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Friday, December 27, 2013


 This evening, for regeneration and sanctification, we’ll learn about God’s true work. Today, on this earth, there are millions of people saying they are doing God’s work, running about with their bags. There are also millions of clergymen and Christians supposedly doing God’s work – but there are two types of people who do God’s work. On one side, you have those who devote their money and time, establishing churches and schools. They will work hard until the day they die. But they won’t be able to go to heaven, instead they will all be judged and die. On the other hand, there are those who do not do God’s work at all, but still they will surely go to heaven. Then what kind of work do you want to do? Yes, it’s the latter, isn’t it? Yes, you want to be those who don’t have to do anything and still be able to go to heaven. There are those who donate their money and their lives to the end, making such great efforts to establish schools, hospitals, churches, and hold evangelical meetings their whole lifetime. But ultimately, they won’t be able to go to heaven. They will only be judged and die. On the other hand, there are those who do not do anything like that. They just play and go to heaven. 
One day, after listening to Jesus’ sermons, His disciples became so filled with desire to work. They wanted to do God’s work, so they went to Jesus and they asked Him in John chapter 6 verses 28 and 29, [Then they said to Him, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?”] The disciples had rolled up their sleeves and said that they were eager to do God’s work. “We want to; we really want to do God’s works before we go.” Everyone had rolled up their sleeves, willing to work. What did Jesus say to that? Let’s read His answer, [This is the work of God that you believe in Him whom He sent.] They were filled with loyalty, enthusiasm, and had their sleeves rolled up to get to work. They said to Jesus, “What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” So Jesus looked at them and said, “God’s work?” The disciples thought that you must spread millions of pamphlets, you must establish twenty, fifty churches, and you must hold more than one hundred evangelical meetings, but instead He looked at them and said, “God’s work? All you have to do is believe in the man whom God has sent. That is His work.” They couldn’t believe it. I am sure all of you are the same.
Do you have the urge to do God’s work? God’s work is to believe in the One whom He has sent. To believe in Him whom God sends means to follow Him. And to follow Him means to live His life, and to live His life means to have His character. In other words, to have the exact character of Jesus is God’s true work. Other than that, without even having Jesus’ character, to go around preaching and handing out pamphlets, establishing churches, hospitals, and schools – such acts are merely smearing the face of God and Jesus, and preventing others from going to Them. Not only will you yourself not be saved, but you will be preventing others from being saved. You will rather end up becoming a messenger of hell. Please write this one line, write it down in your notes: “The work that the Lord accepts is the work of reflecting His character.” This is the only work; it’s the only work the Lord accepts, that of reflecting His character. It’s not spreading many pamphlets or holding numerous evangelical meetings. It’s not donating lots of money and building huge, expensive churches, it’s not even graduating from a theological school. All those things are useless. If there is only one Christian, one pastor who bears the image of Jesus, that person is doing God’s work. There is no higher work entrusted to man, no work more noble than the improvement of one’s character. The first work that God requires of men is their transformation of character.
Our first duty to God and to our fellow beings is self-improvement, the transformation of our characters. Do you want to work for God and humanity, your fellow men? Then you must first be changed in the image of His Son. That is the only work that heaven accepts.
In a certain neighborhood, there was a deaconess. Whenever spring or fall came, she would so diligently spread evangelical pamphlets. She would tell people that they must believe in Jesus and go to church. But people who actually got the pamphlets from her, rather said, “I refuse to go to church because of that person.” Upon asking why, they said, “That person goes around fighting with everyone all year long, and then only when it’s the time for these revival meetings, then she tells people to believe in Jesus.” Were we not also the same? We must evangelize with our lives, not just during those revival meetings. Even if such a person does not spread any pamphlets, if you just live the life of Jesus regularly, then people would flock to you and say, “I want to go to your church.” And they would follow you. This is the true work. There is no need to go around spreading pamphlets. We must spread the pamphlets of our lives.
It’s written here, “All those that spread the truth will not save themselves by spreading the truth.” Giving numerous sermons doesn’t mean you will be saved. Actually, it is the religious leaders in every age that utterly failed to be saved. All those spreading the truth will not save themselves by spreading the truth. “Depart, depart go out from there. Touch no unclean thing. Go out from the midst of her. Be clean, you who bear the vessel of the Lord.” So before you spread the truth and evangelize, you must first be transformed and live the life of Jesus. “There will be a fearful curse for those who spread the truth but are not themselves sanctified.” It says here that there will be a fearful curse. For those who do not live according to the words they speak, they will receive a fearful curse. There will be a fearful curse upon those who spread the truth but are not themselves sanctified, those unsanctified workers and evangelists. There will be a fearful woe on those church organizations and theological schools that allow those unsanctified workers to continue their work and services.
