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Saturday, February 15, 2014


Good morning. Yesterday, we ran out of time and stopped in the middle, so let’s continue today. First, we’ll review what we learned yesterday. We learned that Elijah always obeyed God’s commands 100%. When he entered Ahab’s palace alone, he knew that he would not be able to make it out alive. It was a very dangerous mission because there were no other prophets that ever survived. So Elijah knew that he would not be able to make it out alive, but still he went to that foolish leader to rebuke him. When he just barely made it out, God did not command him to go home and rest, but instead He sent him to the Brook Cherith where there was no bread, water, and no one waiting there for him, yet he just obeyed. He did not ask, “Is there a place for me to stay? Is there food for me to eat?” he just obeyed God and went. When he arrived, because of the drought, even the brook had dried up. Then he was sent to the land of Gentiles, to a young widow in Zarephath, and that was our Father’s great providence. He sent such a holy man as Elijah and had him live with a young widow for three and half years. But it was to teach these last Elijahs a very important lesson. People couldn’t understand it at the time of course, but God had a reason for sending Elijah to live with a Gentile widow.
All throughout history, God would often have His servants, His workers, go on paths that no one could understand, but still they were required to simply trust Him. This was our Father’s amazing providence. Only after time passes are we able to understand that it was truly God’s will. Elijah had lived his life in such holiness, but why was he suddenly made to live with a young widow? It may have seemed shameful, but it was a lesson that we must go to all those widows, those churches, that left their true Husband, and lead them back to God. It is our mission to save all of humanity that have wandered away from our Real Father, that they may return into His arms. That is why God sent Elijah to that house of a widow and an orphan.
Another lesson God wanted to teach us was that we must keep ourselves holy no matter what situation we find ourselves in. Also, Elijah didn’t understand why God sent him to a Gentile widow and at first, he could not sleep, eat, or live properly because he was so uncomfortable. But at that time when religion and government had joined together to kill Elijah, our Father knew they were trying to kill him, so He sent him there and kept him safe. No matter how they sought for Elijah, they could not find this man of God. So no matter how God leads us, though we may not understand immediately, we should just obey and follow wherever He leads. There is another lesson, a very important lesson, for these last Elijahs who are to ascend just like the first Elijah did. They must be found without blemish in words, heart, and character. Only those who have no guile in their tongue, who are without spot in character, and who are not defiled with women, will be the ones who will ascend to heaven. So to keep oneself undefiled with women, we should not join ourselves to the churches that have joined themselves to Satan, but stand firm on the side of righteousness, like the tribe of Levi that never compromised with the prostitute.
It also means that we should reach a spiritual level of not committing sin even in our thoughts, especially concerning the members of the opposite sex. During the three and half years that Elijah lived there, had there been even one unrighteous act in the sight of God, He would never have used Elijah again, forsaking him as Moses was forsaken after making one mistake.
Had Elijah made a single mistake, his work would have been given to Elisha. But after being with that widow for three and a half years, he was immediately sent to Mt. Carmel to do a greater work. Just by seeing that, we can be certain he lived a most holy life while being with that young widow. Likewise, men and women should be holy in the sight of God in their relationships, only then can they ascend to heaven. Even now, if we sinned in our thoughts and they were impure, we would never be able to ascend to heaven, because there is so much to eat in heaven, we would always be filled with energy and vitality. Men and women would be living together all the time, so if we had impure thoughts when we are there, heaven would instantly become defiled. We must realize how unfit for heaven we would be then. So during this period of grace while the intercession is still being given on our behalf, we must quickly come out as holy and perfect beings.
The three and half years at the house of the young widow in Zarephath was a comfortable time for Elijah. He had not been understood or sympathized by his family or the church, and he had nowhere to go being chased out by them. Truly he had nowhere to lay his head until he met the young widow and her son. They were devoted to Elijah, and probably if that widow’s husband were alive, he could not have taken such tender care of that young widow and her son as Elijah had. Though he had been so tough and firm before King Ahab, he was such a kind and gentle man with the young widow and her son. In fact, probably no one would have believed that Elijah could scold the king like that. He took care of those souls like a dimly burning wick that was about to go out. Such a person is called “a man of God.”
