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Friday, March 7, 2014

Eternal Life Chapter 9 Our Real Father Who Works Diligently For Each Of His Children

hat prince was a tennis coach in the army but he is now handicapped. Our Daddy though has changed all his misfortune to blessings and now he has received eternal life. Not only that, his family has also been saved because of him. If he were still a tennis coach, he would have died sweating on a tennis court, but now he has gained eternal life.
You know, athletes are very busy. They rarely have any free time. They spend their lives practicing their sport not realizing that it is the end of the world and that their Daddy is calling them. I’m sure that at the beginning when he first became handicapped, he was very unhappy, but his handicap has become a great blessing to him.
Let’s open The Key to Happiness Chapter 9. The title is “Our Real Father Who Works Diligently for Each of His Children.” Throughout the world, do you know what they teach in the Christian churches these days? They say that God is lazy and does nothing but sit on His throne and demand angels to glorify Him, wanting all people to worship Him, and that He is a God who only wants to receive worship and praise. Isn’t that right? So all God does is sit on His throne and wait to judge and condemn all those who sin, wanting angels to worship Him and people to praise Him. But if you look in the Bible, it reveals that our Real Daddy works very hard laboring for the happiness of His children.
Let’s read page 100. It is written, the Lord started [His works of old…. While as yet He had not made the earth or the fields, or the primeval dust of the world. When He prepared the heavens, I was there, when He drew a circle on the face of the deep, when He established the clouds above, when He strengthened the foundations of the deep, when He assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters would not transgress His command, when He marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside Him, as a master craftsman and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him.] (Pro 8:22, 26-30)
Jesus, who walked with the Father and who was with the Father from the very beginning, gave us His testimony of when He was with the Father. It is written that the Lord started “His works of old … while as yet He had not made the earth or the fields, or the primeval dust of the world. When He prepared the heavens, I was there, when He drew a circle on the face of the deep, when He established the clouds above, when He strengthened the foundations of the deep, when He assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters would not transgress His command, when He marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside Him, as a master craftsman and I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him.” This was Jesus who walked with Him from the very beginning. Now do you understand that our Daddy is working diligently? But you weren’t able to see it. You never realized this, did you?
There was a certain son who slept until late morning, and when he awoke, the sun was high in the sky. Upon waking up, he saw that the manure pile placed in the front yard to be spread was gone and had already been sprinkled all throughout the field. He walked to the field in the backyard and saw that though yesterday the ground was hard, today it had been tilled over. And when he went to the chicken coop, the chickens were eating because someone had already given them food. He checked the cows and they too were already eating their feed. Who was it that did all his work? All the son did was sleep, and though he didn’t see it happening, when he woke up he knew that someone had done all the work for him. The backyard fields were tilled over, the manure pile at the front of the house was already sprinkled on the fields, the chickens had been fed, as well as the cows. While he was sleeping, his father had done all the work. He was diligently working for his son so that he could grow up to be a fine young man.
In the same way, even though we are not able to see our Daddy working, we know that He is. Look at the stars in the sky. Did our ancestors put the stars in the sky? Did American scientists put them in the sky? Our Real Father placed the stars and the moon in the sky. And look at the mountains. Did anyone build those mountains? They are all signs that our Real Daddy has been working. Yet how is it people say our Daddy only sits on His throne wanting to receive the praise of angels and worship from people. The whole world is being taught these false teachings. Jesus was the same as His Father, and that’s why He also worked very diligently – to the point where His disciples were worried He would collapse. So Jesus said to them, “Why are you talking like that? What I’m doing is nothing compared to the work that My Father does.” We may go to church and rest on certain days, but our Lord is busy on those days blessing us. Children are busy enjoying the holidays doing whatever they want to do, but the parents are working so hard to cook delicious things for them. Isn’t that right? In the same way, we may enjoy that day of rest on the Lord’s Day, but our Daddy is busy having the sun rise and running the whole universe. Our Daddy does so many diverse jobs both small and great.
Let’s read page 102. [Look at the birds in the air; for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them…. Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin.] Even though our Father works so hard, have you ever heard Him say, “Oh My arms! My shoulder! My back!”? Not at all. Though He does so much work, He instead says, “Is there anyone that feels weak? Then ask for strength from Me. Is there anyone that feels powerless? Then ask for strength from Me.” His arms are everlasting and almighty arms. I hope that you will be embraced in those arms this hour.
If you look here it says that Jesus said, “Look at the birds of the air.” Since He told us to look at the birds of the air, let’s look at them. If He says look at them, then we should look at them. If He says don’t look at them, then we shouldn’t look at them. We need only to obey. So Jesus said, “Look at the birds of the air. Can you see them? For they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns. Yet they’re always full and fat and healthy. They eat well, live well, and they sing and dance. Who does all these things for them? Your heavenly Father feeds them and clothes them.” [Consider the lilies of the fields how they grow.]
When I was young, I was born into a family that didn’t believe in God. We were atheists. So when I was young, I was full of worries. Why was I so worried? There were so many beautiful birds in the mountains like sparrows, eagles, and larks. There were so many different kinds of birds. But when I was about five years old, I worried that they would starve during the winter. Why? There was so much grain in the fields before winter, but the farmers would harvest everything. They would put everything in sacks, tie them up, and store everything away in storehouses. And if there were some grains left on the ground, the parents would have their children pick up even the last of those that had fallen, to put them into the storehouse. So there would be nothing for the birds to eat. On top of that, long ago it used to snow five to six feet a year. So at night when I was lying in bed, I would worry about the birds. I wondered what they would have to eat. They must have starved today as they did yesterday. And I thought that the next spring there wouldn’t be any birds left to sing. Why? Because all winter long they had nothing to eat. People had harvested everything and even picked up the leftovers. There was snow everywhere covering the fields and the mountains. “How could they live for three months without eating anything? Maybe they could starve for a month, but not all winter long.” So I would worry that in the spring of next year, there wouldn’t be any birds around to sing.
