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Friday, March 28, 2014


       Please open The Key to Happiness Chapter 10, “Our Real Father Who Gives His Holy Spirit to Us Sinners.” He gives His Holy Spirit to whom? Sinners. People think that the latter rain of the Holy Spirit will be given only to spotless, righteous people.
       One time, I held a seminar in Seoul, and someone who knew the Bible very well took my book, Let Us Rise and Receive the Holy Spirit and said, “Do you think just anyone can receive the Holy Spirit? No. It is only given to those who are spotless, righteous people.” And when I went to Dae-jeon to a certain church there, the pastor said, “The latter rain of the Holy Spirit is only given to those who bear the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit as written in Galatians 5:22-23.” But if someone already bears the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit, what does it mean? It means that he already received the Holy Spirit. There are so many books concerning the Holy Spirit. But it’s not that complicated. During this meeting, due to a lack of time, I will only speak one hour concerning the Holy Spirit. But when you return home and read this book, I’m sure it will be helpful to you.
       So when we talk of the Holy Spirit, it’s very complicated, but there’s no way to settle the problem of how to receive the Holy Spirit. So who receives the Holy Spirit? Is it given to those who already bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit? Or is it given to sinners? Let’s read page 106.
       [If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? ...How much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?] (Luk 11:11-13)  [And I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.] (Luk 11:9-10) He said, [Ask and it will be given you.] Does He say, “I will give it to you if you bear the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit”? No. He says, “Whoever it is, no matter what sinner you are, ask and I will give it to you,” and He will give the Holy Spirit in abundance.    
 Let’s read, [If you then, being evil … how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!] (Luk 11:13) If who? [If you then, being evil….] Can you become righteous or not without the Holy Spirit? Without the Holy Spirit, can you bear its fruits or not? Without the Holy Spirit, people cannot even discern whether they are sinners or not. That’s why unless people receive the Holy Spirit, they only say, “What sin did I commit?” and they do not even know that they are sinners. Then how can anyone become spotless and righteous and receive the Holy Spirit? That’s why our heavenly Father is waiting to give the Holy Spirit to sinners, to change them and take them to heaven. But sinners think they must be spotless and righteous in order to receive the Holy Spirit. So both sides are only waiting. And of course, humans cannot wait forever and end up dying first.
       People just sit there saying, “Oh, I’m such a sinner, how can I receive the Holy Spirit?” But it’s because they are sinners that they must ask for the Holy Spirit. Only when you receive that latter rain of the Holy Spirit can you become transformed and righteous. And only when you receive the Holy Spirit can you bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit. But people do not even know what the order is. They don’t know how to receive the Holy Spirit; they don’t even know how to go to heaven. That’s why in order to receive the Holy Spirit, you must first accept our heavenly Real Father, and then Jesus. Also, because you are sinners, you should ask for the Holy Spirit because only afterwards will your characters become righteous and you will be able to bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
       That’s why in the Bible here it says, [The harvest is passed, the summer is ended and we are not saved.] And so, the harvest is passed and the summer is ended. Right now, the harvest time of this earth is ending. The summer is ended, and Christians today are all saying they are not yet saved. They say, “I believed in Jesus for 40 years. I did everything and made all those donations, but nothing has been achieved.” Why? It’s because they did not go to our Real Father who gives the Holy Spirit. Do you think you can receive the Holy Spirit just by going anywhere? Look at the millions who gathered in Jerusalem. People who prayed there received some unknown spirit, but those in the attic room received the Holy Spirit. They may seem like the same spirit, but they were quite different. Both groups received some kind of spirit, but there was a difference. We must go to the true God in order to receive the true Holy Spirit.
       Let’s look at the Christians in the world nowadays. They go to those strange places … aren’t they possessed when they start babbling strange utterings? And when they return, they start to fight and argue with their fellow church members and their family members. So you must not just go anywhere thinking the Holy Spirit will be there. It will be some kind of strange spirit but certainly not the Holy Spirit. We must go to the true God in order to receive the true Holy Spirit.
       “The greatest sin of those who profess to be Christian is that they neither seek the Holy Spirit nor open their hearts and receive it.” So the greatest sin of Christians today is not that they are corrupt, or that they drink, steal, or commit adultery, that’s not even sin. It says that, “The greatest sin of those who profess to be Christian is that they neither seek the Holy Spirit….” They do not go to Real Daddy to receive the true Holy Spirit. Stealing and adultery – once you receive the Holy Spirit, you will become a person who can never do such things ever again even if someone told you to. So the source of all sins is not going to our Real Daddy. That is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. “…nor open their hearts and receive it.” Even when they are at the very place where they can receive the Holy Spirit, they act so proud and close their hearts; they become like the eggs that fall off to the side and rot. Even though they have not changed and they know nothing, they are so stubborn and proud. That’s why stubbornness and pride is the same thing as offering sacrifices to the demon.