Nowadays, there are those religious leaders who are afraid to lose their position and power, and they mistreat other members and abuse their authority; such are not the “men of God.” People who go to church these days swear to be faithful unto death, but their faith and courage is not that of Jesus but of a courageous hunted animal. Hunting dogs can have great courage and will not retreat in front of any wild animals like bears or wolves. Yet they just obey its owners regardless without knowing whether their owner is a thief or a robber. We must have the courage of Jesus, to say wrong is wrong and call Satan for who he is. Meanwhile, we should also be able to bind up and heal the wounded souls. During the three and half years, though Elijah may have lived in peace, all the churches and the entire nation were seeking him to kill him because they had fallen apart. They wanted revenge against Elijah, so government and religion all joined together to kill Elijah. This will happen again in these last days. Wait and see whether my words are true or not. If you stand firm as true Elijahs, you will see history repeat itself.
When curses fell upon Ahab and his people, they did not realize that it was because of their sins, thinking only that it was because of Elijah. It will be the same in the last days as well, all people will try to get revenge on these last Elijahs and come after you. Though everyone wanted to kill Elijah, what did God say? He said. “Go to Ahab.” So he went, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit. It is written that Elijah was like the king and the king instead seemed like a lowly man. That is why a human king cannot stand before the man of God. Though Ahab had all of the government and religious leaders behind him, yet when they gathered together on Mt. Carmel, Elijah alone gained such a sweeping victory.
He saved all of Israel. After that victory, Elijah was exhausted and fell asleep in exhaustion on the ground in front of Ahab’s palace. Then while fighting against Jezebel, he was struck and was defeated by her. He had risked his life and been victorious on Mt. Carmel, but that night he was defeated by a weak woman. He became afraid for his life and ran away to save himself. Now Elijah had betrayed God.
When all of God’s people followed the demon, Satan, and became an impure church, the only one that God could trust was Elijah. But even he now betrayed God and was running away from Him. How inexcusable it was of Elijah. Then did God take a big stick and chase after him because He was so upset? Did He say, “I trusted you and you dare to betray Me?” No, God did not say that. He did not beat him. God rather followed after that Elijah who was betraying Him and running away from Him. Elijah ran and ran and he became so exhausted that he collapsed and fell asleep. Our Father went to him and caressed the sleeping Elijah, saying, “Elijah! If you’re going to run away from Me, you’ll have to go far. You might collapse and die on the way so eat something. Even if you’re betraying Me, at least eat before you go.” And our God is One who fed this very son who was betraying Him. That is who our Real Father is. He is our God of love. He does not forsake us just because of a small mistake that we make, nor is He One who will keep reminding us of our sin that we committed long ago. He is not that kind of God.
So after eating because he was so hungry, Elijah fell asleep because usually when you eat something when you are very hungry, you get sleepy afterwards. So he ate and fell asleep. Again our Father came to him and said, “Elijah, if you want to betray Me, you’ll have to run for forty days. If you want to run for a month, for ten days straight, I’m afraid you might faint on the way, so eat before you leave to betray Me.” And so our Father continued to feed Him again and again. This is the kind of God our Real Father is. He is the true God.
If you think about the fearful God they teach of in the world, truly He is terrible. He is a God who only wants to kill and judge and mercilessly destroy. I hope that you will never depart from the true God, our tender and loving Father, ever again. Though our Father fed Elijah with such a great love and he ate the food God gave him, still he betrayed God, just like Judas who walked out and sold Jesus with the very feet Jesus had washed. That is why it is so important to take that right first step. Our first step of stubbornness and hardness of the heart may send us to our deaths. However, if we change our hearts, it will guide us to eternal life. So a moment’s choice can determine our future. That is why they say even a thousand miles begins with one step. If you go on the path of betrayal, then there is no way for you to turn around.
As Elijah went on that path of betrayal, though he had been such a wonderful and beautiful son, still he betrayed God while even eating the food that God had prepared for him. He ran away for more than a month, for forty days he went to the mountains, to a cave in the mountains. He went to this cave where he felt he was safest. But let me ask you, what is the best medicine? Even if you take the best medicine in the world, how can it allow you to run for forty days? They say that ginseng and other medicines are good, but can you take two servings of that medicine and run for forty days? You probably couldn’t even last a couple of days.
