This evening, during the regeneration and
sanctification hour, we will learn about righteousness
attained by true
faith. All throughout the world, in hundreds of denominations today, they say
that you can be saved
just by believing in Jesus. Just
believe in Him and anyone and everyone can go to heaven. This is the general doctrine of the world. Tonight,
we will study this doctrine – that you will become righteous and receive
salvation solely by your faith in Jesus.
In every denomination throughout the world, they say that you just need faith in Jesus, then you can go to heaven. But unfortunately, that is a complete error. Tonight, I will tell you what
righteousness attained by
true faith is. All people of the
world today claim,
“How can man live without sin, or without a spot. We are sinners, so we cannot
help but sin. That’s why
if we just have faith in Jesus, then He will wrap us up in the robe of His righteousness
and take us to heaven. Doesn’t it say
in the Bible,
‘I came not to
save the righteous, but I came to save sinners’? Didn’t Apostle Paul say in Romans, ‘There’s none righteous, no, not
one.’ Since there is not one righteous man on the earth, we are sinners by nature,
and Jesus will
carry us to heaven wrapped
up in the robe of His righteousness.”
This is the common doctrine of all the
churches and denominations today. But it
is one of the most terrible deceptions and fallacies of Satan. The whole world has
accepted this doctrine and they are doomed
to die because of it.
Who said that “There was no one righteous, no, not one?” It was Apostle Paul. Yes, he said there was no one righteous. Then who also
said that “In the Second Coming of Jesus, unless
you have no
spot, wrinkle, blemish, or
sin, unless you are perfectly righteous, you cannot go to heaven”? That was also Apostle Paul. These
were words from the
same lips. Then why do people ignore the words that say you must
become perfectly righteous beings in order to go to heaven, while only
insisting that since there are none that are righteous, everyone sins somewhat
but all will eventually go to heaven? This
is the doctrine of Satan and his plan to destroy the entire Christian world.
Then why did Apostle Paul
say those two contradicting
statements? He said that there was
not one righteous. However,
he was speaking of the time before Jesus came, when we had left our Real Daddy and went our own way. So there were none righteous before Jesus came.
When we departed from the Father, was there anyone righteous?
There was not one
righteous person on this earth. But since He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, can we
become righteous through
the power of God’s Word
or not? Yes, we can become righteous. So He gave us the truth of power to make
us righteous. That’s why Jesus said, [The truth
will set you free],
and He also said, [I came not to
call the righteous but sinners.] But this does
not mean that He came to take sinners to heaven, but to call the sinners and
make them righteous,
and then take them to heaven. So it means He came to call sinners and make them into righteous beings, only then would He take them to heaven.
Once when I was in charge of a church, somebody came to visit me. I permitted him to speak for an hour in
front of the congregation and he said, “Brethren, no matter
what sin you commit, God
will wrap us up with the robe of the righteousness of Jesus and take us to
heaven.” Of course,
there was not one member of our church who was fooled by that kind of
ridiculous teaching. So he just spoke to himself and came down. But this is what the whole world is teaching. They are
saying, “Who is
perfect? We are all sinners. So no matter what sins we commit, Jesus will wrap
us up with His righteousness like a blanket and take us to heaven. Let’s just
believe in Him.”
Let me tell you what
a fearful doctrine of Satan that is.
I will tell you what the
real attainment of righteousness by true faith is.
It is true that Jesus came not to call the righteous
but sinners. But He did not come to take sinners to heaven; He came
to make the sinners into righteous beings. That’s why it’s written that
the only ones who can go to heaven are the ones who are free from the least
degree of sin, to be
without spot or
blemish. Let’s look at Hebrews chapter 9 verse 28, […so Christ was offered once to bear
the sins of many. To those who eagerly wait for Him He will appear a second
time, apart from sin, for salvation.] If
you read here, what kind of people will He take to heaven when He comes a
second time? He will take those
who have become perfectly righteous and are living a life apart from sin. Does this seem
right? Does it seem
like the truth? Can you believe this is undoubtedly the truth? Then I hope you will never be fooled
by those false teachings
Right now, the people in the world say that
there’s not one righteous, none
at all. Who is there
that is righteous?
