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Friday, February 27, 2015


You may wonder why this chapter is [Be a God] when chapter 4, [God is our Real Father] clearly states the fact that we are Gods. Please let me mention one thing before continuing. When we see our grown up child acting foolishly, we, as parents, scold and caution our immature son (daughter), "Please behave like a proper young man (woman)." In the same way, this chapter, [Be a God], is telling us to act as dignified Gods, and it will be a greater blessing if we begin with this understanding. 
The offspring of a cow must be a cow, the offspring of a human being must be a human being, and the offspring of God must be a God. Therefore, the children of God who will live with Him eternally in the new world must also be Gods. You cannot be a child of God, live with Him, or enter His country, the immortal new world, unless you become a God. The ultimate objective of the truths found in the Holy Bible is to restore corrupt humans to their original state as God's real children, that is, to restore them to their original divinity as God's sons and daughters. There is one great truth in the universe, and its ultimate objective is to perfect human beings into Gods.
Our heavenly Father personally says to each one of us, [You are my son (daughter), today I have begotten you.(Psa. 2:7) Cows only breed cows, dogs only breed dogs, humans beings only give birth to human beings, and God only gives birth to Gods. Since He said, [I have begotten you,] we are undoubtedly Gods.
Look at our features (ears, eyes, nose, and mouth). Our face is different from the faces of all the countless animals. We are the only ones who resemble God. In the beginning, our Daddy said, [Let us make (give birth to) man (children) in Our image, according to Our likeness.] (Gen. 1:26) He came to us again and reconfirmed our identity, saying, [You are (Gods), and all of you are sons of the Most High (Emperor of the universe).] (Psa. 82:6)
Those who insist otherwise, who say, "My ancestor is a monkey. I am the offspring of a mouse," will surely die on this earth, as a monkey will. The "son Gods" and "daughter Gods" who dance joyfully, saying, "Now, I have finally found my Real Father," will be taken up to the throne of their real Father, the King of the universe, as heavenly "prince Gods" and "princess Gods." Let me congratulate the crowned princes and crowned princesses who were separated from their Real Daddy on their dramatic reunion with Him.