With the food which our Father gave, with that energy he was able to run for forty days. Surely when the tribulation begins, you also will be able to eat the food that Elijah ate. There are people in the world who have prepared food for the time of tribulation. They have stocked up five years’ worth of food. But actually, people who are like that are like orphans without a father. I hope that you will be faithful and loyal to our God, because He will feed you in the time of tribulation. So Elijah went to the cave where he thought he was safe, but he was not safe. It ended up being a cave of anxiety, despair, and death. It was the cave of his soul.
On Mount Carmel where he thought it would be so frightening, he was safe filled with love, joy, and the peace of heaven. There he was able to overcome and defeat the eight hundred and fifty prophets of Baal. But in this cave where he thought he would be safe, because God had not sent him there, he was so restless, nervous, and filled with despair though not a single enemy was there. To Elijah, it was a cave of death.
There is a lesson to be learned here. Though a path may seem dangerous to you, if it is the place God wants you to go, then there is safety, victory, and the guarantee that your life will be preserved. However, if you go to a place where you think it is safe but God does not want you to go, then no matter how safe it may seem, it will be a cave of death. Elijah was so confident without fear before his enemies gathered on Mount Carmel, but in this cave, though there was not even one enemy, he was shivering in fear. So no matter what, you should always be in the place and position God puts you in.
God followed Elijah even to the cave where he was crouching in fear. Our loving Father came to him and said, “Elijah!” Elijah was so surprised; he didn’t think the Father had followed him there. So our Father said, “Why are you crouched here with a face full of fear and despair?” And this was Elijah’s excuse, he answered, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God of Hosts. The children of Israel and the church have forsaken your covenant, set Baal up on the altars, and killed your prophets by the sword. I alone am left and they are trying to kill me as well.” “Oh, really? Then who is the one who begot you and nurtured you? Who fed you, clothed you, and protected you up to now? Who gave you victory when you went to Ahab’s palace? How about the victory on Mount Carmel? Who gave you bread and the energy to come all the way here?” Elijah was startled at himself. He realized that our Real Father had never left him and had been with him always. Though he was victorious in front of all those enemies, he found himself embarrassed and ashamed for running away from that one woman.
So God said, “Elijah! Come out of the cave.” Elijah had betrayed God and run away from Him, his face filled with despair and anxiety. Our faces would always be bright if we did not leave God. Why is it that all those people in the world who should be filled with heaven’s love, joy, and peace, walking around with happy faces, are rather only looking for money with dismal countenances? It’s because they have departed from God and from the rock of truth. That is why there is no happiness in them. They are wandering in the cave of death, wandering without the truth. It is up to you to let them know about eternal life, to lead them out of the cave and into the light that they may meet our Father. Thus, our Father brought Elijah out of the cave of death, despair, and darkness. He put him on a rock in front of a mountain. That’s what we must do: take all the people to the mountain – the rock of truth which is Christ.
So the King of heaven, the LORD of Hosts came down and had a revival meeting just for that one son, Elijah. Isn’t that amazing? God came down just for that one son. It is because He is our Real Father. There is no way to understand this Bible if you do not realize God is our Real Father. Can you believe that the King of the universe came down to hold a revival meeting just for that one son? First, a great wind passed by and rocks were thrown down. Elijah thought, “Oh! God must be there.” But God was not there, it was just a wind. Then there came a great earthquake and the whole earth shook and the earth was divided into two then joined back together again with a crash. “Oh! God must be there!” But God was not there, and it was just an earthquake. Then there was a fire. It was so fierce that it seemed it could melt the whole earth. Elijah was afraid and thought, “Oh! God must be there!” But God was not there. Finally, there was a still, small voice which was the word of God saying, “Elijah, I am here.” That was the end of the revival meeting. Truly the great truths of the universe which our Father teaches us can be taught in a moment. That which you could not learn for a thousand years He can teach in a day.
He could teach us in mere moments. All that I am teaching you during these ten days are lessons I learned in brief moments. At last Elijah understood. He had displayed himself and been so proud, thinking, “I am a man of God. I am His servant.” But it was all just like the passing of wind.