But when spring came, though I thought they would have starved to death, instead they were fat and healthy. And I remember thinking to myself, “It looks like they have oiled their feathers! And they’re singing! They are singing outside the windows on the tree branches! That’s strange. They should have starved during the winter!” I wondered who had fed them. I thought they would be skinny, complaining that they had starved all winter long, but they were fat and could fly with such strength. “Wow! This is so amazing!” I couldn’t understand why. Even when I asked the adults, they couldn’t answer either. Then spring, summer, and autumn passed and again the people harvested everything and left nothing for the birds. And when winter and snow came, again I would worry. “Alright, last year they made it through the winter, but this year it’s colder.” And when I was lying in bed underneath the blankets and the winter winds were blowing outside, I couldn’t help but think that all the birds would die this winter. But when the spring came they again came out and sang and were fat and healthy. “Wow! This is so amazing!”
Later as I grew up and I went to church and read the Bible, I realized who had fed them. Did the government feed them? [Look at the birds of the air.] Let’s look at the birds. [For they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them.] Our Father clothes them and takes care of them. “Oh, of course!” And that’s when I knew. Do you think that God is a God who only likes to sit on a throne and receive glory and praise? He loves even the smallest sparrows. He loves them, takes care of them, and feeds them. And our Daddy clothes them with feather coats that fit them perfectly. If it were too big, it would be heavy and they wouldn’t be able to fly. But they fit perfectly so they could dance and fly all they wanted. And even in the winter when the severe winds were blowing, they would still be warm. Their little coats would keep them perfectly warm. And our Daddy would give bigger coats of feathers to the eagles and larks that are a little bigger, and they would fit them perfectly as well. So even during the winter they could sleep so warmly.
What about the cows in the stall? Our Daddy gave them a fur overcoat and so they say, “Moo~ it’s nice and warm.” And they are so thankful to our Real Daddy. Do you know what dogs, monkeys, and rabbits have? They have running shoes. The brand is called “God’s Brand.” And when they are small they have small shoes, and the bigger they grow the bigger their shoes become. No matter how fast they run, their shoes never fall off. I have never heard any of those animals say “Oh! I’ve lost a shoe!” People’s shoes get untied and they lose their shoes, but not them.
You know, I always have my dog with me. It is our eighth dog, but this one is the best. He never leaves his owner’s side. If I called the other dogs to me when I was near a cliff, they’d never come because they were too scared, as if they were afraid I would push them off the cliff. This dog is a Pointer and he has droopy ears and watery eyes. And even though I call him to the edge of the cliff, he comes straight to me. When I go to the mountains to cut wood, after a long while, the other dogs would get bored and they’d go home. But this dog sits right at my side and never leaves. I have prayer places on rocks that I go to. I have these prayer places and as I go up the mountain, there is the first prayer place, a second prayer place, and a third prayer place. Whenever I go to pray, this dog is so serious. He turns around and doesn’t even watch me pray as he waits for me. He doesn’t move even though there are flies around him. He just sits there. And after I’m finished praying and I call him to me, he starts to come carefully but he can’t look me in the eyes. And when I say “Let’s go!” he obediently gets up and runs. He’s a very spiritual dog. When I take my A-frame carrier to do wood, he runs and circles the area to see if there’s anything dangerous around and then comes right to my side and sits down and waits. When I walk down the mountain carrying wood, I walk very slowly, but he doesn’t go far ahead of me. He’ll go a few steps ahead and wait for me, then a few more steps and wait for me again. If I’m getting in the car ready to go out to pray, I’ll tell him, “Get in the car,” and he’ll get in and sit there and wait. Or if I say, “Go home and wait,” then he’ll go and wait at home. I’ve never seen a dog like this before. When I look at him, he’s so gentle and kind to people and is submissive to other dogs. But when he goes to the mountains, he’s fearless and intimidating. When I look at my dog’s feet, I see he has running shoes that are padded very well with cushioning; so no matter how much he runs, his feet never get hurt. In Mount Songni there are a lot of sharp rocks, pebbles, and stones, but he is able to run around as much as he wants. It’s really nice. When I look at those shoes, I see our Real Daddy made such wonderful shoes for him.
Look at the deer also. There was a little deer captured by one of our brethren and he gave it to me to take care of. When you look at their feet, they wear pointed heels. They don’t have running shoes but dress shoes and they are pointed and very beautiful. Actually they are double-pointed heels. And as the deer walks, they make this click-click sound. Our Real Daddy clothes these animals with summer and winter clothes also. In summer He has them wear light clothes so it’s cool. Then in winter he takes them off and puts on very thick warm clothes. Who could ever change the clothes on a deer to make it light and cool in summer and heavy and warm in winter? Can a scientist do that? It’s our Real Daddy who does that. Who clothes sparrows, cows, and flowers? Another thing about the dress shoes is the bigger the animal gets, the bigger the shoes become. This is really true, it’s not a joke. Isn’t that right? If they didn’t have those shoes, they couldn’t run; their feet would bleed. But because they wear those shoes, they can run anywhere they please.
What does it say in the Bible? It says not to worry about what to eat, what to drink, or what to wear. Our Father feeds and clothes even the sparrows, so how much more will He do for you? Those with even the smallest faith do not pray for such things, so what about us? We don’t even have the faith of sparrows. Sparrows have nothing to eat for the following day, but the night before they offer a worship of thanks and praise and they go to sleep peacefully because they believe that God will feed them the next day. And according to their faith, the next morning our Daddy feeds them. People store in their storage sheds and storage rooms a year’s worth of food or a month’s worth of food. But though sparrows don’t even have a storehouse, they never forget or doubt God’s love. They wait every morning and of course Daddy feeds them.
Every morning I have this contest with the birds to see who wakes up earliest. So I say, “Tomorrow morning, I’ll wake up and offer worship earlier than them.” But when I wake the family up for worship, the birds are already singing outside having their worship. Sparrows always give offerings of thanks and their faith is very strong. Even though they have nothing to eat for the next day, they are always thankful and they believe that Daddy will feed them so they praise Him. But people have so much in their storehouses and though they have so much to eat and have hundreds of pieces of clothing, they still complain.
