Please read Daniel 2:44.
[And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom
which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other
people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall
stand forever.]
Down through the ages until now, only human kings established their own
kingdoms. One kingdom was established, then destroyed and another one was
established. Now do you truly believe that as God declared here, He will surely
set up an everlasting kingdom in the last days? Then who will be the people of
this everlasting last kingdom?
Isaiah 26:3. [You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed
on You, because he trusts in You.]
Job 41:24. [His heart is as hard as stone, even as hard as the lower
Then who will be the people of this everlasting kingdom which our
Father will set up in the last days? He said, [His heart is as hard as stone,
even as hard as the lower millstone.] You know the millstone consists of two
pieces of stones. The upper millstone keeps spinning all day long but the lower
millstone stays still. Even though they are same sort of stone, upper millstone
keeps spinning while the lower millstone stands still. So those who are like
the lower millstone will be the people of this everlasting kingdom. He said,
“His heart is as hard as the lower millstone.” Then who is the king of this
everlasting kingdom?
Isaiah 26:4. [Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord Jehovah is the
everlasting rock.]
Yes. [Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord Jehovah is the
everlasting rock.] The king of this everlasting kingdom is also a rock. This
kingdom is called the Stone Kingdom.
The king of this Stone Kingdom is a rock
and its people are like stones. Since the king of this Stone Kingdom is a rock,
then what shall we be in order to be the people of this kingdom? We must be
stones who never change our hearts. Once we make up our mind, our mind should
never be changed like stones. Ever since the beginning, our Father said that
only this kind of people can have worship before Him. What kind of people?
Deut. 27:6. [You shall build with whole stones the altar of the Lord
your God, and offer burnt offering on it to the Lord your God.]
Exodus 20: 25. [And if you make Me an altar of stone, you shall not
build it of hew stone; for if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it.]
Yes. When you build My altar to have worship before Me, you must build
the altar only with what? Only with whole stones, natural stones which are not
curved with chisel or any human tools. If you put any tool upon it to make it
smooth or if you curve it with your tools, then you have profaned it already.
If this kind of people worship before Me who were curved by worldly learning,
knowledge, culture, education, then it is abominable to Me. I cannot accept it.
Do not let any of these people have worship before Me. Do you understand? You
must not come before Me with worldly learning, knowledge, education, saying,
“Ah, I came from that theological school.” If you come to Me with those kinds
of worldly learning, knowledge, and education, I can never accept you because
you are abominable. When you worship before Me, you must be a perfect natural,
whole stone which has never been touched by any human learning.
OK. Let’s trace our history. Abraham, John the Baptist, Jesus, Elijah,
what kind of tool of human learning curved them? They were perfectly natural,
whole stones, so our Father gladly accepted their worship and abided with them.
What about Baal’s eight hundred fifty prophets on Mount Carmel? They were
perfectly curved by worldly learning, knowledge and education. Did our Father
accept them? What about the Jerusalem church in times of Jesus, all those
theological doctors at that time who were perfectly curved by worldly learning
and knowledge? Did our Father abide with them? Our Father is the same
yesterday, today, and forever. Then does our Father abide with those Christians
in the world who were curved by tools of worldly learning and knowledge? If you
also come to our Father with our human knowledge, do you think our Father will
accept us? Ever since the beginning our Father declared that only people who
have not been curved by worldly knowledge can have worship before Him. However
Christians today even trade their knowledge and everything.
1Peter 2:4~5. [Coming to him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by
men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being
built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.]
Do you believe that we became priests to our Father? Jesus was the true
high Priest before our Father. Do you believe that? But Jesus was rejected by
men, yes, rejected indeed. Why? In order to be a priest in the church of God,
one must come out from theological school. Did He come out from any theological
school? No, He did not even come out from Grammar School. So He did not even
have the first qualification to be a priest of that church. Also, in order for
one to be a priest of God’s church, he must obey the commands of the
organization but He did not. Also, one must have a very fine speech but
whatever flowed out from Jesus’ mouth, He just spoke out. Sometimes He even
shouted to them, “You, sons of vipers.” He even said, “Why don’t you tell the
king that he is a fox?” Whatever came out from His mouth, He just spoke out.
Also, in order for Him to be a priest, He must be well dressed with the robes
of a priest but He just wore anything He had. So they could never use Him as a
priest, not even a deacon who collects offering in the church. So those priests
in God’s church, they just rejected Him. Yes, He was [rejected indeed by men,
but chosen by God and precious.] They said, “Ah, He is a fanatic, a heretic. We
cannot use him at all.” They just rejected and kicked Him out but our Daddy
said, “Oh, He is so precious, My real Son.” He made Him a cornerstone in our
Father’s house.