But soon when thousands of
saints are taken to heaven, it
will be declared of them,
“There’s not one sinner, no not one.” When all
the countless numbers of saints, including those who are sleeping in their graves and the living saints go up to heaven, none of
them will have even
the least degree of sin. I hope that all of you will be among them.
Then what must
we do to become perfectly righteous? There is a saying that “The harvest of life is
character and it is this character that determines
one’s destiny
for this life and for the life
to come.”

There is no point in just going around and doing
works, only empty-hearted people do that.
Only by having the fruits of character is there true salvation. That’s why the harvest
of life is character and it’s your
character that determines your fate and your destiny in this
life and for the life to come. Salvation is not obtained by position or
achievements. It
is only your character that brings about salvation. Performing miracles without
character, healing diseases and speaking in tongues without
character – such are
all a complete
deception of Satan. That
is why a countless
number of people –
pastors, priests, the pope, all believers
– will be swept
away like the sand and
disappear. Only
those who have a spotless character will remain forever. I hope that you will
become such beings who remain forever.There is a man here, he graduated from two theological
schools, then he went
to America and took a doctorate degree in theology. Then he
came back and established
ten churches, held a hundred evangelical
meetings, wrote ten volumes of books, and he also worked as a pastor for fifty
years. He worked so
hard all his life, but at the end, he was not regenerated or sanctified, and he did not bear
the fruits of God’s character. So is he
saved or not? He is
not. It’s all useless. It wouldn’t matter if he came out of not two but twenty schools, or
whether he had not two but
twenty doctorates, and
established not ten but a
hundred churches, hold a thousand evangelistic meetings, wrote not ten books but a hundred books – it
would all be useless. There
would be no
salvation for him. But here,
there is another man. He lives deep in the countryside. He
doesn’t even know
what theology is, he never heard of a doctorate degree. A church? He only attended it, he never established one. Evangelical meetings? He attended them but
never held one. Books? He only read them, he never wrote any. Clergy
work? He only saw other
people being pastors. But
in the end, he walked
quietly with God
and possessed a regenerated
character, so is
he saved or not? He surely
is. I hope that you
will believe in Jesus like this.
[For if anyone thinks himself to be something when he
is nothing, he deceives himself.] (Gal 6:3) Those who do not even have God’s character, and yet say, “Oh, I did this, I did that,” like
that first man who works so hard
all his life; he
thinks he will arise in the resurrection of the
righteous, but instead he will arise
in the resurrection of the wicked,
only to be judged. This will be the ultimate end for the entire world. Why? It is according to the
words of Jesus. Even
though there are
so many Christians, so many believers, Jesus knew that many would be deceived, just doing works without
having God’s character. That’s
why He clearly said that it would be
like in the days of Noah, that
only a very few
would be saved. “Not one of us will ever receive the seal of God, whether it’s
a pastor or a priest,
while our characters
have one spot or
stain upon them.” If we cannot receive the seal of God, can we go to heaven? We cannot. The seal is given to us
through our characters.
“One defect, even one defect cultivated instead of being overcome, makes the
man imperfect and closed against him is the
gate of the holy city. He who enters heaven must have a character that is
without spot, or wrinkle,
or any such thing. Nothing that defiles can ever enter there. In all the redeemed hosts, not one
defect will be seen.” So
there will be so many
people going up to heaven, and
among them not a single being will have a spot, wrinkle, or defect in their characters.
People say, “I have no sin. I paid my tithes. I
donated 3,000 dollars for the church
construction. I treated God’s servants well. I went to church on the Lord’s
Day. I have no sin.”
But that is not righteousness. That cannot be righteousness. Then what is sin?