Look at the churches today, are they like that or not? They build huge and grand buildings and wear nice-looking robes with a huge crowd before them. But God is not with such pompous beings. They jump up and down and scream, speaking in tongues. But God is not with them. And what is the earthquake? It symbolizes the unregenerate tempers, but God is not with them. How about the fire that can symbolize ardor and zeal? God does not use the wood that is burning and smoking, He only uses the wood when it is all burned and has become charcoal. God is not pleased with fire-like ardor and the unregenerate frenzy of so-called zeal. Elijah had thought God’s work was making the fire come down from heaven, or going to the palaces and rebuking kings, but that was not God’s work. How did Jesus do God’s work? Then what is the true work of God? God’s true work is to transform a sinner into God’s image so that he can live in heaven for eternity.
Therefore, scolding King Ahab was not God’s work. Having fire come down from heaven was not God’s work. How did Jesus do God’s work? He was like a lily and had the fragrance of his life. People were attracted to Him by the fragrance He gave out. Quietly and solemnly he spoke to the people of God’s Word. He transformed their inner heart and soul – this was God’s true work. It is the only work that can be called “God’s work,” that can prepare people so that they can go to heaven.
Nowadays, people think that jumping up and down is receiving the Holy Spirit. But what is receiving the Holy Spirit? Isaiah chapter 42 verse 1 to 4, [Behold! My Servant whom I uphold, My Elect One in whom My soul delights! I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles. He will not cry out, nor raise His voice, nor cause His voice to be heard in the street. A bruised reed He will not break, and smoking flax He will not quench; He will bring forth justice for truth. He will not fail nor be discouraged, till He has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands shall wait for His law.]
Those who have received the true Holy Spirit will not be arrogant or loud or jump up and down; rather they will speak words of truth quietly in a gentle way. And no matter what enemies should rise up and strike them, they will not be discouraged but proclaim this truth to the ends of the earth. We must discard all false pompousness and fanatical zeal and return to our Father’s truth. In this way, when Jesus communicated the truth, our Father’s words to the multitude, they were attracted by the fragrance of His life, and Jesus transformed and regenerated them. This is God’s true work.
Elijah understood all of this and realized his mistake. Up until yesterday, just a few days ago, all the people at Mt. Carmel had been fooled by the false religion and thought Elijah a false prophet. But they realized Elijah’s God was the true God and they had shed tears in repentance, returning to God. Elijah should have continued to speak of God’s word to the people who had returned to God so that their hearts could be transformed – that would have been God’s true work. But instead of doing the work he should have been doing, he had run away.
To Elijah who truly repented of his mistake, God immediately sent him back to his position, to the very place where he had betrayed God. In the army, when the soldiers in training do something wrong, they are told to retreat “back to their positions.” Upon seeing Elijah repent, our Father who is so tender and kind, took his son who had betrayed him and put him back to his original position. That is why our Father is not like some military instructor; he is like a kind coach who teaches us in love.
Let us look at 1 Kings chapter 19:15 to 16, [Then the LORD said to him: “Go, return on your way to the Wilderness of Damascus; and when you arrive, anoint Hazael as king over Syria. Also you shall anoint Jehu the son of Nimshi as king over Israel. And Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place.]
As soon as Elijah came to understand his mistake, our Father sent him back to his original post. But Elijah was human, he was a man of flesh with two legs and though God had fed him and he ran for forty days, he was still exhausted, so he could have said, “Father, please let me rest just this one day.” He had to run again for forty days, so he could have said that, but he only said, “Yes,” and immediately after repenting, he returned. What a beautiful son he was. There’s no mention here that God even fed him anything this time; for God’s command is our power and it is our strength.
Until now while doing God’s work, I have been invited more than a hundred times to give this seminar, and sometimes my health is very poor. At times I would be healthy and at times I would not be in such good health. But I would always ask God, “Should I go to the seminar or not?” And if His answer was, “Go,” then I obeyed no matter what, for within that command was guaranteed all strength, power, and victory.
Secondly, though he ran back another forty days, there is no record of God feeding him, of Elijah carrying a pot around to cook for himself, or that he stopped somewhere to buy some food. When God’s command is given, you must obey immediately without any delays in the middle.
[And Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place.] This command was rather a harsh one. Until now, it was Elijah who had gone into Ahab’s palace, and to Mt. Carmel, and he was told to go before that King Ahab who had for three and a half years wanted to tear him to pieces and kill him.