He said, “You also, as living stones just like Jesus are to be built up
a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices
acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” So you also must be natural stones
like Jesus in order to be built up a spiritual house for our Father. Up to now,
you have received so much education from the world, “Ah, I studied this, I
majored theology or whatever.” You must put away everything like that. You must
be perfect, natural stones before God like Jesus. Then He will gladly accept
you as He did to Jesus.
You know Moses was a person perfectly qualified to be whatever in this
world. He was perfectly educated person fully qualified to be used by people in
the world. So was Apostle Paul. However, our Father threw Moses away into the
wilderness and He just left him alone. He just left Moses stone in the
wilderness to be eroded by rain and strong winds. As He just left him alone for
forty years, he eventually became a natural stone and our Father could him as a
greatest leader in history in saving Israel.
So our Father says, “You also, as living stones like Jesus must be
natural stones who cannot even speak worldly languages.” Then our Father will
fill you with His own knowledge and He will gladly accept your worship. Do you
now realize that the worship of all those Christians in the world today has
nothing to do with God? Do you now realize why Jesus said that few people will
be saved in the last days just like in the days of Noah?
Matt. 16:18 says, “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build My
church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”
Peter means a small rock, a small stone. So on this ‘rock’ which is
Jesus Christ, I will build My church with small stones.
On the way here from my house, I always see a house which is built with
only natural stones. If you also go to our Sa-gok church, that church is made
of only stones. It looks the best church among all the churches in the Stone
Kingdom. You must have seen that church already in your morning dew magazine.
Our Father said that He builds His church only with stones. If any
curved stone is mingled in it, then our Father takes it out and throws it away.
You also have seen many people here who are so proud of having received good
education in the world. What did our Father do? Our Father took them out and
threw them away. So only when you become natural stones who are filled only
with our Father’s knowledge, you will be accepted by Him. Then our Father will
abide with this church. When we build our Daddy’s church with only natural
stones then our Father will abide in us and He said that [the gates of Hades
shall not prevail against it.] The power of the world will not be able to
defeat us.
So if any curved, smooth, polished stones in the world come and try to
join us, our Father cannot allow that. We also cannot tolerate or allow them
either. We have to chase them all out. Our Father told us to build His church
only with natural stones.
Joshua 24:26~27. [Then Joshua wrote these words in the Book of the Law
of God. And he took a large stone, and set it up there under the oak that was
by the sanctuary of the Lord. And Joshua said to all the people, “Behold, this
stone shall be a witness to us, for it has heard all the words of the Lord
which He spoke to us. It shall therefore be a witness to you, lest you deny
your God.”]
After gathering God’s people, Joshua set up a big, large stone. He
said, “This stone shall be a witness to us, for it has heard all the words of
our Father. Under an oak tree, he set up that stone. So I hope you also become
large stones, not small stones like sand which are blown away by wind. You must
be large stones, in whom our Daddy can trust.
In Luke 19:40, Jesus said that
if you keep silent, even the stones will cry out immediately. Churches today
say, “Ah, Jesus said that the stones would cry out. Look at the radios and
TV’s, they cry out.” Are TV’s and radios stones? No, they are just pieces of
metal or plastic. They are not stones. Our Father has never begotten TV’s or
radios. They are just pieces of machines. As Jesus said ‘stones,’ He was
referring to people, God’s children. God chose the Israelites, the Jerusalem
church but they did not keep their chastity to God. They always lost their
chastity and changed. That’s why Jesus rebuked them, “If you always lose your
chastity, in spite of having received such a tremendous message from heaven,
just keep silent and commit sins by yourselves. Then even these stones will cry
out instead of you.” What did He mean by ‘stones’? Those atheists and gentiles
whose hearts are as hard as stones, they will cry out. In other words ‘you will
be forsaken and our Father will choose them and proclaim this message to the
world through them.’ That’s why Jerusalem was completely forsaken. Today also,
God’s chosen church was forsaken and He chose us whose hearts are like stone.
If you also keep silent afraid of losing your prestige, then our Father will
forsake you. He will choose only people who are like stones. So I hope you be
like stones, then our Father will choose you.
In Job 5:23, He said, “I will have covenant with the stones of the
field.” He did not mean the stones outside in the field. He was referring to
people who are in the field of the Holy Spirit. In the garden of the Holy
Spirit, there are not only stones but also grass or plants. However He said
that He will have covenant with only stones. So I hope you do not become trees
or plants but be really hard stones before Him so that God can keep His
covenant with you.
