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Friday, November 8, 2013

Heavenly Diet

This hour, I will speak to you about the heavenly diet also known as the diet of the saints. Do you believe that all of you are the ones to go to heaven? Do you believe that you will return to the Garden of Eden? Then you must begin the life of heaven, the life of Eden on this earth. You can see that there are two types of blood in our body, one is acid and one is alkaline, acid blood and alkaline blood. People who have acid blood and people who have alkaline blood. So we have here acid blood and alkaline blood but the difference here is, those who have acid blood cannot even control their own temper and because they can’t control their temper, they will make a mistake and they will regret it and they will say they will never do it again, but next thing you know, they do it again. They make the same mistake and they get upset, and at times they fight with people and they even kill people, yet their determination that they will not fight again, exist for a moment because they can’t control the temper you can never know  when they will get into another fight because they can’t control their temper. But those who have alkaline blood have the power to control themselves and those who have the acid blood, if they get tired and fatigue it doesn’t go away and sometimes it lasts for a week or even a month, but those who have the alkaline blood they can recover after one night sleep, and all their fatigue disappears and they have strength. People with acid blood they have no endurance and they get easily tired, they get exhausted, but those who have the alkaline blood because they have endurance they can run, they can continue to the end. Therefore, those who have the acid blood maybe fat and may seem healthy but they can’t run very long. And those who have acid blood if there is a contagious disease going around they get caught by the disease, but if mosquitoes drink of those with alkaline blood, they die or they run away, and if germs get into their body the germs are quickly destroyed and killed.
What kind of blood would you like to have? Yes, we all want alkaline blood. But then how is our blood formed? Depending on what we eat, determines what type of blood we have. If we eat the food which makes our blood acid then our blood becomes acidic if we eat food which is alkaline our blood becomes alkaline. So we aren’t having alkaline blood, then what are we going to eat? Let’s see the things which food that makes our blood acid, first: white rice, second meat then white flour, cut fruits, cooked vegetables, alcohol, tobacco sugar, chemical seasonings, soft drinks, and sour pickles, and animal fat, lack of oxygen, hatred jealousy, envy, discontentment, complaint. Those people who live this kind of life have acid blood and truly live a miserable life. Then, which foods which makes alkaline blood? They are fresh fruits uncut and unskinned, fresh vegetables, brown rice, whole wheat, nuts, vegetable oil, natural spring water, fresh air and also continued joy, peace and thankfulness. People who live this kind of life can have alkaline blood. When you’re speaking of rice here, this is brown rice, this brown rice is very good, just as we know that not all Christians are true Christians and not all Gods are true God, it is same with rice, though it seems like they’re rice there are difference. The difference between the brown rice and the white rice, also know as polished rice, here in this white rice, it’s dead, it has no germ. You know whether it is people or eggs, or even rice you need this eye, you need this germ, so this is completely polished and no life. If you put in water, it rots, but brown rice if you put in water it sprouts, isn’t that true? Do you know who eats this dead rice here, this white rice? Cancer, cancer likes to eat up white rice and it causes the blood acidic. Here in brown rice, as living rice, as living grain, and it makes our blood alkaline but also can cure cancer, and that is why people should eat brown rice.
During the time of President Park Cheonhie, he ordered, “let’s eat less polished rice 70% polished, in order to settle the nation’s food shortest problem, and so the rich people bought all the polished rice, because everyone else’s buying the 70% polished the less polished rice. Do you know who has cancer the most? Rich people. Before, long time ago we still have the rice which has less polished and it had skin and had the germ and had the eye and at that time there was no cancer and in the skin of this brown rice there is so much protein, the best protein and it dissolves in the water as well. It goes in the blood and it’s easily absorbed and it gives energy and strength to people. But this white rice has nothing, and this so called modern civilization that we eat white rice, but all the skin of the rice that which polished we give to the cow to the pig that is why they get fat. People give all the good thing to the animals and we only take the worst part. And they always say, they’re sick and they are going to die. I hope that you will not be rich but be poor and eat the brown rice.