Whether ten times or a hundred times, whatever request was made of him with his life on the line, Elijah had obeyed without question. And he had been the one to lead all of Israel back to God. But now, just because of a single mistake, God was saying, “I can’t use you as My prophet anymore. Give your job to Elisha.” In other words, God was saying, “I am discarding you.” How heartbreaking it is. But Elijah was not offended in the slightest bit and only said, “Yes, Father. Whatever You want. I’m just overwhelmed with gratitude that You used me until now.” And he gave the job of prophet to Elisha, saying, “You must increase and I must decrease.” Blessing Elisha like that, he left. As I think of Elijah walking away with his hands in his pockets, how lovely he seems to me. He was truly selfless. This is the kind of person you call a “man of God.”
These days, in order to be chosen as a head pastor, those pastors trample on each other and attack each other, even spending money for lobbying … truly how disgusting it is! This is what those politicians in the world do, those presidents and congressman may do that, but how can those who call themselves servants of God be like that? I hope that you will take yourself out from such a place. I cannot bear to look at them. If they are truly God’s servants, they should be saying, “Oh, pastor! You should do it, not me,” and they should yield to one another. But instead these pastors curse each other and bring out their pasts, attacking them like that and using money for lobbying … it’s truly unbelievable. We must learn to give all the glory to our brethren and bless them as Elijah did, to be possessors of such a beautiful character.
But even though Elijah came out having passed on his position as the prophet, God used him yet again on a deadly mission. Let’s look at 1 Kings chapter 21 verses 17 and 18. [Then the word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying, “Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of Israel, who lives in Samaria. There he is, in the vineyard of Naboth, where he has gone down to take possession of it.”] God was sending Elijah once again to pronounce a death sentence upon Ahab and his household. Though Ahab was the leader of God’s people, he had not led the people to God, instead leading them to the demon and to evil spirits. He was bringing all of Israel to ruins. So in order to forgive him, God had sent Elijah and revealed His power on Mt. Carmel, giving Ahab an opportunity to repent by seeing God’s divinity. There is no one that does not repent before God’s divinity. As long as you are not mentally deficient, all will repent and be penitent in tears, saying, “I will also stand on the side of Elijah’s God.” When all of Israel repented and returned to Elijah’s God, Ahab did so as well. But when he went home, his wife said, “Were you deceived by that heretic as well?” He was embarrassed, so he said, “Oh, I’m sorry. I just went to look, do you think I would actually follow Elijah?” And he obeyed his wife and betrayed Elijah. It was at that moment that his conscience completely died. There is no salvation for those who fall again having once partaken in divinity.
[For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.] (Heb 6:4-6) The reason is that a greater God than He who was revealed to you must come in order to save you, but there is no greater God in the universe. We must be careful that we don’t become people like that.
We must never become such infidels with no integrity. When Ahab repented before God’s divine presence, then returned home to his wife and entrusted his soul to evil, his conscience completely died and no hope for him remained. After that, he no longer had any insight as to whether his actions were evil or sinful, and he became Satan’s medium, Satan’s channel. In other words, he completely became Satan’s agent.
One day, as Ahab was taking a stroll, he saw a beautiful vineyard in front of his palace. It was a time for harvesting grapes and truly they looked so wonderful set in a background of lush green leaves and scrumptious grapes hanging in full season splendor. At sight of the grapes, Ahab became greedy. The vineyard belonged to Naboth and Ahab immediately called him. “Hey Naboth, I will give all the money you ask, sell your vineyard to me.” It was the custom of the Israelites to pass down the inheritance of their ancestors down to their sons for generation after generation. You could not buy or sell something that was an inheritance. This very vineyard was an inheritance of Naboth that had belonged to his family for generations. So he said to Ahab, “O King! I’m so very sorry. I would offer this vineyard to you without a penny, but it is an inheritance passed down from our forefathers, so I cannot sell it. I am so sorry.”
Even in Korea in my hometown, there was a huge mansion and you had to go through many gates in order to reach the main house. It was fourteen generations old but had to be torn down because of a government order since they were building a big reservoir there. Later, the owner died of mental depression because his inheritance that had been passed down from generation to generation was lost in his time while he was alive.