The Young "Jesus God" of Nazareth
Jesus was a human being who was born from the body of a woman. His flesh and bones were just like ours. Though we do not know whether His blood type was O, A, or AB, His blood was just like ours. He was an ordinary human being with flesh and blood, born from the body of a woman.
He ate in order to be strengthened, worked during the day, rested when He was tired, slept when He felt drowsy, felt hungry when He starves, felt pain when he was beaten, agonized when He was afflicted, shed tears when He was sad, collapsed when He was exhausted, and died when He was killed. Jesus was an ordinary man who had a body like ours. However, at a certain point in time, that ordinary Jesus was restored as God and acted like God from then on. He departed this earth after living the life of the almighty God who healed the sick, raised the dead, walked on water, and calmed the raging wind at sea.
How was this young man, Jesus, restored as God? Let us see how He was restored, in detail.
[In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.] [And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten (Jesus) of the Father, full of grace and truth.] (John 1:1, 14)
The "Word God," the Spirit who created the heavens and the earth with God in the beginning, was present (became one with) the body of that young man, Jesus of Nazareth. From that hour, He was restored as the Incarnation of God.
In other words, "The 'Word God' that was in the beginning abided in the body of Jesus. [The Word became flesh] in that young man, Jesus; He [dwelt among us], and [we beheld His glory as of the only begotten Son of the Father], Jesus God, [full of grace and truth.] From that hour, the young man, Jesus, became the Son of God who powerfully spoke words full of truth."
Jesus' body was the just like ours. However, when the Word that created the heavens and the earth in the beginning abided in His flesh, divinity united with humanity, and He became the Incarnation of God. The formula is very simple. If the Word God that was in the beginning dwells in our body, we become a third God after the young man Jesus. The next person becomes the fourth God...the tenth, the hundredth, and the thousandth God. We can all become Gods by following Jesus' example and having the "Word God of truth" that existed in the beginning abides in our body. Jesus also speaks about this formula--"[Those to whom the word of God came], like Me, are [called (Gods).]" (John 10:35, NRSV)
Some may still say, "But Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit, (Mat. 1:20) without (the sperm of) a man."
However, Jesus said that we would also be born of the Spirit in the same manner, and that, only those who are born again of the Spirit as He was and become a God as He did can enter God's country, the new world. [Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit] as I was, [cannot enter the kingdom of God.] (John 3:5) Unless a man of flesh [is born again] of the Spirit, [he cannot see the kingdom of God.] (John 3:3) The only difference between Jesus and us is that of time; Jesus was born of the Spirit before we were.
People say that Jesus was born in an odd way, without a man, in other words, without the sperm of a man. However, many others besides Jesus were also born without a man.
Was Eve born by a man's seed? Though Jesus was born from the womb of a woman, Mary, Eve was born from Adam's rib as the most beautiful woman on earth. Does that not make her greater than Jesus? Not only that, there is someone even greater than Eve. Adam was born from dirt; he did not need a man's seed, the womb of a woman, or even a rib.
Life is not only man's seed. Life is born from the harmony between a rib or dirt, and God's [Spirit of life.] (Rom. 8:2) This is the law of life. [The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.] (John 6:63) When the Spirit of God's Word comes to sperm, a rib, dirt, or anything else, there is life. We are born solely by God's Word. Life is born in a mysterious and inexpressible way through the working of the [Spirit of life] (Rom. 8:2), the Spirit of God, the source of all life.
Many people consider Jesus completely different from us, as if He is some strange alien from outer space. At the same time consider, they consider Adam and Eve to be human just like us. In reality, Adam and Eve are much greater than Jesus is. Jesus was born from a woman's body, Mary's womb, just as we were. Jesus was a human being who had a body just like us. Let me introduce someone greater than Jesus.
Jesus was born of a young, healthy virgin. However, someone was born from an elderly mother who had been menopausal for quite a long time and was so old that she was [as good as dead (a corpse).] (Heb. 11:12) He was Isaac, a great man who was born from the body of a ninety year-old elderly mother.
[God said to Abraham, "As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. And I will bless her and also give you a son by her; then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall be from her." Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, "Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?" And Abraham said to God, "Oh, that Ishmael might live before You!"] (Gen. 17:15-18)
[He faced the fact that his body was as good as dead--since he was about a hundred years old--and that Sarah's womb was also dead] (Rom. 4:19, NIV) and [fell on his face and laughed.]
Abraham was almost one-hundred-years-old and his body was as good as dead. He was so old that he looked like a corpse when he closed his eyes. It had been a long time since the body of this frail, elderly man had stopped producing sperm, and his ninety-year-old wife Sarah had begun menopause long ago. Picture a toothless Sarah with her back bent like a bow; her uterus was barren a long time ago. Now, imagine the elderly couple sitting close to the fireplace, warming their cold hands and feet. One day, God paid them a visit.
"Congratulations! At about this time next year, Sarah will have an adorable baby boy."
When God said that, did Abraham reply, "Thank you, God"? He was dumbstruck, [fell on his face and laughed.] "Ha, ha! God, please look at us. How can we give birth to an adorable baby boy? I am almost a hundred-years-old, my body is as frail as a dried stick, and my body stopped producing sperm a long time ago. Sarah is already menopausal and her uterus dried up completely a long time ago. How do You expect us to have a son at about this time next year? Ishmael was born through a female slave of mine. Please let him be the son who carries my lineage." However, God said, "No, your wife Sarah will have an adorable baby boy about this time next year."
God's Word is spirit and life. As soon as the Word of life fell from His lips, there was life, and Sarah delivered a strong, healthy baby boy they named Isaac, the following year. How can we not say that the birth of Isaac was a greater event than the birth of Jesus by young Mary?
People also say, "Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit from His mother's womb." However, someone other than Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit from his mother's womb. John the Baptist was born of the wife of elderly Zacharias the High Priest. Like Isaac, he was born from the body of an elderly woman who was menopausal. Like Jesus, John was the son of God who was [filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother's womb.] (Luke 1:15) However, they were born with different missions. John was a son of God who was full of the Holy Spirit from conception. Having been inside his mother's womb for six months, John recognized and welcomed Jesus' mother, Mary, when she walked in and welcomed her by dancing, [(leaping) in her womb.] (Luke 1:41)
We can see that other predecessors in the Bible were born in greater ways than Jesus was. They were all sons of God who were born without a man's seed. However, people consider the bodies of those who were greater than Jesus was--Adam, Eve, Isaac, and John the Baptist--to be the same as ours, while they regard Jesus' body to be completely different, as if it were the body of an alien. This is the work of the devil Satan, the god of this world, trying to prevent us from following Jesus, the Way, alienate us from Him, make us fall, and destroy us eternally. As His real younger sibling, we must follow our eldest Brother Jesus, our Way, very closely and arrive safely at our Daddy's home. Let us make sure that estranger, Satan the devil, never gets between us again.
Because people would not accept Jesus as an identical person, an identical friend, or an identical brother, He was very lonely on this earth. He lamented, "[Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.]" (Mat. 8:20) Strangely enough, instead of mentioning His own name when speaking of Himself, He would always say "the Son of Man." He said, "The Son of Man...lay His head," "the Son of Man came to," "eat the flesh of the Son of Man," and "the day of the Son of Man...." The expression, "son of man," refers to a son born of a man. Who was not a son of a man in our generation or in the past? He was not the only son of a man. Then why did He only use the expression "Son of Man," instead of using His name, "Jesus," and say, "I, Jesus...lay My head," "Jesus came to," "eat the flesh of Jesus," or "the day of Jesus"?
The people in our age and that age thought strangely of Jesus. Although He was also human, they excluded and alienated Him. He was so sorrowful and lonely that He sincerely said, "Please, do not look at Me strangely or leave Me out. I am the Son of Man. I was born of a woman, a son of a man, just like you. I am a Son of Man and so are you; I am a Son of God and so are you; I am a human being and so are you; I am a God and so are you. I am a human being who has a body just as you do, and we are all one family. On the contrary, I was born inferior to Adam, Eve, John the Baptist, and Isaac. I have the same body as you do; we are all one family. Therefore, just as I became a restored God by receiving the Word God, you will also become a restored God like Me if you accept the Word God in your heart."
That is why God repeatedly says, "I [called them (Gods), to whom (anyone) the word of God came.] (John 10:35)

The Formula for a Human Being to Become a God
<The Word in the beginning + Jesus' body = a divine being = Son of Man God> ... The mission of the Savior
<The Word in the beginning + John the Baptist's body = a divine being = Son of Man God> ... The mission of Elijah
<The Word in the beginning + my body = a divine being = Son of Man God> ... The mission of an heir to the new world

If [the word] [in the beginning] (John 1:1) had not abided in the body of the young man, Jesus, He could not have become the Savior of the world. He would have just lived and died as a common, rural carpenter. He became the great Savior of the world because the "Word God' that created the heavens and the earth abided in His body, and He became the Son of God Whom [the Word became flesh and dwelt among us,] [full of grace and truth.] (John 1:14)

"Moses God" the Shepherd
In order to live according to heaven's will, Moses threw away the throne of Egypt as worthless, went into the wilderness of Median, and became a shepherd, a servant at someone else's ranch. He later found favor with the owner of the ranch who adopted him into the family as a son-in-law. He became a God one morning without his wife even knowing it.
One day, God said to Moses, "[See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet.] (Exo. 7:1) You will act with God's authority." From then on, every command from the mouth of "Moses God" was readily fulfilled.
When "Moses God" commanded, "Swarms of flies, appear!" thick swarms of flies were created immediately, and they covered the entire country. When "Moses God" said, "Frogs, appear!" scores of frogs were created, and they covered the entire land. The river turned into blood at the command of "Moses God," and the sea parted as soon as he walked into it.
Even if Moses had stood up all day long shouting, "Flies, appear!" and made all kinds of gestures with his hands and feet, would even a common housefly have obeyed his command and appeared if he had not become a God and was just a human being? According to God's word, Moses undoubtedly became a real son of God by using the same formula Jesus of Nazareth used to become God. Everyone will be [called...(Gods), to whom the word of God came.] (John 10:35)