Do you know why this world is in ruins? It’s because of those unsanctified workers and evangelists. They give diplomas to all those young students, preachers, and evangelists that are not even sanctified. That is why our God and Jesus are so misunderstood in the world. They are cursed and defiled. Nowadays, a diploma is everything. If you don’t have one, they wouldn’t even allow you to preach. They wouldn’t even consider what you preach as the Gospel. You couldn’t even go anywhere to preach. No matter how much you are filled with the Holy Spirit and prepared by God, they ask you what theological school you came out of. If you say you didn’t come out from any theological school, they don’t treat you well. A diploma is everything these days. If the religion we profess fails to renew our hearts and sanctify our lives, how can we exert a saving power upon others? How can there be power when we ourselves are not changed? If the Jesus you believe has not changed you, how can you change anyone else?
A while ago, I went to Seoul and visited a university professor. Afterwards, he and his wife came running out after me while I was leaving, saying they would get me a taxi. That region was called Dae-bangdo in Seoul, it was fifteen minutes to Kangnam Terminal from there. When I got into the taxi, I was surprised that it was an elderly man driving. Driving a small car is quite exhausting, it’s less tiring to drive a big car. But this taxi was very small. I felt so sorry for him, so I said, “How is it that you became a driver, a taxi driver?” I asked him, “How old are you?” He replied, “I am sixty-two.” I started explaining to him about keeping his health, what he should do. “Since you drive such a small car, you should eat like this. You should do this and this so that your fatigue will be taken away.” The professor I visited had given me some tangerines, so I gave them to him. “Here, eat these later.” He kept looking at me, then he asked, “Are you a pastor or a layman?” “Oh, look at me,” I always wore a plain jacket. “I am just a layman of course.” “Oh, really? I would like to say something that’s personal.” “Oh, go ahead.” “It’s not something nice.” “That’s ok.”
“It’s not good.” “It’s ok.” So finally, after some delay, he said, “My father passed away a while ago. He was ninety-three. My own mother had died earlier. So my father had married again but he passed away not long ago. He attended the church before he passed away and the pastors, elders, and all these church members came to the funeral saying they would lead the service. I had paid them for all their funeral services and afterwards, when the pastor was going home, I gave him three hundred dollars on the side in gratitude for holding the funeral for my father. But for some reason, this pastor became upset, and he told my stepmother that even if she has to live in an elderly home, not to live with her stepson.”
This pastor had divided this mother and son. This taxi driver continued by saying that later, the pastor would tell his stepmother he needed new curtains so give one thousand dollars. Then he would ask for more money saying he needed to go on some trip. This pastor began taking away his stepmother’s money. This taxi driver’s wife couldn’t understand it and said, “Isn’t the church supposed to bring parents and children together? Why are they separating you from your stepmother?” She was so angry and said she would confront the church about it, but this taxi driver told his wife not to. His father had left an inheritance to him because he was the only son, and that’s why the church was intent on separating the son with the stepmother. He explained to her that if they went to argue, the church would think they were after his inheritance. So he told her not to do anything. After his stepmother ran out of money and had nothing more to give to the church and nowhere to go, then they would take care of her. Who else would take care of her then when she had no money? So he stopped his wife from doing anything.
This taxi driver spoke to me quite candidly. He had lived in North Korea when he was young. At the time, he had attended a missionary school. Now that his father had passed away, he himself was old and he had made up his mind to go back to God. But when he saw what was going on in the church, he told me that he had made up his mind to never go back to church. He was resolved to just live off his life driving that taxi. When I heard that, my heart truly ached. There are lots of people like that in this world. I cannot say how many people there are who are like that in this world.
In India, the population right now is over 700 million. The prime minister of India, Gandhi, had truly loved the Bible and read it all. Later, he even said that it would be a fatal sin for India if they rejected the Bible. He believed that the people of India should read the Bible, and he began to love Jesus. He really loved Jesus. He wanted to become a Christian, dedicate his life and even be baptized. He had made up his mind. But before receiving baptism, he looked at the Christian leaders around the world. When he saw how abominable they were, he realized that he would be ashamed to be a Christian. So he determined not to be a Christian. He gave up. But before he died, he said that he loved Jesus and the Bible. He had made up his mind to be a Christian for life, but when he saw the Christians in the world, he resolved not to be a Christian after all.