When I was traveling one day, I saw a whole mountain completely burnt
in winter. All the trees and plants, everything was completely burned. What
only remained there, were stones. So I
realized that in the last days, when the fiery tribulation comes, only people
like stones will remain.
1Samuel 7:12. [Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah
and Shen, and called its name Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped
Yes. After gathering God’s children, Samuel set up a stone and called
its name Ebenezer which means a stone of help. Then he said, “Thus far the Lord
has helped us.” In other words, He said, “This stone has helped us.” Instead of
saying, “God has helped us up to now,” he said, “This stone has helped us.”
What did He mean by the stone then?
1Corinthians 10:1~4. [Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be
unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea,
all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, all ate the same
spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that
spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.]
Yes. [Brethren] brothers and sisters, [I do not want you to be unaware]
I do not want you to be ignorant [that all our fathers were under the cloud,
all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in
the sea, all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual
drink.] They received manna and water from the rock, [and that rock was
Christ.] They received all spiritual food and all good things in the wilderness
and they drank from the spiritual rock who followed them. The ‘rock’ was
following them, this rock was Christ. Yes. Christ is also the spiritual rock
who has ever followed us up to now, who is truly Immanuel. He has followed us
and has been with us. When Samuel said, “This stone has helped us up to now.”
He meant, “Jesus, the Christ has helped us up to now.” So I Hope you also be
stones like Christ.
Psalms 18:2 says, [The Lord is my rock and my fortress.] He did not
say, “The Lord is my huge city or huge castle for me to find refuge.” He says,
“The Lord is my rock where I can find refuge.” How can we find refuge on a
rock? Because the rock represents Jesus. He said, [The Lord is my rock.] Jesus
is my rock in whom we can find refuge. So we can just find refuge in the rock.
I hope you always find refuge in the rock which refers to Jesus whom our Father
gave us. Then why did He say that He is a rock?
OK. Next to my house is a little stream. Water is always flowing there.
Nobody comes there when the brook is filled with water, but when there remains
only a little bit of water, people come to catch fish. Then all the fishes go
into the Jacob’s trouble trying to run away from those enemies who are trying
to kill them. So the fishes try to find refuge under the small rock or huge
rock. Foolish fishes who hide under small rocks, the enemies come and bang the
small rocks with their big hammers. Then the small rock is broken into pieces
and they all die. However, wise and smart fishes hide under huge rocks. So even
if enemies come, they cannot break the huge rock. They see big, fat fishes
under huge rocks, but they cannot catch them because they cannot break the huge
rock. If they try, their hammer will break. So no matter how they try, they
cannot catch them at all. They have to just pass and go away. Then those little
fishes are very safe under there.
So people think that they will be safe if they only hide under those
small rocks in the world, those leaders in the world. However, when tribulation
comes, those leaders will die first. That’s why everybody under them, die
together. But those who find refuge only under the huge rock, Christ, are safe.
How can the tribulation destroy Jesus? Since He is the everlasting rock, how
can anyone destroy Him? So He is our everlasting rock.
Also, because my house is in the mountain, there are many people going
up there to find herb roots which are used as remedies. When I was going up
there also, I saw a big root which is very good for remedy. It was standing
right between two huge rocks. It was right next to the path where many people
always pass by but nobody could dig it out. Why? Because in order to dig it up,
they must break the rock first. Since they cannot break the rock, it was just
standing there so joyfully. It was only laughing at people.
1Samuel 17:40, 50. [Then he took his staff in his hand; and he chose
for himself five smooth stones from the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s
bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling was in his hand. And he drew near
to the Philistine. So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a
stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. But there was no sword in the
hand of David.]
When David was fighting with the giant who was the biggest giant in the
world at that time, how did he fight with him? He picked five smooth stones
from the brook and destroyed the giant. Even though he destroyed him, there was
no weapon in his hand. Here it said that David killed Goliath, then what kind
of relationship do we have with him? What is the good about that? Why did our Father
record that story in the Bible. Through the story of David, our Father already
foretold what kind of fight we will fight in the last days. Our Father does not
fight with worldly authorities or worldly powers. He fights with the powers of
darkness with only smooth stones prepared in the brook of the Holy Spirit. He
then throws these five stones with His hands. The 'five smooth stones'
represents our Father’s hand. When Moses’ hands were lifted up, the Israelites
prevailed against the enemies. When he put it down, they were defeated by them.