“Imperfection of character is sin.” If our characters are not like the character of God, then
that is sin. It is a greater sin than even murdering, stealing, or
committing adultery.
It’s a greater sin than even burning churches, let alone establishing them. Why
is it such a great
sin? Those who follow God and call Him “Father,
Father,” should they
resemble God or Satan? If they are following
God and call Him “Father,” but have Satan’s image and go around with
Satan’s character,
then that’s a great sin. It is the same thing as spitting on God’s face. That is why it is only our character that determines between sin or righteousness.
“The Lord requires of all people a perfection of
character.” All
that He wants from us is
not a certain amount
of money donated to the church,
not how many
books we write, or how
many doctorate
degrees we attained. The only thing He is asking of us is to possess His character. “God cannot approve of the least
degree of covetousness or selfishness. He abhors the prayers and exhortation of
those who indulge these evil traits.” If we have the slightest bit of sin in
our hearts and we pray, then our prayers are abominable to Him, and He doesn’t listen to our prayers. Please listen
carefully now. Every hour
determines your life or
death. I hope you will realize
that this could be the
last meeting. Even
if I don’t appear before you or hold another meeting, I hope that you
will hold onto this
light and go to heaven. This meeting will not last
long. There’s no need to be stubborn
before our Father. May you just
accept these words with
your true conscience, for you
yourself will be the one to determine
your own fate of life or
The whole world has completely fallen into Satan’s fallacy,
they have fallen into his hands completely. This is how the entire Christian world teaches
today, that you can
go to heaven just by believing in Jesus. “Any murderer or thief can go, look at the thief on
the cross, he was saved.” And pastors
and believers, they all remain
in their sinful state. That’s why in Psalms chapter 14:2-3, it says, [The LORD
looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any who
understand, who seek God. They have all turned aside, they have together become
corrupt; there is none who does good, no, not one.] These are God’s words. It says, “He is
greatly displeased in the least manifestation of selfishness in the part of His
professed people for whom Jesus spared not His own precious life. Every
selfish, covetous person will fall out by the way. Jesus is our perfect
Can you see this? Do you see this? I picked three
strands of hair, sometimes five, sometimes ten. It’s a good thing I have a lot of hair.
If I did not have a lot of hair, I’d already be bald. Can you see this? You
cannot even see this hair. But even the slightest bit of sin in our hearts (in the Korean Bible it is expressed as “even
a hair tip of sin”) – what
does it say here? Jesus is greatly displeased, He is completely shocked at the
least manifestation of sin, with even a hair tip of sin. His face turns pale and He says,
“I can’t take you,”
and He coldly turns
away from you.
In this way, all those people who have
even a hair tip of sin will
fall off by the way of salvation. Jesus
is our only perfect
example. “Not even by a thought could our Savior
be brought to yield by the power of temptation.” He could not even sin in His
thoughts. This is the condition in which those who will ascend to heaven must
be found. We have to be second Jesuses. So unless we become like Jesus, we cannot ascend to heaven like Jesus.
Only Jesus can go to heaven. Satan cannot go to heaven. We must become a Jesus to be able to go to heaven.
“When the thought of evil is loved and cherished, however secretly, says Jesus, it means that sin still reigns in the
heart.” We can have all kinds of filthy things in our hearts, and no one will know, not even
the person next to us. But Jesus will look into our hearts and say, “Sin still reigns in your heart,” and He will
coldly turn away
from us. That is
why we must be acknowledged and praised,
not by the church, nor
by the world, but by the Lord. Only those who are acknowledged by Him will be able
to go to heaven.
