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Friday, November 28, 2014


Thank you.
Will you please read 2 Tim.4:7?
(READER) “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness.”
            Yes. I have fought the good fight and kept the faith: since I have fought the good fight and kept my faith and gained victory, there only remains a golden crown for me. Throughout my entire lifetime I have fought the good fight of faith and gained full victory, and there only remains a golden crown for me, the reward of heaven. Isn’t that a beautiful end of life?
            And in John 19:30 Jesus said, “I gained a complete victory in all My conflicts, now I have finished. There only remains a heavenly throne for Me.” Was He a wonderful Victor?
            Now, then at the end of our entire lifetime, if we could also say, “I have finished all things on earth. I gained full victory in the good fight of faith without a shame before the heavens and the earth, there only remain a crown of righteousness and a throne for me in heaven,”: if we could finish our life with that satisfaction, how blessed people we would be! Don’t you want to be like that?
            As I went to church when 17 years old I learned about the life of Apostle Paul and Jesus.  I envied them so much and said to myself, “O how can I also gain such a full victory like Paul without a single failure? How will I be able to say like Paul and Jesus, ‘I have finished the race and gained victory in the good fight of faith? There only remains a golden crown and a heavenly throne for me.’?” I envied them so much. That became my earnest wish.
            But after finishing the 70th meeting, I found that I also have become able to say like Paul and Jesus – “I have fought the good fight and kept my faith and gained complete victory. Therefore there only remain a golden crown and a heavenly throne for me.”
            I never said that by 70th meeting. This is the type of gospel which has to start with fight and end with fight. Since I had to plunder souls from Satan taken captives by him, every step should be a fight. True gospel is supposed to go through unceasing fight. Therefore at the beginning of this work I used to pray like this, “O Father, You have helped me so far to live a perfect life without regret and gain victory without a shame. But I’m afraid I might bring disgrace to Your name like Hezekiah by living any longer. So please let me sleep now. There appeared so many Elijah’s today here now.” I prayed like this so many times. But my Daddy did not answer to my prayer by 70th meeting but kept on dragging me so far. Step by step I was very watchful not to misstep, and I finally became a warrior who gained full victory in all battles.
            I had envied so much the life of Apostle Paul and of Jesus when young, but now I don’t envy them anymore. In the presence of my Father who helped me gain full victory without a regret in all battles of my life I became able to say, “I have finished the race, fought the good fight, and gained a perfect victory; therefore there only remain a golden crown and a throne for me in heaven.”
            Now then, how can we gain such a full victory in all battles? I am going to tell you how to do that this hour.
            I hope you, in this battle, do not make up your mind not to fail even once but gain a full victory through the rest of my life until Jesus comes. I hope you don’t try to gain a full victory through the rest of your lives, or say to yourselves, “I will make up my mind and gain full victory for 10 years from now on,” or “I will gain victory for 3 years,” or on the New Year’s Day, “I will gain a full victory for this year.”
            I hope you don’t do that. Just make a decision and say to you, “I will gain a full victory only today. I’ll be a perfect conqueror only today.” “Please don’t try to gain victory for 2 days. Make up your mind before God to gain a full victory only today. Will you do so? Then let’s look up the Bible. Ex. 34:11.
            (READER) “Observe what I command you this day. Behold, I am driving out from before you the Amorite and the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite.”
            Yes, observe what I command you this day. Behold, today I will drive out from before you all the enemies that has surrounded you. Lev.9:4.
            (READER) “Today the LORD will appear to you.”
            When will the Lord appear to us? He will appear tomorrow? He will appear for 1 year? He said He would appear to us only today.
            Hebrew 3:13 tells us to advise one another and be conquerors while it is called today. Only today. In other words, we are not to add yesterday nor tomorrow; He told us to be conquerors only today. Ps. 118:24.
            (READER) “This is the day which the LORD has made.”
            When is the day the Lord has made? Tomorrow is the day which the Lord has made? What is this day? Only today is the day the Lord has made for me. God has given me neither yesterday nor tomorrow; only today is the day He gave to me as my entire lifetime. This is the day which the Lord has made.