       If everything that you learned or taught until now had changed you, changed your families, and changed your church, then there would be no need for you to be sitting here. You could go because what you have is the truth. But if you have not changed and nothing has happened to transform your character, then you have been deceived. So why should you be so stubborn? That’s why the greatest sin of those who call themselves Christians is that they do not go to our Real Father to receive the Holy Spirit. And even though the Holy Spirit is being given to them, they do not open their hearts to receive it. That is sin.
       So what is sin? John 3:19, [And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.] And this is the condemnation, this is the sin. It’s not drinking or stealing, killing or adultery. [And this is the condemnation that the light has come into the world] the truth, the Holy Spirit has come into the world. It has come before you and yet, [men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.] “Oh, I don’t need it. I will go to my own church.” And they choose the doctrines of their church even though they have not been changed at all; they choose the false over the truth. Let me explain to you in a simpler way.
       For sinners to sin is not a sin. Sinners are supposed to sin. That’s normal. Do you understand? In the world, when sinners commit a sin, they say, “Oh, he’s a sinner,” but sinners are supposed to sin. When a righteous man sins, that is a sin. Shall I explain again more simply?
       Here, we have a leper and he has pus coming out from his skin, is that normal or not? That’s absolutely normal. If a healthy man all of a sudden starts to have pus come out of his skin, that would be abnormal. If a leper has pus, that is normal. So if a person is a sinner, then he should sin well. That’s not sin. But if this leper had an opportunity to receive a medicine that would heal him and he rejected it, kicking it away, then that would be a sin. If they just received the life from heaven, they would be completely changed, but they reject it and accept the false teachings and doctrines instead because they are proud and stubborn. And that is sin. That’s why the greatest sin is not going out to the Real Father who gives them the Holy Spirit, closing their hearts to Him. So, it’s written like this, “On the day of judgment when Jesus comes and He judges us, it is not because we have fallen into error.” No matter what doctrine, or what churches we incorrectly followed, that’s not a sin. “But when we ignored the opportunity to receive the light from heaven and the truth, that is sin.”
       Who in this world has not fallen into error and fallacy? But by God’s will when we’re given the opportunity to receive the truth and the light of heaven and still reject it, then that is sin. Before Jesus came to the Jews, they were sinners as they should be, but once Jesus came and tried to make them into righteous beings, when they rejected Him and chose the darkness, that sealed them as eternal sinners. Is it normal for people to fall in the night because they can’t see? That’s normal. But it’s abnormal for you to fall in broad daylight when everything is visible.
       Before you came to the Elijah Gospel Missionary Institute, before you met our Real Father and received this light, no matter what sin you committed, our Real Daddy does not ask you about them. But once you are given this light, whether you reject it or accept it determines whether you are an eternal sinner or eternally righteous being. Everything is determined by you. So in the time of judgment, you will not be condemned for believing in the false. You believed in all those false teachings and lived according to them. You really lived your Christian life according to those doctrines because you believed them to be true. So you are not condemned for believing in the false. But though you were given the opportunity to learn the truth and to receive the light, rejecting that opportunity will be counted as sin. That’s why before you came to the Elijah Gospel Missionary Institute, no matter what sin you committed, whether you believed in God or not, whether you were a pastor or a layman, regardless of what sin you committed, our Daddy does not ask about your past life. But though you have received this opportunity to receive the light, purposely rejecting it will determine your eternal ruin.
       One time, from that golden Jerusalem where there were millions of members who came throughout the world to visit and worship, there was a professor of theology. And though there were millions who gathered in Jerusalem, this professor used to always preach and teach to them. That was his job. And though he did not want to do it, though he didn’t feel like talking, he had to give a sermon. But after he gave a sermon, he always felt empty inside and something didn’t feel right. He felt so lost and he was always struggling inside. In the end, he did not want to preach anymore because his soul was so empty, and he found himself speaking in front of people just because that was his job. Later, he got tired of his religion. “Is this really the path of eternal life? It this really the truth? Is this really God’s Word?” Why? Because the thirst in his soul could not be satisfied, and he wasn’t even sure and confident of his own salvation, and there were no transformations in his life. And when he went back home, he hurt his family, he hurt his friends. He knew that his life was not a sincere life. He wanted to quit, but then it would be time for him to go to class and teach again. He did not want to do it, but he had to. “What should I do? Can I give up? Can I run away? I did so much until now. I’m so well-known. How can I just quit without a reason?” He did not know what to do. His soul was so empty inside.
       But then he heard a rumor, someone named Teacher Jesus, who was apparently ignorant and unlearned, who had not even come out of elementary school, was preaching and when people went to Him, their lives were changed. When He spoke, there was so much truth just like the water of life. This professor thought to himself, “Oh, that’s strange, maybe God sent someone like Him,” and he asked about this teacher to people in secret. “Oh, what does Teacher Jesus teach you?” “He says, ‘Be a foot. Be water.’” “Oh, really?” “He talks about nature, the nature Bible and look at the lilies of the field, and He gives sermons that we’d never heard before. And we listened all day long from morning until evening, and it’s so sweet, as sweet as honey. We even forgot about eating. When I went to church, even though there were a million people there on Sabbath from 9-12, how my head hurt, it was such a headache. But when I went to Rabbi Jesus, we listened all day long and I was not even tired. I didn’t even know that time was passing.”