"Joshua God" the Son of Nun
[Joshua...said in the sight of Israel, "Sun, stand still over Gibeon; and Moon in the valley of Aijalon." So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped.] (Jos. 10:12, 13)
The enormous sun, which is 1.3 million times larger than the earth and 18 times faster than the speed of a bullet, stood helplessly still in obedience to the single command of Joshua, an ephemeral human. What need is there for further explanation? Joshua became a God by using the same method and formula Moses and Jesus used. He became one with the Word that was in the beginning; [the Word became flesh,] and he became "Joshua God."
Even if Joshua had screamed at the sun until he coughed up blood and died, would a passing meteorite, let alone the sun, have stopped and stood still if he had not become a God?
[I said, "You are (Gods), and all of you are children (Gods) of the Most High.] (Psa. 82:6)

"Ezekiel God" the Priest
[The word of the Lord came expressly to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the River Chebar.] (Eze. 1:3)
The moment the word of the Lord came to the priest Ezekiel, in the same manner it came to Jesus, he was no longer a human being but "Ezekiel God." God led this son, "Ezekiel God," to a valley scattered with dry bones of men who had died long ago and commanded him to resurrect them.
That day, "Ezekiel God" called out to the bones. [So I prophesied as I was commanded; and...there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones (obeyed and) came together, bone to bone.... The sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over.... He said to me..."Come from the four winds, O breath (life), and breathe on these slain, that they may live."...And they lived, and stood upon their feet.] (Eze. 37:7-10)
Like Jesus, [the Word became flesh] (John 1:14) and Ezekiel became a son of God. Just as Jesus resurrected Lazarus and the son of a widow in Nain, Ezekiel also resurrected the bones of soldiers who had died long ago.

"Elijah God" the Farmer
Elijah was merely a farmer in the countryside who did not know what a school or theological seminary was. One day, he became a "farmer God" by receiving the Word God that was in the beginning. He then went to the dissolute King Ahab who had been instigated by false religions and scolded him, "[There shall not be dew nor rain] in the country [these years, except at my word.]" (1 Ki. 17:1)
Afterwards, the words of Elijah God were dreadfully fulfilled and not a single drop of rain or dew fell. When the whole country became severely parched, the king and all the false religious groups arose to pray day and night. However, for three and a half years, the whole country was completely ruined, and the offering baskets of the swindlers in the false religions became completely empty. As a result, the brute king and those who were ruining the world with false religions, so-called priests and servants of the Lord, were completely annihilated at the River Gishon by the judgment of the real son of God, "Elijah God." A welcome rain, heaven's great blessing, fell upon the innocent people and the entire country once again. History will soon repeat itself on this earth.

"Elisha God" the Farmer
Elisha was the son of a rich farmer who farmed with twelve oxen and tried to live faithfully according to the will of Heaven. He became Elijah's disciple and devotedly served his teacher. After Elijah ascended to heaven, Elisha also followed the exemplary life of his teacher; he was restored as a God when [the word became flesh] in him. While traveling on a road, a group of scoundrels swarmed around the elderly, bald "Elisha God" and mocked him, saying, "Hey, baldhead! Try to go up to heaven! We heard that you go around saying that your teacher went up to heaven. Let's see you go up right in front of us. Go up." (2 Ki. 2:23) Unable to bear it any longer, "Elisha God" [turned around and looked at them, and pronounced a curse on them.] Immediately, [two female bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two] (2 Ki. 2:24) of those ruffians who had dared to blaspheme their God.
Likewise, those who do not recognize the Gods who will go to heaven and dare to ridicule and insult them in these last days will surely be visited with Heaven's punishment. However, our heavenly Father will greatly reward and bless those who serve well the saints who have become Gods.
Afterwards, "Elisha God" lived for fifty years performing many benevolent miracles like the other Gods before him. He made an iron ax float on top of water, filled all the jugs in the room with oil from one little bottle, and resurrected the son of a family that loved Him. No one ridiculed him, and he was treated honorably as a son of God and passed away after living a holy life on this earth fulfilling the will and providence of our heavenly Father and doing what was pleasing to Him.

"Peter God" the Fisherman
Due to a lack of space, I will omit the other Gods in the Old Testament. From here on, let me introduce a few Gods from the New Testament.
Peter was a quick-tempered, volatile fisherman. After following the example of his Teacher, he became a God in whom [the Word became flesh,] whose mouth was [full of grace and truth,] who taught the world, healed many sick people, drove out demons, and resurrected the dead. This "fisherman God" performed many benevolent miracles just like his Teacher.

"Paul God" the Persecutor
Paul was an agent of the corrupt, orthodox sect of Judaism who pursued the people who had gathered with Jesus in the upper room to brutally kill those so-called heretics. On a certain road, He repented before the powerful light of the resurrected "Jesus God" for being completely deceived by the false religion into trying to kill the true children of God. After converting to the church of the upper room, he became the noble "Paul God" who was much more faithful than the other disciples. In fact, "Paul God" was outstanding among Jesus' disciples for his striking loyalty. Writing fourteen books of the Holy Bible was one of his greatest achievements. His merits will shine for eternity. He boldly proclaimed, "[Imitate me] and be a God, [just as I also (imitated) Christ] (1 Cor. 11:1) and became a God." Although there are other Gods in the New Testament, I will only mention their names due to a lack of space.

"John God" the Fisherman
"Matthew God" the Tax Collector
"Mark God" the Affluent
"Philip God"
Other Undisclosed "Gods" of the Upper Room

All the above people followed the example of their Teacher, received the [Word (God)...in the beginning,] and became Gods in whom [the Word became flesh.] For thousands of years, everyone in the Old and New Testaments and throughout the ages became holy "son Gods" and "daughter Gods" who obtained the right to enter the new world.

