ood Morning. Let’s look at
Philippians chapter 2 verse 12, [Therefore, my beloved, as you have always
obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out
your own salvation with fear and trembling.] “Therefore … not as in my presence
only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear
and trembling.”
says that we must continually be at fear and tremble before God in order to be
saved. This is the most recited Bible verse by the churches; they use it when
the congregation is disobedient and uncooperative. And so, they use this verse
to make people look upon God with fear and trembling. That is why it is written
that when the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit comes, we will have to learn the
Bible all over again. When it says here to work out your own salvation with
fear and trembling, it does not mean to tremble and fear God because He is a
scary God.
means, first, fear that you might not submit your will to the will of Christ.
Also, it means to fear that your inherited and acquired temperament might take
over your life. Also, fear that you yourself might end up an obstacle between
your soul and the great work of Christ. It means to fear that you will block
God’s providence. Fear that your stubbornness will set back the noble purpose
that God seeks to accomplish through you. Fear that you will trust your own
strength. Fear that you will release Christ’s hand and walk alone on the path
of life without His presence and be doomed. In other words, it means to fear
that you will let go of God’s and Jesus’ hands and walk alone; it means to fear
that you will be separated from Real Daddy and Jesus. It does not mean to be
afraid of God because He is a terrifying God.
have to learn the Bible all over again, and I don’t know how I can plant this
new principle in your hearts. But God can do all things. This time, you will
learn the entire Old and the New Testament all over again.
the people outside say, “Even when angels enter God’s presence, they cover
their faces and kneel before the throne; they can’t even raise their heads
before Him. But Park Myung Ho claims to jump into His bosom?” And they mock me
like that. It is true that the angels kneel before God’s throne and cover their
faces with their wings as they utter God’s name. But it’s not because they are
afraid. Do we bow down with our noses to the floor before our frail elderly
parents on New Year’s Day or on their 60th birthday because we are
afraid that they may kill us? This is the greatest expression of our love and
respect for them who sacrificed for our sake. That is why we bow to them like
that on New Year’s Day or on their 60th birthday. In the same way,
the angels are not kneeling and bowing down before God and covering their faces
with their wings because they are afraid of Him, but it is their greatest
expression of love and respect for Him. Furthermore, they only do that after
coming back from an errand somewhere far away in the universe. It’s not like
they are constantly bowing down before Him.
can see in the Bible that there are hundreds of thousands of angels by His
throne following Him because they love Him and want to be by His side. After
returning from an errand somewhere far off in the universe, they kneel before
Him and report to Him; they are not always kneeling before God like that.
Similarly, after returning from a faraway trip to the U.S. or Japan, we greet
our parents by bowing to them. Are we normally always bowing down before them?
At times, we sit beside them or give them a massage or laugh and converse with
them, and that is what the angels are doing. The hundreds of thousands of
angels all enjoy spending time with our heavenly Father and being in His
presence because they are so fond of Him. That is why if you know that God is
our loving Real Father, then you will want to kneel before Him a hundred,
thousand times a day because you like Him so much. But in the past, before we
knew that He was our Father of love, we only knelt before Him as a formality
because it was worship time, and even then kneeling was such a tedious thing.
But once we realized He is our Father of love, it became such a joy to kneel
before Him and we were so happy to go to Him.
is why when it says here to [work out your salvation with fear and trembling],
it is telling us to be afraid that we might depart from our Real Daddy, walk
alone, and encountering Satan, end up dying. Right now, there’s not a single
Bible in this world. You many think, “What do you mean? There are many Bibles.”
Right now, the Bible that the people in the world are carrying around is not
the Holy Bible but the demon’s book. Satan has construed the Bible to his
liking and has made God into a murderous Being who is more terrifying than the
god of Buddha (who sends people to hell). Satan made Him into a God who kills
people, throws people into the fire of brimstone, disposes of people, and
judges and kills them without a second thought.
must come and interpret the Bible for it to become God’s book, and Jesus must
interpret it for it to become Jesus’ book; if the demon comes and interprets
it, it will become the demon’s book. That is why the Bible has completely
disappeared from this earth. The Sabbath has disappeared, the Bible has
disappeared, the truth has disappeared, and the light has all disappeared.
light in the world is a false light, a false Sabbath, a false truth, and a
false Bible. Before you came here, you had the false Bible, it was the demon’s
book and the demon’s hymns. But when you leave, you will be carrying God’s book
and God’s hymns. Everything must be restored, and that is the fulfillment of
the work of salvation. This is what regeneration and sanctification is; it is a
life that begins anew.
morning, I will speak to you about “The Message of the Three Angels.” If you
look in Revelation chapter 14, it talks about the message of the three angels.
None of the denominations in this world even know what the “Message of the
Three Angels” is, and even if they read about it, there is no one who knows what
it means. But the Seventh-day Adventist Church, professing to study and
interpret the Bible more than any other denomination, has interpreted the “Message
of the Three Angels” in their own right. They even say that the Seventh-day
Adventist Church has been appointed the mission of proclaiming the “Message of
the Three Angels” to the world. However, the “Message of the Three Angels” that
the Seventh-day Adventist pastors are proclaiming is not the “Message of the
Three Angels” but the message of the three demons.
denomination or people that accept the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message
of the three demons will die. There is no hope. Satan has completely swallowed
up this world. The supposed “Gospel” that is covering this world are all
doctrines of the evil demon. So this morning you will relearn the “Message of
the Three Angels” and you yourselves will become the Three Angels. Everything
in the Bible must be actually fulfilled in our lives in order for us to ascend
to heaven.
let’s read Revelation 14 verse 7. Let’s read the first angel’s message, [saying
with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His
judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and
springs of water.”] How do the Seventh-day Adventist pastors teach this? “With
a loud voice he roared, ‘Be terrified of God and offer Him your worship. For
the hour of His judgment of fire and brimstone has come, so bow down and
worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water. If you
don’t, you will be thrown into the fire and brimstone.’”
