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Friday, October 10, 2014


his morning, we will learn about the God of the Old Testament. What kind of God was He? Right now, all Christians in the world say that the God of the Old Testament is a God of the sword, but in the New Testament, He is a God of love. In other words, in the Old Testament, He was a God who loved to kill mercilessly, but He changed His face in the New Testament, and He became a God of love. That’s what the Christians are teaching.
He’s a God who has different masks and different faces. So in the Old Testament, He would mercilessly kill people with the sword, by drowning them, by burning them, and by cursing them to death. But in the New Testament time, He suddenly changed His face and became a God of love, saying, “I am the God of love. So love your enemies, love your neighbors as yourselves, if they slap you on the left cheek, then let them slap you on the right cheek also, for I am also like that.” Who could ever follow such a treacherous and crafty God who changes His face a hundred times? Who could call Him “Father” and embrace in His arms?
So this hour, I will tell you the truth about the God of the Old Testament. Let’s begin with the time of Moses. There was once a man who worked on Sabbath and God commanded to stone him to death immediately. You may think, “See! That’s why He’s a God of the sword who likes to kill!”
Let’s look at the Israelites who stoned that man to death. They lived in the gentile world as slaves, and for hundreds of years they were slaves to those people who worshipped idols. Merciless and cruel was the life of a slave. They had to wake up early in the morning, and when they heard the trumpet sound, they had to hurry out and begin work. And they made bricks all day long from dawn to dusk. They would eat the little rations of food given to them, and if they were late, they would get kicked and beaten. If not enough work was done, they would get kicked and beaten. Even if they were sick, they would be accused of feigning sickness and get kicked and beaten. Even if they were killed, no one would accuse the perpetrators of murder. It was useless to plead. They weren’t even allowed to make an appeal in court.
In this way, they lived such a pitiful life. If they were so wretchedly killed like that, their young, innocent children would sit there crying for their parents. And what sin did those young ones have that when they grew up, they would also wear their parents’ clothes of slavery soiled with sweat that they had left behind at their deaths. They would go through the same life, to be kicked and beaten. And even though they were a family, they’d have no time to live as a family and spend leisurely times with each other. They had already forgotten the Sabbath and its joys and blessings. Their life was worse than death. They had no hope, no future. And of course, if they ever ran away, the entire family would be killed, so they couldn’t even run away and leave their young ones behind.
But our Father had mercy on them and sent Moses to them. And without fighting once, without shedding even a drop of blood, He freed them and allowed them to keep the Sabbath and spend time with their families. They could even sleep late into the morning and go on picnics … just being liberated from their life of slavery should have had them praising God and thanking Him until the day they died.
But did they do that? They always complained and murmured against God, saying, “It was better when we lived in Egypt, we want to go back,” and they cursed God and cursed Moses. Yet God didn’t say a word and continued to lead them, having them cross that ominous Red Sea without a single boat by separating the waters. The Egyptian army was chasing after them to kill them, but He blocked them with a pillar of fire, and after all the Israelites crossed over, He had the enemies continue to chase after them and buried them in water. He eternally freed the Israelites so that the enemies’ spears and swords could never reach them. Just thinking about that, they should have said, “Ah! God loved us this much!” And they should have been grateful and praise God for the rest of their lives. But that’s not what they did. 
After they crossed the Red Sea, when they became thirsty, they started to complain again, “Where is Jehovah? Is He here or not? Why did He drag us out of Egypt only to die of thirst here in the wilderness? When we were in Egypt, at least they gave us bucket loads of water for us to drink to our fill.” So our Father made water come out of a rock, and while they were drinking the water, they would say, “Where is Jehovah? We’re hungry, where is our food?” and then He would give them manna. Then while eating the manna, they would say, “How can we eat this manna? There’s no fat, no protein. When we were in Egypt making bricks under those Egyptians, we would eat pork once in a while, but with this manna, it has no nutrients so how can we gain any strength?” And they demanded meat, so God sent hundreds of quails for them to eat. 
Though they were given such freedom and liberty, on their way to the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey, having escaped that hell hole where they couldn’t even hold demonstrations or riots because they would be killed if they did – to be able to hold a riot is a sign of a certain amount of freedom. They could never even imagine holding a riot or rebellion. Forever they were doomed to live as slaves from generation to generation, to only end up dying so wretchedly. But they were freed from all that, and so they should have praised God for His love, but never mind giving praise, they acted as if following God was doing Him some great favor, as if they were being led to greater misery. They kept imagining their past as having been better than their present state which seemed so unhappy, complaining that they wanted to go back to Egypt, that it would have been better to live as slaves under them there.
But God loved them to the end. And for forty years He made it so that their shoes never wore away. They wore the same pair of shoes they had worn as slaves in Egypt, and for forty years they never wore out. Even if you made shoes out of cast iron, they would have worn out after forty years. But this was our Father’s miracle. They were special shoes of love. Their clothes that they had worn as slaves in Egypt were only a few pieces of clothing, but for forty years their clothes did not wear out. And for forty years they had food to eat, for forty years they had water to drink. Also, because it was dark at night, when the Israelites complained of the darkness, our Father lit their path with a pillar of fire. During the daytime when they walked, how they complained about the heat, as if they had not always worked bareheaded under the blazing sun in Egypt while being kicked and beaten. They uttered not a word back then, but now, what made them so brazen, as if they were royalty, complaining and murmuring about the heat. Then our Father would cover them with a cloud parasol, a pillar of clouds.
It’s even written that God paved their way ahead so they wouldn’t sprain their ankles on the stony paths. How careful He was for each and every child so that they wouldn’t get hurt. And on their way to the land of Canaan flowing with milk and honey, the wilderness was swarming with venomous snakes that were a meter long, and if you were bitten once, you would instantly die. But He went ahead and chased all the snakes away so that His children could travel safely. Yet, they never thought about that. They didn’t feel obligated to think about God’s love or thank Him at all as they only continued to complain and curse God while following Him.
How they cursed Moses for dragging them around the wilderness for forty years when it should have taken only a week to reach Canaan. They accused him of trying to rule over them as king, of trying to steal the wages they had earned as slaves, and that’s why he was leading them in circles. Moses had been the prince of Egypt, the most powerful kingdom in the world at the time. All of Egypt’s wealth, its gold and silver, its troops and their horses, they could all have been his. But He had given up everything and left that place, so do you think he was interested in their soiled and dirty pieces of money? If he wanted to, he could have become the king of Egypt, so why would he want to become the king of beggars, of those ignorant and uneducated slaves so lowly and absurd? In every age, God’s children always misunderstood God’s sons.