So righteousness by true faith … please listen carefully. “The truth
of attaining to righteousness
by true faith that is accepted by heaven will not cover
even one hidden sin.” It means that
we will not be
wrapped up in a blanket, everything covered up as we are taken to
heaven. Rather,
everything will be opened up and exposed, the depths of our hearts fully
revealed to see if there is any sin there. So the truth of
righteousness by true
faith will not cover a single
hidden sin. “A
man may be a lawbreaker in heart, yet if he
commits no outward act
in transgression, he
may be regarded by the world as possessing great integrity. But God’s law looks
into the secrets of the heart. Only that which is in accord with the principles
of God’s law will stand in the judgment.” So just because outwardly you
have not murdered, stolen anything, or committed adultery, you may
act holy and people may say,
“Oh, he’s very noble, he’s very holy. He’s someone with great integrity. He’s
wonderful.” But heaven does
not look at the outward
actions or appearances;
heaven looks straight into
the heart and into
the secrets of the heart. That is
why the law must be
kept in our conscience and with
our hearts, not with our
That’s why Jesus said, “Those who hate their
brethren have
already killed them. Those who look at a woman and desire her in their hearts have already committed adultery.” Our
flesh, our hands and feet have no sin; it is our
brain that tells our
hands and feet what to do. The lumps of sin are all in our heads. There are those who say, “Oh, I am going to live alone, to live a
life of celibacy.” But if they sin in their hearts and in their minds, it’s all useless. If their
hearts and minds are a factory
of sin, it is all useless, no matter how much they shave off their hair and
live deep within the mountains. Then
there are those
who live deep within
the world, but when their minds are holy, they
do not sin even in their thoughts. Such people
are truly holy and
righteous. That’s why holy people in the past said
that, “A virtuous man
can walk through a prostitute’s lair
and he will not even sin in his thoughts.” It means
he can pass through the filthiest prostitute’s lair, but he will not defile his
thought or heart. But even if you
live deep in the mountains, shaving off your hair and living alone, if your head
is a factory of sin, then it’s all useless. They only emit a smog of sin and
though they live there a hundred or a thousand years, they will always remain a
Then what can we do?
God is supposed to be love,
but how can He be like this? Isn’t He too stingy? Why can’t He just cover our
sins and let us go to heaven? Heaven is so wide, so vast. “Oh, I didn’t know Real Daddy was like that. I really
thought He was
full of love, but now I see He is so stingy.” God is love, is that true? Yes, God is love, but….
People died because of this “but.” “But He did not excuse sin in
Satan. He did not
excuse it in Adam or in Cain,
nor will He excuse it in any other of the children of men.” Why? “He will by no
means overlook our
sins or tolerate our
defects of character.” He will specifically point out our wrongs and say, “You, you are a sinner.” Why
then, why is He so stingy
that He won’t accept even the slightest bit of sin? Why is heaven so strict, not
letting just anyone
go to heaven? There is
a reason for this. Please
read 1 Corinthians
5:6, [Your boasting is not good.] Do you think that just because you believe in Jesus, your boasting is good? [Do you not know that a
little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough?] That little sin in your heart,
that little lump, don’t
you know that the lump
of leaven will leaven the whole universe? Don’t you realize that the whole universe can be destroyed? Please listen carefully.
The reason
why this universe became so full
of sin and death was
because of that sin
in Satan’s heart. Satan
used to be called Lucifer. He had been
a beautiful angel,
but in his heart there was a
tiny bit of sin, a little leaven of sin in his heart. And that leaven grew and grew, then,
it covered
Lucifer and made him Satan. Then
it covered all the angels and made one-third of all the angels fall. Then it covered this whole earth … that’s why the universe became
like this. Even
though He is our
loving Real Daddy, even though we may be so pitiful, if He takes us to heaven just because He feels sorry for us and despite the slightest bit of sin in our
hearts, then that little leaven of sin in our hearts will leaven the whole
universe and destroy
the whole universe all over again.
Thus, our Real
Father, our loving Daddy who loves the whole universe, cannot help but swallow His tears and reject you from
entering heaven. Now
do you know why you cannot go to heaven with the slightest bit of sin? Do you
understand? And so, people in the world say, “Sin, just sin, just live
in moderation, just have
moderate faith, if you just believe in Jesus, He will wrap
you in His
righteousness and take you to heaven.”