this how they teach it? Please answer if you are from the Seventh-day Adventist
Church, is this how it’s taught or not? This God, who created heaven and earth
with His almighty hand, will take all those who do not worship Him, regardless
of denomination or whether they are young or old, and will throw them into the
lake of fire and brimstone. Then is this a message of angels or a message of
demons? It is a message of demons. How could God be such a murderous God who
kills people?
yet they claim to possess the angel’s message. That’s not it; this is what it
really means: it says to [Give glory to Him.] Then how does one give glory to
God? We must glorify God through a life and character that perfectly resembles
Him. Glorifying Him is not done through song. Then, if we desire to perfectly
resemble His image and live His life, then who must we return to? We must
return to our Real Father, and only then will we be able to behold Him,
converse with Him, become acquainted with Him, and eventually resemble Him.
it says here, [for the hour of His judgment has come] – is this message of the
first angel pertaining to when the judgment of fire and brimstone occurs or is
it speaking of now? This is a message for now. Won’t the judgment of fire and
brimstone occur a thousand years later after the arrival of Christ? Will there
be a Gospel at that time? This is a message that is given now, for today. Then
what is this judgment? It is the judgment of sealing. It is to prepare the
children who will be the seeds of heaven and seal them on their foreheads so
that they can be taken to heaven. It is the work of sifting: “Oh, this person
is ready. This person resembles Me. This person has thrown away all his
selfishness, greed, and jealousy, so seal his forehead and transfer him to heaven.”
It is the judgment of selecting and sealing. The time has come to sift out and
differentiate, and when this selection is over, those that don’t have the seal
will be judged and the door of salvation will be closed to them. Thus, before
this work of sealing ends, while the work of being transferred to heaven is
being done during this judgment of sealing, you must quickly return to our heavenly
Father, resemble His image, glorify God and make Him happy.
when it says to [worship Him, who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of
water], it doesn’t mean to just worship Him out of fear because He is the
powerful Almighty God. Brethren, try looking up to the heavens, the skies are a
love letter that our Father writes to us. Behold the ocean, the earth, and the
flowers – all of creation are our Father’s letters of love to us, who followed
us for six thousand years, loving us one-sidedly. Such traces of His love are
expressed all throughout nature.
hometown is Dae-chun in Choong-chun Province. Actually, I was born in Boo-yuh,
but when I was young, we moved to Dae-chun, and that’s where I lived during my
childhood. Not far away was the Dae-chun coast overlooking the East Sea, and
floating in the midst of that vast ocean was a tiny island. And if you were to
row a boat to that tiny fist-sized island, which is completely surrounded by
such salty ocean water, you’d see water bubbling and welling up from the ground
in the middle of the island. You would expect that water to be so salty, but
instead it is such a cool refreshing spring water. Then did the Seoul
waterworks go there and install a faucet? It was our Real Father who put that
well there for His children to drink in case they got thirsty while playing in
the ocean. It was our Father who installed that freshwater faucet.
whether we look up to the heavens or this earth or the sea or even a well of
spring water, we can see how much our Father one-sidedly loved us for six
thousand years. And if we have grown up now and are mature enough to realize
that love, then we should turn our hearts and return to Him. But if we continue
following the demon and instead of resembling God’s image we resemble the
demon’s image and end up dying, then the angel is afraid that God will wail,
lament, and mourn; so now, while it is still the period of sealing, we must
quickly return to Him. That is what the message of the first angel is.
my interpretation seem to be the truth? This is the very “Message of the Three
Angels.” But those people don’t even know God, so what could they possibly see
when looking at the heaven, earth, or ocean? That’s why they fabricate all
these lies and teach it to people. That is why to them God is One who will take
anyone who doesn’t worship Him and throw them into the fire and brimstone and
kill them. Then who would ever be fond of such a God and want to run up to Him
and embrace in His bosom? Embrace in His bosom? They would be hesitant to even
dare utter His name. They would be afraid to be judged just for thoughtlessly
uttering His name. They could end up dying.
message of the second angel: [Another angel followed saying, Babylon is fallen,
fallen. That great city because she has made all nations drink of the wine of
the wrath of her fornication.] This is how the Adventist pastors interpret it,
“[Another angel followed] scolding and screaming, ‘Babylon is fallen, is
fallen. That great city’ of the Catholic Church and all other Protestant churches
[because she has made all nations] like America, Russia, Germany, Korea, Japan,
etc., [drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication], and they are
destroyed.” Isn’t this how they teach it? Did you understand what I said? Right
next to their own church are many other churches, and they are a people who
should love their neighbors, all the denominations, nations, and peoples of the
world, as their true brethren. But these people who profess to be Jesus’
disciples expect all the nearby Catholic and Protestant churches to be
destroyed with only them going up to heaven.
a terrible and demonic message it is! These professed disciples of Jesus should
be loving everyone in the world as their own brethren, and even loving them
more than their own life and hoping for their salvation. But instead they hope
for all the nearby Catholic, Presbyterian, or Methodist churches to be
destroyed and die while only the Adventists go up to heaven. So is that the
angel’s message or the demon’s message? It’s the demon’s message.
any rate, anything and everything that is taught by the Adventist Church will
lead to your death if you accept it. Following them and keeping their Sabbath
will lead to certain death. And God never abides in that kind of Sabbath. He
has already departed from that church a long time ago. There’s no point in
holding onto a day that God does not abide in. You have to hold on to the time
that God does abide in. God has already departed from that church. This is what
the message of the second angel really is.
then, will the message of the second angel be given to those who accept the
message of the first angel or to those who have rejected it? All the blessings
will be given to those who have accepted the first blessings. Because you have
received the former rain of the Holy Spirit, you are now receiving the latter
rain of the Holy Spirit as it pours down upon you.
what on Mount Carmel fell first? It was the fire that fell first. It was fire
that scolded and scorched away the sins of that blind people. And after that a
healing timely rain of the Holy Spirit fell upon them.
far in this Seminar, you received such fiery scolding. The denominations,
churches, priests, pastors, and pope were all relentlessly rebuked. But now the
healing revitalizing rain of the Holy Spirit will pour down upon you and you
will depart from here bearing the leaves and fruits of regeneration and
the second angel’s message is given to those who accepted the first angel’s
message. And if you accepted the first angel’s message, then what does it mean?