You Also Be a God
If everyone else can easily enter the new world, why can we not? There is a saying in Korea, "Since everyone else is going to the market (marketplace), I will too (follow suit)." If for thousands of years, so many people in the Old and New Testaments went to heaven after being restored as Gods, why can we not? Since everyone else is becoming a God and going to the new world, we should follow them, too. We can very easily and sufficiently become Gods and enter the joyful, immortal, new world, for the Owner of the new world, our heavenly Father and Real Daddy who begot us, raised us, met us, and meticulously taught us, is calling us right now.
Our Daddy's promise is, [He called them (Gods) to whom (whomever) the word of God came (and the Scripture cannot be broken).] (John 10:35) Our Daddy, the Owner of the new world, [said, "You are (all Gods), and all of you are children of the Most High (Me).] (Psa. 82:6) [I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them (you) out of My hand.] (John 10:28)
From now on, let us joyfully become noble Gods and go to the new world where our Real Daddy, my Daddy, awaits. Let us take our genealogy (chapter 4), practice a diet worthy of a God (chapter 3), live a beautiful life becoming to God (be a foot, water, dirt, and salt), and mature into more perfect holy Gods as we study the Nature Bible (chapter 5), the Textbook of truth personally written by our Daddy, every day. Thank you very much for following suit to the end. Well then, let us joyfully meet in the new world. May you do your best as noble Gods. I love you.

My Real Daddy who has begotten me!
You pitied me, an orphan who was roaming around all alone in the world, and found me. Now, I have returned to You. I have come to live with You, Daddy, in Your country.
I am eternally grateful to You for redeeming this son (daughter) who sadly wandered alone and endured hardships until now. I will never be an orphan again, so please embrace me in Your arms and never let go of me until I enter Your country, the new world. For the longest time, I wandered here and there in bitter tears, deceived by the world, by religion, by other people, and by demons.
Real Daddy, I will never leave Your bosom again. Please hold my hand tightly and guide me until the very day I reach the new world, the land of immortality. As I wholeheartedly offer this prayer of thanksgiving to You on this day, From now on, I earnestly desire to be a noble, mature God who consecrates my loyalty in the truest sense, my filial piety in the truest sense, and renders glory to You in the truest sense. Please give me the wisdom, power, and strength of Heaven to be Your most filial son (daughter). I offer eternal gratitude and praise to You for answering my prayer overwhelmingly.
The Love of Gods

Only Gods can possess,
Only Gods can practice,
Only Gods can enjoy,
The love of Gods.

Exist and live only for
The happiness for others,
The delight of others,
The joy of others,
And the blessing of others.

The love of Gods is
A holy love,
A selfless love,
And a noble love
Devoted only for
The happiness of others,
The delight of others,
And the joy of others.

Within this love,
There is no covetousness,
Or avarice.
It is a holy love devoted
Just for the happiness of others.

Within this love,
There is no stinginess or regret.
There is only the joy of devoting everything
Just for the happiness of others.

Only those who have become Gods
Know this love of Gods.
Only those who have become Gods
Can practice this holy love.

If these Gods left for heaven,
Traces of this divine love would also disappear.

However, the Gods who ascend to heaven
Will continue to practice this love with God and the angels,
Together for eternity.

It is this love of Gods
That pleases God so much,
That delights Him so much,
And that He loves so much
And blesses so much.

This love is
The eternal life of God and man,
That is, immortal life.
Though this world, carnal pleasures, and all things pass away,
Only this holy love of Gods

Will grow even deeper and remain forever.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Children Made Righteous by Real Daddy’s Love