A certain singer was televised and was asked, “How many Korean dresses do you have?” She said she had 200, not to mention the undergarments and dress clothes that go with them. People may have over a hundred thousand pieces of clothing, but could they ever wear all of them? They probably wouldn’t get to wear more than ten of them. The rest would just be hanging to be eaten by moths. How nice it would be if they shared them or gave them to others. People have hundreds of clothing items and so much food in their storehouses, but they are always complaining and murmuring. I don’t know what they have to complain and murmur about. They don’t know how to be thankful and only walk around with a frown on their faces. But sparrows have only one set of clothing and their meal for that day. That’s all they have and yet they are always thankful.
Solomon said, “You lazy people, go learn how to work from an ant.” But to those who have no faith, I would like to say, “Please, learn faith from the sparrows.” Sparrows have true faith. What about people? Would they sing if they had nothing to eat for tomorrow? They would have a frown on their faces. But sparrows are not like that. The mother, father, and children sit together and offer worship and then they sleep. And according to their faith our Daddy blesses them. And the next day, whether it’s snowing or there is nothing to be seen for food, regardless of the situation He feeds them. Will you believe that God feeds them? They cannot survive off of snow and they do not feed on pine trees, but they go around with a full stomach, so they must have eaten something. I wonder how He feeds them. We may not know how our Daddy feeds them but He feeds them undoubtedly.
Even though Elijah ran away from Daddy, He fed him. Will you believe this? Then do you think our Daddy started a fire and cooked food for Elijah? We don’t know how He cooked food and fed Elijah but He undoubtedly fed him, and Elijah ate and was filled and was able to run with energy from that food. So we don’t know how our Daddy feeds the sparrows, but He still feeds, clothes, and strengthens them.
Moreover, [Who provides food for the ravens when its young ones cry to God and wander about for lack of food?] (Job 38:41) [Your Father, your heavenly Father feeds them.] Even ravens are provided with food. So how much more for us! When the young ones cry to God, He has compassion on them and feeds them. Will you believe these words? These are the words of Jesus and the Holy Spirit who abide by the Father’s side. The ravens would die if they had nothing to eat, but did you ever hear of birds starving or dying from starvation?
Let’s continue. [Can you hunt the prey for the lion or satisfy the appetite of the young lions when they crouch in their dens (in hunger)?] (Job 38:39-40) Your Father also feeds them. The young lions and tigers wear very expensive clothes. I don’t know what they are worth, but people want to take their clothes from them so they shoot them. There’s nothing more terrible and merciless than people. The animals only have one pair of clothing, but people want to take even that from them, so they kill the animals and skin them. That’s why people are the most wicked.
He [covers the heavens with clouds, (He) prepares rain for the earth, (He) makes grass to grow on the mountains.] (Psa 147:8) And He [causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and vegetation for the service of man.] (Psa 104:14) Yes. “He covers the heavens with the clouds. He prepares rain for the earth. He makes grass grow on the mountains. He causes the grass to grow for the cattle and vegetation for the service of man.” You ate vegetables for breakfast, didn’t you? Who grew all those vegetables? It was our Real Daddy. [He covers the heavens with the clouds. He prepares rain for the earth.] He even gave us the fields. Did scientists make the fields? Our Daddy gave us the fields. He gave us the fields, the seeds, the water, and even put fertilizer in the water. He gave them life and had them grow. After the vegetables grew, He told us to pick them and eat them. Did the farmer do the farming or did our Real Daddy do the farming? Our Daddy did the farming. But what do people say? “Oh, this year I farmed very well.” That’s how foolish people are. They should say, “Oh, thank You God for taking care of my farm.” But instead they say, “Where is God? If God is alive, show Him to me. Tell Him to come out.” That’s why people are so pitiful and the most wicked. Sparrows know how to thank God, but people don’t know how to thank God. People have become like animals and animals have become like people. That’s why it is written in the Bible that people are the most corrupt and most degenerated out of all creation.
Nowadays, do you know what the teachers and professors teach our young children? They say, “You know, rain is not given by God. Water evaporates and travels to the sky, and when they gather together, they come down all at once. That’s rain. With snow and hail, because it’s cold, it freezes and it comes down as snow and hail.” Where is God? Then our young children say, “Wow, our teacher is really smart.” But is that how the rain falls? It’s a lie. All the knowledge and education of this world is false. I hope that you will believe me.
Does rain have eyes? Does rain have thoughts? Is rain alive? Rain is nothing. It has no eyes, no thought, and no judgment. Why is it that the rain falls right after people have planted and sown the seeds? And later, when it’s time to harvest, the rain comes again. Plants need a lot of water during the summer, and so there is a lot of rain during that time. Not just for one year but for thousands of years rain has fallen in the spring. In the summer when plants need a lot of water, a lot of rain falls and satisfies the thirst of all the plants. In autumn, the latter rain falls for harvest, then the rain stops. Does it decide to evaporate, saying, “Everyone, let’s gather, it’s spring time. Let’s go down!” Have you ever heard that they had that kind of meeting? No. Then how does it rain?
This is how it rains. Our Real Daddy brings a big watering can filled with water and He waits to see when the children have planted. Our Daddy looks to see and says, “Have My children planted yet? Oh, they have.” It’s because He farms with us. He brings the cloud watering can. If He poured the water all at once, then it would wash everything away. So He puts all these little holes in this watering can and sprinkles water with that. Do you understand? Inside this watering can, He mixes all kinds of minerals and makes it into fertilizer. So when plants receive that rain, they grow very well. This is a fact and the truth. Did you ever hear rain saying, “Let’s get together, let’s rain and fall down.” No. Our Real Daddy comes with the watering can to water the plants.
If people water plants, they don’t grow very well. But when Daddy waters the plants, they grow so well because there are so many nutrients mixed into the water. People acknowledge that too. Where do those minerals come from? It’s our Real Daddy who puts the minerals into the water and has it rain. If people give the fields water, the water just flows out to the sides of the field. But when our Daddy pours rain, the fields soak it right up. Our Daddy watches the fields and sends rains, and when the harvest is over, the rain stops. Am I right or are people in those schools right?