It means that you have returned to our Real Father. It means that you have
discarded your stubborn heart, repented, and returned to the bosom of our Real
Father. Therefore, since you have returned to our Real Father, what has
happened to all the powers of sin which had control of your heart for your whole
life? What has happened to this power of Satan which had control over your life
and had built up a huge city of false doctrines in your heart? Has it fallen?
of what theological school you graduated from or what church who were a pastor
for, have all those false doctrines that have been built up in your heart your
whole lifetime crumbled? It has utterly crumbled to pieces. Brethren, does the
destruction of the Catholic or Presbyterian Church have any relevance to your
salvation? It is the Babylon in your heart that must crumble for you to be able
to live.
sin had dragged us around our entire lives, and though we attempted to overcome
sin, transform our own hearts, and be regenerated, and though we fasted, prayed
all night, and pounded our chests, there were no results. But once we returned
to our Real Father and received His words and accepted His love, all those
false doctrines and powers of sin thoroughly and utterly vanished away without
a trace. Now we have become joyful souls who have been completely liberated
from sin. That’s why the message of the second angel is one of congratulations.
The second angel follows behind the first angel joyfully saying, “The tower of Babel
that the demon had built in your heart during your entire life has completely
fallen, has crumbled.”
you had been a channel for the demon-- when it mentions “nations,” it is not
referring to America, Russia, Japan, or Korea, but just as the Kingdom of
Heaven is not here or there but in your heart, this is referring to the nation
in your heart. Because you were a channel of the demon, your wife, your
children, your friends, your church, all of these nations that are in your
heart were fed with the demon’s poison of false doctrines. Has it not been like
that up to now? Before you came here, you were all like that. But once your
heart becomes a heaven and a city of God, what do you give to brethren? You end
up giving the new wine of heaven to them. You give them the new wine, the
living water that revitalizes and enables them to live eternally.
is why the message of the second angel is a cry of joy because the real
children, who heeded the appeals of the first angel and returned to our Real
Father, will become liberated from all sin. They are saying, “Fallen,
completely fallen are all the false powers of the demon that had dragged you
around your whole life, killing you, and you’ve now become such happy children.
Therefore, do not ever leave our Real Father again but live together with Him
forever in heaven.” Also, the angel says to those children who have stubbornly
not yet returned, “Look, the brethren that have returned to our heavenly Father
have overcome all the powers of the devil and Babylon, that huge tower of Babel
that had been constructed in the vast world of their hearts has completely
toppled. So may you also become like those brethren and receive blessings and
happily go up to heaven.” This is the message of the second angel.
you correctly accept the “Message of the Three Angels,” then no matter what denomination
you came from and no matter what heresy and error you may have fallen into, you
cannot help but return to our heavenly Father in tears if you are truly human.
Of course, nothing can be done for the clans of beasts, but if you are truly
from a clan of humans, then there’s not one person who will not return to our heavenly
time ago before I made my visit to America, there were some very famous
Adventist professors who were practically idolized by the Seventh-day
Adventists. They were such renowned professors who were said to be spiritually
enlightened, and these professors and a few pastors had gathered in America
with a few other people, and they decided, “Let’s make an audio tape denouncing
the errors in Park Myung Ho’s doctrines.” And they decided to listen to the
audio tape of my “Message of the Three Angels” lecture to find faults in it. As
the audio played, they were saying, “This is wrong and that is wrong and this is
demonic and that is demonic,” and they made a tape of this and had it spread
all over the world. These pastors and theological professors were the most
accomplished, enlightened, renowned, and idolized figures within the Adventist Church.
who are from the Adventist Church will know Pastors Shin Gae-hoon or Nam
Dae-gook very well. At any rate, someone brought me that tape and I tried
listening to it. I wondered how they were going to refute it as they said, “Let’s
listen to this ‘Message of the Three Angels,’” and I was concerned. Even if all
the religious scholars of this world would gather to listen to this “Message of
the Three Angels,” I knew they wouldn’t be able to point out a single flaw. It
is so thorough and so perfect a truth that reveals God’s loving plea. Thus I thought
to myself, “I wonder how they are going to try and find flaws with this
message.…” But I was left speechless. I don’t know what they did to my tape,
perhaps they ran a magnet over it, but they purposely altered my voice so that
no one in the congregation could understand. If they did understand it, the
message would draw them in and they would accept it, and that would be a huge
problem for them. And so, they just erased everything until my voice sounded
like a muffled grumble, “Rrrrrrrr, wrrrrrr,” so that neither the congregation nor
they themselves would be able to make out what I was saying. After that, they
told the congregations, “Look, he sounds just like a demon. This Park Myung Ho
is an ignorant person who didn’t even go to school and he’s only so-and-so
years old, so what could someone like him possibly know?”