So why were the Israelites dragged around the wilderness for forty years? After crossing the Red Sea, they could have made it into the Promised Land in one week. If they traveled in leisure, it would have taken them two weeks, but if they walked diligently, they could have reached it in a week. But why did it take forty years? If they just took it easy, it would’ve only taken them two weeks, but why did it take forty years?
God’s gift of love, whether it is heaven or eternal life or the land of Canaan, our heavenly Real Daddy’s gift of love belongs to those who believe that love and do not betray it, who receive His love with gratitude and trust Him.
But did the Israelites even remember His love? They didn’t remember it at all. Their life had been a living hell, their life of slavery in Egypt had been torturous. But they always complained that they wanted to return to that life back then, that following God only brought about great losses for them, that it was a miserable, cursed life. And that’s why they did not pass. If they had believed in God’s love, they would have received all His gifts, but they wouldn’t trust Him. They didn’t even remember it. They began to think the Red Sea had parted by chance.
Do you know what those so-called theologians are saying these days? They are teaching that the Red Sea parted by chance. Even people throughout the world acknowledge that it had not been a natural event, that it had been an act of God, but those so-called theologians are teaching that it was by chance, it parted coincidentally, explaining it as some kind of low tide high tide effect. And since such demonic agents are teaching theological students like this, what kind of pastors, what kind of preachers will come out of there? Think about it. That’s why this whole world has been swallowed up by Satan. On the other hand, those that say they believe are jumping up and down fanatically as they declare it was God’s miracle.
Thus, when the Israelites were in the wilderness where there was not a single drop of water or dew, God made water flow out from a rock like a river so that all two million people could drink to their fill. If they wanted water, they should have dug a well, but they got water from a rock. God was showing them that He was alive, that He was there. He was telling them, “Look, I am here, I love you, please trust My love.”
They should have eaten food growing from the ground, but instead God had food fall from the sky. He was saying, “Look, I’m here. Can’t you see Me?” And though there was no electricity, our Real Daddy had a pillar of fire so bright it must have been a thousand, a million watts, and He was saying, “Can’t you see that I’m here?” And in the daytime, He covered them with a cloud parasol, saying, Look! Here I am! Look at your clothes, how many did you buy? Look at your shoes!” But though they were wearing, using, eating, walking on, and carrying our Real Father’s love, swimming in His love with every step, they only said, “Oh it’s by chance that our shoes aren’t worn out. It’s by chance that our clothes aren’t getting worn out. It’s by chance that manna falls from heaven. It’s by chance that water came out from a rock. That’s why in the Bible, they are calledsons of vipers.” God was saying, “You and I cannot help but separate.”
You know animals like cows, rabbits, dogs, and even birds, if you love them, then they know that you love them. When I was young, my brothers and I raised a hawk from since it was a chick that we had found in the mountains. Hawks are truly vicious, they devour chickens or sparrows, whatever they see, tearing at them and devouring them. Aren’t hawks like eagles? We even fed it that poisonous viper. But this hawk, just because we fed it for a few weeks, perhaps it was about twenty days, it knew the love it received and would not fly away even when we released it. It would fly away and always return home. Even such creatures know the love and grace they receive. But vipers are different. If you catch a viper and feed it and raise it for ten years, a hundred years, still it will try to bite you and kill you if you pet it. That’s why God called those Israelites, “You sons of vipers! You sons of Satan! It cannot be helped with you.” And so they were discarded in the wilderness.
You may be thinking, “Oh, if I had lived at that time, I would’ve thanked God for His love.” Do you really think so? As I see it, you don’t even have 1% of their faith. The Israelites literally walked in the wilderness for forty years following Moses. They literally jumped into that Red Sea. Did they follow or not? They did. Right now, you are sitting here in such a nice building with the air conditioner on, and you’re merely told, “Don’t sleep and just listen,” but I don’t know why you have so many complaints. And some people run away…. Though the people that Moses led ate the manna of heaven which would make them hungry after 3-4 hours, the manna given to you is heaven’s food of eternal life that would never make you hungry or thirsty for eternity. Did the people of Moses ever taste this kind of manna? They never even knew the “Real” of Real Father.
The Israelites drank H2O that only made them thirsty again after an hour. But you are drinking heaven’s living water of the Holy Spirit that will never make you thirsty for eternity. Moses wore clothes that would wear out one day, but you were given the clothes of light, the robe of righteousness, which would never disappear. The people that followed Moses wore shoes that would eventually wear out, but you have been given the shoes that will have you fly to heaven. Though a light of fire was given to Moses and his people, you have been given the light of heaven that shows clearly even the future.  
Moses led his people for forty years while going through so much suffering, but you are led so comfortably, just asked to not fall asleep, to not run away. You are fed all your meals and given water to drink – that huge water tank was made with so much sweat and effort so that you could drink to your fill. And you are only asked, “Please don’t run away.” But though so many people sit here and laugh and smile, when they leave, they curse and swear, wanting to kill Park Myung Ho. It’s the people sitting here that end up doing that.
Had the Israelites been treated this well, they would have already entered the land of Canaan singing songs of thanks and praise. I hope that you will realize you are far behind the Israelites. So please do not disparage them but search deep into your own hearts.  
Despite everything, because even such wicked, viperous people were His children, despite being subject to such indignity, our Daddy led them to the very borders of Canaan. One more step and they would be at the land of Canaan flowing with milk and honey. However, the condition to entering it was to trust in God’s love; but they did not. They kept failing every test given them. Finally, our Daddy had others take the test in their place. No matter how many schools there are in this world, could someone take a test for you? Of course not. But this was our Real Daddy’s love because He wanted to have His children go to the Promised Land no matter what, to entrust the land of Canaan to them and give it to them as an inheritance.
How did He have others take the test in their place? He said, “Out of all the Israelites, choose one representative from each of the twelve tribes who are the most intelligent and have the most faith, who can truly trust in My love, of whom I can say, ‘Ah, this child I can trust no matter what,’ and have them take the test on behalf of all My people. If only they pass the test, then I will acknowledge that all two million of My people have passed as well and give you everything.” And so, He had twelve representatives take the test on behalf of the Israelites. If He tested each one, then without a doubt they would all fail a hundred percentSo our Real Daddy brought the twelve of them out to take the test and even showed them all the answers, telling them to write just as was written. Even with this test, He showed them the answers, placed them in their hands, and gave them everything so that they would not fail no matter what.