Now do you understand what
a fearful doctrine of the demon
this is? I hope you will never be deceived by this ever again.
You know that demon has become the president of all
those theological schools of today and they have killed so many pitiful pastors and
evangelists. What they
are learning is the
demon’s theology, a demonic
theology. I know there are many theological students who came here this
time. That’s
why when that president of a theological
graduate school came, I denounced him. I reprimanded him so firmly. The next day, he came to me so I told him, “You came a bit too late. If you had come a little earlier and
repented, how many people could have been saved?” Therefore, it’s because our
Father loves us so much that He cannot accept those children who have even the
slightest bit of sin in their hearts, because they will ruin the whole universe and kill
so many more beings.
This is His love. That’s why only Jesus is our perfect example and He never
committed sin even in His thoughts. This
is the condition in which we must be found for those who will ascend to heaven.
This is the
character that heaven
requires of us.
Do you know why our country, Korea, became so wealthy? It is because we exported goods to other countries. One time,
a certain president
of a company in Seoul made a contract with a president of a company in Japan. A
man from Japan came and said, “The
wages for labor in my
country is very high, but in your country it’s
very low, so please make me this product and I will come back on a certain
date.” So the
president of this
company in Seoul made a contract with the man from Japan. And he said, “Here, you
have to make it according to the sample.” And
he left a sample for
him. This man in Seoul
was very happy. However, he
should have made it just like the sample given to him, but he only made it similar to the
sample, not quite exactly. He
filled his warehouse with the products he made and waited for the day that man would come from Japan. The day finally came and the president of the company from Japan came with a
bag full of money. He said, “This bag of money is for you. Let’s see my product.”
So this man from Seoul was very happy and he opened his warehouse stacked with
clothes. “Okay, good. Give me that sample.” And when he compared that sample to
the product, again and
again he checked one product after the other, but not one of them was the same as the sample. And this
man from Japan became greatly astonished and his face turned pale and he said,
“Who told you to make it like this?
I refuse to take
it!” and he left. That man in Seoul ended up
going bankrupt.
When I visited the
United States, I
heard that Korea exported
so many clothes that each American citizen could wear two pieces of clothing made
from Korea. I was
very surprised to hear that. There are
almost 200 million people in the States today, perhaps even
more due to illegal aliens.
But I was surprised to hear that Korea had sold
so many clothes that each American could wear two pieces of clothing. I would
imagine that if the
American government made a contract with the Korean government, the American
government would
say “the people here are
different from your people, you have to make everything larger, and make the
clothes in this pattern,” and they would make a contract based on
those conditions.
But suppose a Korean
worker were to say,
“Ah, there’s no point in doing that,
let’s just do
it however we want and
make a profit,” and if
they were to make the clothes to
fit Korean people, then what would the Americans think? Even if they made, not 200 but 400 million pieces of clothing, would the American government take it?
No. Only Korea would
become bankrupt.
All of you are products of character to be exported
to heaven, souls to be exported to the heavenly government. Is this correct?
But the heavenly government sent a sample, and that sample was Jesus Christ. When you are
compared to Jesus Christ, if you are different, then you are rejected. That’s
why it’s written that only when you
have the image of Jesus Christ and perfectly resemble Him, only then can you ascend to heaven.
Otherwise, the
entire universe would
be filled with sin and be a pile of dead bodies again. God the Father will not be
deceived twice. So even
if you have the slightest bit of sin in your heart, you should not even think about going to heaven.
So it’s written here, “I saw a very large company of people, millions and billions of Christians
professing the name of Christ, but God did not recognize them as His.” Millions and billions of pastors and priests are saying, “I’m a Christian, I believe in
God.” But God does not recognize a single
one of them as His.