Once, when I was living in Jeolla Province in the south, I had a large vegetable field, a rice paddy, and a vineyard. It was the first time I had done farming by myself. I only helped my father a little bit when I was young. That place was the first time I had ever done farming by myself. But I bought those fields and there was a large rice paddy on top of a hill and also a vegetable field and a vineyard. And the people said, “You know, the fields that you bought have no irrigation. The only way to get water is from rain. So don’t grow your seedlings there or else they’re going to die from a lack of water. Borrow a place from one of the neighbors where it is irrigated because if you don’t, you will not be able to grow any rice.” Of course, they were telling me this to help me out.
Then I said, “As long as I live here I’m only going to grow my seedlings here.” And they said, “How come you are so stubborn? We are much more knowledgeable about your rice paddies. You better listen to us.” They had lived there for generations and knew all about it. They were agricultural experts. But I was firm in my resolve.
“No, I’m going to plant them right here.”
“Fine. Do whatever you want young man.”
So for six years I grew those rice seedlings there, but they never once dried out and died. Why? Who was holding the watering can? It was our Daddy. That’s why I was very confident. Would Daddy allow His son’s field to go dry and let all the plants die? Daddy had the watering can so what did I have to worry about? I hope that you will completely trust in our Real Daddy. He has never left our side for even a moment.
I lived there for six years. It was during the seventies and one time there was a severe drought. On top of that, there was a disease spreading in all the fields. But there was no disease in our fields. At that time, I was acknowledged as an expert in farming by my neighbors. It was the first time in my life I had farmed by myself, but my Daddy watered the plants and took care of them so that the bugs and diseases did not destroy them. In those six years my neighbors were able to see everything. My rice paddy was right next to the main road so everybody in the village passing by could see it. It was also between two little villages. People would walk by my field and say, “Oh, this field is dry. It is going to rain soon.” When I was not around, they would say, “When that field is dry, rain will come,” because they knew that the rain would come down according to the state of my field. Our Real Daddy holds the watering can of clouds, mixes in minerals and other nutrients, and then pours the water for our sakes.
This Bible here is written by pygmies. It says, [He covers the heavens with clouds, (He) prepares rain for the earth.] If there was a lot of time left remaining on this earth, I would rewrite the Bible all over again. How would I rewrite this verse? “Real Daddy takes a watering can of clouds, mixes in minerals and pours it down on His children’s fields.” This is the real thing. But because it is written the way it is, people have a hard time understanding it.  If I were to rewrite the Bible, I would make it so that people could read it and understand it right on the spot. But because of the way it was first written, people have a hard time understanding it, and so other people have to interpret it for them. But they all have different interpretations. When it comes to vegetables and even rice, our Real Daddy does all the farming. He just says to us, “Now you harvest it.” All we do is help our Daddy by giving them some fertilizer or picking out the bugs from the plants. We just do the little things; He does all the big things. So how thankful we should be.
When we eat fruits, vegetables, or rice, or when we look at the skies or the birds, it should give us reason to be thankful to our Real Daddy. But people don’t know how to thank Him. Instead, they are always complaining or murmuring with a frown on their faces. Birds do not even have food to eat for the next day, but people have so much food and clothes in their pantries and closets. The more our Real Daddy fills their pantries and storage sheds, the more they complain. Who complains more, rich people or poor people? People who have more are greedier and complain even more. So God cannot do anything for them.
And then even after their pantry and storehouse is overflowing, they act as if they have nothing. They say, “Oh, I have nothing at home.” Whenever I meet any of my friends, even friends who live out in society, they tell me that I am the richest of them all. This is because I say, “Oh, I have everything” even though I actually have the least. And my friends say, “Oh, we don’t have anything” and are always asking for help from me.
That’s why if you are rich in heart you are rich in everything. Those who are poor in heart are poor in everything. Those who have the poorest hearts are the richest people. Those rich people are the most pitiful. They are so selfish and greedy. They are so stingy and always worry about what they don’t have. Actually, if you don’t have anything, you are at peace. But if you have a lot of money, you say, “Should I use this to buy a building or an apartment? And what if there’s a fire?” They are always worried. But people who don’t have anything have nothing to worry about. There’s a saying, “If you are full and warm, you become sinful. But if you are cold and hungry, you become enlightened with truth.”
Shall I tell you a story? There was once a fire. During this fire, there were two beggars; a father and his son living under a bridge. Because there was a fire, the fire engines were coming, sirens were ringing, and people were frantically running about. So this beggar’s son said, “Father, we don’t have a house so we don’t even have to worry about a fire, right?” And the father said to his son, “Ah, it’s all due to the merits of your father.” Yes, it was all because of the father. What a wonderful father he was. So the father and son were very happy because they had nothing to lose. Did they have to worry about anyone stealing from them or anything they owned burning up in a fire? Yes, they were living in heaven. Poor people are like that. Rich people are the sickest and the most selfish and greedy. They are really unhappy, and strangely, they think that money is everything. What does it say in the Bible? [It is easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle….] Can a camel go through an eye of a needle? Those people who cannot let go of the things of this world are truly pitiful.
Let’s continue reading. [This great and wide sea, in which are innumerable teeming things … both small and great … these all wait for You … what You give them they gather in, You open Your hand, they are filled with good.] (Psa 104:25-28) “This great and wide (ocean) sea in which are innumerable teeming things.” They say that there are a million different types of species living in the ocean; beginning from the smallest plankton to whales as large as a house. The seas cover 75% of this earth. I thought it was 2/3rds but actually it is 75%. It is three times larger than land. Under the water there are many more different kinds of living things than on land. People say there are a million species. The schools of fish – who feeds them all? Does the Environmental Protection Agency feed them? No one goes down there to feed them. Is there a factory down there that makes food? Are there fields of food under the water? No. Yet all those animals eat so much that their stomachs are all full. And some of the fishes eat other fish. If they eat each other, then only the biggest and strongest should remain. But from the smallest to the largest they are all living happily together. Then how much more for all of you whom He has begotten with His own body! I hope that you will believe in our Real Daddy’s love.