In India today, there are so many people starving to death. Their god is a cow, and their cow god is trampling on all their grains and eating their food; they are being trampled upon by this cow god, all on the verge of death and dying. Do you know who killed these people of India? It was those degenerated Protestant Churches. All throughout history, who ruined this earth? It was not the gentiles or heathen but the fallen churches, the Christians. The Christians and fallen churches are the ones that killed the sons of God in every age. It was not the Buddhists or atheists. They are the ones that killed Jesus. They killed John the Baptist. They killed Elijah. Gandhi was considered the father of India. If he had become a Christian, then how many children of India, how many of God’s children would have been saved?
That day when I met that taxi driver, I knew I had met another Gandhi. It really hurt me inside. I wanted to kneel and beg for forgiveness on behalf of the Christian world. He thought I would say, “How can you say that about the servants of the Lord? Don’t be like that,” but instead I said, “Sir, I am really sorry. Nowadays, all the churches are deceivers, so you really made a good decision not to go to church. When you were young, you said you went to a missionary school in North Korea. Do you remember what you learned? What does the Bible say? When you pray, it does not say to go to church. It says to pray in your room. So buy a Bible and study the Bible. Obey it as you did when you were young. I hope you will pray in your room and walk with God.” All of sudden, he smiled. He had made his mind to die driving as a taxi driver, but suddenly a way of escape was available. “Oh, really?” A way for him to live was opened up for him and he was so happy about it. At the time, I had said to him, “I am traveling around fighting the fallen Christian world. That’s why I want to tell you about the God whom I serve.” In earnest he replied that if it was the God that I served, he wanted to learn about Him. So I asked him for his address, “Sir, can you give me your address?” With one hand while he was driving, he wrote his address. His handwriting was very nice. When I returned home, I sent him, The Key to Happiness book. We moved shortly afterwards so I wasn’t able to receive his reply, but I wonder how happy he must be reading that book by himself in his room, walking with God.
What our Father and Jesus ask of us is not that we set up a big church and have lots of church members, many theological institutions and pastors. They only want one person who reflects His image. Such a person, even one, has the power to save the whole world. They want those that live the life of Jesus and bear His image, if you do, you do not have to ask anyone to come to church. It was infamous for being so unruly. So people had given up on this neighborhood. That is the kind of place I had moved to. The Adventist Church had given up after a whole ear, and even the Protestant brethren that lived there said no one from there ever went to church.
So I had come to this place and only the children came to church; none of the adults ever did. If someone asked anyone to come to church, they would say, “Ah, there’s no one to be friends with there.” It was truly so shameful and that’s the kind of place it was. As soon as I got there, I did not invite some famous pastor from Seoul or have some kind of revival meeting. I did not say one word. I just worked with the people. And all I did was farm work with them. I did that for almost a year, growing rice and taking care of my vineyard. I just worked with them. After a year, I held an evangelistic meeting. Even at that time, I did not invite any preacher from far off. Just myself, I was the speaker.
We were about to start the meeting, but there was no one to preside over it because there were no adult members. It’s not like I could preside over the meeting, then be the speaker as well. And it would have been too shameful to ask my own wife to do it. So I invited a young man from my hometown. He was a theology student and the son of the pastor of a church there. “I am having a prayer meeting. Can you preside and lead in songs during services?” But I felt rather bad just having him do that, so I suggested, “Ok, it’s going to be for one week. I’ll do it at the beginning and the end. And you can speak in the middle a few times.” I gave him a theme for what he should speak about, and then we started. When he spoke, I presided, and when I spoke, he presided. So we both took turns preaching.
That was in a place called Bosung. The religious leader of that area was someone who had graduated from Seoul University and a theological seminary. He came down to see me. When I first went there, he hadn’t even glanced at me. They had given up on the church. After a couple of months, a certain elder had come, saying, “Ah, you know this church is hopeless. Everyone gave up on it.” But this regional leader came, saying, “So you are having an evangelical meeting, what shall I do?” I replied, “Oh, I’m just a nothing. How could you listen to the sermons of someone like me? After the evangelical meeting is over, please come and give a sermon to reassert the faith of the new believers.” So I escorted him home. But he came back after only four days.