He says they are abominable to Him. “God had no pleasure in them.” Please listen carefully. “Satan
seemed to assume a
religious character and was very willing that the people should think they were
Christians.” Is this world, the Christian world, possessed by Satan’s spiritualism or am I, Park Myung Ho?
The entire Christian world is possessed by Satan’s spiritualism. They should not even have the
slightest bit of sin,
but they are filled with sin, and still they say they are going to heaven, screaming
and yelling strange utterings.
“He was even anxious that they should believe in
Jesus.” Satan wants
people to go to church. He doesn’t stop anyone from going to church these
days. He wants them
to believe in Jesus. “He
was even anxious that they should believe in Jesus, His crucifixion, and His resurrection.” Go to
church, believe in Jesus, believe in His crucifixion, and believe in
resurrection, believe in His Second
Coming. “Satan
and his angels fully believe in all this
themselves, and tremble.”
Does Satan believe in Jesus Second
Coming? His
resurrection? He
believes in everything. But believing in it will not save you, even Satan believes all that. “But if this faith
does not provoke to good
works, and lead those
who profess to imitate the self-denying
life of Christ, Satan is not disturbed.” In other words, if you don’t
have the sanctified character of Christ, Satan is not disturbed, “for they merely assume the Christian name” and
they become just like him.
So they all become
just like Satan. They go
to church, believe, and they
have faith just like
Satan. He says, “Believe in Jesus, believe in the
crucifixion, the resurrection,
and the Second Coming, I do too.
But don’t have Jesus’
character and just continue to sin.” And Satan makes everyone just like
himself. All the Christians in the world are possessed by this. But they are
saying that all of
you are possessed.
“Satan is not disturbed;
for they merely assume the Christian name,
while their hearts are
still carnal, and he can use them in his service even better than
if they made no profession.”
It means that he
can use such
people more than
before they believed
in Jesus. He says, “You’re a pastor, you believed in Jesus for thirty years,
you’re a deacon, aren’t you?” and he makes them set up churches and uses them as he
pleases, dragging them around however he wants. They are all covered in
Think about how fearful this world has become. But even though I tell you this, you go back and are deceived again. “Hiding their deformity
under the name of Christian, they pass along
with their unsanctified natures,
and their evil passions unsubdued. This gives
occasion for the unbeliever to reproach Christ with their imperfections.” So
only Christ Jesus is cursed at and insulted.
“…and causes
those who do possess pure and undefiled religion to be
brought into
disrepute.” Thus, because
of those disgraceful Christians,
even the true Christians, those true disciples of Christ who have been sanctified, are insulted
and cursed. Our
Father and Jesus are
truly shamed and disgraced by those false Christians. If not for those
Christians, our Father would have been glorified. But because of those
abominable Christians led by Satan, our Father is disgraced. Even the Christians who have truly
been sanctified and regenerated are cursed at, preventing the whole world from being able to go to heaven. Let’s
search ourselves, “Was I not also like that?” Even though it’s too late, at least
from now on, starting from this hour, if you return to our Real Daddy, you can become righteous.
So what is the truth of
righteousness attained by true faith?
Let me read this to you. “When we submit ourselves
to Christ, our heart is united with His heart, our will is merged in His will,
our mind becomes one with His mind, and our thoughts are brought into captivity
to Him. We live His life. We
live a life of
Jesus. This is what it means to be clothed with the garment of His
Now do you understand what righteousness attained by
true faith is? If
we have the same heart as Jesus, the same will, the same mind, and the same thoughts as Jesus, then who have we become? We have become Jesus. Righteousness by true faith is attained
when we become mini Jesuses. So being clothed with the garment of His
righteousness is not putting on some visible clothes, but it
means to possess the
character of Christ. If
you are even a slightly
bit different from the sample sent from
heaven, then you will
be rejected. 99.9% is not
acceptable. Only when
you are 100%
exactly the same as the sample sent from heaven can you go to heaven. Our Father only
accepts the perfect. If He accepts any sin, then this whole universe would become filled with dead bodies once
more. That’s why our
Real Father will not be deceived again.