Although there are so many different kinds of species in the ocean, they are all happy and satisfied and are very healthy. If you look at the fish, they have the best swimwear and diving wear. If their scales were directed forward, they wouldn’t be able to swim, so their scales are directed backwards. Do you realize how wonderful their swimwear is? Did the scientists clothe them like that? Our Real Daddy clothed them. He even put goggles on them. That is why they can see underwater without a problem. They can see everything. They can see what’s behind the rock because of the reflection. Our Real Daddy clothes them with diving suits and swimming suits and feeds them as well.
We do not know how Elijah ate in the wilderness, yet our Daddy undoubtedly fed him. Likewise, just as He feeds the ravens and sparrows, though there are no food factories, the fact is they have eaten, so our Daddy has undoubtedly fed them something. Then how much more would our Daddy take care of you? That’s why you should not worry about what to eat or what to wear. That is what the orphans in the world worry about. I hope that you will now believe in our Real Daddy.
Did you notice the mouths of fishes always opening and closing? Do you know what they teach in school? They say, “Oh, the fish are breathing.” Why do they say that? Fishes have a nose, a mouth, and even ears. But the reason why their mouth is always opening and closing is not because they are breathing. It’s because they are thanking God. They are saying, “Thank You, thank You! I don’t have to farm or do any work, and yet I eat so well and am clothed so well. I’m so happy. Thank You, thank You!” And they are happily dancing and thanking our Real Daddy. What I’m telling you is the truth. Even dolphins are so thankful that they can’t hold it in. They are not satisfied just swimming about under the sea. They want to express their joy and gratitude to our God even more, so they jump up above the water thanking God and then dive back into the water. But what do people say? “Oh, it’s a dolphin show!” People may know what shows are but dolphins don’t know what shows are. People drink and dance but dolphins don’t drink and dance. The dolphins are offering worship but people don’t know that. Humans see everything according to the way they think. Through a pig’s eye, all things are pig-like. In the eyes of a saint, everything is saint-like. Because they drink and dance, they think dolphins are like them. But dolphins are not like them. They are offering worship. They are jumping up and down thanking God.
Doesn’t it say in the Bible that all of creation praises God? Yes, they praise and thank Him. Only to people, because they don’t have regenerated eyes or ears does it look like they are dancing and putting on a show. Once our eyes and ears are regenerated, then we will be able to see things as they are. That’s when we will truly become part of the universal family and become eternal Gods. Sparrows offer worship morning and evening, and during the day they are dancing, singing, and giving praises.
What about little chicks? When yellow chicks that were just born eat grains from the ground, they do not look up to the sky. But when they drink water, they look up to the sky and open their mouths. Is it because they can’t swallow water? Of course not, water should go down easier. So when they eat rice or grains, they don’t do that, but when they drink water they are always lifting up their heads. Do you know why? They are thanking God. Then why are they thankful when they drink water and not when they are eating the rice? Do you know what they are doing? When they are eating the grains, they are saying, “Oh, thank You, God. We have this food and we don’t even have to farm.” And when they drink water they are saying, “Oh, and You even gave us water. Thank You so very much.” Do you understand? It’s not a joke. Even chicks that have been born just a few days before know how to give thanks.  Dolphins know how to give thanks and sparrows know how to give thanks. Only people do not know how to give thanks. There is so much growing in their farms, they have so many clothes, and they have everything they need. They are given oxygen, fruits, and vegetables, and He makes everything so beautifully for them. Yet they say, “Where is God? Have you ever seen Him?” That’s why people are the most pitiful out of all creation.
Everything in nature is our teacher. If you were spiritually enlightened, you would not need a human teacher. All of nature would be our teacher. Even Real Daddy Himself is our Teacher. But there are some people who go to learn the truth from humans, and they learn all the wrong things and end up doing the wrong things. People who go to those kinds of people to look for the truth end up being used; they suffer and are trampled upon. Christianity, Buddhism, and Confucianism are all the same. People thought that they would learn the truth but instead, money was stolen from them and they were victimized. They were just used and abused. I hope that you will not be swindled by those thieves and those evil people but be embraced by our Real Daddy. That is why He is always telling us not to worry about what we will eat and what we will wear.  
Jesus says to us, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?” A penny is almost nothing. If two sparrows are sold for one penny, then one sparrow is not even worth a penny. Unless people shoot them and kill them, or they have a heart attack, they will not die. And they would not starve to death either. Why? Because our Real Daddy takes care of them. [And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.] So how much more does He love you? If you pray and ask for those things – what to wear and what to drink – He would give them to you. But you act like you are orphans.
He says, [But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things], food, clothing, and everything else will be given in addition to you. I hope that you will seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Don’t seek that piece of paper like money or food and drink. But seek first the kingdom of God. People think that this is telling them to ask for heaven. Yes, those people are so greedy. The heavenly kingdom is not here or there but it is in your heart. Our heart which has the image of God and the image of Christ is heaven. Everything in this universe including heaven is given to such people. But because they are like demons, it’s a waste to give them even water.
So first, we must receive and learn our Real Daddy’s love, and once you know His love, then even if everyone else in this universe should starve, you will by no means starve. Will a rich father allow his own children to starve? That’s why it’s the orphans in the world who have to ask for things to eat. Orphans in this world, after coming back from school, have to work to make money. But children with families, when they come home from school, they throw down their bags and play. When it’s dinner time they say, “Mother, where’s my dinner?” Since you have found our Real Daddy, you are not orphans. So don’t worry anymore; I hope that you will only seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. If you make Him happy, then He will do everything for you and be responsible for everything.
You might want to say to me, “You can say that because you are sitting in such a high place. But you should experience poverty as I have. Don’t they say even Confucius would have stolen had he starved for three or four days?” But you should be careful of what you say. What if Confucius wakes up from his grave and says, “When did you ever see me steal!” What would you say to him?
One time, Confucius and all his disciples were going to another nation, an enemy nation, to teach the truth. But they were seized and imprisoned. And they were starved for two weeks. So the disciples said, “Teacher, you said that if we obey God we would live, but what is this?” They were saying this to their teacher after starving for two weeks. But Confucius said, “The truth is always a battle. I will not retreat from this.” Then God had them freed after the two weeks. Confucius would never steal even if he starved for 3 or 4 days but people think that Confucius is like them.