     Please open the Song of Solomon chapter 4:1-7 4:1 “Behold, you are fair, my love! Behold, you are fair! You have dove’s eyes behind your veil. Your hair is like a flock of goats, going down from Mount Gilead. Our teeth are like a flock of shorn sheep which have come up from the washing, every one of which bears twins, and none is barren among them. Our lips are like a strand of scarlet, and your mouth is lovely. Your temples behind your veil are like a piece of pomegranate. Our neck is like the tower of David, Built for an armory, on which hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men. Your two breasts are like two fawns, Twins of a gazelle, which feed among the lilies.
     Verse 9, “You have ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse.”
     Yes, in verse 7 it says, “You are all fair, my love, and there is no spot in you,”
     Song of Solomon 7:1-9 “How beautiful are your feet in sandals, o prince’s daughter! The curves of your thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a skillful workman. Your navel is a rounded goblet which lacks no blended beverage. Your waist is a heap of wheat set about with lilies. Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle. Your neck is like an ivory tower, your eyes like the pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bath Rabbim. Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon which looks toward Damascus. Your head crowns you like the Mount Carmel, and the hair of your head is like purple; the king is held captive by its tresses. How fair and how pleasant you are, O love, with your delights! This stature of yours is like a palm tree, I will take hold of its branches. Let now your breasts be like clusters of the vine, the fragrance of your breath like apples, and the roof mouth like the best wine.”
     Yes, who is this saying about? (Me) whom? (Me) Is this saying about you? Then let us compare this with you and see whether you are really like this.
     “Behold, you are fair, my love! Behold, you are fair!” Are you so beautiful? You don’t look so beautiful to me. “You have dove’s eyes behind your veil. Your hair is like a flock of goats, going down from Mount Gilead,” Your eyes are as pretty as dove’s eyes? Are our eyes as beautiful as dove’s eyes? Far from it; we always have bloodshot and gummy eyes.
     “Your hair is like a flock of goats, going down form Mount Gilead.” Goats in Mount Gilead were grazing upon the most beautiful pastures wearing lustrous glossy fur coats are your hairs as beautiful and glossy as theirs fur coats? Fizzled and singed, our hair has become split at the end; and something comes off from it sometimes.
     And “Your teeth are like of shorn sheep which have come up from the washing, every one of which bears twins, and none is barren among them.” ----are your teeth as beautiful as a flock of shorn sheep which teeth; and once we forget brushing, they give off bad odor. And how can we look beautiful? Probably this isn’t saying about you.
     And “your lips are like a strand of scarlet.” Raise your hand if anyone has lips like strand of scarlet. Our lips are drying cracked, and bleed sometimes. Is that blood scarlet strand?
     “And your mouth is lovely.” Whose mouth is lovely? Nobody has lovely mouth.   
     “Your temples behind your veil are like a piece of pomegranate.” Does anybody here have cheeks like well-ripen pomegranate? Everybody’s cheek is pale; whatever we paint on our face, we cannot make our wrinkled sunken cheek look better. But here says, “What just beautiful cheeks you have! They are like well-ripening pomegranate.”
     And what a beautiful neck you have; it is like a tower of David, built for an armory, on which hang a thousand bucklers, all shields of mighty men.” Friends your neck is like the tower of David built for an armory, on which hang a thousand bucklers and all shields of mighty men? Your neck is skinny and ugly; once others ill of you, it gets strained and trembles.
     “Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of gazelle, which feed among the lilies.” Whose breasts are like two fawns? You rather have straight walled breasts.
     “You are all fair, my love, and there is no spot in you.” Our Father said, “Your everything is beautiful, you are perfect and spotless.” But are we perfect and spotless? “You are all fair, my love. You are perfect; there is no spot in you. You are all beautiful. No spot, no defect can be found in you.” Are you really perfect and beautiful? You are full of imperfections. He is saying to us, “You have ravished My heart, My spouse, My sister. You have ravished My heart with one look of your eyes, with   one link of your necklace. Please don’t look at Me, don’t look at Me. I feel captivated by you, by one look of your eyes. So please don’t look at Me.”
     “How beautiful are your feet in sandals, O prince’s daughter!”  Brethren! Let me see your feet. Whose feet are so beautiful? How ugly our feet are, with long nails stinking always due to athlete’s foot! But our Father  says, “How beautiful your feet are!”
     All of these confessions are not true at all. They are untruth, lie. They don’t apply to us. They are all lies. 
     And “the curves of your thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a skillful workman.” Whose thighs are as beautiful as jewels? Does anybody here have thighs like glittering jewels? Whose thighs are as beautiful as glittering jewels? Are they not like a piece of dry wood they are not good-looking at all, don’t they? They are like a splinter of wood, how come they are like jewels? This is all lies. This is all untruths. These confessions don’t apply to you at all. Never.
     “Your navel is rounded goblet which lacks no blended beverage.” Brethren! Does anybody have a goblet-like navel? Isn’t that something dried up after scissoring? How can it look like a goblet?
     “Your waist is a heap of wheat set about with lilies.” Raise your hand if anybody has a waist like a sheaf of wheat decorated with lilies. Isn’t that merely thick bones covered with skin. How can it look like a sheaf of wheat decorated with lilies? These confessions don’t apply to you at all, but to me alone.
     “Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle. Your neck is like an ivory tower.” How come our neck is like an ivory tower? Once we forget washing, it gets dirty. And whose neck is like an ivory tower?
     And “Your eyes are like the pools in Heshbon by the gate of Bath Rabbim.” Our eyes are as beautiful as the pure water in a lake? Nobody has that kind of eyes.
     “Your nose is like the tower of Lebanon which looks toward Damascus.” Whose nose is like the tower of Lebanon? It gets infected by empress so easily and we carry strawberry nose. But here says our nose is like the tower of Lebanon. I haven’t seen a nose like the tower of Lebanon.
     And “Your head is like Mount Carmel, and the hair of your head is like purple’ the king is held captive by its stresses.” Who has a head like Mount Carmel?
And then He says, “How fair and how pleasant you are, O love, with your delights! You are indescribably beautiful. Even by thinking about you, I am sunken in happiness. You are so beautiful that, once I think about your face, my happiness overflows.” Who has such a beautiful face? Anybody here? No.
     “This stature of yours is like a palm tree.” Palm is very tall and good-looking. Is anybody here so tall and good-looking? Our stature is one third of our original stature; we are as good as creeping on the ground. All of us are dwarfs. And how can there be anyone as tall as a palm tree? All of these are lies.
     “And your breasts are like its clusters. I said, ‘I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold its branches.’ Let now your breasts be like clusters of the vine, the fragrance of your breath like apples.” Friends! Raise your hand if your breath gives off fragrance of apples. Our breath gives off carbonic acid gas and bad odor; if we sleep in a confined room with windows shut, we get into a big trouble. But he says our breath gives off fragrance of apples. Who on earth give off fragrance of apple in his breath?
     And “Your mouth is like the best wine.” Does anybody produce grape juice in his mouth? We should rather be careful not to give out sputum by mistake while talking.
All these things are untruth; but our Father says, “How fair you are! You are all fair, and there is no spot in you.” Is this still saying about you? All of these? Is that true? O how brazen-faced you are! I hope everything will be done according to your faith. Indeed all these confessions are given to us. Undoubtedly God has spoken all these things to us. Why? A man’s lovely son was drafted to the army once during the war. Such a good-looking son got shot in his arm and leg; one of his arms and legs were cut off and came back home with distorted face. And his mother and father embraced him crying, “My son! You came back alive!”