Shin Gae-hoon is a person I truly loved. Though all the other pastors were to
become corrupt, he is the one person I hoped would repent. He is three years
older than me. At any rate, I thought, “Professor Shin Gae-hoon is the one
person whose conscience may still be alive even if everyone else becomes
corrupted.” But I had no idea he was so sordid and base. They should have been
fair and just, and if they wanted a debate, they should have been fair and open
about it. They should have allowed everyone to be able to clearly listen to the
tape and then judge for themselves. But instead, they so cowardly altered it to
make my voice sound so strange, and then they said, “Listen to his voice, he
sounds like the devil. And he’s not even educated!”
the kind of treatment Jesus received from the Jewish priests. “Isn’t he the son
of a mere carpenter? And he himself is a carpenter.” He only had an elementary
school education and his profession was nothing more than a mere carpenter. And
Jesus was so young as well. So no matter how you looked at it, there was
nothing remarkable about him. Thus the people all responded with, “Oh of
course. Amen. Amen. We have the best professor,” but they were all deceived and
please do not be startled. The people are not deceived. They are God’s children.
that incident, I went to the United States, and though there were some brethren
in New York who had attended the Seminar before, there was no one like that in
Chicago. But while I was in New York, I was told that there were people from
Chicago who were so eagerly awaiting me. Thus I took a plane there and the
brethren in Chicago were even more numerous than the brethren in New York. I
was so amazed and wondered what was going on, and they told me, “Thanks to
Professor Shin Gae-hoon, who so emphatically stated that this was a false
doctrine that was going to overturn Korea, we decided to listen for ourselves.
That’s when we realized this was the real thing.” To this day I am so grateful
to Professor Shin Gae-hoon and cannot forget the service he provided. I’m so
that is how the Gospel is spread. In the future, do you think that you will
spread the Gospel to the whole world? Far from it! How could a few hundred, a
few thousand, or even tens of thousands of people spread this Gospel to the
whole world? It wouldn’t work. The false doctrines have completely covered this
whole world, and what is there that you can do about it? The sons of God
generally only do one or two percent of the work. God’s people only do one
percent of God’s work and the rest are done by the enemies that all arise
together and advertise for us. They become the agents that spread this Gospel
through the mass media, the newspapers, magazines, and TV, and then it will end.
is why it is written that there won’t be even one person in this world who dies
without knowing about what day the true Sabbath is. It is written that only
after the true Sabbath has been fully exalted before the whole world will this
earth meet its end. They attempted to hinder me but their actions only served
as an impetus for this Gospel.
were saying that the pastors told them that whoever attends this Seminar will
completely become drawn into it and fall for it. Thus they were told they
should never attend it and they weren’t supposed to, but what they heard from
this was, “If this isn’t the power of God, then what could cause people to be
so drawn into it? This must be from God!” And the faith that they constantly
followed never amounted to anything, so they decided to give it a listen, and
that’s when they realized that this was the truth.
so after hearing one tape, and then another, eventually there ended up more
people that welcomed me in Chicago than in New York. They even prepared a full
schedule of sight-seeing, but I said, “This isn’t the time to be sight-seeing,”
and left after just one night.
I hope you will be even more thankful to people who oppose us. When the Holy
Spirit of fire is burning and the enemy tries to douse it with water, God
changes it to fuel and makes it spread and burn even stronger. God is the
source of wisdom and will accomplish things in a marvelous way. So I hope that
you will be most thankful to those who are most against this message.
read the third angel’s message, [Then a third angel followed them, saying with
a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his
mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of
the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His
indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of
the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment
ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the
beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”]
do the Seventh-day Adventist pastors interpret this? They are such renowned
professors of theological colleges and the way they interpret this is: “Another
angel, the last third angel, arrived and scolded with a loud voice,” since the
door of grace is closing now, “if anyone worships the beast and his image, and
receives his mark,” of 666 “on his forehead or on his hand … he himself shall
also drink of the wine of the wrath of God.” This means that God will force
open their mouths and make them drink the wine of His wrath. Once they are
drunk with that wine and staggering about, He will take them and throw them
into the fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, in the presence
of the Lamb, and in the presence of God. And “they will be tormented in the
fire and brimstone and die forever and ever.” Then God, Jesus, and the angels
will sit there and say, “Oh, that’s good, you are burning well. You deserve it
for not obeying,” and that’s how they are killed. Is this how they interpret it
or not? It’s so appalling.
to that God of the Adventist Church, the God of Buddhism is a gentleman. At
least he’s merciful. No God is as merciless and heinous as the God of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church. Just because His children did not return to him
and bowed down to Him, and just because they received “666” on their forehead
or on their hand, He makes the wine of wrath and forces them to drink it. And
when they are staggering drunk, He then throws them into the fire and brimstone
as God, Jesus, and the angels stand watch, saying, “Oh, look at him burn; he’s
burning well. That’s good; how satisfying.” My goodness, this is worse than any
demonic Dracula. Just thinking about such a horrifying God will make your hair
stand on end.
not it; this is the true message of the third angel. It talks about yet another
angel, the third angel, and what this means is: despite have continually sent
the first and second angel over and over again, because people didn’t return to
the Real Father and instead followed the demon Satan – when it says they
received the mark on their forehead and hand, it doesn’t mean that they had “666”
laser-engraved on their forehead or hand. Brethren, Satan seals his people and
God also seals His people; it’s the same. It is written that God seals His
people with the mark; then where is the seal? Do you see a red seal on my
forehead? Is there anything? Then does that mean I am not saved? I don’t have a
seal, yet I do have a seal.
it says that God seals His people on their forehead, it means that the
inerasable seal of God’s image and character is being stamped on them. Thus, no
matter how much you look at that person, he seems like Jesus and unmistakably
resembles God. In every way possible he is a son of the truth, a Jesus, and a
son of God. That is what the seal is. Like Stephen, even though they are stoned
to death, they are able to pray for others with a bright face, and like Jesus,
even when dying on the cross they are able to forgive others. They have the
image of God which can never be erased, and that is what the seal is.
when it says Satan will seal people on their forehead or hand with the “666”
mark, it doesn’t mean that he will engrave it on them with a laser. That’s not
what receiving the mark of Satan on the forehead or hand means. Receiving the
mark on the forehead means to not have Jesus’ image but Satan’s image and to
resemble Satan’s temperament. It means to be full of selfishness, greed, jealousy,
envy, and murder, to resemble Satan’s personality in all ways. To have the mark
on the hand means to do the acts of the demon. Do you understand?