Do you think that I’m sitting in a very high place? The second floor is actually higher than me. Do you think because I say these things that I have never experienced poverty? I also experienced extreme poverty like you as well. Shall I tell you about my experiences?
I had a very good business once, but Daddy told me to give it all up. So I went to Gyeong-sang Province deep in the hills. When I first moved there, the community leader told me that I had a lot of money. I was one of the richest people in that area, but the Lord can make you rich and He can make you poor. He can save and He can kill, He can uplift and He can bring down. He can do whatever He wants. Though I had so much, Daddy had my money dissipate little by little and after a while, it was all gone. But I never wasted money and I have always been very economical. Even Jesus, when there was leftover bread, gathered it together and did not waste any of it. We have to know how precious God’s blessings are and not waste them.
So I did not uselessly waste any money but after some time passed, all I had left was the house I was living in. That was it. There was no way for me to get money or even rice. I was deep in the mountains and my house was the only house around. I didn’t have any money and I didn’t have anything to sell. So my wife came to me and said, “Dear, we’re going to run out of food.” Of course, the one who was responsible for cooking for the family was worried. I saw that there remained only a little bit of rice left. So we were running out of food and there was nowhere to work. There was no one to even get food from. We had no rice paddies or vegetable fields. And I would not go and ask people for help. Even though my brothers lived very well, I never asked them for help. I would not do anything that would shame my Daddy’s glory. 
So I told my wife, “Don’t worry. Let’s hurry and eat that food up.” And she said, “Okay, I’ll do whatever you say.” So we just ate it. I was planning on just going hungry after we ate all the rice. Did I do anything wrong? Daddy told me to come here and I obeyed Him, and I became poor. Then shouldn’t He be responsible for me? Did I come here because I wanted to? Did I do something bad and run away to this place? If so, then I guess I would have been worried. But Daddy told me to come here. He said, “Go,” so I said, “Okay, I’ll go.” So we were running out of food, but He should be responsible, shouldn’t He?
The richest person in Korea is probably Chung Ju-yung (founder of the Hyundai Group). If his son were starving, would he just sit still? The son might sit there starving to death, but the father would scold him, saying, “What are you doing? Here, take this!” and would give him things to eat. But my Daddy is the richest Being in the universe. Would He allow this son to starve who is only obedient to Him? When we obey Daddy, we have the strength to talk to Him. But when we disobey, we can’t say one word to Him. So if we obey Him, whether we are starving or whatever, we feel so at peace.
So I thought to myself, “Did I become poor disobeying God, running away from Him like Jonah? No, I obeyed Him 100%.” So I was planning on just starving because Daddy would be more worried than me if I did. But before the rice completely ran out, there came a letter from somebody saying, “Go to a certain train station and pick up a sack of brown rice.” And another letter came telling me to go and pick up a sack of rice from another place. Sacks of rice were falling from the sky! I never wrote a letter to anyone – my wife is a witness. Who sent that rice? Daddy sent it. Daddy already knew that I was running out of rice. I hope that you will trust our Real Daddy when you are on the path of obedience. But please don’t say, “Okay, great. Now I see. When I go back home, if I run out of food and money, I will just sit there and wait for Daddy to help me.” Please don’t do that. If you do, then you will really starve to death. It’s alright with me but you should not try this at home.
Nowadays, there are these strange so-called Christians; they are a funny and strange people. These people never touch dirt or even get water for themselves. They just sit at their desk and read the Bible. And of course when the head of the family is like that, the household is a mess. The wife is a mother with young children to take care of, but what is this husband doing? The husband is just sitting at his desk reading the Bible saying, “Jesus will come soon, I must seek first the Kingdom of God….” She has to feed her children so she goes to a house of non-Christians and works there. She’s not even able to eat breakfast but the owners of the field think that she came after eating well, and she works hard all morning long and then is given some lunch. So she eats that food and is given some pay in the evening. Then she gives the money to her husband and feeds him.
If you have that kind of husband in your home, when you go home after having worked all day, I hope that you will cook your meal and eat it only with your children. Tell your husband to eat the Bible. Such fanatics think that working is some kind of sin, saying that they gave up all the riches of this world. Then is not working giving up the riches of the world? In the Bible it says not to feed those who are lazy. Lazy people should not eat – which means they should die.
When I was living deep in the mountains at that time, I worked so hard. I cultivated those raw hills and worked so hard that I broke new shovels. We should not be lazy. We should do our best and work hard and then ask Daddy to take responsibility. If you just sit there and wait for Him to help you, He won’t help you and you will truly starve to death. If you do your best, working with all your strength to do all you have to do in order to obey Him, then He will take care of everything.
At that time, a stamp was three cents, but I was so poor I didn’t have three cents to buy one to send a letter to my father and mother who were living back in my hometown. I didn’t even have three cents, and we also never had envelopes in our house, especially white envelopes. Not only did we not have white envelopes, we didn’t even have the yellow envelopes. There were only these brown envelopes. They were so thin that if you just stared at them they would tear. If you used a pen and put just a little bit of pressure, it would tear. Even yellow envelopes are nice compared to those brown ones. And the paper we had was not the nice kind of white paper either. We didn’t have money to buy a stamp and we didn’t even have the money to buy any toilet paper. We would use leaves when we went to the bathroom. When I was doing business in the city, God had blessed me so that I made lots of money. I used to say on the pulpit, “The people of God should live well. Why should they not live well? They should become the head, not the tail.” But now I had nothing. I did my best, and still I had hit rock bottom.
Since I didn’t have three cents to buy a stamp, how could I even get a haircut? At that time it was a dollar to cut your hair. I become quite frustrated if my hair gets long and that’s why I don’t like long hair. At that time when everyone else had long hair – even the old folks had long hair, I always had very short hair. You can tell a person’s character and heart by their outward appearance. People who go about with messy hair tend to reflect messy hearts and minds. When people wear their clothes with the front wide open, it means that their heart is wide open to sin. And when people walk around wearing their shoes stepping on its heels, it means that their heart is careless, bruised and stepped on. Even when our ancestors wore their clothes, everything was always nice and in an orderly straight line. Your appearance reflects your character.