       This professor knew that this must be the truth. “Oh, that’s good, that’s good. That must be the truth, go ahead, and go.” He couldn’t go himself because he was embarrassed to. So he agonized, “Oh, if I were just any normal person, I could go there and listen. I would learn from Jesus, but me, I’m a professor and they call me a doctor of theology. I can’t go.” Another day passed, he felt like dying, his heart was so empty. He didn’t even feel like giving a sermon, but he had to. He had to talk about things that were not even fulfilled in his own life, always having to stand before the pulpit in front of people. So finally, he could not endure it anymore. There’s a saying that “A thirsty man will dig a well first.” So he made up his mind, “I am going to go. Will my pride save me? I’ll just go to Him and listen,” and he made up his mind to go. But he couldn’t bring himself to go during the day. What if he went during the day and he met one of his disciples or students or church members and they said, “Oh, Professor, what are you doing here?” So he determined, “Okay, I’ll go meet Him at night,” and he quietly went at night. But there’s one thing he was worried about, “That Rabbi
Jesus has many disciples, what if I go there and find him surrounded by them,” and he was worried.
       But when he went, Jesus was sitting alone. Jesus had been waiting for him. And he opened the door very quietly. This professor was named Nicodemus. He was 40, 50 years old. Jesus was a young man in His thirties while Nicodemus had a wife and children, he had a family. So he walked in, “Teacher, Teacher, Rabbi, You are truly a teacher from heaven, or else how could You teach like this and have the power to change sinners,” and he praised Him. Then Jesus should have said, “Oh, yes, of course,” but instead Jesus looked at him straight in the eye and said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you are born again, not only will you not be able to go to the kingdom of heaven, you will not even be able to see the kingdom of God.” (Joh 3:3)
       Can you believe it? This was the first time that they had met and Jesus was saying that to him. Nicodemus was an elderly man, older than Jesus, and he was flattering this young man, saying, “Oh, Teacher, You are truly a teacher from heaven.” Shouldn’t Jesus say appropriate words of acknowledgement or praise back? But He only said, “I truly, truly say to you, if you do not become regenerated, not only will you not be able to go to heaven, you will not be able to even see heaven, to just end up dying.” Nicodemus was a humble man. If a young man spoke so rudely like that, he should have just left saying, “How can you say that? You’re so rude,” but instead, he went to this young teacher and knelt in his heart before him, asking, “Teacher, if someone becomes old, how can he go back to his mother’s womb again?”
       Whether then or now, the learned and educated amount to merely this. Whether then or now, they don’t even know what it means to be born again or regenerated. Why? It’s because they’ve never experienced it. Even though they give sermons to others, they themselves have not a clue. And so because he said that, Jesus replied, “You are a teacher of Israel and you do not even know that?” Can you believe this young man was saying such harsh words to a man older than Him? Jesus said, “You don’t even know that as a teacher of Israel?” And Nicodemus realized for the first time in his life that he knew nothing, that everything he had learned was nothing. But how could Jesus say such harsh words at their first encounter like that? But this was Jesus’ tremendous love. When Nicodemus first came and said, “Teacher, You are truly the One sent by God from heaven,” Jesus responded by saying, “Most assuredly I say to you, unless you are regenerated, not only will you not be able to go to heaven, but you will not even be able to see it and die.”
       Once there were two men who were possessed by legions of demons, but then Jesus appeared. This sinner knew, “Oh, if I go to Jesus, He will get rid of all these demons inside of me,” so he went to Jesus and he wanted to say, “Jesus, please save me,” but instead the demon talked first, and said, “Lord, how is it that the holy Son of God is coming to me and bothering me, go away.” The demons had spoken first. But Jesus did not listen to the demons, he only heard the cry of the soul in which these demons had possessed. In the same way, the night Nicodemus came, he had hidden his true heart and just flattered Jesus, but Jesus did not hear that praise. He knew what Nicodemus was feeling in his heart. He heard the cry from the heart of Nicodemus, “Oh, Teacher, please save me. I’ve fasted, I’ve paid my offerings and tithes. I’ve always washed my hands, I’m clean. I did everything, but my heart is so empty. Look at me, will You save me, will You tell me how can I go to heaven?” Jesus heard the soul of Nicodemus crying out to him, so He gave him the accurate answer he was seeking.