            (READER) “We will rejoice and be glad in it.”
            Yes, let us gain victory, be happy and rejoice today. To say again, it’s my day today. It’s my day. Because the Lord God my real Father has given this day to me, it’s my world today. And he said he would appear to me today. He also assured that He would destroy all enemies that surrounded me through many layers. And can there be any enemy who can overcome me today? Not one.
            That’s why Jesus said in Matt. 6:34, “Worry about tomorrow; today’s labor is sufficient for today.” Please never think about tomorrow’s fight today nor think about yesterday’s failure or victory, but be victors only today which the Lord has given us. I hope you don’t forget that the whole lifetime God has given us is only today. Don’t try to gain victory for 2 days or for 1 year or for the rest of your life, but try to gain victory only today.
            If somebody says to you, “You must be a perfect victor in all battles until Jesus comes,” can you say “Sure, I can”? If anybody says, “Be a perfect victor for 10 years,” can you say yes? If anybody says, “Be a victor for 1 year,” can you confidently say yes? We have no idea as to what will happen during the year.
            But if anybody says, “Be a perfect and holy victor only today without committing sin even in the thought,” you can confidently say yes, can’t you? Yes, you can. Only today! That’s the problem.
            Once there were some Christians in a prison in Rumania; and one of them was a young man who had been beaten up so bad on the back and couldn’t move the whole body. Being a young man, he was lying down all the time being fed by other prisoners because he couldn’t move anything but his mouth.
            But all the other prisoners, in spite of being healthy themselves, keeps complaining, “Before coming here I used to be well treated. When I came in here, my wife was sick…. But now I am in such a stuffy place as this.” They all keep complaining as if there were no God. Then this young man says,
            “Brethren, look up the sky. The sky is always blue yesterday, today and eternally; it never changes. Our God never changes either. Why do you complain? Be of good cheer. Be happy.”
            Then due to this one paralyzed young man all the prisoners become victors.
            Brethren, even if you may be a patient on the verge of death, if you are told to be perfectly pure and holy and a victor only today, that’s no problem. In this journey of life on earth nobody can excuse, “Oh because I was too weak, I was defeated by Satan. Because I was sick, because I was a woman, because I was too old, I became a loser.” This kind of excuse cannot be accepted in the judgment of heaven. It can never be tolerated. Our Daddy is a God of so great love and so tender character that He never gives us any too heavy burden knowing that we became totally degenerated for 6,000 years and became so weak and diseased.
            Parent may say to a big son, “Bring that big sac of salt”; but to a little son he won’t say that. What if he is crushed to death?! He will say, “Bring a bowl of salt; bring a shoe from over there.” Because  we became so weakened, diseased, and degenerated for 6,000 ears, our Daddy never tells us to gain victory for 1 year or for a decade or for 2 days; He wants us to gain victory only today. I hope you be perfect victors only today.
            Don’t listen to anybody around you who complains all the time. I walk around your tents quite often at night and in the daytime. Then there are a lot of losers sitting in the tents. Of course there are some beautiful brethren who yielded their seat to others since it’s so compact in here and are listening through radio outside or in the mountain. But there are some who are snoring so badly in tent when everybody is being transformed and receiving all the treasures of heaven inhere. And some others are complaining together about this place, about this and that. Walking around the tents, I hear them. What a loser’s!           
            Brethren, your today’s victory are recorded in heaven in golden letters not to be erased forever. It will remain there as an eternal victory. And your today’s failure is recorded in heaven as an eternal loser. This today will never come again. Therefore our whole lifetime is only today. So if you gain victory only today, tomorrow will come as another new today and the next day too. If you be victors only today everyday, your whole life will be adorned with pearls victory after victory. Do you understand?
            Our Daddy is so tender and mercy that He never requires us to gain victory for 2 days. He asked us to gain victory only 1 day; and if we still can’t do that but become losers, how can we excuse in the Heavenly Court before Jesus, saying, “I was too weak, I was too old”? He will say, “Have I asked you to gain victory for 10 years or for to days? I asked you to gain victory only for 1 day.” We won’t be able to excuse. Brethren, I hope you make a decision fight now to gain victory only today
You don’t have to envy the life of Apostle Paul or of Jesus. You don’t have to envy my life at all. You are well able to be greater victors than me or them. Only if you obey our Daddy’s call to gain victory only today, you will be able to be even greater victors sufficiently.