So when everyone else had long hair, I always had short hair. And I only liked it short. I really didn’t like having long hair. I would also go around in denim jeans. One time, I went to Kwang-ju City where my sister-in-law lived, and the police came out and said, “Welcome to South Korea.” They thought that I came from North Korea because of my clean cut appearance. At the time, all the young people were sporting a long hair style, but because I had short hair and had a backpack, they thought that I had come from North Korea, which is why they welcomed me to South Korea. So I didn’t want to have long hair, but I had no money to get it cut. And because I didn’t have money to cut my hair, it seemed like my hair was growing longer and faster than ever. But I said to myself, “Oh well, if it gets too long, I’ll just braid it.”
One sunny day, with my hands in my pockets I was strolling up the mountains to pray. I think it was in the morning. On the way up, I passed a field that belonged to someone else. Taro roots were growing there and these roots have big leaves. But under those leaves, there was a rabbit right next to the road that I was walking on. I thought, “Oh, when I get close, that rabbit will run away, won’t it?” I came twenty feet closer, ten feet closer, but it didn’t run away. It was looking at me as if it was telling me to hurry up and come. And it was very fat. You can tell the difference between a wild rabbit and a domesticated one. Domesticated ones have white fur or black fur. But wild rabbits have gray fur. It was very big and I was one step in front of it – but it just kept looking at me. “Ah! The rabbit is probably sick.” But it was not sick at all. Animals that chew their cud like lambs, goats, or cows, stop chewing their cud once they get sick. You can tell if they are healthy by whether they are chewing their cud or not. So I looked at it to see if it was sick. But it wasn’t sick because it was chewing its cud. And it kept on looking up at me. So I sat down in front of it and we just looked at each other. I thought that this was strange even for a domesticated rabbit, but it was just sitting there. So I picked it up by its ears – you have to grab them by their ears. I thought it would run away or struggle but it just remained calm. It was very heavy too. As I carried it, I thought, “Maybe this rabbit is blind,” but its eyes were normal. So I took this rabbit back home and made a cage for him and fed him acacia and other kinds of leaves. I had gone to the mountains to pray but I had forgotten all about praying because I was so happy I had found this rabbit.
A short while later, a junk collector came by our house. Junk collectors usually never came by our house because it was still fairly new. But this junk collector came all the way up to my house to acquire some junk. I told him that since our house was fairly new we didn’t have any junk. He should have left then, but instead he started walking around my house. If I said there wasn’t any junk, he should have just believed me and left, but he didn’t. And as he was walking around my house, he noticed the rabbit cage and went right up to it. He said, “Sell this rabbit to me.” But I said, “No. I’m not selling it because I like it.” Then he said again, “Sell it to me,” and I said, “No. I don’t want to.” “Please sell it.” And if I walked over this way, he followed me here, and if I walked over that way, he followed me there. So finally I said “Fine. You can have it.” So he reached into his pocket to give me money and gave me two dollars and fifty cents. Then he left. I didn’t know if he was going to take care of it or what he was going to do with that rabbit but he took it. So I used a dollar to cut my hair and the other dollar and fifty cents to buy envelopes and whatever I needed. In this way, all of you may go to a barber to cut your hair, but as for me, a rabbit cut my hair for me. Our Father has millions of different ways to help us. When our Daddy fed Elijah, Daddy sent ravens to feed him. Do you believe this? In the same way our Daddy sent a rabbit to cut my hair. How could this be wrong? Yes, the God of Elijah, He’s my Real Daddy. 
Another time, I had a debt. I never had a debt before except that one time. The amount was a hundred dollars. At that time, I didn’t even have three cents to buy a stamp, so a hundred dollar debt to me was like a ten thousand dollar debt to others. I had no idea how to pay it back and it seemed it would be impossible. I had never been in debt before. I couldn’t even sleep because of that debt. And so I owed a debt to my friend in Busan, and even though he did not care whether I paid it back or not, I didn’t feel comfortable not paying it back. And the reason I was in debt was because I had sold everything I had to print a book and it still had not been enough. Anyhow, I prayed, “Daddy, I have a hundred dollar debt. Let me pay off this debt. Thank You for giving me the money.” So here I was living deep in the mountains and I had no job and no fields. So how would God give me that money? Would I have to steal it or would money fall from the sky? But I just prayed like that trusting Him. We should have that kind of faith. But people pray, “God, do this for me,” and they wonder how God will do it. And if they think God can’t do it for them, they go and try to get it done their own way. Does it say in the Bible, “Ask and worry about how He will give it to you”? It says, “Ask and you shall receive.” Don’t worry about how He will give it to you. So that was how I prayed. A couple of days passed and then a certain man came to my house from Seoul. I never imagined some strange person from Seoul coming to my house. I didn’t even know who this man was but he came deep into the mountains seeking me. He said, “Teacher Park?” “Oh, yes.” “Why don’t you set up a shop to sell oriental medicine?”
Kwang Dong Pharmaceuticals was one of the largest medicine companies in Korea at the time. They made all kinds of oriental herbal medicines and even exported them to other countries. He was telling me to open a store to sell that medicine. To start a business, you need a building and money to pay the company to send you the medicine. I would need lots of capital, but I had nothing at all. I didn’t even have money to cut my hair so how could I open a store? And why would I want to start a business again when I had a better business than this before and gave that up to come here into the countryside? I couldn’t do it. So I said, “No, I gave all that up before I came here. I can’t and I don’t want to do it. Please go home.” And he left. I thought it was all over, but someone must have paid the company because suddenly this medicine was being delivered to my house. I thought it was so strange. I didn’t even have the money to send it back to them. So in one room I spread the medicine out for display and I slept in the other room.
One day, while I was just sitting there, someone came to my house and was looking for me. “Oh, yes, who are you?” It was someone I had never met before. I did not know her name or her face. She came from a place hundreds of miles away near the airport. Later I heard that she was a very rich lady, but she came to my house and said, “Ah! Teacher Park!” “Oh, yes?” How could anyone know me? But she said, “Teacher, I heard that you have oriental medicine.” “Really? Yes, in fact someone did send me some medicine.” “Here, I’ll sell them for you.” So she said would buy them and I said, “Okay, good.” So I became the distributor and she became the saleswoman. I had a price list of dealers’ costs and wholesale costs and showed it to her. And so she began to sell them very well. After she left, a young man also came asking, “Teacher Park?” “Yes.” “Teacher Park, I would like to sell oriental medicine.” “Ok, fine.”