who possess a stubborn heart and continually reject the message of the first
and second angels that so earnestly begged and pleaded for them to return to
the Real Father, to instead follow the demon, will end up receiving the
poisonous wine, the wine of wrath, that is given by Satan. This wine of wrath
is not something God makes them drink. It is the devil Satan that makes them
drink it. Because they keep following Satan around, he makes them drink the
wine of false doctrines. That is why they are completely oblivious to whether
it is the end of the world, that the event of Elijah is occurring, or that it’s
time to receive the Latter Rain of the Holy Spirit, or whether it’s time for
the sealing angel to pass through, or if we are in the last days – they don’t
know anything.
are just staggering about drunk and occupied with making money; that is the
result of drinking the devil’s poisonous wine. Then who is the one who made them
drink it? It is Satan, and it’s because they were following him. And who
becomes upset when this happens? It is our Real Father who becomes upset and
filled with wrath as He says, “How dare you feed that poisonous wine to my
loving real children?” and who is that wrath directed to? It is directed at
people are all improperly accusing God of making His children drink this wine
of wrath. Brethren, we must uncover these false accusations. Even though our
Real Daddy sent the first and second angel, because people retained a wicked,
stubborn, obstinate heart, and ran away from Him, to continually follow the
devil saying, “Our church and our doctrine is the best. We are an established
church,” and because they stubbornly continue to follow Satan, it is Satan that
says, “Oh good, good. Come here!” and makes them drink the wine of wrath. That
is why God gets so upset and says, “How dare you feed that to My real
children?” and that is why He is full of wrath.
those children have drunk that poisonous wine, they completely resemble the
character and image of Satan who fed them that wine. That is why on their
foreheads they have such wicked temperaments and with their hands they do the
acts of the demon. This is what the seal and the mark is. So God seals His
people and Satan seals his people, making them just like themselves.
[He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy
angels, and in the presence of the Lamb, and the smoke of the torment ascends
forever and ever.] Did I tell you that this message is for right now or for
when the judgment comes? It is for right now.
the fire and brimstone that is mentioned here is explained in Zechariah 3:2.
This fire is not a fire of hell. [And Jehovah said to Satan, “Jehovah rebuke you,
Satan! Jehovah who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked
from the fire?”]
is a person who sinned his whole life, and he represents us. He had sinned all
his life a hundred, thousand different sins, and was sitting there down and
depressed when Satan went to him and said, “You committed this sin and you
committed that sin, didn’t you? So you have to die just like me,” and Satan
accused Joshua like that in front of God. And there was no doubt that Joshua
had committed all those sins. But did God rebuke that son Joshua who was a
sinner, or did He rebuke Satan? He didn’t rebuke Joshua who had committed all
those sins, instead He said to Satan, “I rebuke you. Is this not a branch
plucked from the fire?” A branch plucked from where? From the fire.

so Satan kept saying, “You are sinner, you are sinner,” but our Real Father
scolded Satan and embraced His son in His arms. That is the kind of Being our
Real Father is.
is why when it says that he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the
presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb, it means that
because we persisted with our wicked hearts and kept rejecting the first and
the second angel’s message, and because we didn’t repent and kept on following
the demon and drinking the wine of false doctrines, God says to us, “Look at
your image, your character, your life – it’s all like the demon. And you are
burning in this fire of sin without any heavenly peace, joy, or happiness, your
soul all burnt because you are tormented in that fire and brimstone of sin in
the presence of the holy angels and before the presence of the Lamb. And you are
suffering such humiliation before the universal hosts.”
sin may seem sweet but it will most certainly kill your soul and bring you to
shame. That is why He is telling you, “Don’t suffer such shame and don’t let
your soul receive further torment. Quickly come and return to your Real Father
and drink of the new wine and be healed.”
says here, “the smoke of the torment ascends forever and ever,” and whether
Catholics or Protestants, all the churches say that this means the fire will
simmer and burn forever and ever. But that’s not it. Where will this fire and
brimstone fall? Did God make a separate hell somewhere else in the universe
other than this earth? Or will this earth become a hell if fire and brimstone
fall upon it? It is on this earth that the fire and brimstone will fall. Then
if fire and brimstone burns on this earth, if it burns forever and ever for eternity,
where will we live? Where will all of you live? We are supposed to live on this
earth for eternity. So this earth will change into a new paradise and this is
where all of you will live. The fire and brimstone is what will come a thousand
years later, and after it burns everything up and turns it into nothing, this
earth will be recreated into a new earth paradise and this is where we will
live forever.
the fact that our Real Father has sinners destroyed and returned to the point
where they were never born is His love. If there was a child with an incurable
disease who was always urinating, defecating, and crying out in agony, and the
mother decided to prolong that child’s life for a longer period, then is that a
mother’s love or curse? That’s why in the West they have euthanasia. “Doctor, I
can’t bear to watch that child in pain any longer, so please end his life.”
Brethren, with all the children in this world living with the demon’s image and
devouring and killing one another, it would be a curse for God to allow them to
live forever. That is why He momentarily throws them into the fire and brimstone
and cleanly has them removed back into the state when they never existed. After
that we will live in this new paradise. Saying people will be tormented in the
fire and brimstone forever and ever is an utterly false doctrine. The Bible
does not say that.
the Bible says, “the smoke of the torment ascends forever and ever,” it means
that even though the first and second angel was sent to you and you had
numerous chances, if you still reject returning to our Real Father and instead
follow Satan, then you and the souls of all your descendants right up to the
end of six thousand years, will burn in the fire of sin. That is why you must
quickly return to our Real Father. You will end up living like that day and
night, each and every day of your whole life of sixty or seventy years only to die
eventually, so you must quickly return to our Real Father. Do you understand?