     “Baby that’s alright. It doesn’t matter. It’s not something rare to get wounded in the battle.”
     “Mom, I’ve lost my arm.”
     “Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter. You are still my lovely son.”
     “Mom, I’ve lost my leg.”
     “Leg? Don’t worry. It doesn’t matter. You can walk with wooden leg, can’t you? You look still lovelier now than with 10 legs.”
     In the sight of his parents, he looks even lovelier than before since they have greater pity on him now. They feel happy over him only because he came back alive and encourage him shedding tears, “You’re all right. That’s Ok. What’s wrong with walking with wooden legs?”
     In the same way, although we don’t deserve hearing all these confessions of love, even if our teeth, cheeks, lips, breasts, and everything have become distorted and ruined, and our stature got dwarfed one third of our original shape, our Father only loves and pities on us much more than the angels only because we came back alive into his bosom. He is jumping up and down with joy since we came back to Him alive after being dragged, beaten up, and trodden down by Satan for 6,000 years: only because we didn’t die but came back to Him alive, we look even lovelier than the angels in His sight. This is our Father’s sincere confession of love for us. This is truth, His sincere love. Our Father doesn’t lie at all. There is no lie in His mouth. He only says truth. He loves us much more than angels only because we didn’t die but came back alive into His bosom in spite of having been dragged, trodden down by Satan, and fallen into swamps. These expressions are rather insufficient. All of these were written to you. Therefore you should not estimate yourself with your own eye but with the eye of your real Father. Don’t say to yourself at a mirror, “How ugly I am!”
     And all these things indicate your inner characters. Even if the nose of your character, ears of your character, teeth, mouth neck of your character are distorted, twisted, crooked, our Father doesn’t look at our reined qualities; He is our Real Father who doesn’t look at our sins and imperfections. Even if our characters are all ruined and spoiled, our Father is overwhelmed with joy and happiness only because we came back to Him alive.
     He can see no sin in us but one. He sees only one sin. How many sins does He see in us? One. What? The sin of departing from Him. However terribly our characters may have been distorted and ruined, once we return to Him, He makes all of us righteous. What makes us righteous? Our Father’s love makes us righteous. So, please read Rom. 3:20, 24
     “Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight.”
Now, can we be justified before God by observing the law? (No) “Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight.” Among 5 billion inhabitant of the earth no one can be justified by his own deeds. “By the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law we only gain knowledge of sin.” But through the love of God in Christ Jesus we were made righteous without price or deeds. Our Father’s love made us righteous without price. Seeing us come back to Him alive, He is overwhelmed with joy without regard to our spoiled, distorted characters.
     If a son comes back home after going through hardships away from home, his parents are overwhelmed with joy. They don’t care however ugly he is, that’s parents love. Actually he is not good-looking at all in the sight of others. Others may say, “How come they love that ugly son so much?” They feel embarrassed?” but in the sight of his parents he looks much himself is not good-looking than anybody in the world. The boy himself is not good-looking at all, but the parents’ love makes him good-looking despite of his ugly look.
     In the same way, only because we didn’t die but came back alive into our Father’s bosom, He feels so happy and His love considers us most good-looking and spotless. That’s why by the deeds of the law no one can be justified before God, but our real Father’s love which is revealed Christ Jesus made us perfectly righteous without price. So, Rom.4:5-8.
     “But to him who does not work but believes on Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness, just as David also describes the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness, and whose apart from work; ‘Blessed are those whose lawless deed are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.”
     Yes, even if one does not work at all… indeed, we don’t do much work. How much work did you do for saving the world? You didn’t do much. You didn’t run around bustling like those churches. What is more, you don’t look pious at all. Pastors and holy fathers in those churches look pious and holy; but these folks here don’t look holy or pious at all. We don’t work at all, look pious at all; but there is One who justifies us. Who is that? Our Real Father makes us righteous. Even if we don’t work at all, look pious at all, if we only believe our Father’s love which still makes us righteous, He regards us righteous due to our believing. That’s why happy are those who are made righteous by God without doing so much work.”
     For example, a son came back from the battle having lost one of his legs and says, “Mom! I used to cultivate the whole land by myself before, but I’m sorry I can’t help you at all right now.” Following them with a rake, he says, “I’m sorry mom, I can’t help you like before.”
     “Not at all, my son. I’m happier now than before when you could do everything by yourself. Since you came back alive with one leg even, I’m happier than before when you could do everything by yourself.”
     Even if he can’t help her at all, she feels happy over him as if he were doing everything by himself. What makes him happy? Because he tries to help her? No. Only because she loves him, she feels happy over him regardless of what he does for her. And if we only believe and accept our Father’s love which made us righteous without regard to our ungodliness, He makes us righteous due to our believing in His love. Actually you are not righteous at all, are you? Yet, our Father loves us and whatever we do look lovely this love. Do you understand? Just remains in His love, fix your eyes on His love, trust in His love, and believe the love which acknowledge you as the most perfect and lovely son of His. If you believe and accept this love, He says, “Thank you My son for accepting My love,” and puts His seal upon you due to that believing.
     For example, if one does not believe and accept the love of his lover, it is most tormenting to her. Let’s say a husband grasps his wife asking, “Where have you been?”
“I’ve been to the market.” “What guy did you meet?”
     She has been to the market to buy some food stuffs, and the husband keeps asking what guy she met. “What are you talking about? I love nobody but you.”
“Don’t lie; you must be loving somebody else.”
     Well, he doesn’t believe his wife’s love; that’s because he ran mad with morbid suspicion of her love.
     Friends! I hope you accept our Father’s love, and He will put His seal upon you out of gratitude due to accepting His love, and make you righteous and take you to heaven. But even though the wife says, “No, I love no one but you,” if the husband keeps saying, “No, you don’t love me,” what will happen to her? She cannot love him anymore. They have to separate. But if the husband confide fully in her love, she gets loving him more and more. Do you understand?
     No matter how ugly and distorted face you may have, just accept the love of our Father who confessed to you, “You are perfect, you are My lovely son. You are good-looking, beautiful, and righteous.” Then He will put His seal upon your faith and love you more and make you more righteous.
     If one doubts his lover’s love, she feels most tormented, maddened, harassed, and afflicted, and they separate. To believe God’s love is to be righteous. If we don’t believe it, we must separate. To believe God’s love is to be righteous. If we don’t believe it, we must separate from Him forever. That’s why this is what is called “Righteousness by Faith.”
     But without knowing our Father’s love, how can those churches try to believe it? That’s why to know God’s love is eternal life, and righteousness. So what it says in Rom. 8:30?
     “Moreover whom He predestined them He also called; whom He called them he also justified…”