So these five smooth stones refer to our Daddy’s hand. We must be five smooth
stones who are thrown away by our Father’s hand. Then these five stones will
destroy all the powers of Satan in the world. These five stones were made
smooth, prepared in the brook of the Holy Spirit.
If you throw things like grass or plant, they don’t go, but if you
throw away stones, they go straight and destroy everything we intended to
destroy. So, our Father throws only smooth stones who were prepared and made
smooth in the brook of the Holy Spirit to destroy all the powers of darkness in
the world. As soon as our Father throws them, they go straight and destroy. So
I hope you all be stones and build this church.
Psalms 102:14~16. [For Your servants take pleasure in her stones, and
show favor to her dust. So the nations shall fear the name of the Lord, and all
the kings of the earth Your glory. For the Lord shall build up Zion; He shall
appear in His glory.]
Yes. In the last days, God’s servants take pleasure only in stones.
They like only stones. Why do all of God’s children down through the ages, take
pleasure only in stones? Why do they like only stones? In the last days also,
why did not God say that He will establish a golden kingdom or silvery kingdom.
Why did He say He is going to set up a Stone Kingdom? Why do our Father and His
Son Jesus like only stones? Because a stone is always quiet. It is so silent.
Things like metal, iron, silver, gold, they are always noisy. They talk too much
but stones are always quiet that’s why our Father loves them.
Second, stone never changes. Things like gold, silver, metal, they
always change their color and shape but stones never change.
Third, stones become the foundation of all things. When our Father made
this earth, He also made stones as the bones of this earth. So I hope you all
be true stones who can be the foundation of the Stone Kingdom about whom our
Father says, “Ah, without him, I cannot build My Kingdom.”
Next. Stone has strong chastity.
In other words, stone is very stubborn, and not flexible at all. Stone is so
chaste, so stubborn. These people of the Stone Kingdom in the last days also
look so stubborn. Sometimes they look totally useless because they are not
flexible at all. Things like metal or gold, they are flexible. If you crook it,
they are bent but stones cannot be bent at all. They rather choose to die, they
just break than to be bent. They are not flexible, they are so stubborn. That’s
why our Father loves stones and established His Stone Kingdom. He likes you so
much. Does the stone refer to people or the stones in the mountain? People.
Then let me introduce to you some stones who were prepared by God in history.
First, Moses. He had received a perfect education in Egypt that he was
fully qualified to be a king. He was the only person who was fully qualified to
be the king of Egypt at that time. So in order to be a king, he must go through
some kind of ceremony or procedure. If he only go through this ceremony, then
he would be the king and he can possess everything in Egypt, even the whole
world. The ceremony was only bowing down to the idol of Egypt just once. It was
just a ceremony. It was nothing. He could just bow in secret when there was
nobody to watch him. He can bow down just once and then be a king. Then he
could make the whole Egyptians Christians. However, he was so stubborn. He
said, “No, no, no! I cannot bow even once.” He was not flexible at all. Then he
just fled away to the wilderness. Some people thought, “Ah, he was trying to
live according to God’s word.” What did he become then? He only became a
shepherd of somebody’s house. The person who was about to be the king, became a
shepherd. How stupid he was. That’s why people say, “Ah, what a stupid person.”
He was really stubborn and stupid. Why did he not become a king and make all
Egyptians Christians? If he had bowed down just once and became a king, then do
you think our Father could use him or not? To commit adultery once is the same
thing as committing adultery ten times or a hundred times. It’s the same.
There was another idiot, Daniel. He was one of the ministers of
Babylon. There was a decree that no one could pray to any other god just for
one month, just for thirty days. He knew that the decree was already declared
to all people and he knew that it was intended to arrest and destroy him so he
could just shut the window and pray by himself. Just for thirty days, he could
just keep all the windows shut before praying then he could continue his
position as a minister. But he was so stubborn and stupid. He just left it open
and prayed like before that’s why he was arrested and was thrown into lion’s
What about his three friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego? When
they were told to bow down to the statue, they could have just bowed down once,
then they could continue their positions. However, they were so stubborn and
stupid. They could not do that, so they were thrown into the fiery furnace. How
What about Jesus? He was the same. When they asked Him, “Are you the
Christ? Are you the Messiah?” If He said, ‘No’ then He would not have to be
crucified on the cross. Because He said, “Yes, I am what you said,” He was
crucified. There are many smart people in the world, doctors and professors.
Then, why has our Father used only those kinds of stubborn idiots?