       He said, “Most assuredly I say to you, you must go to our Real Father who can give you the true Holy Spirit. And unless you are born again by the Holy Spirit, not only will you not be able to go to heaven, but you will not even be able to see heaven.” He gave Nicodemus the answer that he really wanted to hear. Yes, this is how our Father is, this is how Jesus is. Though Nicodemus was a professor, he didn’t even know what regeneration was. So he said, “Lord, how can an old man go back into the mother’s womb.” Nicodemus was referring to himself. “Look at me, I’m an old man, I have gray hairs.” He was quite old and yet Nicodemus was a humble man with a conscience.  If someone cannot receive the truth of heaven, it does not matter who they are, old or young. That’s why it is written in the Bible that just because someone has gray hairs and is old does not mean he is wise, and just because someone is young does not mean he is foolish. So Jesus said, “As a teacher of Israel, how can you not know that?” Jesus did not say that because He hated him. Though Nicodemus was humble, his heart was not completely empty to receive the truth from heaven; there was still a little pride left in his heart. “I’m a doctor of theology, I’m a professor, and I’m a teacher.” So Jesus wanted to show him how ignorant and how uneducated he truly was, so He said, “As a teacher of Israel, you don’t even know that?” That’s when Nicodemus realized for the first time in his life that he knew absolutely nothing before this Teacher from heaven. All of you also will have this similar experience this time.        How truly uneducated and ignorant people are. They actually do not know the truth of heaven, not even in the slightest bit. For Nicodemus, all of his pride disappeared at that moment and he became an empty vessel. He got rid of all his old notions and held out a clean new vessel for Jesus to fill, saying, “Lord, save me,” and he knelt in his heart before Jesus. That’s when Jesus smiled at him so benevolently and spoke in a loving voice the words of John chapter 3 verse 5, “You must go the heavenly Father, the Father whom I speak of, and when you go to Him, you will receive the Holy Spirit. When you receive the Holy Spirit, that’s when you will be regenerated, because if you are not regenerated, you cannot go to heaven. Up to now, you were in the false denomination and you did not receive the true Holy Spirit, you received the false spirit. But if you go to the God that I’m leading you to and receive the Holy Spirit from Him, then there will be no need for you to fast or do penance; you will be transformed.” This was Jesus’ answer to him. This Nicodemus really had a conscience and he was such a humble man. Upon meeting Jesus that one night, he entered into eternal life.
       Those churches today, do you know why they are in so much anguish and dying? It’s because they are so proud. If they just came here, even for one night and listened, they would all live. When Nicodemus returned, he stopped going to the church that he had been so proud of and stopped worshipping the God he had followed until then. He went to the heavenly Father that Jesus taught him of, and he became one of Jesus’ most devout hidden disciples. When all the others who had outwardly displayed their faithfulness betrayed Jesus, Nicodemus was faithful to the end.
       When Jesus died, He had died as a complete traitor. And those who took Jesus’ body were considered the same. He was considered a national sinner, a sinner of society, someone who broke all the laws at the time. So to take charge of Jesus’ body was saying that he was the same traitor. But though Jesus was killed as a most heinous criminal, after He died on the cross, when all His disciples had run away, it was Nicodemus who risked his life in going to Pilate and asking for Jesus’ body. After meeting Jesus just once, he could not forget Him who saved his life, and so he received the glory of taking Jesus’ body. At the time, when Nicodemus asked for the body, he was putting his life on the line. But he was filled with the Holy Spirit and Pilate could not deny his request as he without a word allowed Nicodemus to take the body of Jesus. Then Nicodemus spent a fortune on expensive myrrh and other fragrances and prepared Jesus’ body for the tomb. I hope that you will become a loyal hidden disciple like Nicodemus.
       Another thing, after Nicodemus met Jesus, no one ever asked him to preach again. He was not able to make a living as a professor or teacher any longer. All of his fame and honor disappeared and he just became someone who followed Jesus quietly. If you want to go to heaven together with me from the Elijah Gospel Missionary Institute, all your fame and honor of the world may fall to the ground. You must be prepared for that. But if you need the money, fame, and honor of the world, then may you make your own choice.
       Let’s continue reading page 109. “From that hour on, this struggling soul settled all his hidden problems after only one precious interview with Jesus, to become one of His most faithful disciples who from then on, began to live a regenerated life by submitting to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. And after His crucifixion, although all the other disciples had forsaken Him and run away, Nicodemus alone brought [a mixture of myrrh and aloes about a hundred pounds] (John 19:39) and bravely received Him with sorrow upon His death.”  
       “Many today lust for the Spirit, [and do not have; you murder and covet and cannot obtain ... you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.] (Jam 4:2-3)” Who does not desire for the Holy Spirit? Everyone wants the Holy Spirit, but they do not go to our Real Father who is the source of the Holy Spirit and who gives the Holy Spirit. Let’s continue.
       “Truly the Spirit does not come by force or compulsion, like the evil spirits do, into the hearts of those who neither feel the need nor seek for it. It is as pure as a dove and only comes to those who invite it with kindness. The Holy Spirit is not given in answer to the prayers of those who seek to use it for display, to show off, and other selfish motives, but only to those who are willing to obey it with the humility of a child.”  