He had those twelve leaders go into the land of Canaan, step on the land, eat the fruits, drink the water, look around – because they wouldnt believe Him unless they saw it with their own eyes. “How can we believe what we’ve never seen?” And so our Real Daddy was saying, “Look, look at it, touch it, taste it.” For forty days they ate to their fill, touched all they wanted, and carried them back. Now will you believe Me?”
But when the twelve returned, how did they report to the Israelites? They said, “You know, truly Jehovah our God did not lie. The land is very good, it’s a land flowing with milk and honey, and here, here are the grapes we brought from there.”
One cluster of grapes was almost eight kilograms. Such grapes were imported into Korea as well, grapes from Canaan. A single cluster of grapes was almost eight kilograms! People today doubt that and say how could the grapes have been that big that they were carried by two people, that it’s all nonsense. But three clusters would have been almost twelve kilograms, so how could even the strongest man carry twelve kilograms for several kilometers? All you need to do is believe the Bible as is.
They should have said, “It’s all true. Lets believe in God’s love now and go!” However, they ended up saying, “It’s all true BUT….” The devil was there at the very next sentence. “Yes, it’s true all that our God Jehovah has said, the land is truly flowing with milk and honey. The land is of the highest value with massive cities and fertile lands. BUT there we saw the Nephilim (descendants of giants), the Hivites, and Canaanites, and they were so big and strong, we were like grasshoppers beside them, and would die by a single blow from them. I don’t know why Jehovah brought us all the way over here when we were eating and living well under the Egyptians, only to kill us by the hands of those ominous giants, to have our wives taken away by them, and make our children into their slaves.” This is what those representatives said.
All throughout history, it was by the leaders’ instigation that all of God’s people died. Now God’s plan was ruined. I hope the leaders in these last days will be alert and have some faith. It was the leaders of the church that destroyed all of God’s people in every age. The leaders of this last “Upper Room” must truly search their hearts this morning, and question themselves whether they are truly worthy to be a leader or not, and if you feel you are not, please hand in your resignation and step away. This is my earnest request. Now is not the time to be clasping onto our positions. Now is the time to put our lives on the line and truly trust in Real Daddy’s love, to conquer the heavenly paradise with our faith. Now is the time not only to conquer this earth but to conquer heaven as well. If leaders without faith leads the way, then never mind conquering heaven, they will end up hindering the people’s way and getting them all killed.  
And of course for these people who were just waiting for a reason to rebel and betray, when the leaders instigated such doubt, they all arose like a swarm of bees and began to clamor, “Of course! We have been deceived. The God who has led us until now is a fake. Moses is a swindler and God is a fake, heretical God. In order to further our misery, to kill us, to make our wives mistresses and our children slaves, to kill us all, this demonic God has led us until now.” And how they yelled and screamed. Isn’t such a God truly a demon? To drag people out, having the husbands killed, their wives sold as mistresses and their children sold as slaves – could such a being be God? Of course he would be a demon to do that.
At this time, among the twelve leaders, there were two, Caleb and Joshua, who said, “Everyone, please calm down. When we were living in Egypt as slaves from generation to generation without any hope, living in hopelessness, did we do any fighting in order to be freed? Did we shed any blood? Our God delivered us without any such suffering. When we crossed the Red Sea, did we build any boats? It was our Father who saved us. Until now, did we farm to eat food? He fed us. Did we bring any clothes or make them on the way? No, He clothed us. He gave us water to drink, He fed us meat, He gave us food. And until this very hour, He has never left our side for a single moment, taking care of us. So let’s trust our God’s love.”
But the congregation cried out, “You are crazy!” and they tried to stone them to death. At the time, if our Father had not protected them in His glory, they would’ve died under a heap of stones. And when they failed to kill those who trusted in God’s love, they went into a frenzy. Those who believe in God’s love and those who don’t end up becoming enemies. And so, because they failed to kill Caleb and Joshua, they were in a frenzy all night long, screaming and yelling with bloodshot eyes. They cursed Jehovah and cursed Moses.
This was the conclusion of having fed, clothed, taken care of, and having led them in love for forty years. After being cursed all night long, God called Moses at dawn and said, “Moses, there’s nothing else I can do for these people. For forty years they have said they wanted to go back to Egypt to die. They even said they’d rather die in the wilderness. They’d rather die than follow, so I’ll just give them what they want since they have begged and pleaded for it. If they want to go back to Egypt, then I’ll let them go back to Egypt. If they want to die in the wilderness, then I’ll let them die in the wilderness. And because Caleb and Joshua want to go to My Promised Land, I’ll let them go there.”
Truly is God fair? From the creation of this world, not a single person died because God killed him. They all declared Jesus a fake and wanted to die following the demon, so He let them do as they wanted. Those who wanted to follow God’s real son all did so and lived. Our Daddy has always been fair and just.
So Moses proclaimed to the people, “All night long last night and for the past forty years you have wanted to go back to Egypt, you didn’t want to follow God, so He has resolved to let you do as you have so wished. And since Caleb and Joshua want to enter the land of Canaan, He has decided to allow them to do as they wish as well. Now are you satisfied?” And as the Israelites thought about it, that’s not what they wanted after all. They had cursed God and Moses until now because they wanted to be treated better, it wasn’t that they really wanted to go back to Egypt and die there.
You know, people who complain and say they want to die, it’s not because they really want to die, it’s just they want things to be better, and they just want people to listen to them. Those Israelites had wanted Real Daddy to treat them a million times better, and that’s why they cursed Him like that. But what more could God do for them? Even for you, if you were to lead your own selves, you couldn’t be led better than like this. Do Doalnara people have jobs? Do you have money? Do you have property? You don’t have anything, and yet, though the whole world is suffering from a recession – Korea may have become a wealthy country, but even now there are so many families that cannot pack a lunch for their children, which is why the Ministry of Education is providing 60 cents per meal for them. Though the parents work so hard in factories or companies, they cannot even afford to pack their children’s lunches.