When I was young, my father did his best to change my heart, to make me
not believe in Jesus. When he found that it was totally impossible, later he
said, “Hey my son, if you only say that you are not going to believe in Jesus
anymore, then I am going to give my possessions to you.” At that time, I was
living in the country and my inheritance was 20 million won. He said, “If you
say that you are not going to believe in Jesus, I am going to give this to you,
but if you say that you would still believe in Him then I am not going to give
you even a single penny.” So I had to choose the latter one and was just cast
out. Then I went to a certain orphanage to work there as a servant. They called
me an assistant pastor but actually I was working together with the physical
laborers plowing the ground and everything. The manager told me not to do that
but how could I not work, when everybody else was working so hard? One day, an
SDA pastor in a nearby church called me and asked me, “How come you are living
like this?” So I explained to him everything that I only chose the latter one.
Then he said, “How stupid you are. Why did you not say that you are not going
to believe in Jesus and receive all the inheritance? After receiving it, you
can believe in Jesus again. How stupid you are.” Let’s say I told my father,
“Alright father, I am not going to believe in Jesus anymore” and receive the
inheritance. So after kicking Jesus away and spitting on his face, I would come
to Him and say, “Ah, I am sorry Jesus. I am going to believe in you again.”
Then do you think He will use me? To lose our chastity once is the same thing
as losing it a thousand times.
Do you know who gives the biggest trouble to me? Those who received so
much education in the world, who are so smart. It is totally impossible for me
to lead them to heaven. He can lead only idiots to heaven. Those who are so
smart, I cannot lead them at all. If I my family members do something stupid, I
say, “That’s why I became a shepherd of these kind of people.” I hope you be
truly stubborn stones, then our Father says, “Alright, now you are qualified.”
So I hope you all be stones who obey our Father’s word like that.
Isaiah 28:16. [Therefore, thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I lay in
Zion a stone for a foundation; whoever believes will not act hastily.]
[Thus says the Lord God] Who says? It says, [Thus says the Lord God:
“Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation.] Who said ‘behold’? John the
Baptist? Apostle Paul? Even if only people in the Bible had said, ‘behold’ it
must be a great event, but not any human prophet said this. God, the King of
the universe Himself declared ‘behold’ so this must be a tremendous event. Why
does He tell us ‘behold’? He says, “I lay in Zion a corner stone for a
foundation. I tried this stone for many years through different ways. He is a
precious cornerstone, a sure foundation. Whoever believes in Him will be safely
taken to heaven. What did He tell us to behold? He said, “I lay in Zion a
stone.” How many stones? One huge stone that even six billion people in the
world can all stand on. Anybody who does not stand upon Him will perish and die
forever. But whoever believes in that stone and stands on Him will receive all
kinds of precious jewels from Him and live happily forever. He will be rich
physically and spiritually. Did our Father truly give us a precious stone? Our
Father lay a huge stone as a foundation stone which was Jesus Christ so that
all people could stand on Him and go to heaven. Before laying this stone, He
had to try Him for thirty years first. After trying Him for thirty years, our
Father said, “Alright, this is a perfect stone. All people can stand on Him and
go to heaven.” He tested Him in so many different ways. Because our Father
tested Him already, anyone who believes in Him will live richly forever, rich
with eternal life, rich with strength, rich with everything. Then people came
to Him and listened to His sermons. They were all moved with tears as they listened
to Him. They were about to accept Him as the savior but they asked,
“What kind of theological school did He come out from?”
“He did not even come out from grammar school.”
“What? Then right now, what does He do? Where was He born?”
They said, “Ah, He was born of a second wife of a carpenter.” At that
time, carpentry was considered the lowest job.
“What? A second wife of a carpenter?”
They said again, “He cannot even get married yet.”
He was born not by any known person at that time. He was born only of a
carpenter and even from his second wife. He was not also good looking
outwardly. All the Jewish leaders were so well dressed, noble and dignified in
appearance but Jesus was not so good looking. He could not even get married.
Nobody was interested to marry Him. In spite of being a young man, all the
ladies and even prostitute came to Him pouring perfume on His feet. As people
looked at Jesus, He was so abominable. They said, “Ah, that unmarried young man
is surrounded by those women. Right away, He must fall into man and woman
relationship problem. However, only those who doubted Him became like that.
Jesus never fell.