So anyways, after being refused, Ahab was so upset and he wouldn’t eat, just sitting there sulking. Then Jezebel his wife came in, “O King! What’s wrong with you?” “Bah, I just asked that Naboth to sell me his vineyard but he refused.” Then Jezebel replied, “O King! Aren’t you the king? Don’t worry. I’ll get it for you.” Ahab and Jezebel were like-minded. You cannot live together unless you are the same. So this evil pair devised a scheme to take the vineyard away from that good, hardworking farmer. Ahab was so rich, he had two ivory palaces, the nation was his, the whole world was at his feet, but he was greedy for that poor farmer’s sole vineyard, even now planning to kill him.
So he called Naboth to his palace having chosen some of the most heinous gangs in the city as well. He told them that Naboth had sinned against God and insulted the king. After falsely accusing him like that, Naboth was struck down and killed. Without paying a cent, they killed that innocent man and then plundered his vineyard. What would become of the family of that righteous man? He who was supposed to be the leader of God’s people, a shepherd to lead them, did such a horrifying thing. They had done it secretly thinking no one knew, but God had been a witness to that slain righteous son. And while Ahab exulting at his success, was taking a walk in the vineyard, at that very hour God called Elijah and commanded him, “Go and proclaim the death sentence upon Ahab and his household.”
Of course, to Elijah, this was a deadly errand once again, in which his life could be forfeited. Once the king or a president goes somewhere, there are armies, police, and guards that follow. So for this shabby man to declare to the king his destruction, you wouldn’t be able to know which knife or sword would strike him down first. Surely he would be cut into pieces, yet that is where God was telling him to go.
What’s more, Elijah wasn’t even the official prophet at the time, it was Elisha. His position had been transferred to Elisha for that one mistake he made, but instead of using the official prophet, God was using Elijah once again. The reason is that God liked having Elijah do His errands. We must also become such charming beings as Elijah whom God likes and loves to follow around. Elijah didn’t say, “God, You discarded me saying You didn’t want me anymore, so why don’t you go and use Elisha. I won’t go. You always have me do the dirty work while having Elisha do only the nice things. I won’t go.” He could have said that, but even though Elijah knew he would be cut into pieces and killed, he only said, “Alright, Father. If You need to use me one more time, then I will go.” What a wonderful son he was! You couldn’t find anyone like him in the world. Brethren he would send to safe places while he himself went to the place of death. To say, “The path of life for brethren, the path of death for me,” this is what it means to love your neighbors as your own self, and to love God with your whole life; this is the life of fulfilling the Ten Commandments.
So without a word of complaint he went. He went to that evil sinner to sentence him to death, saying, “Destruction has fallen upon you and your household. Where Naboth’s blood fell will Jezebel’s blood fall.” And while that weaponless shabby person was giving this death sentence, not a single person dared lay a hand on him as they only turned pale and trembled in fear. They were frozen before Elijah’s dazzling divinity.
Long ago when the priests of Israel claimed their church to be the Orthodox church with millions of worshippers, displaying themselves with such majestic appearances and worshipping with exaggerated formalities, how they despised Jesus and His followers of a hundred or so, looking down on him as the mere son of a carpenter, an ignorant being who did not even come out of theology school, a fanatic. But when Jesus went to the Jerusalem temple and overturned all the tables and drove away all the sheep, rebuking them and saying, “How dare you make My Father’s house a den of thieves!” those priests ran away before His divinity, forgetting their dignity as they were unable to endure His presence. They were truly thieves and robbers.
When multitudes came to Jerusalem to worship, those priests bought sheep at wholesale prices and then sold them for such huge profits that all went into their pockets. At least thieves are honest about their identity and say, “I’m a thief,” they had a conscience. But these priests wore the robes of a clergyman as they stole from the people. God had established them to transform the pitiful people and lead them to eternal life, not to collect money for themselves. So when Jesus, whom they had always scorned, chased them away calling them thieves, as they faced Him with His divine countenance, they were unable to endure it and ran away barefooted. After running for some time, they suddenly stopped, saying, “Why are we running away like this from that carpenter’s son, Jesus!” and when they returned in haste despite their embarrassment, Jesus was there as if nothing had happened, continuing to heal the pitiful, weak, and wounded souls.