Now do you believe in this righteousness attained by true faith that I’ve been teaching you, that not
accepting even the
slightest bit of sin is true?
I hope you will never again be deceived by those false churches. By
possessing perfect characters, may you all live together with our Real Father. So who can be saved then? We have reached the end. We might
as well just go back
home tomorrow and live out
in the world, it would be
easier, wouldn’t it? You may
think, “Well, we may
have believed
in Jesus 30, 40 years, our whole lives, and
my heart is still
filled with sin, but you’re saying that I must have not even the slightest bit
of sin to go to heaven. That’s impossible!”
It sounds right, but it’s upsetting. You just want to give up, don’t you?
Let’s read Matthew 19:25, [When His disciples heard
it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who
then can be saved?”]
The disciples heard this and were greatly
astonished, saying, “Who
then can be saved?”
The disciples then or the disciples today have so much to worry about. Let’s read the next
verse. Verse 26, [But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but
with God all things are possible.”]
This is the kind
of Bible verse that you have to read twice. Let’s read it again. [But Jesus looked at
them and said to them, “With
men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”] Amen? You may die and be resurrected ten or a hundred times and
still it would be impossible for you,
but all things are possible with our Real Daddy. So
who should we go to? It’s telling us to go to Real Daddy, then He will do it
all for us. Our Real
Daddy is making it so that we can go to heaven without sweating a drop, and He
is waiting for us. Everything is prepared. Now do you want to return to our
Real Daddy?
Let’s read another Bible verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, [Now may the God of peace
Himself sanctify you completely]. Who is the God of peace? He is our Real
Daddy. Now may our Real Daddy what? Himself sanctify you completely. It’s not
through an angel or
Jesus but He himself will personally sanctify
you completely and make
you perfect. [And may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless
at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also
will do it.] Amen. So the God of peace, our Real Daddy, Himself will completely
make you holy, to make you one without the slightest bit of sin, to [make your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ], so he will preserve you until the Second Advent of
Jesus. Is our Real Daddy truly thorough? He who calls you is faithful,
and does not lie, He’s true, He also will fulfill it. The Bible does not tell
us to become holy by ourselves.
So let’s not become
like the churches
of the world,
striving so hard and making such
an effort, but let’s just go
right to our Daddy.
I went to the East
Coast of Korea,
to an area called Sokcho. I was just passing through there when I met one of our brethren, and he
said, “Teacher Park,
it’s good that you came here.
Since you are here, I would like
to take you sightseeing in
Sorak Mountain.” “Oh, no, I don’t want to go. I don’t like to go sightseeing.”
Nowadays, churches go sightseeing and they rent buses going
everywhere, but I
don’t really like
sightseeing. I don’t even know where Jeju
Island is. I don’t even know where all the famous places in Korea are. I had only lived in the countryside
farming. If I wasn’t going to heaven, I’d
go sightseeing all throughout this world, but since
I’m going to heaven,
what’s the point of looking around this ruined earth. It’s a waste of money, a waste of time, and a waste of energy, so I don’t go. But he said he was going to take me there. I refused
but he kept insisting, and in the end I was practically forced to go.
A bus went half-way up the mountain, and when I got off, he said,
“Here, take this.” “What is it?” “Oh,
it’s a ticket to ride this
cable car.” Since he
already bought a ticket
for me, I just
accepted it and said, “Thank you.” We
got on the cable car. The door closed
and it started
to go up. It was
so nice, it was
really beautiful
and I was humming to myself as I looked here
and there. But then all
of a sudden he said, “Let’s get off.” “Why?” We had already reached the top.

This is the same way we are supposed to go
to heaven. All we have to do is be happy and joyful in Real Daddy’s arms, and then we will be told to get off. Why? Because we already
arrived in heaven.