they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and
whoever receives the mark of his name.” No rest day or night is the same
meaning as forever and ever day and night. In Deuteronomy 28:66-67, it’s
written, [Your life shall hang in doubt before you; you shall fear day and
night, and have no assurance of life. In the morning you shall say, “Oh, that
it were evening!” And at evening you shall say, “Oh, that it were morning!”
because of the fear which terrifies your heart, and because of the sight which
your eyes see.]
you depart from our Real Father, day and night you will feel so anxious and
unable to live. Even if you have a big business and make lots of money, at
night you will think, “Oh, what if my business burns down tonight and falls to
ruins.” Even people who believe in God worry like that. When it’s morning they
think, “I’m so tired, I wish it was evening,” and then when it’s evening they
worry, “Will everything be okay tonight? I wish it was morning.” Day and night
they are always so anxious and worried. Their souls are so tormented in the
fire of sin.
if you don’t return to our Real Father, your children and grandchildren down
through the generations, from descendant to descendant, will continuously live
in that torment until they die; that is why it’s saying you must quickly return
to our Real Father.
now, whether it’s the Presbyterian or Methodist or the Adventist Church, their
doctrines are all the same. How could they all have the same doctrines? How? It
is because they are all controlled by the same spirit. Whether it’s the Adventist
or Protestant pastors, they all say, “Oh, don’t get the 666 mark. They’ll laser-engrave
666 onto your forehead.” Don’t they say that? And they also say that you must
not get cards, and so there are some people who don’t even get citizenship
cards. So even when they’re riding a bus, they try to hide. It’s so pitiful.
How nerve-racking it must be! They have no citizenship cards so they have to
sneak around like spies. But even spies carry citizenship cards.
they say that if you get 666 on your forehead, you will die. Brethren, try
having 666 stamped on my forehead a hundred or a thousand times and see if I
will go to heaven or not. I will be at the head of the line. Or try giving me a
666 card. Tell them to give me ten thousand of those cards and I will carry it
around and then burn them. Brethren, having that card or the 666 mark laser
imprinted on your forehead isn’t going to stop you from attaining salvation.
suppose Jesus makes His advent and there are two people. Say one person is
filled with selfishness and greed and bears Satan’s image. He doesn’t care
whether other people, other denominations, or people in the cities live or die
or not. All he cares about is making sure he himself survives, so he secretly takes
some supplies and goes into a cave in the mountains and hides them there.
can Satan’s people drag us and forcibly stamp 666 on us? Can they laser engrave
it on our foreheads? They can! During the dark ages of religious persecution,
they say that Satan’s people killed between 500,000 to 1,000,000 people. They
skinned them alive, crucified them, threw them to the lions, and killed them in
all sorts of vicious ways. So forcibly stamping us with 666 would be easy. They
would be able to do it a hundred, thousand, ten thousand times.
here is a certain man who has the image of Satan and is filled with selfishness
and greed and doesn’t care whether other people or other denominations live or
die. And he packs his bags and secretly lives in a cave in the mountains all by
himself. Then there is another person who has the image of God and Jesus and is
running about trying to save all denominations and all the people in the city,
but then imagine he is captured by Satan’s people and stamped with 666 on his
forehead. Later, when Jesus makes his Advent and looks at the man who was
hiding in the cave with Satan’s image, do you think He’ll say, “Oh, let’s take
a look at your forehead. Let’s see if you have 666 there. Ah, you don’t have
it. I’ll take you with me.” Do you think He’ll say that?
there is the man who bears the image of God and Jesus, and while he was trying
to save all of his brothers and sisters all over the world, he was caught by
the enemy and had 666 stamped on his forehead. “Hey, let’s see your forehead.
Oh, you have the mark? I’m not going to take you with Me.” Do you think Jesus
will be like that?
salvation is decided by your character. Do not be deceived. It doesn’t matter
if you are stamped a thousand or ten thousand times. The true 666 is having the
character and image of Satan. Have they already received that mark? They
already have 666 firmly stamped on their foreheads. And though you don’t have a
red seal stamped on you, do you have the seal of God? You have already received
the seal on your forehead. People who have the image of God and Jesus, who
possess the character, peace, and love that loves and forgives others, and
loves all denominations as themselves, are people who have already received
God’s seal. God’s seal is stamped on them. But if you depart from that character
and life and follow the devil’s church again, then your seal of God will
disappear. I hope that you will continue to follow our Real Father so that His seal
will continually become clearer. This is what the “Message of the Three Angels”
is. Do you understand?
will end with a summary. What is the first angel’s message? Because the time
has come to seal the saints who will be transferred to heaven, you must quickly
return to the Real Father before this time of investigative judgment, probation,
and selection ends. If you have grown up and matured, then you must return to
our Real Father who loved you one-sidedly while He was creating heaven and
earth and the seas. If you don’t return to our Real Father and continue to follow
the devil to the end and die, then I am afraid that our Real Father will wail
and mourn and lament, so you must return to Him. That is the first angel’s
second angel’s message is this: to the children who have accepted the first
angel’s message and returned, the second angel says, “Congratulations. You
truly did well; it was good of you to return to our Real Father. Because you
have returned, you have been liberated from all the powers of Satan and sin in
your heart, and the Babylon cities stacked up in your heart, built up your
entire lifetime, have been toppled. Now that you are free from sin and free
from Satan, may you continue to follow our Real Father to the end.” And to the
children who have not yet returned to our Real Father, this angel says, “Look at
your brethren who have returned to our Real Father, they have overcome all sin
and have destroyed the city of Babylon and the powers of sin and Satan, to be
free, and they have become such happy beings. So may you too be like them and
quickly return to our Real Father.”
the third angel’s message is, “Even though the first and second message was
given, if you stubbornly reject those messages and claim that your doctrine is
correct and continue following Satan, then he will forcibly feed you the
satanic poisonous wine that causes our Real Father to be so filled with wrath.
