden, this earth, there was a tree of life and those who eat the fruit of that tree will live forever and from the leaves were healing for the nations. Below the tree of life, there were four rivers and these four rivers went north, south, east, and west and to the ends of this earth and anyone who drank with that water even a cup would live forever. Would you believe this fact? He said He gave it to us like this. We must believe Him. If we don’t believe Him, then we will become like all those false doctors in the world. I hope that you will believe Him. Then, if this is not true, then the earth will live on and the food that we ate is it for real? Yes, if everything you ate and the ground you step on is real, then this is real also. Our Real Daddy who never lies, not even once must be trusted in. So, even if we drink a cup of that water of life, if we drink a cup of water, we will all live. This water went to all four corners of this earth, then why did He allow this water to flow like that? Why didn't our Real Daddy put it in the buck and sell it? Why did He just allow the water to flow? Isn't this a waste? Yes, it is a waste. But why did He do that? There are many animals like the deer or rabbit that come to drink that water and that deer and that rabbit do not die and they live forever. The bugs and insects, if they drink a cup of that water, they will not die. And all the bees, they will fly and they also will not die. In our recent home, in our original home, bees never die. So the rivers go to streams which break the creeks and they break and cover this whole earth. This whole earth was covered with this water of life, and every single plant, tree, animal and man, they never became old and they never die and this whole earth will live forever. That’s why on our original home, even puppy dogs, insects, birds, live forever. And how is it that the owners of this earth die believing in Jesus. Is that a Jesus or not? That’s a false Jesus. Even dogs will live forever, even insects will live forever, then how is it that the owners of this home believe in Jesus and still not able to gain eternal life? Is that Jesus in the world? Is it Jesus in the world who can’t even give eternal life? That is a demon. Will you admit it? I hope that you kick this demon away and return to our true Husband, the real Jesus. I hope you will live eternally. God does not lie, He can never lie. Someone must live in that country and some people must fill that number.
     On the way to Sorak Mountain, there’s a famous spring, Onyx spring. Maybe this water has five different colors and it tastes good and I’ll live forever. That was not the end of the seminar so I was very tired. I follow them and there are so many people all standing in line to get a drink of that water. I stood there for two hours and people were fighting, ‘You cut in line.’ They were fighting and arguing and finally I got a cup of water. When I looked at the water, I thought it was very special, but it’s clear and I drank it but it wasn't good. People said it’s good so I forced Myself to drink it and after I drank that, I had bad case of diarrhea. I really was disappointed with this world. People say that this mineral water is so good but how can it disappoint Me like this and cause My insides to become overturned like this if we may think of our original home? This world right now, there’s nothing for us to eat or drink. We can eat all the fruits of this earth and yet we will not gain even the slightest of energy.
      We must return back to our original home the homeland which our Real Daddy prepared for me, let’s continue,
.  "As the earth came forth from the hand of its Maker, it was exceedingly beautiful.  Its surface was diversified with mountains, hills, and plains, interspersed with noble rivers and lovely lakes; but the hills and mountains were not abrupt and rugged, abounding in terrific steeps and frightful chasms as they do now.  The sharp, jagged edges of earth's rocky frame-work were buried beneath fruitful soil, producing a luxuriant growth of verdure everywhere.  There were no loathsome swamps or barren deserts.  Graceful shrubs and delicate flowers greeted the eye at every turn. The heights were crowded with trees more majestic than any that now exist.  The air, untainted by foul miasma, was clear and healthful.  The entire landscape out vied in beauty the decorated grounds of the proudest palace.  The angelic host viewed the scene with delight, and rejoiced at the wonderful works of God."