But what about you? You don’t even have a job, but did any of you starve? You ate as much as you wanted, your clothes are nice, you have cars to drive, and you travel throughout the country. Even with a thousand-dollar salary, you couldn’t afford to drive a car around, it would really be difficult to make ends meet. But never mind a thousand dollars, you don’t even have a hundred dollars, not even ten dollars, but still you travel all throughout the world and drive a car around wherever you want. Who has done this for you? But still you complain and murmur, “Oh, if I had not come to Doalnara, I would have been a university dean by now. I would have become the chairman of a company. I would have become this or that. I would have had this amount of money.” And you act as if following Real Daddy was of great loss to you, as if you were cursed, to be filled with regret, complaining and murmuring. How many times do I have to say this, for such people who think like that, please I beg you, please leave and get a job out there in the world. It’s not too late even today. I for one will follow my Real Father no matter what.
So the Israelites were shocked because they didn’t think that God would actually let them die in the wilderness or let them go back to Egypt. So the people said, “No, no, let’s believe in God’s love,” and they took their swords and they went to the land of Canaan in order to kill the people there, saying it was on God’s orders. But Moses stopped them, “Please, you must go when God tells you to go. You cannot go by yourself, it would be useless. God has told you not to enter Canaan, to go back to Egypt, so you cannot do this.” But they cried out, “Oh, you have no faith. Let’s trust God and go!” and they all went.
But when they went, what happened? The Canaanites and all the people there were really giants with mighty physiques. The Israelites were so small and had no strength at all while those giants were really powerful and strong. And so the vanguards that went out to fight were all obliterated without a trace. They were of course nothing to that race of giants. Boulders and spears came at them and the Israelites were helpless. It would be by God’s power that the enemies would be driven away, man-to-man the Israelites were nothing. They were no match.  
Right now, do you think you are entering the heavenly Canaan because you are special? Those people in America, England, France, they have such marvelous physiques; they are just like the Canaanites. They are good-looking, strong, and cultured. But Koreans are so short, graceless, and homely. We are the most unsightly in the world – and it’s because we were thorn bushes that God chose us. But to act as if you are so special, some kind of royalty, demanding to be treated better … how ridiculous it is. This morning, I hope that you will search yourselves and reflect a little.
The Israelites had much better faith than you, a hundred times better. If I told all of you to follow me into the ocean, who would follow me? You would think I was crazy. But the Israelites actually followed Moses into the Red Sea. And if I took you to the wilderness, never mind forty years, you wouldn’t even follow me for four days. But they literally followed Moses for forty years. How can your faith be compared to theirs?
Up to now, we not only received spiritual blessings, but how many physical miracles have there been as well! The Israelites are nothing in comparison. From the beginning of this work until now, I had no money while leading you. When I wrote The Key to Happiness book, I didn’t have enough money to even publish it. But Daddy told me to write, so I did. After I finished writing it, someone came and paid for the publishing. And did I have a church or followers? I was alone. The only person to help write the manuscript was that announcer sitting there. And my family.
Yet up to now, there was never a time when we didn’t have enough money, enough people, enough buildings. Nothing deterred this work as everything was in abundance. Before we had this Institute, we used to borrow prayer places and retreat halls from Protestant churches. And they would ask us, “What denomination are you from? Aren’t you heretics?” They would investigate everything as a policeman would, receive all the money they demanded, and we were insulted like that while paying for everything. We borrowed those buildings enduring all the contempt and mistreatment. Even then, they would say, “We are using it on these days, so just use it on these leftover dates.” Then we would reply, “Oh, yes, alright.” Because we didn’t even have a building. Why not? If we tried to construct a building, people would complain why were we building it when it was the end of the world. They were so disapproving.
At the time, when we borrowed the Jae-il prayer retreat to hold a seminar, we only had six pressure cookers. But four hundred people gathered through the Spirit of God. This was at the beginning of this work. So how could we feed four hundred people with merely six pressure cookers? We were in quite a predicament. We were in a strange city using someone else’s prayer retreat, and it’s not as if going to the market would be of any use. They only made rice using those six pressure cookers, but four hundred people had come. There was no time to go to the market and buy more pressure cookers and cook more rice that very instant. But I told them to give out the rations freely. And do you know what happened? They used six home-use pressure cookers to feed four hundred people, and they ate to their fill and there were leftovers. The God who fed four thousand people with five loaves of bread and two pieces of fish is our God. If I start talking of such things, there is no end to the list of miracles that occurred.
Even when we were building this temple or the other temple over there, it was during the rainy season and there was even threat of flooding. But the date for the next seminar had already been scheduled. At the time, we used to hold seminars once a month or once every twenty days. Now we hold it once every month and a half or once every two months, but back then, we had it once every month. So we already had the date set and people from all over the world would come. We had to build the temple day and night, even throughout the night, and even then meeting the deadline would have been just barely possible. But they were saying it was the rainy season and there would be heavy rains for twenty days or so. If that was the case, then it would be impossible to finish construction.
And so the head of the construction company and our Superintendent Jang were writing out the contract and our superintendent insisted that they had to erase the part where it says if the building is not completed by a certain date because of the rainy season, then only some compensation would be made. He was doing the right thing. If the construction company couldn’t meet the deadline due to the weather, then they would just pay the compensation and walk away! But because they didn’t want to have any financial losses, they kept insisting on including the statement that they wouldn’t be held accountable if the rainy season came. However, our Superintendent Jang only said, “Don’t worry. It’s not going to rain here, so just start the work.” “Are you kidding? It’s the rainy season throughout the nation, so how can you say it won’t rain here?” “Anyways, I’m telling you it won’t, so let’s just start.” After going back and forth a few times, they finally started the construction, and though it was raining in Wonju City, it did not rain here. So do you know what I said at the time? “Right now, Daddy is sitting here holding the umbrella.” That’s a fact. The God who led the Israelites with a pillar of fire and pillar of clouds is our Real Father.
When it reached up to 30, 35 degrees Celsius, we had a cafeteria made out of a tent that could seat two hundred people. But since 250-300 people went in and out of that tent – even in nice buildings, the strongest person couldn’t endure sitting around in that kind of heat and would run away to the beach – but imagine holding a seminar in a tent at 35 degrees Celsius, would that be possible or not? It would be a melting pot, not just a matter of being hot but people would be boiled alive. However, while the entire country was sweating to death, when people came here, they would say, “Why is it so cool here?” It was because our Daddy had a pillar of clouds to cover us. You saw it for yourselves, didn’t you?