Drinking that wine of false doctrines will make you sin and you will just bring
shame and disgrace yourself before God, the Lamb, and the whole universe. You
and all your descendants will continually be in torment day and night in the
fire of sin all throughout the six thousand years as long as you are alive, and
this torment will go on without ceasing throughout your generations until you
all die. Therefore, you must quickly return to our Real Father and receive His
new wine and eat the heavenly manna of truth and become happy children. If you
don’t, you will die being tormented day and night throughout your life. That is
why you must return to our Father and receive the seal to ascend to heaven.”
This is what the “Message of the Three Angels” is.
is our Real Father’s most earnest tearful entreaty to us. Thus, this “Message
of the Three Angels” is not something that is given only in these last days,
but it was given in the Garden of Eden the minute man fell into corruption. The
“Message of the Three Angels” is the earnest lamenting voice of our Real Father
crying out to the children who have departed from Him, “My son, My daughter,
please return to Me!” When Adam and Eve discarded our Real Father and followed
the demon, our Father said, “Adam, Eve, why must we be separated? Please return
to Me and let’s trust each other and live together. Let’s trust each other and
live together.”
this “Message of the Three Angels,” the number “three” that is mentioned here
means God’s number of completion. It is the voice of our Father crying out a
hundred, thousand, ten thousand times for us to return. This message was given
to us all throughout history.
the time of Noah, “My children, please depart from that sinful world and come
with Me into this ark and let’s live together forever.” During the time of
Sodom and Gomorrah, “This city is corrupt, so let’s quickly go together to the
mountains and live together.” And in these last days, He is saying, “May you quickly
return to the bosom of your Real Father. May you come out of those corrupt
churches, false cities, and false doctrines, and may you come out of that false
world. May you come to Me so that we may go together to heaven.”
the situations were different for each era, but it was all the same agonizing
cry of our Father to return to Him. That is why the “Message of the Three
Angels” is not something that was first given in the book of Revelation; it was
given the minute corruption occurred in the Garden of Eden.
is the same with the true righteousness by faith. As soon as Adam and Eve fell,
they were clothed with the skin of a sheep, that was the true righteousness by
faith in Jesus Christ. This “Message of the Three Angels” and the true
righteousness by faith are the same thing. The “Message of the Three Angels” is
the six thousand years of pained, tearful lament of our Father pleading for His
children to return to Him. And there is no one, no matter what kind of sinner
he is, who wouldn’t return to Him were they to understand this message aright.
But there are people who have a demon’s mindset, who desire for all other
denomination’s to be destroyed and die so that only they could go up to heaven.
We thought the Jews of the past only cared for their own salvation, but there
are those who are even worse.
“Message of the Three Angels” is everything in the Bible from Genesis chapter
one to the last verse in Revelation. The entire Bible is the “Message of the
Three Angels” telling us to return to our Real Father. The “Message of the
Three Angels” is not just in Revelation. Brethren, the law, the Ten
Commandments, is to love God and love your neighbors. The first to fourth commandments
is to love God, then the fifth to tenth is to love your neighbors. But this
whole Bible is about loving God and loving your neighbors. Whether it’s Genesis
or the Revelation, they are all telling us to love God and love our neighbors.
The whole Bible is the Ten Commandments. If you condense the whole Bible, it
becomes the Ten Commandments. And if you condense these Ten Commandments, it
becomes two. If you condense the two, it becomes one: love is the completion of
the law.
you spread it all out again, it becomes the 66 books of the Bible. In the same
way, this whole Bible, all 66 books of the Bible, is telling us to return to
God. Thus, the whole Bible is the “Message of the Three Angels.” If you
condense the entire Bible, it becomes the “Message of the Three Angels.” And
when you condense those three it becomes, “Return to the Real Father.” “Come
and see;” it becomes these three words.
the “Message of the Three Angels” does not mean angels with wings flying in the
air telling people to return to God. You are the ones that must become the Three
Angels. It is those who have first returned to our Real Father. The angel
represents those bearing the image of God. Thus, angels are those who have
returned to God and who have His image. The number three is representing the
number of completion, so God’s children who completely have His image are the
last Three Angels who will go out to proclaim the message. Those who attended
the Catholic Church will proclaim it to the Catholic Church, those who attended
the Seventh-day Adventist Church will go and proclaim it to the Seventh-day
Adventist Church, and those who come from the Presbyterian Church will go and
proclaim it to the Presbyterian Church. Professors will go to the professors,
and atheists will go to the atheists, and they will all go to their respective
positions and proclaim this “Message of the Three Angels” and save them. That
is what the Three Angels is. Will you do this?
must not be such weak-willed people who return back to those churches and die
with them. Instead, may you be God’s sons and daughters who return to Him and
save all of them. It means you must be the angels. That is why you must become
the Three Angels. It is not the angels with wings that will be finishing this
work. Will you become the Three Angels? You may say to yourself, “But I can’t
preach like Teacher Park, and I don’t know how to give lectures like others do.”
Brethren, what are the Three Angels? They are the ones who guide the many
children in the world to our Father. That is what becoming the Three Angels is.
an elderly woman goes to her son or grandson and says, “Listen to your
grandmother. Let’s go there together,” then she is being the Three Angels even
if she can’t speak or give a sermon. Also, even if you can’t say anything else,
if you only say, “Come and see. Come and listen,” then that is the “Message of
the Three Angels.” Anything that brings them back to our Real Father, calling
out and asking them to come back to our Father – that is what the “Message of
the Three Angels” is. All 66 books of the Bible are the “Message of the Three
Angels.” If you condense them, they are the “Message of the Three Angels,” and
if you condense that it becomes, “Come and see. Go and see. Come and listen.”
if you bring just one soul to our Real Father, you have completed the work of
the Three Angels. Even when Jesus came down from heaven, He did so with the
determination, “If I can turn even one child back to My Real Father, I am
willing to be crucified on the cross and die.” Thus, if we can just return one
son, one daughter, to our heavenly Father, then what a great glory it would be!