     Our original home which our Daddy made for us there is no swamps no desert no matter where we look on this earth there is no place that is dark or dreary there. We could not see any rocks what we did today because this rocks is the bone of this earths. But look at the earth now, you can see big rocks sticking out here and there. You can imagine this earth if it would come to a big car accident because Adam the driver drove improperly and crashed and at the river of life there were not rocks or stones but jewels all throughout the river and these sons and daughter Gods were drinking the water of life, eat the fruit of life, and enjoy one another’s company. That’s the way we used to live. There were no rocks you look at now, all those jewels disappeared and instead all this bones taking out throughout this earth. And when people accidentally fall and when they bang their head on the rock they will die
      And this earth which surely more beautiful than in any palace ground or garden, this is nothing to compare this earth. This is so amazing compare this earth. To as it is written here, even angels who came down to look at this earth, they saw this earth and they say behold this scene with delight. They rejoice that the Lord of Host is God. They were amazed, they shocked even the angels who came down from heaven they look at this earth and they say “Wow!” Our Real Father makes us a wonderful hall for this youngest children when it says that they viewed the design and they sing with delight you cannot express that delight with human language. The angels came down from heaven when they saw this earth and they saw how beautiful it was, there is no way to expressed their amazement and this was the home our Real Daddy originally made for us. Let’s continue reading,  
     "As Adam came forth from the hand of his Creator," from the womb of his Father, "he was of lofty stature and perfect symmetry.  His countenance bore the ruddy tint of health and glowed with the light of life and joy.  Adam's height was much greater than that of men who now inhabit the earth.  Eve was somewhat less in stature; yet her form was noble and full of beauty.  The sinless wore no artificial garments; they were clothed with a covering of light and glory such as the angels wear.  So long as they lived in obedience to God, this robe of light continued to enshroud them."  
     "Everything that God had made was the perfection of beauty, and nothing seemed wanting that could contribute to the happiness of the holy pair.  Adam and Eve were white skin, pale skin, dark skin or Orientals? They are neither white yellow black, but it says their face were bore the ruddiest of health it was pinkish why because they were healthy. I told you yesterday you know we are eating the food of pigs we are eating the food of animals; we are eating the food of birds, that’s why we become so short.
     You know it is a miracle that we are breathing and alive and every time we have a Miss Korea and Miss Universe they pick all this dwarfs and they put this make on them saying, “oh 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place,” it really hurts me inside. If you want to see handsome man and beautiful woman then you must get the Mr. Eden and Miss Eden. When our Grandmother and Grandfathers here become Mr. Eden and Miss Eden’s they will truly be sight to see. So they were about seven meters. High and they loved each other and lived happily in the garden. You know when you want to have love life, and when you want to have love with one another you are just doing in this dirty dark earth but I hope that you are smart, why do you want to have a love life here on this dreary earth. You know I even tell my children, you know when they are little I said, “All three of you come here; you know how to share when your father tells you what to do right? Yes, I know. But shortly when we go to heaven once when we go to heaven I will not tell you what to do, I don’t care where you go wherever you go, so, while we are on this earth just listen to your father and when we will go to heaven, I will never tell you what to do ever again. Then they seem so happy because they will be free. And they obeyed me up to now. It is the same to all of you, once we go to heaven I will never nag you or say anything to you. So if you want to hold hands to someone or kiss someone I wouldn't say one word. I hope that you will just listen to me and live beautifully on this earth. I hope that you go to a beautiful place like that and live there, do not just live in a place like here. Will you do that?
     And so they bore the ruddiest of health and clothed with the light of life in joy and they didn't even sleep, why? Because they are so filled with energy and vitality. But look at us, we have not eaten the fruit of life  or drink of the river of life, that’s why Americans are so pale and white and they become, we become yellow and people in Africa become dark skin, that’s why, what is said in the Bible, we should have mercy. We must be merciful to one another, you know when we go to heaven, there is no such thing as black, white, red, yellow, oriental we all become very, very tall and as princess and princesses in heaven you walk through this paradise and lived together forever. But it says here, “The sinless pair, they wear no official garments, then who made those garments? If it was not made by man, then, it was made by our Real Father and they lived with the clothes that our Real Father made for them.