He used to be a carpenter who
was always busy with fixing the doors and windows of people’s houses. He was a
carpenter making money for His poor family but as He preached to people, they
began to donate their money to Him saying, “Ah, you are the true messenger. We
want to give our tithes and offerings to you.” So people thought, “He used to
be extremely poor, now He is receiving so much money from people. Ah, He is
going to fall soon because of money problem.” However, only those who doubted
him fell because of money problem. Jesus never failed. He only went up to
Who tried Him? Who tested Him? Our Father tried Him. Even if our Father
gave Him glory, He was not a bit shaken. Even if He gave Him disgrace, He was
not shaken at all. Our Father had tried Him even for scores of years and found
that He is truly a foundation stone for all people. People say to me, “Teacher,
you became so popular in the whole world now. What if you stumble because of
your pride?” Even if I live in a deep mountain and no matter what I do, you
don’t have to worry. Why? Because our Father has tried already. Sometimes, my
Father put me into waters to try me. If you dip some kind of stones in water,
they absorb water and become swollen. So, those kinds of stones cannot be used.
Sometimes, our Father put this stone into water, sometimes into fire of
tribulations, sometimes into the pit of contempt, disgrace and insult.
Sometimes He gives Him glory above all people, sometimes lets Him crawl on the
ground at the lowest place of the earth. He also gives Him riches and sometimes
makes Him so poor. Sometimes He also gives success and then failure. Sometimes
He gives health and then sickness. Sometimes He gives Him power then takes His
power back completely. Through thousands of ways, our Father tried Him
thoroughly. Eventually, He found and said, “This Son is perfect now. He will
never change forever. I lay Him as a foundation stone.” So I hope you never
worry but just trust in Him. Even the stones which have been tried by those
doctors in the world with computers, they are perfect but since the King of the
universe tried this stone, you can just believe in Him. If you only believe in
Him, you will receive all the blessings of happiness, blessing of peace, and
all the treasures of heaven. You will be rich forever.
Zech. 3:9. [For behold, the stone that I have laid before Joshua: upon
the stone are seven eyes. Behold, I will engrave its inscription, says the Lord
of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day. In that day,
says the Lord of hosts, ‘Everyone will invite his neighbor under his vine and
under his fig tree.’]
Yes. He said, “Anyone who believes in Him shall be blessed.” Our Father
already tried the stone even thousands of ways. So He said, “You can just trust
in Him and you will be rich forever.” Some people say “No, no, no! I cannot
believe in Him. He cannot even get married yet.” There is nothing which would
help them believe in Him so they just go away. What will happen to those who
run away?
Matt. 21:24. [And whoever falls on this stone will be broken but
whomever it falls it will grind him to powder.]
Yes. Our Father told them to believe in the stone. If they go away from
the stone, this huge rock will run after them and crush them to death. If
anyone comes to this stone saying, “I am surrendering to you everything,” then
our Father destroys all the idols of pride, arrogance, selfishness and
everything in his heart completely and makes him live forever happily. However,
if anybody goes away from the stone saying, “Ah, I cannot trust in the stone,”
then this stone runs after them and crushes them to death. It will even grind
them to powder and blow them away. What a mischievous stone it is. If anybody
goes away rejecting Him, He just runs after him and crushes him to death. This
stone is so huge that even six billion people in the world can stand on it
altogether. Since He crushes, what will happen to them?
Behind my house, there was a huge rock which had a crack in the middle.
One day, there was a strange noise and I found out that the other part of the
huge rock fell down. As it fell down from the mountain, there was no tree or
anything under it alive, why? Because it was so huge. Everything just
disappeared completely. This huge rock which our Father tried is so huge. Since
it crushes those who run away what do you think will happen to them?
Isaiah 8:14~15. [He will be as a sanctuary, but a stone of stumbling
and a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel, as a trap and a snare to
the inhabitants of Jerusalem. And many among them shall stumble; they shall
fall and be broken, be snared and taken.]
Our Father told them to believe in the stone. So He said, “Anybody who
trusts in Him, He will be a refuge to them in the times of Jacob’s trouble.
However to the two houses of Israel who keep Sunday and Saturday, He will be a
snare to them, a stumbling stone. Then they shall fall and be broken, be snared
and taken. He will be a trap and snare to these two houses of Israel. To those
two houses who keep Sunday and Saturday, this stone will be a stumbling rock
and a snare to them. None of them will be able to escape from Him. If we got
caught by a small stone, we fall and stumble. Our nose even bleeds but it says
here that they will be caught by this huge stone. Once there was a huge stone
rolling down from the mountain and it caught a person’s leg. Since this huge
rock caught his leg, can anybody pull him out? So he just kept screaming and he
died later. So there is nobody who rejects Him will be able to live. To those
who come to Him surrendering their heart, this stone will destroy all the idols
of their heart, the selfishness, greed, envy, and everything then take them to
heaven. So you don’t have to worry about this stone. If you cannot believe this
stone, you can believe the God who tried this stone. Can you believe in God who
tried the stone? If you believe in Him, you can believe in the stone also. If
there comes anything wrong to you because of believing in Him, then you can
just blame our Father who told you to believe in Him. Even if you see the stone
stealing TV or anything from people, or even if you see Him doing anything
wrong, you can just believe in our Father. Then our Father will take to heaven
saying, “Oh, you are still believing in Him although you can hardly believe
Him. Now you are qualified.” So anybody who does not believe in the stone will
never live. To those few people who still believe in Him saying, “Since the God
of heaven tried Him, I am going to believe in Him although I can hardly believe
outwardly.” If anyone believes in Him, believing our Daddy, then what kind of
riches will be given you?