Romans 8:31 “What then shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” Yes, verse 33. “Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.”
     Yes, who shall say against this fact that God loves us? Since God acknowledged me as righteous, who can dare condemn me? Nobody in heaven and on earth can dare condemn me. No matter how numerous defects you may have, only if God says “You are righteous,” that’s all. Who can dare condemn us?
     Who will dare say against what God does? Nobody can argue against Him. If God is for us, if God says “You are righteous,” who can be against us? Who can bring a charge against God’s chosen ones whose sins He has forgiven? Who can accuse us whom God has justified? Who has justified me? Myself? My wife? It is God, not angels of heaven. It is God the King of the universe, the Lord of heaven who justified us; and who can condemn us?
     Once He says “You are righteous,” I am righteous. No matter how pure, innocent, righteous, pious life one may pretend to be living, if God says “you are a sinner,” he ends up being a sinner. It is only God who justifies us. So, even though those churches pretend to be living pious, innocent, pure life, since they live away from our Real Father, what does He say to them? “You are sinner.”
     It’s the same in the present world. If anybody forsakes his old parents, leaves them alone to starve to death, and goes around running charitable works like an orphanage or an asylum for the aged, and tries to show himself a righteous person, to be acknowledged in the community, is he good or bad? He is a bad son, a sinner. But even if one may be an uneducated, ignorant woodman, if he respects his parents at home and works diligently to make them happy, gathering firewood on the mountain everyday and serve them with warm and comfortable room, he is a nice filial son, a righteous man. Anybody who comes back to our Real Daddy becomes righteous man; and anybody who departs from Him becomes a sinner. That’s why He is crying to us, “Only come back, I will not remember your sins anymore.”    
     Friends! The prodigal son was coming back to his father. When he was staggering toward his father in the distance, he was approaching to him nearer and nearer: 10 miles, 5 miles, 600 feet, 300 feet, 100 feet, and till he reached one foot from his father, what was he? A filthy sinner with dirty off and he returned out to be a righteous son with new nice garment. Anybody who returns to our real Daddy becomes a righteous man.
     “My people have committed two evils; first, they have forsaken Me the fountain of living water, and second, since they departed from their real Father, they suffer from soul thirst and try to quench their thirst somewhere else. So, both of their first and second sin is to have departed from God; so, they have committed only one sin. To depart from the real Father is the unique sin they committed; that’s what is called “blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.” But once they come back to Him, they become all righteous. His love makes us righteous. Therefore even if we didn’t work, are not holy, if we only believe Him whose love makes us righteous, He puts His seal upon us due to that believing.
     Therefore what shall anyone say against this? Blessed are those whose sins are forgiven and covered by Him! Everybody committed sin, but anybody who returns to our Real Father, his sins are covered, and anybody who does not return to Him remains sinful because he has nobody to cover, wash, or cleanse his sin. Even though everybody committed sin, one side are covered of their sins, and the others remain sinful forever because they have nobody who can cover their sins. Therefore blessed is the man whom the Lord does not acknowledge it at all. Whose sin? One who returned to our real Father? Do you understand? That’s why only if he pretends to be holy himself having a tiny sin in his heart, he cannot but remain as a sinner forever due to that tiny sin. Do you understand?  It is love that makes us righteous. Rom. 8:28-30.
     “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose, who returned to God, who were called by Him and returned to His bosom.
     In the old times Shin-Sime-Dang the famous figure in our history participated a feast in her town, and saw a poor lady got nervous after spilling black ink on her dress by mistake she borrowed from her neighbor. In those days they could not remove the spot by washing; it couldn’t be restored. The lady was too poor to buy another one to give back to its owner. She got into a big trouble. And Shin-Dang told her, “Bring it to me,” and drew a nice picture of a cluster of grapes, and it became a more expensive dress. She then sold it, bought another one and returned to its owner; yet there remained money.
     In the same way if we return to our real Father, everything works for our good as we read just now- all things work together for good to those who love God, who were called according to His purpose, and who returned to Him.
     Last time I made a mistake while writing a letter, but had only one envelope. My handwriting is quite poor, you know. I made a mistake on the envelope, trying to erase it, made it worse. So I drew a picture to cover the mistake, and it became a nicer envelop. And the one who received that must have been much more pleased with my drawing on it.
     Likewise if we only return to our real Father, He returns all our ugly return to Him, He makes them talk about His love as much as they want and gives them award. Have they become nicer or worse then? They have become nicer. And if those who love wandering about return to Him, He makes them go around spreading the good news of His love, and gives them greater reward. And if stubborn persons return to Him, they get better, “I’ll never be shaken a bit.” And receive prize.
     So, we know that all things work together for good to those who returned to Him. Therefore however terrible defects we may have, only if we return to our real Father, they all become good qualities and cause us to receive price. Is our real Daddy indeed precious? Yes, it was prophesied that the most precious treasure would come upon us.
You learned about moving sanctuary is Exodus 25th chapter. There it says, “Make Me a sanctuary with nothing but pure gold; make every article with pure gold and fill it with only pure gold, and complete it.” What kind of sanctuary is that? That is our hearts sanctuary, our character sanctuary. Our Father described our character as acacia wood covered with thorns: arid, pitiless, harsh, and inhuman. Pure gold illustrates our real Father’s love. He told us with His eyes of love, He keeps saying, “You are fair, you are beautiful, you are lovely.” If we love anybody, everything he does looks beautiful and lovely. If we hate anybody, whatever does our Father. That’s why, as we fill our heart with nothing but pure gold which is His love, He makes us blameless, righteous persons. His love makes us righteous. But once we depart from our real Father, there is no love that can make us righteous. We are supposed to be carried to heaven wrapped in our real Father’s love. Isaiah 54:11, 12.
     “Oh you afflicted one, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay your stones with colorful gems, and lay your foundations with sapphires. I will make you pinnacles of rubies, your gates of crystal, and all your walls of precious stones.”
     Yes, and you shall be established in righteousness. “Oh you afflicted one, tossed with tempest and not comforted.” You who wandered about away from the real Father! Behold, since you returned to your real Father, you will lay your stones with colorful gems, and lay you foundations with sapphires. I will make your pinnacles of rubies, your gates of crystal, and all your walls of precious stones, and make you perfectly righteous.
Only if we return to our real Father, we can just keep standing before Him, because He will takes off our filthy cloths Himself and puts a new garment on us and new shoes on our feet. So, we become perfectly righteous without sweating a bit. His love itself adorns us with pure gold, love over and over again, and wraps us completely and takes to heavens: as perfect righteous persons. Do you understand?
     Now, those churches also teach that even if we have sins Jesus will wrap ourselves with His righteousness and take us to heaven, and here teaches God will take us to heaven with His love; then aren’t both the same? Not at all. God said He would put on us His colorful garments to take us with Him; then do those churches have that? No, that’s why their claim is deception. You learned many things here like “Do not commit sin even in you thought.” Isn’t that a sapphire-like truth? Yes, indeed. This kind of teaching cannot be heard in that world. “Don’t commit sin in your thought. Be perfectly righteous.” How can this kind of perfect, grand truth which enables us to govern our thoughts be found in those churches? By obeying these grand perfect truths in heart, we actually become perfectly righteous.