     Who made your clothes? People or what company that is exactly is the fig leaves. This is from plants isn't it?   This is the cover of shame and disgrace. But of course, it doesn't even from the famous company which makes clothes. It cannot cover the shame and disgrace of our characters. So when we go to heaven, He will take out all of our fig leaves and we will not wear our artificial garments but we will all wear the clothes our Real Daddy gives to us. What clothes was that, which company which companies made that clothe and fabric, what fabric is that? It is the fabric of light and light never becomes dirty it is always new and fresh if there is light yesterday if the sun shines yesterday so it must be dirty or it must be clean? No, the light is always eternal, always new; always refreshing that’s why with that light as a fabric because his daughters are shorter, it is a little bit smaller. And because Adam, his sons are tall he makes it a little bigger. He makes one for each one of us. So, not only the angels wear that, but also our Real Father himself wears the robes of light, and we are also to wear the robes of light. And you never have to do laundry again, even though the world has gone better, still it’s difficult to live, when the family comes home, they all take off their clothes, and the mother has to wash the clothes. So, to our mothers, be a little more patient. We will just not leave our Real Father, but live in his arms not just by a couple of days but for eternity. You do not have to do any more laundry and you are going to live happily without doing any laundry, so surely, those who ridiculed and make fun of you, when we ascend to heaven, it’s written that they will not be able to look at you. Why? Because all of our fig leaves weren’t of us and He will clothes us with ravels of light, so that they would not bear to see us, and when the sinners will try to chase after us, they can’t even look at us or follow us because of the light. And it is written that some people, they are wearing the robe of light, which would be their covering and they would wear those robes of character forever. Should I show you those robes? Let me show you a robe, when Jesus was borne in Bethlehem there was a star who guided the kings of the orient, right? Anyway there was an angel, it wasn’t a star, it was an angel but the light on their robes look like a star, they came down to congratulate this earth for the Son of God has come down to you, He came down to this earth to show the good tidings, but all of this people, they were all following the demon, and there was no one who dared to listen and accept the message of the angels, and it was supposed to be like that in the last days when Jesus comes again. So, it was not just a star but it was the light shining from the angels, and soon, we will wear those robes. And when we will wear those robes, we will fly to this star and that star. And at that time he says, “Oh, let’s go on a date to that star” and everyone say, “Oh no, look, they are going again! And Oh, how wonderful it will look; I hope that you will like that.”
     Let’s continue reading, “yet the   creator gave them still another token of his love, by preparing a garden Eden as especially for their home soon.  The sinless pair wore no artificial garments; they were clothed with a covering of light and glory such as the angels wear.  So long as they lived in obedience to God, this robe of light continued to enshroud them.”  “Everything that God had made was the perfection of beauty, and nothing seemed wanting that could contribute to the happiness of the holy pair; yet the Creator gave them still another token of His love by preparing a garden (Eden) especially for their home.  A portion of their time was to be occupied in the happy employment of dressing the garden, and a portion in receiving the visits of angels, listening to their instruction, and in happy meditation. Their labor was not wearisome, but pleasant and invigorating. This beautiful garden was to be their home, their special residence.” So, what is it that we are supposed to do that they have a business and run supermarket? No, He says, he was like farming they live in the country side, so let’s not live in the sinful city anymore, but let’s move out to the country side.
     Let’s continue reading, “In this garden the Lord placed fruit trees of every description, for usefulness and beauty, also lovely flowers which filled the air with fragrance. Everything was tastefully and gloriously arranged.  These were to be the food of the holy pair as He had designed.  There were lovely vines growing upright, laden with fruits unseen after the fall of Adam and Eve. The fruits were big and in a variety of colors, some soft red, red, dark red, soft green, and so on.  It was the work of Adam and Eve to train the branches of the vine to form bowers, thus making for themselves a dwelling from living trees covered with foliage and fruit.  There were fragrant flowers of every hue in rich profusion.  In the midst of the garden stood the Tree of Life, surpassing in glory all the other trees.” For all of you who are living on this earth after the flood, you should be thankful every time you eat and eat fruit.
     During the flood all the beautiful paradise became overturned with underground and all the things which in the underground came out, that is why there is desert and swamps here and there, that is why all those beautiful fruit trees which our Daddy had planted for us all disappeared and right now we should be only eating grass. But how’s that we were able eat fruits, our Daddy still He thought about us, and knew that if he get rid all of those fruit trees we have nothing to eat? So, He hid the fruit trees and He gave them to us again. Everything was destroyed and yet we have so many fruits on this earth and the reason is because our Real Daddy does not want us just to eat grass but He wants us to eat delicious fruits and that is our Real Daddy special love, so you who are living after the flood every time we eat fruit. It is written that we should be specially thanking Him. So even after the flood there are so many different kinds of fruits and vegetables and then we can imagine what it was like before the flood. How many fruits do you think that there were there? Countless number, black, yellow, white, red, green, pink thousands of different kinds of fruits, then why did they make so many different fruits? It’s because He loves each one of you.