Right now you can see there are a lot of apartments and buildings being built. Do you think we are building them because we have the money? If you asked our treasurer right now, he doesn’t even have twenty thousand dollars. Try asking him. Last seminar, I heard he barely had ten thousand dollars. But until now, we have done this work without money. And those buildings continue to go up. We will continue building them without hesitation. With this two hundred thousand dollar temple as well, we began building it with twelve thousand dollars. Other churches may start with millions of dollars set aside as a budget to build a temple, but we have never had any kind of budget. You can only have a budget if you have money. We have always believed our Real Daddy will provide what we need, and in the end, a two hundred thousand dollar temple was built. Did you donate money to build this temple?
He has shown us such physical miracles as well until now. Whether physically or spiritually, the miracles cannot be compared to the Israelites. Did the Israelites have a temple like this or not? They only followed Moses under that blazing sun, enduring all kinds of hardships. But we are being treated a thousand times better than them, living luxuriously and treated with such care while being led to the heavenly Canaan. And yet, even then there are those that curse and complain, who end up standing with the enemy and scheming to kill Park Myung Ho, that they had attended the seminar several times and he is a heinous swindler.
It’s written that Moses died of a broken heart because of his people. It wasn’t the Egyptians that killed him but his own people. He died of grief and anguish and heartbreak. How his heart was torn to shreds! He had discarded the throne of the king of Egypt as if nothing, so do you think he would have wanted to become the king of slaves? Jesus, the King of heaven, had come down and His people killed Him thinking He wanted to become the king of Israel.
And so, when it was certain they wouldn’t be able to enter the land of Canaan, one of the Israelites filled with a heart of revenge against God, defiled the Sabbath on purpose by gathering wood. No one had defiled the Sabbath so openly like this until now. When they dragged him before Moses, he also was at a loss of what to do and so he asked God. Then God said, “Take him now and stone him to death immediately.” Right now, the Seventh-day Adventists defile the Sabbath openly, but back then, there was not one person who did that. So for the first time, someone had purposely defiled the Sabbath. He collected wood on the Sabbath and purposely trampled on this holy day.
You may think, “Why did God do that? Why was he sentenced on the spot?” But it wasn’t because He was the God of the sword but rather the God of love that He did that. For those that purposely defile the Sabbath, even if you leave them alone, will they eventually die or not? Even if they are left alone, they will bear the image of the demon and end up dying. If that person was left alone, then all those who saw him defile the Sabbath would also defile the Sabbath in the future as well. Then what would happen to all the Israelites? They would all end up dying. Thus, by permitting a child who would eventually die anyway die a few days sooner, it was our Real Father’s love to save the few children left.
Do you think those Protestant theologians would know this heart of God? And if God had forgiven him and sent him home, then people who read the Bible for thousands of years until now would learn from that, and the Sabbath would have already disappeared from this earth. Then what would happen to everyone on this earth? They would all have to die. So in order to save his children in future generations, He allowed that son who would die anyway to die a little earlier, in order to save everyone else. So how is He not our loving Real Daddy? Now do you understand?
Also, people say, “Oh, God told the Israelites to kill the Canaanites, even the infants. Wow, the God of the Old Testament is really the God of the sword.However, it was because He was our Real Father of love that He did that. It wasn’t that the Canaanites were living happily and well and God suddenly said, “Attack them and plunder their belongings.” It wasn’t like that. Rather, our Father had loved the Canaanites more since long ago even before the Israelites. That’s why He had sent so many prophets to them. Balaam was a prophet God had sent to the Canaanites.  And just as a period of grace of 120 years was given to the people in Noah’s time, the Canaanites had been called to repentance and continuously given a period of grace, to return to Real Daddy.
But just as the Israelites rejected God for forty years and defied Him, so did the Canaanites also serve that false demon, that demon that demanded human sacrifices, declaring they would never return to God. And when they defied Him to the end, the doors of grace tightly closed, and that’s when God pleaded with them one last time. He was pleading them one last time through the Israelites, a powerful final entreaty. The Canaanites had stood in the high places and seen how God led the Israelites out of Egypt, how He led His people across the Red Sea, how He fed them and clothed them in the wilderness.
While He delivered the Israelites out of Egypt without a single fight, without shedding a single drop of blood, He was saying, “My children of Canaan! Look! Discard your spears and your swords and return to your Daddy.” It was our Father’s silent and earnest plea. And when He was leading the Israelites across the Red Sea, He was saying, “See! Children who return to Me can even cross the sea without a boat. You also, please return to Me and live this happy life in My bosom.” How He appealed to them. While the Israelites were in the wilderness provided with food to eat to their fill for forty years without having to farm once, to drink, to wear clothes that never wore out, to walk without ever mending their shoes, our God was saying, “See this! If you return to Me, then I will feed you and clothe you without you having to suffer or make any effort. Don’t bring about your own suffering, end your life as orphans, and return to Me.” It was our Father’s earnest and desperate plea. But though the Canaanites saw all this, they only closed their hearts in stubbornness, determining to never return to God. They shut their city gates and obstinately decided to only worship their gods, to not have anything to do with the Father.
The ultimate appeal came when the double-walled city of Jericho, that impregnable fortress was brought down. No human effort could bring that fortress down. But to those that resisted God to the end, He shattered its mighty walls without a single spear or arrow used, without a single ladder placed there, only by His Word. And while showing Jericho’s destruction, He was saying, “See this! Those who defy Me to the end will fall into utter ruins like this. So for all of you, before this tragedy comes to you, open wide your city gates and return to Me.” God was making a final appeal. However, they viciously defied God to the end.
If you look in the Old Testament, it’s written that God says to not strike the Edomites but go around them, for Moabites to not go to a certain place but to go around elsewhere. It’s continuously mentioned like that. It’s written that though the Canaanites should be struck down and destroyed, to not strike them and go around them. This was our Real Daddy’s love, waiting for them and hoping, “Perhaps these children will come to their senses now and return to Me. Maybe they will return to Me tomorrow or the next day….” However, not a single race returned to our Father, all locking up their city gates and serving the demon that demanded they offer human sacrifices. And they all died defying God to the end.
Even after the doors of grace were completely closed, it still wasn’t God’s wish or desire to order the Israelites to strike down the Canaanites with their swords. As it is written in the Bible, if you go to the countryside, there are huge wasps the size of your finger. They are so big and if you are stung by them once in the head, your hair will never grow in that area for the rest of your life.