Brethren, I compare to you, probably I am much weaker than all of you. Since I started this work I have had this meeting over 70 times. Then totally I stood on this pulpit for 700 days. And 10 hours a days comes to 7,000 times of battle so far. But through 700 days, 7,000 of battle with Satan I never knelt down to him even once but gained full victory in every battle.
Then let’s think about Adam. His wisdom was 20 times greater than ours. The fact that he had wisdom 20 times greater than ours means that he was as good as a god compared to us. Do you understand? Even in a small school they say, “Your IQ is 80, yours is 130.” In spite of such a little difference, one becomes valedictorian and the other becomes the last. But Adam had wisdom even 20 times greater than ours; that is, he was not an equal human being with us but a god compare to us. Isn’t that right? Adam was a god. He was a complete god.
But even that Adam god was complete, overthrown by Satan just like a leaf being blown by the wind. What about Jesus the second God the Creator God? Satan even carried Him to a top of a mountain and tried to throw Him down. Such a tremendous person as dam was so helplessly overthrown by him, the greatest giant Samson was over thrown by him, Elijah was overthrown, and Moses was overthrown by him.
And how could this man gain such a perfect victory in every battle in spite of having been most degenerated for 6,000 years? There was a key. Brethren, as for Jesus of 2,000 years ago compared to me, He was a giant. It is said that old man’s health is just like fine weather in autumn. No matter how strong and healthy an old man may be, once he gets collapsed he gets collapsed so quickly and dies just as it suddenly rains sometimes on a fine day in autumn.
When this earth became degenerated for 4,000 years, 5,000 years, and 6,000 years, the difference was as great as between heaven and earth.
Nowadays the earth is on the verge of death. Jesus of 2,000 years ago; since He was 2,000 years less degenerated than us, He couldn’t be compared with me, to say nothing of Adam and Samson. Such great giants as Samson, Elijah, Moses, and Adam were completely overthrown by Satan, but being 2000 years more degenerated than Jesus as I am, how I could gain such a full victory in every battle without a single failure despite of my birth from a farmers’ home. Would you like to know how?
The only key is to gain victory only today as our Daddy and Jesus required of us. Throughout my public life so far I fought in battle over 7,000 times for 700 days.
When I am invited for a meeting sometimes I am in bad shape. In the beginning I used to hold 2 meetings a month. At that time we didn’t even have video machines and used to hold meetings twice a month or 3 times in 2 months. I could have only week, 10 days,, 15 days, or 20 days of rest in between. After 1 or 2 weeks of rest I started again; later I became too exhausted.
In my home town there was a huge walnut tree. One year it bore walnuts tremendously a lot, but after bearing them it died next year, He over-exhausted himself. He produced too many of them and exhausted himself completely and died.
Likewise, I with my finite human body exhausted myself and became so weak that I couldn’t even walk. Just then I used to receive invitations to hold meeting. What is more, lots of enemies kept coming to interrupt the meeting. And in that situation if I say to myself, “o I have to speak for the whole 10 day period, from early morning till late evening everyday,” if I think like this, I can’t even leave home. I might collapse being crushed by the burden.
I never think that way. I just leave home saying, “The battle I have to fight is only today.” But I feel very tired on the way here and talk to my driver, “Let’s stop here. I want to have a short time to pray and rest.” Being a speaker who is to preach for 10 days, I feel so tired on the way to the meeting and take rest on the mountain on the way. And how can somebody like that carry out the meeting and gain victory?
I just go up the mountain and pray, and start the meeting from that night. Then I never say, “O how can I do this for 10 days?” I never say that. I have only today which my Daddy has given me, who also said, “This is the day God gave to you; therefore gain victory only today. Do not worry about tomorrow; gain victory only today.”