     You know real parents, no matter how many children they have, they love each child as if they had only one child. It’s just because they have ten children, would the parents say, “you know there’re so many of you, I can’t love each one of you, so I will love all of you as a group.” Are there any parents like that? Even they have ten or twelve children the parents know what each child likes, “Ah, he likes the sour apple, he likes grapes he likes bread he likes oranges, he likes that kin of color, she likes that kind of color, she likes that kind of shoes, he likes that kind of shoes,” the parents know each one of those children and love each one of them individually. In the same way He does not think of five or it’s full of people living on this earth, but He thinks of you as only one and He loves you and take cares of you as if you are the only one. And no matter how parents say, “They love their children,” are there any parents who know how many hairs are on the head of that child but our Real Father knows even the number of hair on their head, our Real Father does not lie. And if they are used to that kind of God, then they teach up in the world. God just makes one big tree right in the middle of the earth and they say if you want to eat it, eat it, if you don’t, don’t. But instead, because He has such a wonderful love for us and each one of us like to eat. He made all kind of different trees and every time he plants those trees, He says, “Oh that daughter, that son, that daughter when she eats this fruit how happy she will be, when he eats this fruit how happy he will be” and he thought each of one of us when he was planting all of those trees. What a wonderful Father we have! And to the ends of this earth it was all beautiful plants and trees and this beautiful pair, this heavenly prince and princess never became tired and then they walk and say, “Oh, should we try this fruit? You know the fruits on this earth, they rot after becoming ripped but in our original home, the fruits never became rotten because there was no death, so once the fruits becomes ripe it just waits for it to be picked and there’s so much fruit in it that touches the ground, the trees is so heavy, the two pair walk and say, “let’s try this”  and may we eat the fruit together and roll around together and they will laugh and have fun and after a while, they will lie down and they say, “here lets eat this and while lying down they will pick fruits here eat this, eat this and the two loving couple will feed one another. And this is our food and even nowadays, women say, “Oh you know winter when its so cold, I don’t really  want to make breakfast but after we eat, “ah, I don’t want to do dishes,” but please do not worry, we will be going to a country where there is no more dishwashing, there’s no laundry, no more dishwashing. How about somebody is to wash pots and dishes, you know I also wash the pot last time it really hurt my arm because we are busy, I also wash the pot because if no one would wash, I took it over to the creek and clean it there. We will not do that ever again, we will not do laundry, and we will not do dishwashing. So that’s the country were we all be going to. You know why there’s no dishwashing? All we have to do is to eat the fruit and throw away, the core are. So, I hope that you will go to that place and live together in happiness. Let’s not live like foolish people on this dirty earth. Whenever I think of our heavenly home our original home, no matter how tired I may be, I feel so happy as I’m floating in the air. So surely the time is already come, we are already done a hundred meeting such as one century. You know each meeting, long time we did meeting, one year, there’s only one meeting where they forgive all the sins, but here once a month we have this meeting to forgive, so since we had a hundred meetings it means that for one century, all your sins were forgiven and washed away, so don’t think that surely in this way it will end, because we have now reached the end. All those who are sleeping will wake up and all ready to go. Ah, all of you seem so happy when you hear that.