To this day, I still don’t know how they came to me or how the medicine came to me. I don’t know the details even now. But the medicine was selling so well. The medicine would be delivered to me and they would come and take it. All I did was just sit in my house and watch the medicine come and then watch them come and take it. I just looked this way and that way back and forth, and soon enough, I had two hundred dollars in cash. And once I had the two hundred dollars, I never told the pharmaceutical company to stop sending medicine but it stopped coming. And the people who sold it also stopped coming. I didn’t tell them to stop coming; neither did I fire them, but they stopped coming. So there was a little medicine left for myself and the two hundred dollars. So with one hundred dollars I paid my debt, and the other hundred, well, I spent it of course.
Who gave that money to me? Whatever you pray and ask for, I hope that you will believe in Him. Daddy will never leave your side. I wondered why Daddy had me go through such poverty. But it was to make me into the person I am today. People who are not hungry do not know what it is like to be hungry. Those who have eaten the bread of hardship know what true happiness is. People who are satisfied and always full commit sin. But when you eat the bread of hardship and go through bitterness, suffering, and poverty, then you learn how to be kind, merciful, and good to others. If I had continued my business and was successful in everything I did, I would have probably turned out to be a strange person by now.
So right now, if people give me money or buy me clothes or give me things, I don’t keep any of it. Also, I have never thought, “Oh, I only have one son. I better buy him an apartment.” I have never thought like that. Many people give me money, but the only thing I can think of is, “Oh, I saw that certain brother when he was walking by. I think he might have run out of money.” And I would think of the people who were going through difficulties and give it to them. And as I suspected, they would really be going through difficulties. I even took more money out of my own pockets, to end up using more than what people gave me in order to give to others. Sometimes I would give out five to ten thousand dollars to needy people. After I give it all away, I think to myself, “Well, now I’m out of money. Next time, I won’t be able to help anyone.” But then someone else would come along and give me money, and with that money I would be able to continue helping others.
Real Daddy is my witness when I say that though I have only one son, I have never bought him anything he wanted. If I have, I am not the son of God. I have never bought him a piece of land or even a house. The house that I am living in is an old house that they fixed up for me, and if they ask me to leave, I’ll leave. I don’t know when I’ll die, or how, if by the enemy, or if something will happen to me because I’m always in danger. But I never worry about my family. Why? Because my Daddy is alive. And I have prepared a lot of things for my son, my daughters, and my wife. I have prepared millions of dollars’ worth for them. Yes, the land of heaven belongs to me. I’m not worried about anything. Though I gave so much money to other people, I am very thrift when it comes to my family.
My son has to travel the country doing work because he is the head of the youth department. He spends a lot of money and time on the bus. So my son asked me to buy him a car. I told him to just wait. Nowadays, there’s a car called a Tico and it’s a very small car. Instead of buying a brand new car, I told him, “Let’s wait a few months until there is a used Tico to buy.” And so I bought him a used Tico. Aside from that, I haven’t bought him anything.  
Many people buy me pants and clothes, and they even buy things from foreign countries. When they buy them for me, I get upset. Once, even a certain teen that came from a foreign country bought all these gifts for me. Later, I realized that they were worth two to three hundred dollars. So I said, “What a waste!” How could they do this? “Why did you spend $200 on a gift for me? If you just gave me that money, I could have shared it with a lot of people.” Three families can live off $200. If you buy $70 worth of noodles, you can eat all month long. You know, you can be judged for misspending money. If you buy me something I can’t use, I’ll just keep it in my room as decoration – and what good will it do for either of us? Though I repeatedly say this, people don’t listen.
Helping the poor is lending God money. It’s the same thing. Do you think He will just give you a small amount of interest? He will pay you a hundred, two hundred times more, and even more than that. When you help others, you are happy, that person is happy, I’m happy, and everyone is happy. But sometimes they say that they spent $7,000 at the department store. They gave $7,000 to the department store. If they had given that money to me instead, I could have used it to help many brethren. I don’t need a seventy dollar pair of pants. I can live wearing a ten dollar pair of pants. They would still be good to wear during the summer and in winter. So please don’t waste your money on unnecessary things. I hope that you will use your money wisely. If you really love me, then please don’t buy me expensive clothes and don’t buy me foreign products. When I receive foreign products, I think to myself, “Our country is going through difficulties because the economy is not good, but why are they buying foreign products? Who do they think I am?” Please do not do such things anymore. If I could sell what I have in my house, I’d sell it all and share the money with the needy. When newlyweds come, I give them money, and when other brethren come, I share what I have with them. If you have money, please use that money for our poor brethren because that makes our Daddy happy.
Our Daddy feeds and clothes the sparrows, He feeds and clothes the fish, He feeds and clothes the little chicks, He even feeds and clothes the ravens. He feeds and clothes all of them. So let’s not live like we are orphans in this world and worry about such things. Let’s only seek His kingdom and His righteousness. Let’s always be thankful. And please do not live for yourselves anymore. Those who live for themselves are dead. Those who live for others are alive.
Do you know how much our Daddy watches over us? Even much more than a mother who is at her baby’s side sick with a fever. Will you believe in His words? I hope that you will believe Him. Whenever we breathe a sigh or shed one tear, it’s written that our Daddy’s heart is moved like the waves. That’s why it’s written, “How can a mother forget the child of her womb?” You know, when it’s time for mothers to breastfeed their nursing babies, they can’t think of doing anything else but feeding their child. And so how could a mother forget her child? But Daddy said, “Even if she may forget her child, I will not forget you. I have written you on the palm of My hand and I will carry you.” I hope that you will be like the dolphins, chicks, and sparrows, always giving thanks to our Real Daddy. I hope that you also will live your life giving thanks to Him.

doalnara.com  / email address for inquiries: doalnara101@gmail.com

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