And even if we strive so hard and make such efforts but still can’t lead even
one person to our Real Father, He does not look at the result of our works but
at our hearts and He will reward us for it. Even if we are cursed, chased out,
rejected, and kicked out of church, our Father says, “Don’t worry, you saved
the whole world. You did a good job.” So even if we don’t save a single soul,
He does not look at the results of our work but He looks at our hearts and
rewards us. Have you become the Three Angels? Is there anyone who can’t say, “Come
and see. Go and listen”? That is what being the Three Angels is. All of you
have become the Three Angels, so do not worry, but may you go back and save
even one soul.
is a passage that says through a human channel, Jesus said to that privileged
Adventist Church, “All the pastors who are proclaiming the ‘Message of the
Three Angels’” – which church has pastors preaching about the “Message of the
Three Angels”? It is the Seventh-day Adventist Church. “All the pastors who are
proclaiming the ‘Message of the Three Angels’ do not know the true meaning of
it. We hope that the Lord will forgive them for misinterpreting this message.”
Without even knowing what the “Message of the Three Angels” is, those Adventist
pastors are doing demonic deeds.
you now know what the “Message of the Three Angels” is? And have you yourselves
become the Three Angels? Since you have all become angels, I hope that you will
never become a demon again. May you become an angel and ascend to heaven.
in the Adventist Church say about me, “Oh, that Park Myung Ho is insidious.” “Why?”
“It’s because he uses two names,” and they claim it’s because I use two names.
That’s not something they discovered but I myself revealed it. My original name
is Park Kwang-gyu. That’s my registered name, my name at birth. And it’s a good
name. Each character of my name stands for, “true,” “twin,” and “light.” So it
means “the true twin light,” or “the light of the Father and Son.” Isn’t that
John 17:3? It’s truly John 17:3. Isn’t it a good name? It is a very good name
and it is my official registered name.
so there are people in America who send me thanksgiving offerings; they send a
hundred or a thousand dollars under my name, Park Myung Ho. But if they send it
as Park Myung Ho, then there’s no way for me to receive it because such a name
does not exist in the registry. So my original name is Park Kwang-gyu, but
instead I’m using the name Park Myung Ho. Why? Why did I start using the name Park
Myung Ho?
didn’t want to display myself to the world. Even when I was growing up as a
young child, though my friends would come to my house and eat, I never ate at
my friends’ houses even though they begged me to stay and eat. I would just say
“No, I can’t,” and just run home. That’s how timid and shy I was. And if the
kids in the neighborhood hit me, I wouldn’t be able to say a word and just cry
and come home. That is why my parents at home would say, “Even if he gets
beaten to death outside, we’d never know about it. Even if he grows up he won’t
be able to take care of himself. Look at him, what are we going to do about
him. He can’t even go to a friend’s house and eat. He always has to come home
to eat.”
even when I was all grown up, when young women in the neighborhood came to
visit, I would run away and hide in my room. So I could never have imagined
that I could stand like this in front of so many people. I don’t know how I
ended up being able to boldly stand in front of so many people so often. Our
Father’s path of providence is unforeseen.
any rate, though I have not written many books, they are all penned as Park Myung
Ho. Why? I didn’t want my name to be shown to the whole world, I was
embarrassed about it. That is why I used a pseudonym.
was a person at a bookstore who was moved by this book and said, “This is such
a good book, but why is there no picture or biographical data about the
author?” and since I was Park Kwang-gyu, I said in passing, “Perhaps he is
humble and doesn’t want to display his name or accomplishments,” and so nobody
knew. But now everyone knows my name as Park Myung Ho and I can’t hide from it.
And because my pictures and videos have spread to the world, I can’t even hide
my face. Another reason that I use the name Park Myung Ho is that it means, “Calling
out in tears.” Because I know the heart of my Daddy who is calling out in tears
to all of His children in this world, and because I sympathize with His heart,
I decided to use that name. Our Father who is calling out in tears, that is the
“Message of the Three Angels.” For six thousand years He earnestly cried out in
tears for His children to return to Him, and thinking of His pained, rupturing
heart, I chose the name Park Myung Ho – “calling
out in tears.”
that is the “Message of the Three Angels.” Do you understand? But those
Adventist pastors took all 70 to 100 of my audio tapes, and instead of
listening to those treasure-like messages of truth, they just took this one
message and said, “Oh, Park Myung Ho claims that he is the ‘Message of the Three
Angels’ and that you have to believe in his own name to be saved.” They spread
such lies. Did I ever say that you have to believe in this name to be saved?
must look at the meaning; you must all be a “Myung Ho.” Isn’t that so? We must
all be speakers for Real Daddy who is crying and calling out to His children.
And that is why I have two names. How many names does our Real Father have? He
says, “Thus says the Holy One, thus says the Lord Almighty, the holy God,
Jehovah, Immanuel … He has so many different names. His son resembles his
Father and uses two names, so what is wrong with that? There are other things they
should be concerned about instead. If they’re going to worry about such things,
tell them to “worry about pine roots to sew up their cracked floors with.”
is an expression our young people may not know. Long ago, our descendants used
to make things using the roots of pine trees. They would use it to sew up all
kinds of things, and it was better than vinyl string. The thin roots of pine trees
are very strong and doesn’t rot or break down in the sunlight as vinyl does.
Once there was a crack in the ground because of a severe drought so a person
yelled, “Bring over some pine tree roots so that I can sew this up.”
it’s useless, why are people concerned that I have two names? I hope that all
of you will also become a “Myung Ho” and save all of our brethren who are dying
in the world regardless of their denomination or race, and may you be the voice
of God who calls out to them in tears.
you all be the Three Angels who will fly to the ends of this world and complete
the work in this world, then let’s all be the angels that fly back to heaven
new.doalnara.com/eng / email address for inquiries:
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