You know, there is a saying long time ago about the empire of Japan who only he wants to eat the eye, the eye of the brown rice. He’s really so smart, he wanted to conquer this whole world. And it is same with fruits here, a pear or even apples. Now a day’s every one peels the fruits and eats it saying, they are rich and the high class or other people say, “oh there are so much chemicals on it, we have to cut the skin off, we have to peel it”. But let me tell you, you must eat the fruits unpeeled. Look at apples, if you peel and you leave alone it turns acid right way but fruits that are not peeled last for many days and even many months. In the skin there is found the nutrition and anti-toxins and all good things. But they said peel off, they give the peelings to the animals and the people got sick. Yes, we have a lot of love, don’t we? We love those animals very much, don’t we? But that love cannot help their salvation. People say, “Oh, they spray so much chemicals so we must polished the rice and we must peel the fruits and eat them. It sounds correct, doesn’t it? However, let us say that only 50% of the agricultural chemicals from peeled fruits enter our body, while 100% of the chemicals from fruits that have not been peeled enter our body. Even though only 50% of the chemicals from the peeled fruits enter our body, they cannot be properly discharged from our body and accumulate within us. On the other hand, though 100% of the chemicals from the fruits that have not been peeled enter our body, all of the chemicals are discharged from our body, and we are supplied with nutrients. For that reason, we should eat fruits that have not been peeled the more they have been sprayed with chemicals.
Among all the fruits, the skin of pears contains a strong antidote (counteragent). If you feed a person who has accidentally drunk agricultural chemicals juice pressed from pears that have not been peeled, he will be detoxified and recover in no time. It is also recommendable to take charcoal powder at the same time. Even here in Korea if someone is poisoned then they take the pear and they make a juice out of it with the skin on it and they will drink the juice and they will be okay. Even dogs, dogs sometimes eat the farm chemicals by mistake and they are about to die but if they are given the pear juice with the skin, then they live. You know our Real Daddy made it so that everything we eat will heal us.
And it is the same with vegetables, let’s look at spinach, if you boil it and eat it and later  you can get stones kidney stones but if you take it raw, there’s a lot of good enzymes, that is why its best to eat it raw. It is same for water; boiled water is dead water, if you give it to the flowers or plants they die. You must give them just fresh water, that way they can live. But if you give them dead boiled water, they all die. Doctors say on TV, “Oh boil your water,” please don’t listen to them but listen to me. You should never boil water because it would be dead water. If you can’t drink the city water, then put a piece of charcoal activated carbon and then it will become clean. Boiled waters are completely dead. When we should drink water? Let’s drink water before we eat. And when we should eat as well? It is better to have breakfast early and to leave about four or five hours between your meals. It is good to drink a bowl of water up to 1 quart (0.9 liter) or more of water before breakfast. Your body can absorb a bowl of water in about ten minutes. Drinking fresh water at body temperature, thirty minutes before mealtime, is good for the body. Water cleanses your blood and all the tissues and organs in your body. This will also induce the abundant secretion of saliva, stimulating appetite and promoting digestion to make you healthy. Not only that, it cleanses our kidneys and also cleanses our blood. There is an old saying, "The more water you drink, the more blessings you will receive." In other words, the amount of blessings you receive depends on how much water you drink. The great blessing you receive is the blessing of being healthy. However, when we refuse to drink water before our meals, the "sewers" or "drains" within our body are not cleaned out properly, and our body becomes diseased. When we do not drink water, we become constipated; constipation is known to be the cause of all illnesses. I hope you do drink a lot of water.
In the beginning it’s not a habit so can’t drink a lot; you feel you can’t swallow it, so, start with a half cup, then one cup and make it a habit to drink water; and it should not be too cold, like in winter time, so put in a glass bottle in your room and you can drink room temperature water that is okay. It’s not good to boil it, just to warm it a little and then your blood circulates well, your blood is clean, your whole body becomes washed then you can’t imagine how much energy you have. Water cleaned our whole body and it prepare us for the next meal and saliva comes out, so we must digest our food first in our mouth not in our stomach. We must chew our food well and since we have a lot of saliva the food is already digested in our mouth. You know, those of you who are sleeping will really lose a lot ,you know I see that most of you here are quiet weak, so I hope that you will listen carefully. I hope that you will not fall asleep and you listen carefully and be freed from being sick. Are you a doctor? That’s fine .Are you a doctor of medicine? That’s better. You have to learn everything all over again.