One of our elders here harvests bees for honey and he learned that if you use the sting of a bee as acupuncture, it will cure those suffering from lumbago. And since he had many bees, he got sixty stings of the bee by catching each one. But still his lumbago wasn’t cured, so he thought to himself, “Perhaps it’s because these are only honey bees. Maybe there will be some effectiveness if I use a wasp’s sting.” And he stung himself with a wasp. It was worse than being stung by sixty honey bees. He became dizzy, everything spinning … if you are stung by such a wasp in a blood vessel, you could die. Just a few stings from such wasps could kill you.
It was our Father’s plan to send those terrible wasps like a swarm of locusts, like a swarm of flies, having millions of them cover Canaan so that its residents would flee without even time to pack their bags. Then the Israelites could take over Canaan easily without a single battle, without a single bloodshed. This was our Father’s original plan. But these wicked Israelites, these children who had returned to God’s bosom, were complete prostitutes. It was obvious that if the Israelites were led to the land of Canaan so nicely like that, to take over that land, then they would immediately start worshiping the demonic idols there, bowing to them and serving them as their god.
Thus, as a final lesson, God said, “My children, take up your swords. Take up your swords and strike down all that you see.” This was a final lesson for the Israelites. By destroying them with their swords, by bringing down their shrines, they would learn, “Ah, this demonic god cannot even protect its own self. We must only serve our Jehovah of Hosts, the Creator of heaven and earth.” And while killing the Canaanites, they would learn, “The gods of the Canaanites cannot even protect its own people or save them. We must only serve our God, our Real Father who created heaven and earth.” It was a final lesson, “We must never again serve these demons but only our God.” It would be their final lesson.
Then how could our Real Daddy tell His children, to the elder brother, “Kill your younger brother,” and to the younger brother, “Kill your older brother with that sword”? Is there any parent who could do that? After giving the orders to strike down the Canaanites, I cannot say how much our Father turned away and wept aloud. Can those demonic psychics and Protestant theologians know this? Though they were to live and die a thousand times, they could never know our Father’s heart. They have all become spiritual mediums and psychics.
Do you know how much our Father wept aloud after He told those two children to fight against one another? He only did this to save even one more child, to at least save one more child that had returned to His bosom. But though they were taught such a terrible lesson, it did not take long for them to all serve demons themselves and end up dying as well. Within this vast universe, there is no being as lonely as our Daddy. He is also the most pitiful. Truly I sympathize with Him. When parents of this world have children that bring them grief, they say, “What sin did I have that such a child was born from me to tear my heart into shreds like this!” Their lamentation is verily our Father’s lamentation. For what reason did He beget these youngest children on this earth to endure such anguish, to have His heart torn to shreds in a thousand, a million pieces! 

God who even loves the sparrows, to care for them, protect them, and feed them, when He had the children He bore with His own body struck down and killed, it was verily His own death. Even ignorant and uncouth humans of this world lose their senses and go mad when their children’s ashes are returned to them from the battlefield, so for our Father whose life is love, please try thinking even vaguely about the kind of anguish and grief He must have endured.
Thus, in the Old Testament, when God commanded a certain race to be destroyed, for Noah’s world to be obliterated, for the destruction of Jerusalem, this was not the death of those children but our Father’s own death. It would have been better for Him to die, how could He have each of His precious children killed, one by one? It would have been much easier for Him to die. However, our Father is an entity that cannot perish no matter how much He desires to. Our Father’s grief would have been less if He could have died like Jesus at least. Our Father, who possessed a life that could not perish, endured torment and heartbreak that was a thousand, million times more excruciating.
When I read the Old Testament at the passages where God commanded certain races to be destroyed, for them to be annihilated, my own heart aches with such grief, because it was verily our Father’s own grave of death. The entire Old Testament is our Father’s endless grave and it has continued on until now. Do you understand what I’m trying to say?
But what do those Protestant theologians say these days? They are even saying that God is a demon that even devours humans by burning them alive and barbecuing people. Who? They are saying God devoured Jephthah’s daughter like a barbecued piece of meat. When Jephthah was going out to battle against the enemy, he declared, “O God! If I am victorious in battle, then the first person who comes to greet me on my return I will offer as a burnt offering to You. I shall sacrifice him/her to You!” And then he went to battle, didn’t he? And he returned victorious as he had so earnestly wished and prayed before God. But who was the first to run out and greet him? It was his daughter, his only child. She came out dancing and beating the tambourine, crying out, “Daddy! Welcome! Congratulations, Daddy!” Then did Jephthah say, “Ah, thank you, Daughter”? He was so upset that he yelled at her, “Why did you come out like this and bring about such grief!” And he scolded her. So after forty days of prayer, Jephthah’s daughter was given as a burnt offering. They burned her alive and offered her up to God. Do those Protestant theologians teach like that or not? I hope that you will never be deceived by those offspring of demons ever again!
How could the God of love eat people like barbecue? That’s why it feels like my heart is about to explode with horror. I plead before God, “Why do You not answer my prayer even today, allowing those vampire demons, those blood-sucking demons to ruin the world like this?” Every moment of my life, every breath passes like a life of torture for me. Once I finish this seminar, I return home and my life of torture continues. Every day and every night, the torture continues. Those vampire demons, those messengers of Satan are so merciless without blood or tears, and they are all trampling upon this earth and killing everyone. How my heart explodes when I see it happening before my very eyes! How in the world could anyone go before that terrible demonic god, that bloodthirsty demon that devours humans as barbecue, and embrace into His arms as their Real Father? There is no way for humanity to be saved. They have fled so far away from Him, a thousand, million, a billion miles away. The path of eternal life is forever lost to them, for they have gone too far, far away, and it has nothing to do with them. There is not a single being that can be saved on this earth. As Jesus had prophesied, and as according to the plan in the beginning, only by returning to our Real Father’s bosom can anyone be saved, but since this God will only devour them, how can anyone even go near Him?
I know the day will come when our Real Daddy will put all those demonic spiritual mediums into my hands. I will surely exterminate them on that day. If not, I will never go to heaven. I will never drink the water of life or eat the fruit of life. Even if I go to heaven, it will forever be a land of sorrow, a land of misery, and I will only end up weeping and weeping to death. No matter how much water of life or the fruit of life is given, if a person is suffering from within, not even the best of waters will be able to save a tree that is rotting on the inside.