There wasn’t even a church there at the time. There were only rooms that were joined together. I determined that I needed to throw down a big net for big results, so with that faith, I tore down the walls of the four rooms to make one big hall. I had called a carpenter asking him to tear down the walls, but he refused saying the roof would collapse. The house had been built with weak frames so he refused to do it. I told him to forget about it. Then I went home and I prayed, “God, please hold up the roof. I am going to tear the walls down.” I got some young people from the neighborhood to help. So I tore the walls down and there was room enough for fifty people. The carpenter asked, “Did you ever do this before?” “No.” “That’s strange, it’s not bad work.” Now there was room enough for about fifty people.
Then I began the evangelical meeting. So that regional leader came again after only four days. After finishing my sermon, we went home and he said, “Even if you call speakers from far away, no one ever came to a single evangelical meeting. But look at you, you worked in the field. You worked with them. And now you are the speaker as well. So I wondered who would come. I thought there wouldn’t be a single person here and you would be discouraged and disappointed. I actually came to encourage you. But I am so surprised.” Even though government officials tried to gather people, they would never gather. The Adventist Church had tried evangelizing for over ten years, and the Protestant Church had tried to gather people to their church, but none of them succeeded. But here, all these people had given up listening to the radio or watching TV, they had put all that aside to attend this meeting. If they couldn’t come, they would at least send their spouses or parents. I had made a space large enough for fifty people, but about seventy people had come all squeezed in together to attend the meeting. They were sitting right up to the pulpit.
This regional leader was so surprised. “All you did was work with them in the fields, rice paddies, and carry the A-frame around. I wondered who would come to hear you, but I am so astonished.” So I told him not to worry, that I had received an answer from my Father before starting the meeting. And I sent him back home again. I never do things I’m not completely confident of.
When I planned to hold this meeting, I had a strategy to get people to come. First, you must sanctify yourself. So in that place where there was not a single adult church member, after the seminar, with the exception of two people, the remaining sixty-eight people had become confirmed members of the church. When I was planning the seminar, I did not go around telling people to come to church. There were only children and youth in my church so I told them, “If there’s any among you who are embarrassed or afraid to spread these leaflets, then you don’t have to do it. Just pray, search your hearts, and if you feel that you can, then just go around the neighborhood once together with me and pass the leaflets around.” We didn’t even go around twice, just once. Then I began the meeting and everyone came.
There was also this one man who used to go around beating people, spending so much money on medical bills for the people he had hit. But he came, and afterwards, he would go around spreading leaflets, saying, “You have to all come to church.” I’ve seen God use the strangest people to do His work. And later, after evangelizing to others, he himself wouldn’t come. The neighborhood was very small so after dinner, I would take a walk around the neighborhood. I greeted those I saw with that famous Korean greeting, “Did you have dinner?” That’s all I said, but they would reply, “Oh, I’ll go, I’ll go!” I didn’t even ask them to come to church, but they just said they would on their own. So all sixty-eight people became confirmed church members. In other words, whether young or old, at least one person from every family came to church. It became a Christian neighborhood. But after I left that area, they all separated and went their ways. But still there are people who followed since then that became leaders of the church.
People on this earth are not dying because there is no audible sermon; they are being destroyed because there is no visible sermon. Let’s not give audible sermons but be visible sermons. That’s why the only work the Lord accepts is the work which reflects His character.
In China or some Eastern countries, there is a deer that emits a certain fragrance through its belly button. When it walks by, its fragrance spreads four kilometers to the left and four kilometers to the right, for a distance of eight kilometers. So there is a saying that if you become like this deer, then even if you remain still, everyone would smell your fragrance. In other words, why do you stand at the head of the wind and spread awful odors? If we just live a life of Jesus and have His character, even if we live deep in the mountains, then people from far and wide would come wanting to listen to your words of eternal life. Why must people who do not even have Jesus’ character go around screaming to believe in Jesus? When I go around traveling, when I go to bus terminals or bridges, I see people who are evangelizing, saying, “Believe in Jesus!” And they give you pamphlets. “Take it! Take it!” They are so disrespectful. Whenever I see such people, I am so embarrassed, and I want to run away. What kind of God ever sent these kinds of evangelists? Which Jesus ever sent such evangelists as that? They are so disrespectful and have no manners. We must go out when God sends us out.
There is an insect called a “nanali bee” in Korean (sounds like “me, me” in Korean, so a “me me bee”). When we were young, the adults would tell us. “Hey kids, do you know how this “me me bee” bears young?” “We don’t know.” “You see, this ‘me me bee’ can’t have children. It has no waist. It’s just like a string so it can’t have children. So do you know what it does? Because it can’t have children, it catches a bug, ties it up, and keeps chanting to it, ‘me, me, me, me, look like me, look like me.’ Later, it really becomes a ‘me me bee’.” We totally believed that. That’s why whenever it caught a bug to eat it, we thought it was trying to have children.