In the same way, when Elijah appeared before Ahab, though Ahab had looked down upon him and despised him, before God’s divinity he trembled in fear and no one dared to raise a sword against him as he simply walked out after pronouncing the death sentence.
People say that they have attended the seminar at Elijah Gospel Missionary Institute, that they agree with everything, “It is correct and there’s nothing wrong, it is the truth, it is God’s word from heaven.” But just agreeing does not mean you are saved. Only when you accept God as your personal Real Father, only when He abides in you and His divinity is in your heart, only then can you be saved. To simply say, “Oh, it seems correct,” cannot give you salvation.
[But the angel of the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite, “Arise, go up to meet the messengers of the king of Samaria, and say to them, ‘Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going to inquire of Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron? Now therefore, thus says the LORD: You shall not come down from the bed to which you have gone up, but you shall surely die.’” So Elijah departed.] (1Ki 1:3-4)
Here is a story of another shepherd of God’s church, his name was Ahaziah. God had made him king to be a leader of His people, but once he became sick with an incurable disease, instead of going to the living God who was with him, he called his ministers and said, “Oh, I’m getting sicker and am on the verge of death. There’s a famous sorcerer in Ekron so ask him if I will be healed or not.” This was the state of the leader of God’s church at the time. Can you imagine how our Father must have felt all throughout history? These were the very beings who were supposed to know God’s deep heart and His love, and lead the people to Him, to the path of eternal life. But rather they were being dragged around by demons.
So these ministers obeyed the king’s command and were going to that sorcereror in Ekron. But God told Elijah to stop those ministers from going and proclaim the death sentence, saying, [Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going to inquire of Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?] This, of course, was also an errand that put Elijah’s life at risk.
Long ago in the military, if a military police messenger received an order from his commander to detain even the lowest-leveled general, if he detained this general for more than a few minutes, he could be punished, even though he was only doing his duty. So how much for Elijah in facing the king of a country – this shabby man who was not even the official prophet, was going to proclaim that the king will die upon the bed he lied in, so would the king’s ministers and subjects leave him alone? They would behead him in an instant.
Even though Elisha was the official prophet, God was once again sending Elijah out on this deadly errand. Truly God liked having Elijah do His errands more than He did Elisha. God loved Elijah so much and couldn’t live without him! We also must become such charming last Elijahs.
God has feelings and emotions just like us. He is happy, He loves us, He likes us, He even longs for us and becomes lovesick for us. We must become such charming sons and daughters that God and Jesus love so much They can’t live apart from us.
So Elijah who was truly worthy of receiving God’s love, simply replied, “Yes,” and went. Truly what a lovely relationship between this Father and son! Elijah appeared before those ministers of the king and scolded them as to why they were going to the god of Ekron, was the God of Israel dead? They turned pale with fright and ran away as fast as they could.
Ahaziah was lying on his bed when his ministers came in whispering amongst themselves? “What’s the matter?” “O King! We were going over the hill when this man showed up and said, ‘Is there no God in Israel that you are going to inquire from that demon of Ekron? Go to your king and tell him he will surely die on his bed and not come down from it.’” Even without having to ask, it was obvious who it was. All throughout history, only Elijahs could rebuke the king and leaders of the world of their sins. We have to become Elijahs.
Nowadays in the churches, if there is some professor or pastor who rebukes the corruption of the churches, suddenly their wages are cut and they lose their position, so they stop speaking. God does not use such cowards. Only those who can stand up to and rebuke the corruption of the churches and the world, risking their lives a hundred, a thousand times in order to save the world, are Elijahs.
Now this was God’s second command to Elijah, to pronounce the death sentence upon Ahaziah. It was a life-risking errand once again. How could you go to the bedside of the king of a nation, to dare pronounce a death sentence against him? To do such a thing, even your corpse would disappear without a trace. But this life-risking errand God was having Elijah do, not Elisha who was the official prophet at the time. God always gives the deadly errands to Elijah. Why is that? The first Elijah is a sample for the last Elijahs who will also do the errands that will put their life at risk.