If Jephthah returned victorious from battle, and had a dog come out to greet him, could he offer that dog as a burnt offering to God? Could a dog be used to offer to God a burnt offering or not? Also, if Jephthah returned victorious from battle and a neighbor, the wife of another man had come out to greet him, saying, “Oh, Sir! Congratulations!” then could he offer up that person as a burnt offering or not? Could he do that to someone else’s daughter, to a neighboring maiden? Just because a neighboring maiden came out to greet him, saying, “Oh, Sir! Congratulations!” could he offer her up as a burnt offering or not? For Jephthah to offer his daughter up as a burnt offering to God did not mean he burned her alive and barbecued her for God for Him to eat. It meant that he offered his daughter to God that she should devote her life to Him in lifelong virginity as a Nazarite without ever marrying or bearing children until she died of old age. Do you understand?
But those offspring of demons completely distorted this story and made God into a demon that barbecued humans and devoured them, so who in this world could ever be saved? If you knew even a thousandth of my heart, then you would stay awake and pray with me. But instead you think absurd things and act wickedly. To know God the Father and the Son’s heart is eternal life. Didn’t I tell you that in these last days, only those who weep and lament will receive the seal on their foreheads and be taken to heaven? Only those who know the Son’s heart, who know the Father’s heart can weep and lament. Those who don’t know it always commit sins all the time. And they only boast about how many seminars they have attended.
Right now, our Father is being trampled on from head to toe by those demons, by Satan. In the streets and churches throughout the whole world He is being trampled. And Satan has seated himself in the high place of God, saying, “I am God. That God is a demon that devours humans. I am your God. I am Jesus.” And before God’s very presence, he is declaring himself as God. Even now he is devouring all millions, billions of people, so how can this son sleep properly at night? How can I eat properly? This universe, my Father’s household is falling into ruins, all my brothers, all of humanity is dying one after the other, so how can I be at peace? But people say, “Teacher only prays all the time.”
Last time, a brother came to visit, and these days, whenever I see anyone, I grasp onto them and urge them to pray with me. Why? There is no other way for me to relieve my heart. The other day, it was Sabbath, and some friends came to visit wearing their nice Sabbath clothes. But I said, “Let’s pray.” And they replied, “Teacher, today is the happy Sabbath day. Please don’t make us cry on this joyous Sabbath day.” “If you won’t pray, then leave me.”
When it says that Jephthah offered his daughter after forty days of prayer, it means that he offered her to God as a lifelong Nazarite, not as a burnt offering. For a man, a Nazarite cannot cut his hair, like Samson. And for a woman, she cannot get married or bear children. But why did Jephthah weep so sorrowfully like that? It was because his family line would be severed, for she had been his only child, his only daughter. Whenever this father and daughter met, since she was young, because they were so lonely, he would say, “Hey, it’s so lonely just the two of us, so you must quickly grow up and get married, to bear many beautiful sons and daughters, so that we can be one big happy family.” “Alright, Father. I will quickly grow up and get married, to bear many sons and daughters so that you can be happy.” This had been the wish of this father and daughter. But since this daughter was the first to come out and greet him, that family line was cut off. Thus, Jephthah’s family line has disappeared from the face of this earth. How Jephthah wept and wept, crying out, “Why did you happen to come out first!” For forty days they wept, then his daughter lived her whole life as a virgin and died a virgin.
Does it say in the Bible to offer yourself as a living sacrifice to God or not? Does it not say in the Bible to offer yourself as a living sacrifice to God? Then does that mean you must throw fuel on your body and burn yourself? All of you have been utterly deceived by those offspring of demons in the world. It means to give yourself, your mind, body, soul, and all that you possess completely before our Real Father’s altar. What is the meaning of Elijah? Elijah means “one who gives everything wholly to God. People who clasp onto their possessions, their prestige, and such things are not needed in these last days. God will never tolerate those who are worried about losing their dignity, of ruining their reputation, who cannot spare to lose their possessions. God will never tolerate such people in these last days.
There are people who have offered everything they have, not even considering their families, offering up their lives wholly and completely as they fly throughout the world to save it. And then there are those that say, “I need to make money to live, I need to do this. What if Teacher Park is wrong and the world doesn’t end, then I might have to leave, so I better keep these savings.” It’s written that our Father will not welcome into His kingdom such people with even the slightest bit of greed or selfishness. Why do they hold onto such greed and selfishness? It’s because they do not believe in God’s love. It’s because they don’t trust it and doubt it. Such people are always filled with so many complaints, and they end up as the instigators of rebellion, to rise up against God. They become Judases to sell out God and betray Him. They go after people, saying, “When I was attending the Elijah Gospel Missionary Institute, that certain person used to go to worship with me,” and they become the agents of the enemy. Just wait and see, it will happen just as I have said.
Possessing all that greed and selfishness is only digging your own grave. That’s why it’s written it is more difficult for a rich man to go to heaven than finding a needle in a haystack. They cannot let go of their greed and selfishness, they’d rather die first. Right now, our Daddy is being relentlessly trampled on by Satan, and all of heaven and earth is falling into ruins, so is there any time or leisure to be thinking about one’s own gain? Such beings are not sons! They are not daughters!
These days, living for me is so contemptible. I wish I could die in a car accident or something. I cannot bear to watch those demons killing all my brethren in this world and trampling on my Father. I cannot bear to hear their cries of anguish. I wonder to myself, “Why was I born between heaven and earth, to be tortured like this! Just living and breathing is so contemptible and shameful to me. Even while coming to the seminar this time, I said, “Ah, with all my life I wish an enemy would come and shoot me to death with a gun during this seminar. I cannot bear to live watching all that is going on anymore.” I cannot bear to keep my eyes open and see what’s happening in this world. Knowing that all of humanity is being swallowed up and devoured by those vampire demons, seeing them getting chewed up and killed is just unendurable.
But though I plead to Daddy to send me out that I may destroy them, He won’t. How resentful I am towards heaven these days. I’m not resentful of Satan, right now I am resentful of heaven. “Father, please let this seminar be the one where I don’t return for eternity. Please send an enemy this time – and since there are many that want to kill me – please let me die by someone’s gun or knife that I may disappear, that I may never return from this seminar.” I cannot tell you how earnestly I prayed like this.