     Let’s continue reading in the midst of the garden. “In the midst of the garden stood the Tree of Life”, surpassing in glory of all the other trees.  Its fruit appeared like apples of gold and silver, and had the power to perpetuate life, and the Leaves contained healing properties. Though there’re so many different trees in the middle of the garden our Real Daddy prepared a very, very special tree in the middle of our Garden. He put the tree of Life and the river of life is flowing right next to it, and if we just eat one that fruit we will live forever, this is what we suppose to eat. It says here, this fruit of life was like what? It’s like an apple. With a color of gold and silver, but it’s written that its clear like glass so if you pick it up and you eat it they can even see your hands and fingers and it melts in your mouth and when you eat it you are Gods who do not die, this is we’re suppose to eat, right? Would you believe this? I hope you believe this. Do you believe the apple in the world? Did you eat it? He who made those apples also made this fruit, and if this fruit does not exist, then there are no existing apples; but because there’s apple, this fruit also exist. It says it is like an apple, but I’m sure it will be much bigger than the apples right now. Why? Because it will grow more than two up to three times larger than we are now, then if the fruit is so small how can we eat that? The fruit would be the size which fits our hand and mouth. But it just looks like an apple that we eat now, this is we’re supposed to eat. This morning what did you eat, brown rice? Oh that’s nice, the rest of the world eats white rice, but you eat brown rice. But there’s nothing to be proud of this brown rice. Do you know whose food it belongs to? Brown Rice is the food of this bird. Look at their mouth; are they suppose to eat rice or the fruit? But look our lips and our mouth. Should we eat the rice or this fruit? We are to eat that fruit of life, that’s why when we eat brown rice we have all gas in our stomach and we have all this. It doesn't matter who is next to us we just keep on passing gas.
     When we go to heaven, we will not eat brown rice. If we eat brown rice again in heaven, then there would be a need of factory which makes sacks and there must be a mill and there we will have gas again. You know, it’s bad enough that we are disgraced with gas on this earth. You know, how would you like to live forever with gas? You know when we go to heaven, we will not eat this, but we will eat the fruit of life. Do you understand? That is why, on this earth, we are taking away the food of birds, because we are taking someone else’s food, that is why it doesn't digest well. So, what did you say? Do you say that you are eating the food for the swine? Because we are eating the food for the swine, because we are eating that the animals did eat, that is why we are malnourished; that is why our face looks so sick and weak, and yet people still say, “Oh someone’s more beautiful, someone’s less beautiful”. How ridiculous! So, this fruit of life is waiting for us even today. When there was a flood, our Real Daddy cannot bear to destroy this garden. That is why, it is written that our Real Daddy took this Garden of Eden and moved it. Right now, somewhere in this universe though we had eaten the fruit of life even today, this fruit of life has fruits and waiting for us. “Oh no when we go to heaven, what if someone tells us not to snack and over eat? Don’t worry I promised you before that you can eat until your eyes bulged outs, you can eat until your belly pops out, you can eat as much you want, it’s bad enough that I have to tactfully tell you what to do here, but when you go there, I won’t. I hope that when you go there, you eat as much as you want. It is written that there are 12 different kinds of fruits on that one tree. How can there be 12 fruits? If he says there are, then there are! Why can’t you put a thousand ten thousand, you know I can graft trees and make three different fruits come out from one tree. I can make one tree but make apricots and peaches, and plums on one tree. Then why can’t our Daddy put 12 different fruits? The reason why, because you know all these children have different taste, Ah, but this is only one tree and if  thousand of us go there when we will get to eat? And I said, “Don’t worry! You’ll have more than opportunity even until your eyes bulged out.” Do you know how big that tree is? There is one time someone who saw the tree of life in a vision and it looks like there are two trees each of one side of the river of life. Wow! There are two big trees, but when she look again it was one tree, this tree is so big to the branches. You know right now, all the good trees were destroyed from the flood, but when I went to America last time, I saw a tree, and it’s so big! And it’s so big in America, but this tree of life we don’t know how big it is. It has been growing for so long and it was so big that it spread even to the other side of the river of life, and it looks like two but actually it was only the branches. So, we can’t imagine how large this tree is. And a million, billion can all go there and eat and it’s to be more than enough, so don’t worry. I hope that you will not leave our Daddy because in a few moments we go and eat these.