       “Today, Jesus proclaims to the humble, [If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive.] (John 7:37-39)”
       If you look in Matthew 7 it says, [Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, and cast out demons, and showed all kinds of miracles?] And yet why do You not take us to heaven? Did they receive the Spirit? Did they receive the Spirit or not? They received an abundance of a spirit. They prophesized, they healed diseases, they showed power and signs, and they even spoke tongues, but what kind of spirit? It was another spirit, not the Holy Spirit. I hope that you will receive the true Holy Spirit.
       And here Jesus said, [If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water, (rivers of the Holy Spirit).] This whole earth can live if there is just one person on this earth who is filled with the Holy Spirit. By that one Being, Jesus, this whole world was able to live. In the same way, if there is only one person who receives the Holy Spirit, they will all live. On the other hand, if there is not even one person who has the Holy Spirit, then the whole world will die. I hope that you will be that one man, one person who is filled with the Holy Spirit. I hope that this whole world will be saved through you. The fact is, there’s not one true Christian in this world today. I hope that you will be a true Christian.
       Let’s read next, Isaiah exclaims, [Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters (Holy Spirit); and you who have no money, come, buy and eat … without money and without price.] (Isa 55:1) When you receive the Holy Spirit to go to heaven, do you need money? No. You don’t need money. But look at the churches nowadays, if you don’t donate money, they don’t even accept you. Some people donate so much money, but then there are people that say, “Oh, I can’t go to church because I feel so bad, I don’t have any offerings to give.” It’s alright for people who donate a lot of money to skip church, they are acknowledged even if they don’t go to church on Sunday. But people who don’t have money can go every single day and not miss church once, and still they would never become a deacon or an elder. Did I say anything erroneous? Jesus did not try to sell heaven with money. He never told anyone to pay. So the Holy Spirit, our Real Father and Jesus, never give us that kind of burden.
       Nowadays, there are many books concerning the Holy Spirit and many people give sermons about the Holy Spirit, but they really know nothing. They think that the former rain of the Holy Spirit that the apostles received in the attic room is different from the latter rain of the Holy Spirit. But let me ask you, is the rain that falls in spring H²O while the rain that falls in autumn H³O? No. The Holy Spirit that fell 2,000 years ago and the Holy Spirit that is being given today – is it the same or different? It is the same. But those churches say, “Oh, the former rain was given 2,000 years ago, and we will receive only the latter rain.” That’s not true. There was the former rain and the latter rain 2,000 years ago, and in these last days, there is the former rain and the latter rain as well. Let’s see if this is true or not.
       Let’s look at Joel 2:23, [Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you; the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.] It says, [Be glad then, you children of Zion,] because He will give you the Holy Spirit. He will give you the former rain and the latter rain, just as He did 2,000 years ago in the attic room. Do you believe that the former rain and the latter rain fell in the attic room upon the disciples? We will also receive the former rain and the latter rain. Let me explain it to you more simply.
       When we plant crops in the rice paddies or fields, we have rain that falls in the spring and in the fall. Then do we say, “Ah, we don’t need the spring rain, we only need the fall rain?” No, we need rain both in the spring and in the fall. That’s why it says, “Be glad then, you children of Zion, your God, and your heavenly Father will give the former rain and the latter rain just as He did in the past.” And there’s even a saying like this, “Those who receive an abundance of the former rain will also receive an abundance of the latter rain.” Does that mean we have to go back 2,000 years ago in order to receive the former and latter rain. Not at all. When you come here to the Elijah Gospel Missionary Institute, you will all receive an abundance of the former rain.  
       What is the former rain? That is the first water which is given to you by the Holy Spirit. No matter how much you are scolded and rebuked, those who accept it will receive the former rain of the Holy Spirit. Then when they bear fruits of the Holy Spirit, that is receiving the latter rain. That’s why first, you must receive the former rain which scolds and rebukes you for all the falseness you were trapped in, and then you will receive the latter rain and bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Today is what day?
       Today is the third day. I’m thankful that you have not left. You may actually receive eternal life. So no matter what kind of rebuke and scolding you get, those who accept it with a humble heart and receive that former rain will also end up receiving the latter rain and become sealed. But those who say, “Oh, how can you say that about the pastor? How can you say that about the church? How can you live without money?” and people who think like that end up leaving. Can such people then receive the latter rain? This is what it means. So if you are just patient and humble, and since you have accepted these words, then from tomorrow on you will receive great blessings. Let’s continue reading here.
       Peter exclaims, […every one of you ... in the name of Jesus Christ ... shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call.] (Act 2:38-39). This Holy Spirit is for anyone, not only for the thousands of you here, but for all 5, 6 billion people of this earth. Why? This Spirit of God fills the whole universe. It’s because you go to the demon and ask for another spirit that God can’t give the true Holy Spirit to you. But there’s enough of the Holy Spirit for this whole world to receive. He can give it to anyone and to everyone.