If you look at the work that I’m doing now, truly I am also risking my life. Am I not exposing all the deceptions and hypocrisy of today’s churches? It seems that I am breaking up families that were living so peacefully, but they are all actually falling into ruins. I denounce all countries, families, religions, and education. But this is the only way they can be saved. Even though I have done this meeting up to now, no one has been able to touch me. I am perfectly safe as long as I am doing God’s appointed work. No one can touch me, no one can harm me. Though they may even try to kill me, every single meeting I am at risk. Who knows when someone will come into my room with a knife or a gun in their pockets. Even detectives and policemen have attended this seminar. But while I am obeying God’s command, not a single person has the power to touch me.
When Moses went before Pharaoh, he could have died, but God said, “I will fill the number of your days.” As long as we are obeying God’s command, there is no one that can touch a hair on our heads for that set time. Let us obey the commands of the Jehovah of Hosts with our hearts rest assured.
Elijah finally entered King Ahaziah’s palace. Since he had come under God’s command, there was no reason for him to ask permission from the secretary of state or anyone. He went to the bedside of the king and said, “Is there no God in Israel that you should inquire from that demon of Ekron? You will therefore die upon the bed you lie.” And after saying that, as he was walking out, not a single person could raise their sword against Elijah. Had anyone even touched Elijah’s robe, that palace would have fallen into ruins. Dazzling with divinity, as Elijah walked out with bold steps, never mind striking him down, no one could even dare touch his robe. Though all the nations of the world and all religions will unite as a single force to kill these last Elijahs, no one will be able to touch a single hair on your head without God’s permission. I hope that you will obey God’s commands with perfect peace of mind and all go to heaven.
After fulfilling all his missions that put his life at risk, he walked out hand in hand with God. Then God called Elijah again. “Elijah!” “Yes?” Now Elijah’s days were all filled up. He had fulfilled all the missions entrusted him. God could have buried Elijah and raised him up at Jesus’ Second Advent to take him to heaven. But God could not bear to be separated with this adorable son who obeyed Him 100% for even a second. So He said to Elijah, “Elijah! I just can’t live without you. Why don’t you come with Me, let’s go to our home now.”
When Elisha was called to be the official prophet, he said, “O God, let me have a farewell party with my family.” So he left his family after holding a farewell party. But when Elijah was called, there was nothing like that. He only said “Yes” every time. Moses had refused again and again when he was first called and God became so upset that He scolded him, but with Elijah, he had always only said “Yes.” He began with “Yes” and ended with “Yes.”
There was no one in the Bible as obedient as Elijah. In these last days, only those who say “Yes” will be the last Elijahs. Those who say, “Let me think about it, let me pray about it,” and weigh their prestige, honor, and paycheck, will never be called. I hope you will become the lovely Elijahs without whom God cannot live for even a minute, who will just say “Yes.”
When God said to Elijah, “I can’t live without you so let’s go home together,” Elijah didn’t reply, “Well, let me say goodbye to the widow who fed me for three and a half years. Let me go home and say goodbye to my family.” As he had always done, he only replied, “Yes, Father, if that’s what You want,” and he left. Though Moses had been buried before being taken to heaven, Elijah ascended to heaven without a grave. Let us also become those without a grave.
Churches today say that when Jesus comes, they’ll go to heaven on a cloud. How ridiculous they are! They are dreaming! Please tell them to stop dreaming and wake up. God will never take such rotten, smelly churches and put them on a cloud to heaven! They only seek money and honor. What God will take them to heaven, such sinners that do not live for God’s glory, only living for their own gain and glory! What God will take such beings to heaven? The Elijahs that God will take to heaven are the ones who will risk their lives for God’s glory; even if they lose their lives ten or a hundred times, they will exalt God and glorify Him. Is there any among the corrupt churches of the world that can be taken to heaven? Can anyone that sins go to heaven? No.
Was there anyone that saw Moses ascend to heaven? Was there anyone that saw Enoch ascend to heaven? Only Elijah, like Jesus, was seen ascending to heaven in glory. It’s written that God will give glory as much as glory was rendered Him (John 13:32). Elijah had rendered the greatest glory to God, and that’s why God bestowed the greatest glory to Elijah. Likewise with the last Elijahs, it’s because you will render the greatest glory to God that you will ascend to heaven on the chariot of clouds most gloriously before all of heaven and earth.

Let us all become such Elijahs.

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