Deut. 32:13, 14. [He made him ride in the heights of the earth, that he
might eat the produce of the fields; He made Him to draw honey from the rock,
and oil from the flinty rock; curds from the cattle, and milk of the flock,
with fat of lambs; and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats, with the
choicest wheat, and you drank wine, the blood of the grapes.]
Yes. So if we would follow Jesus, we must be idiots. Why? Because this
is the march of idiots. If one is so smart, he cannot follow Him. So whether
you can hardly believe in Him or not, just follow Him. Here it says, that if
they only follow Him, they will find honey from this rock, curds from the
cattle, milk of the flock, fat of lambs, rams and goats, wheat, wine, and blood
of grapes. He said they will find everything good from this rock, if they only
surrender and come to Him. He told the Israelites, “If you want to find honey,
should you not go to beehives to get honey?” If we want to get oil, don’t we
have to go to the sesame garden to squeeze it. If we want to have milk, don’t
we have to go the milking cows to squeeze their breasts? Why does God tell us
to only go to the rock to get everything from it? Does this make sense?
Nobody can carry this Bible unless they are mentally deranged. Only
mentally deranged people can carry the Bible. Otherwise, if they are noble, how
can they read this kind of funny Bible? They are carrying the Bible because
they are mentally deranged. Only two kinds of people can read the Bible. Those
mentally deranged people and those who are taught by the author of the Bible.
What does this mean then? This is the revelation of what our Father
will do in the last days. From the rock which our Father tried, He said that
people would find honey of His word, wheat, bread of life from Him and goat,
ram milk, grape juice and oil of the Holy Spirit and everything from Him. He
already prophesied that people will find all kinds of good things from the
rock. Then, as you came here, did you find His words as honey from the rock?
Could you find the goat, ram and true grape juice from Him? Have you received
true treasures of truth from Him? Then, after receiving everything from Him,
why do you still doubt? If you only go back home, why do you say, “Alright, I
have to wait and see whether it is right or not.” Alright, you can just wait
and you will see who will be lost. If you only fully believe and trust in Him,
you all will be translated to heaven. So if you still doubt Him, then from now
on you can just believe in Him. If you believe in Him, you will live richly forever.
In Job 28:10 He says, “Why don’t you cut channels in the rock and
receive all kinds of precious things from Him?
In old times, there was no cement, pipes or things like that in Korea.
So people used to cut trees in the mountain and make a channel or hole in order
to lead water into the house or into the rice fields. They connected the
channel to the water spring and let it flow down into the kitchen directly.
What kind of channel did our Father tell us to make? Channel of rock. He told
us to make a channel of rock and connect it to this huge rock thereby receiving
oil of the Holy Spirit, milk, honey and everything good from Him.
Jesus of two thousand years ago, was the Messiah, who was prophesied
about even for four thousand years. So people thought that if He was truly the
Messiah, He must perform miracles in the palace or in Jerusalem church. So
after being born of a second wife of a carpenter, He proclaimed that He was the
Messiah. But in spite of being a Messiah, He could not even become a deacon. As
He went to somebody’s marriage feast, after eating lots of good things, He was
so happy and He performed a miracle. People were waiting for the Messiah even
for four thousand years but when He came, He could not even go to the palace.
He did not perform His miracle in that kind of places. He performed it after
being satisfied with many foods in somebody’s marriage feast. He said, “I am
going to make a wine here.” He did the first miracle there. All these things
refer to the events that will take place in the last days, to the things that
the last rock will perform in the last days. Why did He not perform the first
miracle in the palace or in Jerusalem church or in the synagogues? Why did He
perform the first miracle in somebody’s marriage feast after eating something
good? So some people said about Jesus, “Ah, He is only observed in eating. He
is so greedy in eating.” Also they said to John the Baptist, “Ah, He always
So our Father represented that in the last days, the first miracle will
take place in the marriage feast of the Lamb. Now, do you believe that you came
to the very marriage feast of the Lamb? So in Revelations, God said that all
the brides are prepared to enter their marriage. When Jesus came, He was not
married, why? Because He came to be engaged with His brides in this world.