       Next, Apostle Paul exclaims too, [But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior, that having been justified by His grace we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.] (Tit 3:4- 7). So, “When the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by our works, not by what we did, whether we fasted or prayed all night, we did not receive salvation by what we did, but according to His mercy He saved us.” We don’t have to sweat or do penance for God to save us. I hope that you will stop suffering, but go to our Real Father and ask for the Holy Spirit, because all of you must receive the Holy Spirit. I hope that you will ask for it with all you heart.
       There was a man in China who was sending his son off far away and he put a big loaf of bread on his back, saying, “Son, when you’re hungry, eat this bread,” and the son said, “Alright, Father.” But this son starved to death. Do you know why? He was too lazy to eat the bread. I hope that you will not be like that. But since you all need to receive the Holy Spirit, please ask for it.
       Next, the Holy Spirit itself exclaims, [The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. And whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.] [Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick…. For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners] that are not yet sanctified. (Rev 22:17; Mat 9:12-13). Amen. Shall we say this part together? Let’s read it together.
       “[The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. And whoever desires let him take the water of life freely.] [Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick…. For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners] that are not yet sanctified.” Do you say “Amen” to that? How grateful we must be to our wonderful Holy Spirit. It’s because you were not transformed though you were a pastor and a Christian all your life, it’s because you were not changed that you have the right to receive the Holy Spirit. “Oh, how can a sinner like me receive the Holy Spirit?” It’s the very reason why you should receive the Holy Spirit. So I hope that you will not delay but quickly ask our Real Father for the Holy Spirit. Please continue reading.
       “Our heavenly Father is more willing to give the Holy Spirit to those who serve Him than our parents are to give good gifts to their children. When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life.” Don’t parents like to give delicious things to their children? When they have something good to eat, they think of their children. If there’s something good, they want to give it to their children, whether it is food or clothes, they want to give what is good to their children. It is the same with our Real Father; He wants to give us the best Holy Spirit, the best thing which is the Holy Spirit. If we cannot receive the Holy Spirit, then Jesus coming down to this earth will have been in vain. Why did our Real Father sacrifice His Son? Why did He allow His Son to die? It was in order for us to receive the Holy Spirit. So if you cannot receive the Holy Spirit, then our Father will have killed His Son in vain and Jesus will have died in vain. That’s why our Real Daddy’s one and only desire is for all of you to abundantly receive the Holy Spirit. And you came to the very place where you can receive the Holy Spirit. May you abundantly receive the Holy Spirit here.
       “When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart, it transforms the life.” Once we receive the Holy Spirit, we are transformed. I hope that you will not commit the greatest sin a Christian can commit. May you open your heart and receive the Holy Spirit. “If all were willing, all would be filled with the Spirit and have the experience of regeneration.” It means that anyone who so wishes can receive the Holy Spirit and have the experience of regeneration and attain to the state of sanctification.  
       [As the body without the spirit is dead,] [If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not His]. (Jam 2:26; Rom 8:9) Yes, just as our body without the spirit is dead, whoever it may be, anyone, whether it’s a pastor, the pope, anyone, [If anyone does not have the spirit of Christ,] he is what? [He is not His], he is not a Christian. He is what? He is a gentile. Please do not become a gentile. If those people in the world were truly the ones appointed by God, because many people say they were anointed by God, if they were truly the ones anointed by God, then this Park Myung Ho would already be dead. My tongue should have already dried up and withered. Why? If a man of God says something wrong, then bad things will happen to him.
       The God of heaven never sent those kinds of people who call themselves anointed. Then what is the oil? The oil is speaking of the Holy Spirit. Like Samuel, Daniel, those who are filled with the Holy Spirit are those who are anointed by God. Those who don’t even have the Holy Spirit and are possessed by evil demons, how can such beings become the anointed of God? So please do not be deceived. It says here, “Anyone, pastor or not, whoever it is, if they do not have the spirit of Christ, he is not a Christian, he is non-believer.” I hope that you will receive the Holy Spirit and all become the anointed ones. Even now, if all those pastors in the world, all those people in the world would return, as they did on Mt. Carmel, then do you think they would receive the Holy Spirit? They would, to become the truly anointed ones of God whom you would have to respect as a man of God.
       Next, “The promise of the Holy Spirit is not limited to any age or to any race. Christ declared that the divine influence of His Spirit was to be with His followers unto the end of the world. From the day of Pentecost to the present time, the Comforter is sent to all who have yielded themselves fully to the Lord and to His service. The lapse of time has wrought no change in Christ’s parting promise to send the Holy Spirit as His representative. It is not because of any restriction on the part of God that the riches of His grace do not flow earthward to men. If the fulfillment is not seen as it might be, it is because the promise is not appreciated as it should be. If all were willing, all would be filled with the Spirit.”