     Gold represents love, and silver represents joy as we eat this fruits, as its melt in our mouth, all of our knowledge and wisdom which were all destroyed become restored and we will live with the IQ of Gods. You know, we will be really amazed when we go. And I’m sure right now that you will be thankful to Me. But right now, you’re just looking at me with eyes of doubt. At that time when we go to heaven, I’ll say, “Yah, you look at me like that, didn't you? But look at us now. Now let’s just go. And then, there are leaves on this tree of life, but it can heal all the nations, so no one can get sick or get old. So, from the leaves comes healing properties and when you breathe that air with healing properties, you will always be healthy and you will always be healed. You drink the water of life, you eat the fruit of life, you breathe air of life, you can’t sleep because you’re always filled with energy. Maybe if you thought to sleep, you can’t, even. If you fly all-day long, you don’t get tired. You know we are all Gods and we are son and daughter Gods for sure.
     Let’s continue reading, “Very happy were the holy pair in Eden. And this is that we can call happiness. There is no true happiness on this earth. Unlimited control was given them of every living thing.  The lion and the lamb sported together peacefully and harmlessly around them or slumbered at their feet.  Birds of every variety of color and plumage flittered among the trees and flowers and about Adam and Eve, while their mellow-toned music echoed among the trees in sweet accord to the praises of their Creator.  Adam and Eve were very happy surrounded by the little singers, listening to their songs of joy.  This holy pair sang with them songs of love and praise. Adam and Eve had unlimited control over every living thing. But look at us now, do we have control? No. we can’t even tell a dog to what to do. When dog grabbed us, you people, you meet and they are trying to bite us. And even tigers, they look at us; it’s because of you that I have to suffer like this. Tigers and dog why should they die? Why so many chickens and cows have to die? It’s because the owner was not able to watch over this house. If the owner watched over this house, then those animals would still be able to live together forever in the garden, but because the owners were so foolish and gave up this garden and even today thousands of chickens and cows and animals must die. And that’s why they are upset, “you, you owners and they don’t want to obey us and they want instead tear us up. But before Adam and Eve fell, because they obeyed our Real Daddy, all of creation also obeyed them. If you obey our Real Daddy, and then all those wild animals will come to you and they will obey you. And do you really want to have a limited control on this earth? Then I hope you will rule with our Real Daddy. That’s the way you can conquer this whole earth. Those who conquer, trying to conquer this earth with the sword or with a knife, the animals will try to tear them up.
There was once, a dog that beat his owner to death, while his owner is trying to clean up after it.
     You know a knife or sword cannot conquer this earth, but obeying our Real Daddy and following him will conquer this whole earth. If our Father comes out with all those kinds of sins and tells his sons to live holy, is that possible? No. So let us first obey our Real Daddy who can tell the animals to obey me, and the animals will also obey us, if Elijah had not obeyed God and went to the Brook Sherith,  then any of the animals would had run away from him. But because he obeyed our Real Daddy, the animals, the birds came to him and obeyed him. And if Daniel had not obeyed God and didn’t go to the Lion’s Den, then the Lion would have eaten him. However, because he obeyed God’s will, he fall into the Lion’s Den, and the lions have taken care of Daniel when he came into the Den. So, if you just obey to our Real Daddy, you will be able to be the one to conquer this earth and have unlimited control on this earth. This holy pair sang with them with love and praised and admiration to God and to His Son for all the works of his love that surrounded them. It says here the holy pair Adam and Eve sang what kind of song? Songs of love and prayer in admiration to God and to His Son did they sing.  Do you understand this?