However, His brides in theses last days are not yet ready that’s why Jesus must
come again.
Then how did He perform the miracle of making water into wine? He told
them to fill six stony containers with water and as they took it to people, it
became grape juice. It was the first miracle. Then what does that mean? As I
told you, the real juice of life comes out only from the marriage feast of the
Lamb in the last days. Also, He told them only to fill the water into stony
pots. There are many kinds of pots: wooden pots, stony pots, bamboo baskets,
straw baskets and others. Things like bamboo baskets, even if people fill it
with water, it just goes away. There are many people who are like bamboo
baskets. After this hour, if they only go to the rest room, they forget
everything they learned here. There are also some kind of people who are like
wooden pots. If they receive these words of life from heaven, they only absorb
everything, get swollen and then rot. What about straw baskets? Even if they
receive all the precious words from heaven, they lose everything. Only stony
pots keep everything so I hope you all become stony pots who retain everything
you received from our Daddy here for ten days. Then, when time passes by, when
you give this water to people, it will be a grape juice of life to them to
regenerate and sanctify them.
If I sometimes go to small meetings and attend there, I hear many
strange things. Ten years ago, I taught them just a few things but if I listen
to them, they still have it in their hearts and give out to people. So it
becomes a water of life, grape juice of life to them. Then all people who
listen to them, dances for joy. So I hope you also become stony pots who never
lose even a single drop of water. Only to those who become stony pots, our
Father performs a miracle of making water into grape juice. If you become
wooden pots or bamboo baskets to lose everything, then how can our Father
change it into grape juice of life? However, our Father even says that even if
we are bamboo baskets or wooden pots, if we keep listening to His tapes and
keep filling ourselves with His water of life, He said that He would take to
Zech. 3:9~10. [For behold, the stone that I have laid before Joshua:
upon the stones are seven eyes. Behold I will engrave its inscription,’ says
the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day. In
that day, says the Lord of hosts, Everyone will invite his neighbor under his
vine and under his fig tree.]
He kept saying, ‘says the Lord of hosts.’ It means that it is extremely
important. Thus says the Lord of hosts, “Behold the stone whom I set up.” Upon
that one stone are seven eyes. How many stones? Only one. This one stone has
seven eyes. Have you ever seen any stone having seven eyes? Seven eyes means
the perfect discernment and insight of the Holy Spirit. So behold this stone
which has perfect discernment and insight of the Holy Spirit. He said, “I will
have inscription upon Him. Then what kind of thing do you think He will
inscribe upon the stone? He only inscribed His law of love.
In times of Moses also, He inscribed His law of love upon a stone. What
is the law of our Father? Love. What is love? Love is the completion and
fulfillment of the law. He said, “Upon this stone which has perfect discernment
and insight of the Holy Spirit, He writes down His law of love. So only as we
come and receive this stone, we can receive the law of love from our Daddy. Do
you understand? Then when this stone appears, He will remove the iniquity of
the land in one day. Even if you may have been filled with iniquity and sins,
if you only come to this stone, He will remove all your iniquity,
transgression, and sins in one day and make you perfectly righteous. Was this fulfilled
here or not? Then, after seeing its fulfillment, why do you still doubt?
[On that day, everyone will invite his neighbor under his vine] and
have feast together. Was this fulfilled already? When you were in the world,
your heart was so dry with no grape juice from heaven. As you came to Him, you
saw a stone with seven eyes which is the perfect insight of the Holy Spirit.
Without having seen the times of Abraham, Enoch or Elijah, He explains all the
events so exactly as if he had seen all those events, as if he had lived
together with them. Why? Because He has perfect discernment. Also He said that
He would engrave His inscriptions, inscribe the law of love of our Father. Yes.
Only from Him we can find the law of love of our Father. He said, that He will
remove the iniquity of the land in one day. Now, were all your iniquity,
transgression and sins in your heart completely vanished?
People in the world are the same. If they receive good treatment and
many good gifts, they try to help us. Our Father has been giving us all of good
things from heaven. After giving us all things and feeding us, He tells us to
believe in Him. However, there are some people who after eating many good
things from Him, they still doubt Him and run away. Through this rock, our
Father gives us all kinds of things like oil, milk, honey, manna of truth, all
kinds of jewels of truth, and all kinds of riches. So I hope you enjoy all
these riches and live happily forever. After singing song number 118, any stone
may cry out.
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