You know, we know how to take care of machines, but we don’t even know how to take care of our own body. Even like a generator, we know we have to put water and oil, but when it comes to our body, we don’t know what kind of water, what kind of oil. Now this day we have in the world oil which does not even burn, but when it comes to us, they do not even know how to take care of their own body. So you must drink a lot of water and when it comes about lunch time before or after all your food is digested, after breakfast digested, perhaps three or four hours after you eat breakfast. Anyway, when your food is digested and you have an empty stomach you should drink water. Then saliva again will come out at lunch time and you can digest it well, and you shall drink water again before you eat dinner five to ten minutes. And when you drink like that, you are filled with, you can digest your food and you feel so good. But people say, “Oh I don’t like drinking water, how can I drink water, I don’t feel to drink water?” When you drink water it cleans out your body and disappears. People that don’t drink water say,” Oh my mouth is so dry I can’t eat here, give me some soup that I can eat, mix this rice and the soup. I can’t because my mouth is so dry”. You know if there is no saliva in your mouth you can’t eat. You don’t feel like to eat because your stomach doesn’t want to accept the food.
And we should never snack in between meals. Snacking and overeating. Snacking and overeating they say that it is the same as digging your own grave. You know nowadays people always eating something all day long and then the brain becomes clogged. Our stomach and the brain are directly connected, and so if the stomach is full our brain becomes clogged and clogged. And they say long time ago our ancestors say, “You can give a lot of food to bad children” Why? Because that means that child is hopeless. Why? Their brain becomes clogged and no matter how much trying to study, they can’t study well. This is what our stomach looks like and the size of our stomach is a size of our two fist put together, but some people eat a bowl of rice a bowl of soup and all kinds of side dishes. Nowadays, there is a three thousand dollar meal, but you know the simpler we eat the clearer our brain becomes. If we eat all kinds of different things then the brain becomes confused. That is why it’s good to eat two or three dishes with our rice. And we should never eat fruits and vegetables together. Then something strange takes place in our stomach and affects our brain, so if you get to eat fruits then you should eat with bread or something else, and you eat vegetables and rice. So you should eat fruit in one meal and vegetable in another meal. You should not eat fruits and vegetables at the same meal, its better that way. But certain fruits which we eat like watermelon or honeydew melon, tomatoes they are also known as vegetable fruits, so we can eat those fruit vegetables and we can eat those fruits that kind of light in between .Anyway the size of our stomach is a size of our two fist that put together but we eat a bowl of rice, a bowl of soup and that it can’t move, it can’t contract and from then on you start to breath with the shoulders because that is so full. Children who are fed like this and the stomach are stretch-out like this, later, they always breathe with the shoulder till they die. You know how bad overeating is? Tested on puppy dogs, if puppy over eats, his front legs become crooked and he becomes crippled for his whole life. Overeating gives such a serious effect on our body. All you have to do, try on a puppy, the puppy becomes like a cripple and it can’t even run properly. Overeating is truly injurious to our body. So, this stomach has been stretch-out and in three to five hours it verily digest the food and send it out and it’s about to rest, “Oh, I’m about to die” then almost the snack comes a piece of bread or some meat. They want to rest but food has come. You know when there’s a grain of rice or even a piece of fruits the whole stomach must move, he must work. You know I’m sure that you go into a big mill, the whole mill must turn whether you’re using it to do sacks of flour or sacks of wheat or even a handful of wheat. There is even a song, “Let’s eat and drink, let’s eat and drink only die we can’t eat so let’s eat”. And the stomach becomes so stretch-out then finally the stomach here droves like this; and if you eat pork or squid meats and all kind of things and when it falls in here you can never make it out. We have breakfast a snack, lunch and another snack and there are some people who even eat until late at night, it’s midnight and there’s still eating something. And so it has to make it out, because of the sack here they can make it out, it droves here so its start to rot. And when someone burps, it really smells really bad and makes everyone unhappy and yet they think that if they starved they’ll die, so they keep on eating this kind of people later there’ll be cancer here. This is called gastrula gastro-ptosis in here the bottom here starts to ware out and later becomes a hole and you have ulcers, cancers and then they are busy looking, “Is this hospital good, is that hospital good? God has given me a tribulation”. Did God give that person tribulation? It’s because He did not obey. We should not over eat or snack. And eating at the middle of the night is even worst, so someone like this must fast for several days and if this person stops eating, little by little this food particles come out and later it returns to the normal size and we must start by eating porridge or something which can be digested very easily, or else he has the surgery and makes his family poor, and he might even die.