The church is like that “me, me bee.” The person in front says “me, me, me, me, look at me, look at me, look like me, imitate me,” and everyone does. It’s written that the church can’t grow any more than its leader. That’s why Jesus said that those Jews who were preaching to the millions in the synagogue, made them more evil than when they first entered. The churches in the world today boast that their church has many members, that their organization is very large. But that makes God so angry. Once, a president of a theological university came and how I denounced him. I told him he was killing all those young people. His father also came who was an elder. As he saw his son with bent head listening to my reprimand, he muttered, “Oh, this doctor of theology is getting crushed, he’s being pounded.” His father was saying that. Is a diploma everything in church? They take such young people who are burning to do God’s work and have them study for four, seven years. They could have been regenerated ten times, a hundred times during such a period. They could be regenerated in a day, even in ten days so easily. Yet, those theology schools are killing all these young people who are burning to do God’s work. They give diplomas to those who don’t even know what regeneration is, and they go out to lead the whole world into ruins. You must realize that the bigger the church organization, the greater will be their judgment.
A long time ago, there was an elementary school teacher and he was teaching his students how to pronounce certain words. But there was something wrong with his lips and when he said “wind,” the sound came out as “vent.” So all the students were saying, “Vent, vent.” The teacher would say, “No, I meant ‘wind,’” but to the students it sounded like he was saying, “No, I meant ‘vent’.” So the teacher became frustrated and said, “Even though I may say ‘vent,’ you have to say ‘vent’ (wind)!” The teacher has to first say “wind” properly in order to teach his students how to say “wind.”
Look at the university professors of theology or the pastors of the church today, if they are like that, who can ever become regenerated and sanctified. They are rather killing all those young people who really want to do God’s works. When I look at all those pastors and evangelists in the world, it’s such a waste and my heart aches for them. If they truly learned from the theology school of heaven, the one established by Elijah and Elisha, like in the attic room in the time of Jesus, if such people as that were sent out, how many people would be saved in this world today? It is not God’s wish that even one soul should die. Just as they killed India, it is the Protestant Church that is killing the world. That is why Jesus said that in His Second Coming, just like in the time of Noah, there will be none to be saved among those Christians and all will perish.” Here, it is written, “Man may profess faith in the truth. They say they established two churches, ten churches. They built hospitals and held evangelical meetings. They may profess faith in the truth. But if it does not make them sincere, kind, patient, forbearing, holy, and heavenly-minded possessing God’s character, a curse will fall upon those who built such churches, hospitals, and schools. And their influence will bring curses upon the entire world. They will destroy the world. No one should go out to do any evangelizing before possessing the character of Jesus.
When Jesus comes again, He will say, “My time that I gave you was used abominably. You killed My people. You abominably used My money. All the tithes you took away, you stole from Me. Jesus will calculate and judge them for it. Do you think just anyone can use the tithe. Only those who work to transform God’s children and take them to heaven should use the tithe. But instead, those churches made people just like themselves and killed them all. It would have been much better if they had not been in any religion or did that kind of work, then their judgment would be far less severe. But because they killed everyone, they will receive a greater judgment and die. You must ask yourselves this hour if you were not like that. You should evangelize as the lily did. Jesus said, “Look at the lilies of the field.” There was a profound meaning in this. “Look at the lily.” We should think about it. This is how I interpreted the lilies. These lilies please God with their fragrance, the fragrance of its character and life. Is it true? This lily glorified God. It pleased God and made Him happy. Then how did this lily glorify and please God? It did not run about in boots trying to please God. No, it just remained in the place God put it in. And the fragrance of its life went far and wide. Then the bees and butterflies smelling its fragrance, came to the lily, saying, “The beautiful fragrance of your life led me here. That’s why I have come to you. Please teach me how I can also have this fragrance? Be my friend.” That’s when the lily says “Oh hello, welcome,” and it gives them its honey.
This is the way Jesus evangelized. He did not go around saying “Come out to church.” He didn’t say one word like that. Just by the fragrance of His life and character, that spread far and wide, even to faraway lands and foreign countries, were people led to Him. They would come to Him and they would see His beautiful life. When they met Him, He would give them the Word of God that was sweeter than honey. This is the kind of visible sermon we should give. If you would completely possess the character of Jesus, then those who have never even seen you, people in American or Germany, would say, “Oh, so-and-so from Korea, I heard he lives a holy life.” And just the thought of you would stop them from committing a sin that they were about to commit.