Do you know why God destroyed the land of Canaan? The Canaanites used to make a calf out of brass and metal and they would heat it up until it was red. Then they would take a living person and tie him to that calf and burn him alive. Then that person would scream out in pain and die, smoke covering the altar. Isn’t the demon that devours humans and the demon of today’s religious world exactly the same? They allow people to live but suck out their blood. They are permitted to walk around, but their blood is drained from them. Without even giving them a single bit of eternal life, they are only drained of their blood. And from generation to generation, all their families have been devoured like that, swallowed whole. Are they the same god or not? They are the same god. Whether they are devoured openly or kept alive and devoured eventually, they are devoured all the same.
God could no longer bear to see those Canaanites offering up human beings as living sacrifices anymore, and so He decided to destroy them all. But to say He Himself devoured a human! It’s so outrageous and inconceivable, and I cannot describe how my heart explodes at the thought. This is the very wrath of the Lamb. And only those who feel this kind of wrath, to weep and lament, will be sealed and taken to heaven. This is our Father’s word. In every age, Elijahs were sent as killers of this demon Baal, its masters and pupils. In these last days, our enemy is not those Buddhists or those gentiles that smoke and drink. It is those so-called Christian theologians that are killing this whole world. These demonic groups – they are our enemy. Only when they are all crushed and destroyed will all of God’s children be released from their imprisonment more terrible than the iron curtain, to be saved and ascend to heaven. This battle must surely take place at this time of grace, before the door of grace closes. On that day of salvation it must surely be fulfilled. I am so impatient right now. I’d rather die fighting than sit still and merely watch, it’s so torturous that I can scarcely endure it. I’d rather choose to die fighting like General Gyebaek than to sit there watching everything while eating and drinking.
During the June 25 Korean war, because Korea was attacked all of a sudden by North Korea, by communists that came down with Soviet-made weapons and tanks, South Koreans could do nothing to fight against them. At the time, the government created a Student National Defense Corps. They chose high school students to go out and fight since North Korean soldiers were coming down with Russian-made tanks. And there weren’t even enough guns, so one gun was rationed for two students. Because so many South Korean soldiers were dying, they didnt even have time to be trained and were just sent out to the battlefield. They didn’t even know how to use a gun, and when they pulled the trigger and the bullet casing came out and hit them in the chest, they thought they were shot by a gun and would cry out they were dying. Can you imagine it? North Koreans were attacking with the latest weapons, but Koreans were trying to fight them with bamboo spears.
They didn’t even have decent weapons, so do you think any kind of medical establishment was available to treat the injured soldiers? If a soldier fighting at the 38th Parallel was shot through the thigh, they didn’t have any treatment to stop the bleeding, so they would take a clothesline used for drying laundry and tie the leg up above the wound. Once the bleeding was stopped, they would take them to the Busan military hospital. But even then, they had to fill up a truck with wounded soldiers before it could depart for the hospital, then they would travel all day and night.
This human body needs to have blood circulating throughout the body, otherwise, the part where there is no blood circulation will begin to decay. Try tying your finger with a string. Only after a few minutes and already you will begin to see signs of decay as it turns dark red. But since that soldier had his thigh tied up with a wire clothesline and taken all the way to Busan for several days, upon his arrival to the hospital, his leg had already turned black, to become a rotting piece of flesh.
The army surgeon approached him with a knife and saw, saying, “Look here Private Kim. I have to cut off your leg.” “What! What are you talking about! Before coming to the army, I had passed the bar exam to become a lawyer, and I was studying for the civil service examination just before entering military service. Once I receive military leave, I have a loving fiancĂ©e who is waiting for me so that we can marry. And I must pass the examination in order to become a judge, then a senator, then a cabinet member, and perhaps even become the president. So how can I have my life ruined in the army?” “It can’t be helped.” And so this Private Kim began to argue with the army surgeon. “I could have become a general like you, but I chose to enlist as a private soldier so that I could quickly be discharged.” But no matter how much he screamed and yelled in defiance, the army surgeon only said, “Look man! Don’t you think I know how you feel? You are young, so am I. If we just take off our caps, we are the same young men. You went to university, so did I. But if I don’t cut off your leg right now, your entire body will rot.” That’s when Private Kim was able to understand the army surgeon.
Both of them were young men and he finally understood that the army surgeon also wept, not wanting to cut off another young man’s leg. And so they embraced and wept in each other’s arms regardless of each other’s ranks. In tears the private said, “I’m sorry. Just cut off my leg.” “Oh, how can I cut it off!” And they wept for a while like that until his leg was eventually amputated. Why? If it wasn’t, his entire body would begin to decay.
Starting from the Old Testament, why do you think our Daddy kept saying to destroy a certain race, obliterate a certain clan, even while shedding bloody tears and making His own grave, His own existence a living death? It was to save the rest of us, the rest of His children that He did that. If He had not amputated Jerusalem at the time, that Sodom and Gomorrah, then this world would have already rotted without a trace today, none of our seeds or our descendants’ seeds in existence. It was to save me that our Father had to make grave after grave, shedding bloody tears, truly retching blood in anguish. But to say God of the Old Testament is a God of the sword, a demon that devours humans, a God that changes His face completely in the New Testament and says, “I am the God of love. So you should also allow your right cheek to be slapped as well as your left.” And since He is taught to be such a conniving, treacherous demon, would there be a single child in this world who will ever want to embrace in our Real Daddy’s bosom? Now do you at least know who the demonic enemy is? But even if I tell you like this, you still follow those offspring of demons, even still.
If you knew even a millionth of our Daddy’s heart, if you knew even a thousandth of the Son’s heart, you wouldn’t just sit here like this. In the past you may have thought, “I can’t understand why Teacher is always crying out like that. How many years has it been already? I can’t understand it.” But though I should live a thousand, ten thousand years, my prayers will not decrease, my anguish will not dissipate, nor will my tears relent. Rather, they will increase and become even fiercer. Until this body should disappear, until all my tears have dried up and only a shell remains, until the day I die, until the very moment of my death, until my final breath, as long as I am alive this torment will continue for me.
Our Daddy’s suffering, His death, humanity being devoured even this very moment … Satan, that serpent’s jaw is so big, bigger than a mountain, and it swallows mankind by the millions, the billions all at once. Every Sunday, people are entering the jaws of that serpent by the millions, by the billions. If your eyes of regeneration were truly opened to see this sight, you would become a lamenter like me.
Someone please pray for our pitiful Father this morning.

doalnara.com / email address for inquiries: doalnara101@gmail.com

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