As Jesus spoke to us, I only finish the first lecture – “Summary of the Congregation.” I try to do only that hour with my best and do it for a little bit less than 2 hours. After that I cry out to myself, “I am a victor today,” and go to bed. And I don’t have tomorrow. My entire lifetime is only today. Brethren, please don’t think you have tomorrow. Tomorrow, our future is in our Father’s hand. Those who worry about future are depriving God of His authority. And you should not think about yesterday either that has flowed away like cloud and water. No matter whether you failed or gained victory yesterday, you have to forget it.
The Bible says that God is a God of the living, not of the dead. Do you remember? It means that He is a God who appears only to those who are living. Since yesterday passed away already, my spirit and body of yesterday is no longer alive; they have gone away with yesterday. Isn’t that right?
Tomorrow is the same: my body and soul is not alive tomorrow yet. It’s not my day yet. Only today my soul and body are living. Only today is mine and I am living only today. Therefore the living God appears to me today since I am living only today. That’s why He said, “The Lord will appear to you this day, and drive out all your enemies: Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites.” The living God declared that He would appear to me today and give me power to destroy all of them.
So, after finishing the first lecture splendidly I say to myself, “Wow! I gained victory today.” I go up to my room and say to my wife, “I finished today with perfect victory.” It is said, “To start is to finish half.” If I only finish the first lecture, that’s the same thing as I already finished the whole meeting with perfect victory. After finishing the first lecture with full confidence I say to my wife, “I gained perfect victory this meeting,” and I never think about tomorrow. I just go to bed in peace. If a new today comes again, the living God who promised to appear to me who is living appears to me again. Then I finish splendidly again. After that, I go to bed in peace.
Then people say, “Lots of enemies are coming tomorrow, in order to interrupt this meeting, break down this temple, they say they are coming tomorrow. But since I have nothing to do with tomorrow, I just gain perfect victory today.
I like this saying: “If I am pure and clean today, I am a holy saint today.” That means, “I can live a holy life only today.” Do you understand? If you live a clean and pure life today, you are a holy saint today. So you can live only today day after day.
The Bible emphasized only today. That’s our Daddy’s request towards us that we should be victors only today without adding yesterday or tomorrow. We can interpret this the other way, “One day’s victory is eternal victory.” Therefore if we gain victory only today, we are accounted as eternal victors. Your one day’s failure is recorded in heaven as eternal loser. I hope you don’t make that humiliating record in heaven but be recorded as the most glorious victors, never to be erased forever. So if you gain victory today and another today and the other today and so on, you will be perfect victors throughout your whole lifetime.
Therefore in spite of being no better than Adam, Samson, Elijah, Moses, and Jesus I gained such complete victory in all battles as this without a single failure. All I did was only to obey the request of my Daddy and Jesus perfectly. While fighting I looked back my past and found I gained complete victory so far without a single failure. How thankful!
Therefore those who worry about tomorrow are those who have no God. To say again, their God is dead. Those who fully trust and take strong hold on God, who is living today, will never worry about tomorrow. Do you understand? Those who worry about tomorrow are the ones who betrayed God and whose God is dead. Those who departed from God worry about tomorrow and regret about yesterday.
Those who take strong hold of God and gain splendid victory in today’s battle can never worry about tomorrow. Do you worry about tomorrow? Those who are defeated by Satan and serve him today say, “Oh I’m gong to overcome Satan tomorrow.” In spite of being defeated by Satan and serving him today, they say they are going to overcome tomorrow! How funny!
After finishing the 70th meeting I wrote this: -- “THE PRINCE WAITING FOR THE DAY OF TRIUMPHAL CELEBRATION”
After gaining victory after victory through ceaseless battles,
The Warrior, waiting for the day of triumphal celebration…
Let me tell you one more thing before reading this.
Now, Satan was always defeated by me everyday since I was determined to gain perfect victory over him every single day by putting my whole trust in God my living Father and taking strong hold of Him. Running away from me, he always says, “You Park Myung-Ho! Let’s see tomorrow. I’m going to bring numerous soldiers of mine and destroy you completely tomorrow.” Then do you know how I say to him, “All right. Let’s see tomorrow. But today I’m going to kill you.” I run after him and destroy his head right away.