They would live holy lives due to your influence. That is the power of a holy character. But if you, being a pastor or a Christian, were to commit a sin, then others would sin even more, saying, “Oh, even a pastor did that, so why not me?” They would become more courageous to sin. Then that would be your fault, your responsibility. On the Day of Judgment, you will have to pay for that as well. Will you be those who sell a holy influence, or an evil influence? This would determine your fate, whether you are God’s child or not. You should be those who sell a holy influence. Are you the ones selling a holy influence or an evil one? This determines the fate of God’s work. I hope, like the lily and like Jesus, you will be those who sell a holy influence, to glorify and please our God by leading many to Him.
A Presbyterian Church pastor once came from Sangju City. We never invited him. Do you know how he came? He was a very busy pastor and only listened to this seminar for about two days, but he exclaimed that this place had the truth he had been seeking his whole lifetime. All his friends had churches in the big cities, they were rich with nice cars and made lots of money. But this pastor was in charge of a church in a small city. He even sold his own house to set up a church. His friends would tell him to come out of the country, why was he choosing to suffer like that, and promised to give him a big church in the big city. But he only replied, “No, I like living in this small town. The people here are my flock.” It was because he was such a beautiful person that he ended up coming here. After listening for a few days, he said “This is the truth I have been looking for my whole life.” And he came to my room, saying, “Teacher.” “What?” “I better convert now.” I said, “Pastor, what are you talking about? What do you mean convert? If you convert to here, what about your flock and your church, who’s going to lead them? Pastor when you go back, I hope that you will guide your flock.” When he went back, do you know what he said? “I believe this is the first time I heard such an incredible truth. The Teacher should have welcomed me when I said I would convert, but he didn’t. That’s the first time I heard someone say that as well.”
Truly there are no denominations for us to convert to. They’re all rotten. We must all convert ourselves to our Real Father. Do you know how this pastor came here? Across the street from his church was an Adventist Church, a Seventh Day Adventist Church. One time, the pastor of that Adventist Church took one of this Protestant pastor’s deaconesses to his church. So this pastor became angry and said, “There are so many non-believers in the world, why would you take a member of someone else’s church?” “That’s because we are the truth!” And so these two pastors became enemies. They were always fighting and arguing. But one time, this Adventist pastor disappeared for a while, and when he came back, he had such a happy face. He came back with the face of an angel. He said to this Protestant pastor, “You know, Pastor, I am really sorry. I really did a lot of wrongs. I will uphold you from now on. Please forgive me.” He had been such an evil man. This pastor never imagined that the Adventist pastor would apologize to him like that, he couldn’t believe it. He had gone somewhere and upon his return, he had come back a changed man. This Adventist pastor would give rice and fruits to the members of the Protestant Church who were going through hard times, telling them, “Please treat your pastor well.” This Sunday pastor was astonished and asked “What happened to you? Why are you so changed?” This Adventist pastor said, I went to a meeting at Elijah Gospel Missionary Institute in Kangwon Province. For ten days I learned about my Daddy’s love. I met the true God.
I realized what mistakes and wrongs I had committed against you. I’m so very sorry.” And so the heart of this Presbyterian pastor completely melted and he said, “Since you have changed, I must also go to this place.” And that’s how he came to the seminar. Shall we all say this together? “Character is power. Character guarantees our victory.” Character is power. I hope you will go out to save the world with this power. Do you know why this meeting continues to spread to the ends of the earth? It’s because people see the beautiful transformation in your lives.
Although there are so many false rumors spread by Satan, the fragrance of your lives and characters cannot be hidden and this work only continues. So whether you are a pastor or not, through your character, through your life, I hope you’ll glorify our Father and Jesus and guide everyone to Them. When Jesus’ disciples said they wanted to do God’s work “Lord, how can we do God’s work?” He looked at them and He did not tell them to prepare pamphlets or establish churches. Instead He looked at them and said, “God’s work is to believe in the Son whom He had sent.” Is this true? That is the only work that God accepts. No matter how many pastors are sent out from theological schools, all that does is bring a curse to the whole world. Even if you send out only a single pastor, if he has the image and character of God, then by that one person, God can use him as channel and instrument to save the whole world. So do not boast of great numbers. And do not be discouraged because you are small in number. I hope each one of you will go out bearing the image and character of Jesus, to be the ones who guide all people to God and Jesus, to save the whole world as the last angels.

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