       Do you know what this means? Two thousands years ago in the time of the Pentecost, do you believe that the Holy Spirit was abundantly given then? If the Holy Spirit was abundant then, did God ever say, “I will only give the Holy Spirit at a certain time, and afterwards I won’t.” Did He ever say that? No. That Holy Spirit which He poured down then has continued even today, and the Holy Spirit is like an ocean. But is it the Holy Spirit that fills this earth? No. This whole earth is filled with demons, all of creation emaciated without the Holy Spirit. That’s why Jesus said when He comes again, there would not be many to be saved like in the time of Noah. Now will you believe that the whole world is possessed by evil spirits? I hope that you will never be deceived by them again. If you go to back to those prayer meetings and prayer seminars of those churches out there, then you will never be forgiven again.
       Let’s continue reading. This is very important so please underline it. Who are the children of God? “The children of God are not those whose hearts are sometimes touched by the Spirit, who yield to its power now and then. It is only those who are led by the Spirit always that He acknowledges as His children.” Amen. So, the children of God are not those whose hearts are sometimes touched by the Spirit once in a while when they feel like it. The children of God are not those who say, “Oh, Lord, please control the lips of this servants that he may be filled with the Spirit,” only praying once in a while when they think of it. Such people are not even considered or acknowledged as His children. Only those who are constantly led by the Spirit always are the ones that He acknowledges as His children.  Please look at this picture here. It says, “I’m the vine, you are the branches.” So here is a vine and its branches. But if this branch is connected to the vine in the morning and disconnected in the evening, will it bear grapes or not? It must always be connected to the vine and receive nutrients and water in order to bear fruits. That’s why those who only ask for the Holy Spirit once in a while are not acknowledged as His children. But those who live continuously in the Holy Spirit are His children. Who is that? That’s Jesus. Was He born of the Holy Spirit? Did He grow in the Spirit? Did He learn by the Holy Spirit? Was He happy through the Holy Spirit? Did He chase out demons with the Holy Spirit? Did He fight with the Jews in the Holy Spirit? He even died through the Holy Spirit. So He was born and lived, talked, ate and slept, everything He did was in the Holy Spirit. He lived within the Holy Spirit throughout His whole life. That’s why He is truly the Son of God. It’s the reason why the fruits of His life are so beautiful. And Jesus is our example. We should not say once in a while, “Oh, Lord, please give me the Holy Spirit.” Please do not be deceived by such people. I hope that you will be like Jesus and eat, drink, sleep, talk, learn, fight, live your life and save the whole world with the Holy Spirit. Then you will also ascend to heaven through the Holy Spirit.
       If you go to the railroad tracks, there are these rails made out of wood. And though such heavy trains go by, they are alright and do not break. What they do is dunk this wood in oil tanks for several months and then use it on the railroad tracks. It does not rot for a very long time. That’s why for those who receive the Holy Spirit and are immersed in it, no matter how delayed Jesus’ Second Advent may be, they will never degenerate or fall into sin ever again. If that wood was left in the oil tanks, it would probably never rot. Like Jesus, may you live in the Holy Spirit. “Oh, the world is evil. The environment I live in is bad. The church is degenerated, the pastor is degenerated.” What does that have to do with you? All you have to do is be filled with the Holy Spirit. There are so many excuses. May you be fully immersed in the water of the Holy Spirit and live as Jesus did, to end up in heaven.
       So whether you wake up, go to the kitchen, go to the bathroom, wherever you go, whether you are in a car, you should always ask for the Holy Spirit. You should be filled with the Word and the Holy Spirit. There are people who come here and even after the ten-day seminar, they cry out, “Oh, God, please give me the Holy Spirit!” They have been given the Holy Spirit but they’re still asking for it because they don’t know what it is. People in the world think that when you receive the Holy Spirit, you can heal diseases or speak some strange tongues. That’s not it at all.
       [My words are spirit and life.] His words are the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the truth and the truth is the Holy Spirit. The Word that comes out from the mouth of God, those who receive the Word in abundance are receiving the Holy Spirit in abundance. Have you received the Word of God? That is the Holy Spirit. When you continue listening to these words of love – that unchanging love, that truth, to read it always – it will be a life of living in abundance of the Holy Spirit. Then you will never sin and you will continually be transformed until you go to heaven.  
       Let’s continue reading. “It is time to receive the Spirit today when whoever seeks for it can receive. Seek and pray earnestly for the blessing of the Spirit, and believe it. We must have it, and heaven is waiting to bestow it.” The time we live in now is what? It is the time to receive the Spirit.  