It is said, “Don’t be afraid of one who says, ‘Let’s see tomorrow.’” Being defeated by me in every day’s battle, Satan keeps saying, “You Park Myung-Ho! Let’s see tomorrow. I’m going to bring many trucks of my soldiers and kill you.” I hear people say that they are going to come with guns or knives. But even if they come up to the pulpit and do whatever against me, I have never yielded a single inch to them but gained full victory in every battle. I never yield a single inch in today’s battle: I am not a bit concerned about tomorrow or yesterday. I gain perfect victory only in today’s battle. I can never yield a single inch to him in today’s battle only.
No matter whether they rush up to the pulpit with knives or with guns, I am not shaken at all. Therefore in front of this warrior who never yields in today’s battle, Satan was always defeated and only ran away, cursing, “Let’s see tomorrow.” Then I say, “All right! Let’s see tomorrow.” However, he has been totally defeated by me so far; he could never gain victory over me at all.
Then the next day he truly comes with his numerous soldiers. But since I put my whole trust in my Almighty Father who appeared to me today, he can’t overcome me at all. So, after gaining 70 times of victory in 70 times of battle, 7000 times of victory in 7000 times of battle, I wrote like this. In fact, 7000 times of battle is merely on the pulpit. There have been a lot of even more furious battles away from the pulpit in the world. Jesus spent in public ministry merely for 3 and half years, but this final battle has lasted over 7 years so far, and that, with such a weak and most degenerated body as this for such a long period of time. Jesus of 2000 years ago didn’t do so hard as this, for 10 days. Do you know why I am doing so hard today? We all became totally degenerated and mentally retarded children; that’s why He confines us here and teaches us so hard, painstakingly. Throughout 6000 years nobody, Even Moses didn’t bother to do this kind of 10 day period meetings. 10 day meetings!


            After completing all the missions and numerous battles,
            Having achieved victory after victory in all battles,
            The Warrior of heaven waits for the final triumphal celebration.
            Abandoning His life like mist in the ceaseless battles of the past,
            Fighting ceaselessly over and over with overflowing courage,
            He finally adorned all His past with never-ending victory.
            Without being coward at all, without tolerating a single retreat,
            Only for the honor of the heavenly kingdom, only for the glory of the King of the Universe His Father,
            The Prince of heaven, Park Myung-Ho, carried out all battles with honor and glory.
            When the entire universe deplored and the whole earth trembled before the army of Satan the most wicked devil under heaven,
            When the pitiful beings of the earth were helplessly conquered and trampled by him under feet and killed by him with no one to help,
            He broke to pieces the head of this Satan the king of devil with a rod of iron that breaks earthen vessels,
            And cleared off the revenge of all the heavens and the earth which has been kept for 6000 years.
            O what a glorious and splendid honor His past declares!
            Now, putting His sword of truth into the sheath which has sparkled with a terrifying air,
            Michael the great Prince is waiting for the declaration from heaven to enter the gate.
            Where has His majestic appearance disappeared which represented His fear battle?
            Has He been such a naïve child? How innocent and pure He is!
            How come He is so weak against love! How come He is so shy!
O who can believe that He is the warrior who destroyed all devils of the universe?
            But His name is to fill the whole universe and His honor shine eternally in the heavens.
            The King of the heaven will love Him alone and let all innumerable beings kneel down before Him,
            May thanks and praise is rendered to His Father and Him for ever and ever.
            Amen. Hallelujah!
            March 25, 1988   after the 70th congregation.

            In spite of having received such a tremendous truth as this you have been defeated this way and that way and become losers. Why is that? I pondered deeply during my rest at home. And I found why; everybody says, “I’m going to be a victor this year.” “I’m going to be a victor by the next meeting.” You were doing this way, as I peeped at you. That’s why you became loser everyday.
            Who told you to worry about tomorrow? Who told you to worry about tomorrow? Tomorrow is in our Father’s hand. Our future belongs to our Father. Don’t infringe Him of His power. Those who worry about tomorrow are the ones who departed from God and whose God is dead. Our God is living. Just take strong hold of Him who appeared to you today. He said, “This is the day which the Lord has given us; let us be happy and rejoice TODAY.” I hope you be happy and rejoice TODAY.