     This is the eternal gospel, the eternal gospel that is to be preached to all the nations that love of God, the Father and the Son, is the only thing, the only gospel that was reclaimed long ago and now and forever. That’s why it is proclaimed, and to those who proclaim any other gospel will be destroyed. Now you know what happened to all the religions to the world? I hope that you will be the one’s who will sing of the love of the Father and Son. I hope you will preach the gospel, because this is the only gospel throughout the whole universe. This will be our eternal song, and our eternal life. Unceasingly appearing its beauty; and glory of Eden so filled them with greater reverence, that they expressed their gratitude and admiration to their Creator (their Father)." This was the original home that our real Father provided for us in the beginning. This was our original home. Have you seen now our original home? Now we must return to this original home. We should not continue living here on this earth. And even if we should die, we should die in our home not here; we suffered here for thousand of years and how is it that we could die here its all go hand in hand back to our original home. So then, this was a peaceful meeting of our home all of the sudden the peace came in and burn our home and worn our home
    But to this peaceful home a great storm of misery, disaster, and misfortune approached.  This peaceful home was suddenly invaded by Satan, the outrageous, lawless enemy of the universe, the notorious murderer, the bandit, the well-known deceiver with his innumerable agents.  They did not carry out their plan like the unwise armies of the world do, flourishing swords, riding on horses or blowing trumpets with a battle cry.  If they had invaded in this manner, we could have easily defeated them.  [The great dragon ... that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world](Rev. 12:9), who was thrown down from heaven, defeated by Michael, the great Prince](Dan. 12:1,Rev. 12:7), He is the chief of treacherous, tricky thieves, notorious for his deceiving wit and schemes; who succeeded in seducing one third of the heavenly angels](Rev. 12:4).  And it was he that devised a scheme to plunder our peaceful home. 
    Commanding his innumerable agents to be silent, he sneaked and encroached upon the earth and crawled deeply into the midst of our Eden home.  He gained access to Eve who was naive and inexperienced.  After gaining control over the pure and innocent Eve with ease, the cunning enemy used Eve, a loving companion of her husband Adam, to seduce him as well.  And so Adam was ensnared by the scheme of the merciless enemy, and immediately our peaceful home fell into the murderer's hands, steadily becoming what it is today, a den of thieves and burglars.  Since then, we have been wandering aimlessly from place to place as homeless nomads for six thousand years until now.
    This Satan this demon they are truly evil, in order to kill the husband he used his wife Eve, and that’s why Jesus said, there will be enemies in your own family, why? Because this demon who used her to kill Adam in the same in this last days your whole family must receive this message unless accept this message or else because of that one or two or because of those that do not follow they will give you hard time. Why? Because the enemy used Eve to kill Adam and she was never become that kind of wife before, that’s why in order to destroy our family now he will use the other members of our family who do not follow our Real Daddy in order to kill us and destroy us. That’s why Jesus said, the members of your family will be your enemies, then we must quickly go back to our families, we must quickly save them all. Even today, Satan is trying to destroy our family and is attacking us again, so from then on, since then, we have been wandering aimlessly from place to place as homeless nomads for six thousand years until now.
     Our real Father loved us so much that He personally begot us, raised us, and made us a beautiful home (the earth) and a garden (Eden) as our eternal nest.  But He became terribly worried when He found that His loving children had fallen into the hands of Satan, that outrageous deceiver.  And so, in order to reclaim us, He wandered about day and night looking for His lost children, sacrificing Himself completely until now.  At last He is able to repossess us into His bosom as He so eagerly desired.  Oh what a persevering love it is! What a wondrous love it is!  What a love it is! 
     So after we lost our home all we wandered aimlessly without a home, our Real Daddy came to this earth in order to find this earth for us. He even allowed His Son to die for us, in order to give this home back to us, and followed us for six thousand years. Finally he has taken that house back and On top of our house is raised the glorious bloodstained banner of I
     Now let us go back to our home, our original home; back to our sweet home that our Father has made for us and restored for us.  The enemy who had robbed us of our home has been forever defeated by the Lord Jesus our Eldest Brother, who has recovered for us our home after a blood shedding battle. 
     On top of our home is raised the glorious bloodstained banner of Emmanuel.  And our Father stands waiting for us, to lead us back to our home that He has made with such great love and dedicated elaboration. 
     My dear brothers and sisters!  Let us all together return to our sweet home, our eternal home,  where our loving Father stands waiting for us.  Let us enjoy a life of eternal happiness with our Father there, forever and ever!
     [And you, O tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, to you shall it come, even the former dominion shall come, the kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem](Micah 4:8).
     [You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor shall your land any more be termed Desolate; but you shall be called Hephzibah (My delight is in her), and your land Beulah (Married); for the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married](Isa. 62:4).     Praise the Lord!  Glory to our Father!    

   This is all we have meet each other here, let us all meet each other once again in our Heavenly home. Oh where is that prince, where is that princess I have met in that 100th meeting? I hope that there will be not one of us who will be like that.

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