  Truly there are lots of strange people nowadays. They bring this clock with a timetable on it. It has, “The time of the Pentecost, the time of the Holy Spirit, the time of Jesus’ Second Advent, the Jubilee,” and they make this chart. They say that it’s still a long time off until we can receive the Holy Spirit. But actually, the latter rain of the Holy Spirit is being given now and will be taken away very shortly. The time we are living in now is the time for us to be abundantly filled with the Holy Spirit. People do not go to our Real Father where they can receive the Holy Spirit, and that is why they are so dry without the water of the Holy Spirit. Do not look at those false charts, the Holy Spirit is not for some distant future but the time has come for that Holy Spirit to be taken away. I hope that you will earnestly seek and receive the Holy Spirit.
       [And I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, it will be opened. If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will our heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?] (Luk 11:9-13).
       Jesus was so frustrated. If a son asked for an egg, would a father give him a stone, or if a son asked for a fish, would he give him a snake? Then how about our heavenly Father, why would He not give you the Holy Spirit? Why are you not asking for it? That’s why Jesus was so frustrated with His disciples who were so lazy to ask for the Holy Spirit. I hope that you will not be lazy but diligently ask for the Holy Spirit. And if you ask, you will all receive the Holy Spirit in abundance. May you continue to receive the Holy Spirit and live in this truth so that the Holy Spirit will not leave you.
       Let’s continue. [He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?] (Rom 8:32)      
       [Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.] (Joh 16:24)  
       Praise the Lord! Glory to our Real Father in heaven who bestows His Holy Spirit upon us sinners! Amen.
       Are you truly thankful to our Real Father who allows you to receive the Holy Spirit? I’m sure you never imagined that this would be a place like this. May you truly receive the Holy Spirit and be regenerated.
       But after you attend the seminar and you return home, you are like a little chick that has just hatched, and you are very weak, your legs are very skinny and fragile. You don’t even have the feathers to be able to fly and your beak is very soft, and you can even fall sometimes. So even though you were regenerated and you walked out of here filled with the Holy Spirit, you may go back home and because of your past habits, though you were so happy, you may make a mistake. So here was this elder who had just come home from the seminar. It was breakfast time and this elder got into a fight with his wife as they used to in the past. He got so angry that he overturned the breakfast table. The dishes flew everywhere and everything broke. He had believed in Jesus for 30 years but still he overturned the table and broke the dishes. He was so ashamed and he couldn’t pray. Many elders here say, “How can Teacher Park always say something about the elders?” But you know, pastors even beat up their wives and they go to court. If pastors are doing that, then it’s not implausible that elders are fighting with their wives.
       So this elder overturned the table. He was so ashamed he couldn’t even pray; he did not even lead in worship. After a week, he finally prayed, “Oh, God, this evil sinner overturned the table, please help me so that I won’t do it again. Amen.” And he shouldn’t overturn the table after that, but a few days later he overturns the table again because he became so angry. Now he cannot pray or hold worship for two weeks. After two weeks, he prays, “Oh, Father, this sinner overturned the table again. Amen.” And then he does it again after a couple of days and he says, “Ah, forget it” and he drinks and then he goes out to the world. Doesn’t it happen like that? Even though I don’t see it, I know. But all of you who have come here, please do not become like that.
       So who did I say will receive the Holy Spirit? Sinners. [I did not come to call the righteous that were transformed, but I came to call sinners who are not transformed.] Who said that? The Holy Spirit. Because you have not been transformed, if you make a mistake, you have the right to receive the Holy Spirit. All you have to do is what Jesus told you to do.
       Let’s say you threw the table, then without a delay of a minute or a second, stand up and go into your closet. Go to your closet and what? Close the door, it’s embarrassing. Close the door and meet our Father one on one and pray like this, “Daddy, didn’t You see everything? This is me, an elder who believed in Jesus for 30 years. If I want to become changed and be able to go to heaven, You must give me ten times more of the Holy Spirit.” And God who does not hold back will abundantly give, so the elder receives 20 times more of the Holy Spirit. Then he comes out and goes to Satan who made him overturn the table and says, “Let’s try it again.” Satan scratches his head, “That’s strange, after this elder came back from the Elijah Gospel Missionary Institute, before if he overturned the table, he used to not even pray, and he used to listen to me and obey me. But look at him now, he went to the closet and wants to fight me.” So Satan can’t make him overturn the table anymore. But after weeks and months, this elder got mad and he overturned the table again. But this elder immediately got up and ran into his closet and said, “Daddy, look at this, Oh, ten times is not enough, you must give me 30, 40 times more of the Holy Spirit.” So God gives him 50, 60 times more of the Holy Spirit. Satan’s power is limited, but the Holy Spirit has no limit to His power and Satan cannot overcome this elder anymore. So Satan packs all of his bags and he leaves that family and leaves that elder.
       If you overturn the table once, then what? You qualify to receive the Holy Spirit. If you overturn it twice, you have more rights to receive the Holy Spirit. If you overturn it three times, you perfectly qualify to receive the Holy Spirit. I hope that all of you will be victorious through the Holy Spirit. That’s why it’s written though the righteous may fall seven times, they will stand up an eighth time and be a victor.        

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