            Therefore when Jesus said, “Things of tomorrow, worry about them tomorrow; today’s worry is enough for today,” He pointed at His own life. That’s how He gained perfect victory in all battles. He never thought to Himself, “O I’m going to gain splendid victory for 3 and half years. I’m going to gain splendid victory for 33 years.” He never made that sort of decision. “I will gain a perfect victory only today. Just today.” That’s why He could be a perfect Victor throughout 33 years of His life.
            Brethren and sisters! Please don’t infringe into God’s authority, nor waste time in regretting your past failures cowardly, nor think about yesterday’s victory either. You don’t have to do that. Forget about yesterday completely like water which flowed away already, like clouds which passed away already. Don’t worry about tomorrow which has not come yet, in which neither your soul nor your body is alive. God promised to appear to you today in whom you’re alive right now; be victors only today. Therefore one day’s victory is eternal victory.
               I have been leading this sort of life. Some of you, due to religious problem, came out from home or abandoned jobs. No where to go! Going through so much trouble without homes! Well, I am also wandering here and there without house of my own. Of course our brethren made me a house; but I don’t live in there all the time. I spend most of my time for visiting churches here and there sleeping in this church today and in that church tomorrow.
            So, if I slept in this church today, that’s my home. If you were driven out from home and slept here last night, this is your home. This is your house. Who else is the owner? One who slept in there, he is the owner. Not the one who built that house or the one who bought it for some million dollars, but the one who sleeps in there, he is the owner.
            Since I had sound sleep here last night after being driven out from home, and since I am receiving God’s word here right now, how happy I am! I have such a nice house as this, I ate such nice foods, and I’m sitting here together with such lovely brothers as these! Don’t worry about tomorrow. If I go somewhere tomorrow for missionary activities and sleep there, then how happy I am! Since, God gave me such a nice place where I can sleep without getting rain. Only if you do not think about tomorrow you can never be defeated. You will gain victory continuously.
            But if you say, “Oh when am I going to have this kind of house?” due to a greed for tomorrow you become a loser. Even a popular song of the world says, “Who is the president but one sitting there?” Isn’t that right? One who is sitting there is the owner. Not the one who bought the house but the one who live in there; he is the owner of that house. One who ate the food, he is the owner: not the one who bought it.
            Since you slept in such a beautiful place as this here and are eating the bread of eternal life and also ate lunch today, how happy we are! Did you starve today? We had lunch here! How happy we are! Don’t worry about tomorrow. “Things of tomorrow, you can worry tomorrow. Today’s worry is enough for today.” If tomorrow comes, our Daddy who promised to appear to us today will appear to us tomorrow again for sure, in order to feed us and take care of us.
            “I see! Live only today? All right, I’m going to sell everything and give out to others. I can be fed in one of our brethren’s house. Just live today!” I am not saying that. If you earned $10 today from even junk selling, you can use $8 for yourself and save $2. You have to do what you have to do today faithfully. Why save $2 then? In order to aid your brethren who are in worse situation than you are.
            Even if we save millions of dollars, it’s all right. That’s not sin. However, if worldly people save even $1, it’s sin. Why? Because they save it just for their own sake, that’s selfishness. But since we save it for the sake of needy brethren, that’s not sin no matter how much money we may save. You can save as much as you can just in order to help your brethren who are in worse situation than you and also to aid God’s work. That’s how you can do faithfully what you have to do today.
            And if any of you are planning to go abroad for international missionary work, you don’t have to think, “Well, I can live only today. I don’t need to do foreign missionary work. I can just live here by myself.” You can go to the embassy and go through necessary procedures you can do today. Whether it will work well or not tomorrow, you don’t have to care. You can do just what you can do today and go to bed in peace.
            And God said, “Do not commit sin even in your imagination.” How can we not commit sin in our imagination through the whole lifetime? However, only today you can get rid of all evil thoughts from your brain and try to live a holy life with holy heart. Can you live just today without committing sin even in your thought? Anybody can do that. Then your whole lifetime will be a perfect, holy, impeccable life. Therefore by being holy every single day, your continual life becomes molded firmly into a holy life and you can receive the seal of God.