     “Become a foot. Receive 5 blessings of the Sabbath”- aren’t these truths as precious as rubies? Those churches don’t have that. And crystal-like truth as “Become holy saints.” Isn’t that like crystal? When we become holy saints, we are ready to be carried to heaven. After adorning us with all these precious truths, He says, “You are perfectly righteous.” But do those churches have this king of things? They only say Jesus will wrap them and take them all to heaven; but having nothing, what will they be wrapped with? But our Father wraps us with His love over and over and makes us righteous and takes us to heaven.
     He puts on us heaven’s colorful garments of character, so that we shall produce abundant fruits of love, joy, peace; and through sapphire-like words-  “Become a foot. Don’t commit sin even in your thoughts,” He makes our hearts perfectly clean. And “Become holy saints. Receive 5 blessings of the Sabbath”- He adorns us with all sorts of precious gems of truth, makes us spotless, and takes us to heaven wrapping us completely with His love.
     So, I’d like to tell you one thing to do once you go back home. Please never say to yourself, “I have a terrible character, I am an ugly person.” Please never say, “Poor me, poor me.” When Satan, whispers to you, “You are hopeless, you are hopeless.” Shout to him, “No, My Father loves me most. He said I am perfect. He said that, I don’t care what you say.” Please do like this. Will you do so? No matter what the world says against you or condemns you, it is God who justifies you; and who can condemn you? So, you should never look at yourself with your own eye, but with your Father’s eye of love.
     And when you look at your husband at home, don’t judge him with your own eye and mistreat him saying, “How come he is all the same in spite of preaching nicely to people?” But say, “Even though my husband goes with Father’s eye of love, he looks nice and good-looking. And husbands too, “How come my wife gets sulky so easily with nothing great?” don’t see her with your own eye. But say, “even though she is sulky all the time, our Father said she is the most pretty, spotless princess of heaven. And how can I condemn her?” Look at your wife with your Father’s eye of love, and you will be able to forgive everything and love her. When you love like this, your home will become a paradise. That’s the very seal.
     So between father and son and among brethren, don’t look at other’s imperfection. “Even though that brother is like that, our Father said he is the best-looking righteous son He loves.” Look at your brethren with your Father’s eye of love. Then you will be able to forgive everyone, becomes perfect. So when we love one another like that, that becomes a little paradise and grows to the heavenly paradise.
     Accept our Father’s love; never look at yourself with your own eye but say, “My Father loves me most.” When somebody says to you, “You are bad in such a way,” don’t pay attention to what he says; just read the 4th and 7th chapter of Song of Solomon. And come out with a big smile saying, “No matter what people say to me, my Father said I am the most righteous person.”
     So in Revelations 7:10 the 144,000 and countless number of the redeemed saints shouted loudly, “Salvation belongs to Him who sits on the throne.”
Salvation belongs to them? God makes us righteous unconditionally for Himself and takes to heaven. Revelations 15:3, 4.
     “And they sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: ‘Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints! Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You are holy. For all nations shall come and worship before You, for Your judgments have been manifested.”
     Yes, the 144,000 and the countless number of righteous saints praised God, “Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty, since You made righteous such a filthy sinner as me and take to heaven. You are truly Almighty.” They praise Him since He made them righteous. “O King of all nations! Your ways are just and true. Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy.” We are not holy; only our Father is holy.
     “All nations shall come and worship before You, for only Your righteousness have been manifested.” When we see ourselves, we are full of imperfections, but our Father says, “You are all fair, beautiful, your nose, eyes, lips, neck, everything is beautiful. There is no spot in you, My love.” I’m not so fair actually but my Father says I am most lovely.
     So it isn’t because I am lovely actually but His love sees me so lovely.
And He feels so thankful to those who believe this love of His and puts His seal upon them. I hope you believe our Father’s love. This is what is called “Righteousness by Faith,” by which we go to heaven.
     Do you think you can become a perfect spotless person by attending church 100 or 1,000 years? No, you cannot. We are always imperfect, but our Father surrounds us with truths as precious as jewels and transforms us more and more. And although we are not perfect at the end, we shall be transformed into perfect and righteous persons. Do you understand? You are not perfect right now but He sees our perfect future.
     “He who has called us is faithful; He will see our perfection till the day of Jesus’ second coming by all means. Looking forward to our perfect end, He regards us to be perfect right now. I hope you believe this fact since our Father believes us.
     So, in 1Cor. 6:19, 20 it says “You are not your own, but bought at a price of God’s love; therefore glorify God in your body.” You are righteous? You made yourselves righteous? God’s love made you righteous; and you are supposed to glorify Him.
     Now, I’ll read you one more thing. When you look at yourself, you see your eyes congested, nose and ears diseased, mouth and lips ugly, and your face old and wrinkled. But our Father keeps saying to you, “How fair you are, My son. There is no spot in you.” Will you accept this love of His? Upon everyone who accepts this love He puts His seal. Our Father is looking for persons who will believe His love. Only if we believe this love once, He saves us immediately. Habakkuk 3:17. Let’s finish after reading this.
     “Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flock be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls,- yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.”
     Now the fig tree and the vines mentioned here do not indicate those fruit trees out there; it indicates the fig tree of your heart, of your character and the vineyard of your character.
     The fig tree in my heart seems to have no fruit, covered with fluttering leaves only. Is that right? Yes. And the vine of my heart doesn’t seem to produce nine fruits of the Holy Spirit, standing alone by itself. It seems to be dried up without fruits.
And I wished river-like oil should flow from the olive tree in my heart, but it seems to be giving not a drop. In the field of my heart there is no plant of His word. And I can’t see Jesus the Lamb in the fold of my heart. It seems to be empty. And there is no herd in the stall: I have no money for church offering. Yet I rejoice in the Lord, in the God of my salvation who will still love me and justifies me.
     I hope you will not behold your empty heart. As I behold myself, I seem to be like fruitless fig tree and vine, and an olive tree without a drop of oil. I seem to have no vegetable or fruit of His word in the field of my heart and Jesus the Lamb doesn’t seem to be in the fold of my heart. Yet what does my Daddy say to me? He loves me most and embraces me. Believe and thank Him for this love and follow Him. Will you do so?
Friends! Oh, this kind of lecture… Even if you could sell the whole world and brought me everything, you cannot pay the proper fee for this lecture. This is how you can be made perfectly righteous and goes to heaven. Friends, I tell you again: please don’t estimate yourselves with your own eye, nor condemn your wife, friends, and neighbors with your own eye; but behold yourself and others with our Father’s eye of love.

     In order to do that, He must come into your heart. And even if your brethren do something wrong, they’ll look lovely; even if your wife commits wrong, your will be able to forgive and love her. And husband will also look lovely. And your home will be a little paradise. I hope every one of you will arrive in heaven this way.