“I want to go more.” “No, we’ve arrived.”
This is how we
are supposed to go to heaven. But do you know what they are doing in the churches of the world today? The leader in
the front has a backpack on and he says, “Alright everyone,
prepare your backpacks!” And so they all prepare their
backpacks. Then he says, “Okay, put them on!” So they put them on and they start
climbing up the mountain. “Keep the Sabbath. Don’t eat this. Don’t do that. Don’t do this. You
must fast. You
must pray.” And this
leader makes them do
all these things and everyone follows. But in the end, they only scrape their
knees and grow hungry; they can never make it to the top. How can anyone reach the top of such a mountain? Maybe a young man can, but how about the elderly women and children? And even if they
reach the top of Sorak Mountain, how can they make it up to heaven? That’s why
the people in the world are so frustrating and hopeless.
While riding
this cable car, it would shake at times because of the wind. You know what this is? It is tribulation that we
encounter in our
Real Daddy. I hope that you will surely go
to heaven like this.
Philippians 1:6, […being confident of this very
thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day
of Jesus Christ.] Amen. Being confident of this very thing, that He who has
begun a good work in you] –
Who? Real Daddy. Real Daddy who has begun a good work in you will complete it, fulfill
it, and be responsible until the day of Jesus Christ. As you attend this
meeting, you may say, “Why am I
not being transformed more quickly?
But don’t worry, why? He has guaranteed it and He has promised it, and He will
be responsible, so I hope you will believe in God. Even if you fall and stumble,
and you may fall asleep and bang your head, but I hope that you will just remain
in this cable car, then
you will make it.
There was a certain man, he was going from Korea to America, but he had no money. He
barely had enough money to buy
a plane ticket. But on the way to America, there was a great storm, so it had
to land in another country. Of course, you know staying in a hotel is very
expensive and he was in trouble. He had no money; he was expecting to arrive in
and meet his family and friends who would welcome him there. He never imagined
that he would go to another country like this. So he was in trouble. The storm had been terrible. And they were saying something on the airplane, but he could not understand what they were saying. So he asked someone,
“What are they talking about? When are we going tomorrow?” “Oh, we’re going tomorrow at ten in the morning.” All that he
could understand was the plane will leave tomorrow at ten in the morning. So he
got off the plane just like everyone else. People went here and people went
there. Someone told him to get on the bus, but he had no money. So he just held onto his plane ticket and stayed in
the waiting room in the airport all night long without being able to eat or drink
The next day, around ten in the
morning, he was all cold and hungry, but then the passengers who had been seated around him on the
plane returned, and they must
have eaten something very good, their
faces were very happy
and they had toothpicks
in their hands. “Hey, what’s wrong with you? Why do you look so cold?” “Oh, shhhh. You know, I have no money so I
stayed here all night long, I’m cold and I’m so hungry.” “Hey, don’t you have a
plane ticket?” “Oh yes, here it is.” “Look at the other side.” And when he
turned it over, it was written like this, “If something happens and this plane makes an
emergency landing in
another country, then this company will be fully responsible for room and board.”
Real Daddy will be responsible! Do you know why all those people
in those churches are so cold and hungry? But look at the people here from the
Elijah Gospel Missionary Institute,
we are so happy and so satisfied. Ask them why they are so cold and hungry.
They even have
the plane ticket in their hands but
they are like that. I hope that you will not be worried. Just be
ready to use your
toothpicks. Real Daddy will be responsible. Shall we say it together? “Real Daddy will be responsible!” [He who calls you is faithful, He will do it.] He will hold
Himself responsible for making us perfectly holy until the day of the coming of
His Son, Jesus Christ. So in this cable car of light, may you
whistle and sing,
looking from this side to that side. Then when you are told get off, you can get off, and that will be heaven. I hope that all of you will do this.
ASSEMBLY OF THE DECALOGUE STONE COUNTRY) / email address for inquiries:
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