So, if you are a farmer, you can sow seeds faithfully today. “Since God told us not to worry about tomorrow, I don’t have to sow anything. I can’t just eat up what I have.” I am not saying that. Just to do what you have to do today faithfully. Whether the seeds will sprout or not tomorrow, you don’t have to care. Just do what you have to do today faithfully. This is what I mean. And as for tomorrow Daddy will be responsible.
Here say, “The Lord will appear to you this day and drive out from before you Amorites, Hivites, Perizzites, Hittites,” and so on. These people represent enemies who besiege God’s people with six fold on their way to the heavenly Canaan. The last people of God who journey toward heaven today are the same. All religious denominations, politics of the world, the entire world of Satan has besieged as with 6 or 7 fold besieging and are trying to get rid of us. They are making plans for themselves saying, “Let’s get rid of all of them who attend that meeting in Korea.” And make a constitution of a nation, just as the enemies made a Law in order to kill a single person Daniel. Likewise, people in all countries will make an extra law in order to destroy us.
Brethren and sisters, when they assemble and make a law to destroy us, please be happy today. Just be happy today and gain victory only today. Don’t worry about tomorrow’s battle. If I had worried about the whole ten day meeting or about just 2 days, I could have never gained a single victory, not to mention of 7000 victories. Well, people say enemies are coming tomorrow with guns or knives and they exactly rush up to the pulpit. People say many trucks of people are going to come tomorrow in order to interrupt the meeting. And if I worry about tomorrow, do you think I can sleep at night? “Oh if so many people come tomorrow, how can I fight with them?” Probably I can never sleep at all.
But to obey My Father’s word was even better than offering sacrifice to Him. That’s why I am exceedingly happy. Since I gained victory today, I could sleep with  a smile and peace without a bit of shame before God and before the heavens and the earth. If tomorrow is given Me again and a new day comes again, I believe My Father will appear to Me again. Therefore, I can sleep in perfect peace. If I think to Myself at night, “Oh what if a lot of enemies come tomorrow! What if hundreds of them come tomorrow!” if I think that way, how can I continue speaking for 10 or 12 hours the next day?
I am fully satisfied with today’s victory. “This is the day which the Lord has given you; therefore rejoice and be happy today.” I hope you don’t worry about tomorrow but live a holy only today and gain splendid victory today. This is how you can live a perfect life without committing sin even in your imagination. Then I’m going to read you one thing before closing this hour. That’s why the title of this hour is “Gain Victory Only Today.” Now let Me read you one thing:
“Today is Mine, Tomorrow is Satan’s.”
Please repeat after Me: “Today is Mine, Tomorrow is Satan’s.”
Therefore, in conclusion, anybody who worries about tomorrow is the one who got into the hand of Satan. Even if you are deadly sick and are on the verge of death, you can gain victory only today. Any serious patient can be a victor.

“I gained the greatest victory today,” I exclaim to the entire universe.
Since I gained such a glorious victory today,
I have nothing to do with Satan who plans on bringing Me evil tomorrow.
My Daddy has given Me only today,
And I have nothing to do with tomorrow which He has not given Me.
Only today’s victory will be My eternal victory,
This will remain forever in the record of heaven.
Satan who was completely defeated by Me in today’s battle
Runs away dreaming vaguely of tomorrow’s victory,
But I gained a clear victory in today’s battle.

At night upon the bed Daddy provided for Me I fall asleep captured by immeasurable happiness.
Oh I give thanks to My Real Daddy who gave Me only today,
Who gave Me a sufficient power and strength to overcome Satan today,
To whom also I present wholeheartedly the crown of victory I gained to today. Hallelujah!

Therefore I became the most glorious victor throughout 6000 years of history despite of  Myself being the most degenerated and weakened in history. If you also do just as I did, you will be greater victors than Moses, Elijah, and Jesus who was 2000 years less degenerated than us.
I hope you therefore be able to finish your life with full confidence and declare without shame before the platform of heaven, “There only remains for Me a crown.”
What song would you like to sing? 455? 457? After singing hymn no. 457, whoever wishes to pray may do so, please.


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