People say,” Let’s eat, eat, eat” and the stomach is saying, “Please save me, don’t give me anymore food” it’s called chronic hunger but the brain says, “Oh, oh, no, ah, I am suffering from malnutrition, I better eat  some fried chicken” People are so ignorant that they do not know how to take care of their own body. So, you must eat your breakfast early and eat deliciously and fully, eat fully as long as you don’t over eat, because in the morning, digesting power is very strong. Never eat between meals, except water and juice. Sometimes, juice can be a burden to your stomach. So let say, you drink water or clear juice and then have lunch, and dinner should be eaten early; and it should be something which can be easily be digested. That is why that way when you go to sleep you can sleep with an empty stomach and you can have sound sleep and have deep sleep and wake up in the morning with new strength and vigor. When you sleep at night you must sleep with an empty stomach.
When we sleep at night our cerebral nerves, nose and stomach must sleep together, that’s why we should go to bed by 9 o’clock. Sleeping early in the evening is best for health. Why? Because from nine to twelve our cerebral nerves are asleep, but then they wake up at about one in the morning, that is why we must sleep early in the evening for us to have full sleep. People who watch TV until midnight and then sleep at dawn, when they wake up they feel so tired and the body feel so heavy and do not feel like working, letting long getting up. So, we must sleep with an empty stomach, and the nose, the cerebral nerves and the stomach must sleep together. A certain company has two teams, there is a team which works early evening and other team works at dawn, the team which worked at dawn became more and very, very healthy, while the other team which worked in the evening till late night became pale and sick. So the difference between these two teams is the more days went by, the more they make difference. There is a true, old saying that, “Those people who sleep early in the evening become rich” that’s what an answer should they say. And they are very smart, and it is that said should never eat at night, never eat anything at night.
Nowadays people ate late at dinner with a full stomach, and it’s written In Proverbs that, “We cannot sleep with the full stomach”. "How can you sleep when the rest of us are working?" Upset, it works and at the same time complains all night long. When the person gets up the next morning, the stomach is so angry that it refuses to accept any food he tries to put in it. That is why many people go to work after drinking just a cup of coffee or a glass of milk. Not only do those who have skipped their breakfast likely loses interest in working, they also get irritated easily. Therefore, we should go to sleep on an empty stomach and our nose, the nerves in our brain, and stomach should all sleep at the same time. With what strength can they have to work for that day? Instead, they are upset and angry all the time. You know this even the people in Korea, they act like Americans and other westerners and they don’t eat breakfast. Do you know when there is most car accident? It’s in the morning because they eat late dinner, and all night long their stomach has to digest the food, and so when they wake up in the morning they are very agitated. So, if we do not know how to take care of how we eat, then our brain becomes very upset. But people that eat earlier and then sleep with an empty stomach, they feel refreshed in the morning with new energy, I hope that you will eat like this. You know nowadays, we are like other westerners, and we watch TV all night long and eat until late night, that is why everyone is sick. There is no normal people, no healthy people anymore. So, you must drink a lot of fresh water and sleep well. And remember that “eating between meals, snacking and overeating is “digging your own grave.” And you know other say, students are busy and have a lot of homework and they study until twelve or one, but the busier we are, the earlier we must sleep. Do you understand? If you are busy, sleep at nine and if you’re busier sleep at eight and then wake up at twelve or one. Anyway, if you are busy, the busier you are the earlier you should sleep, so you can wake up earlier.
Right now, the people’s life style is completely opposite at the Bible and that is why it’s too difficult to receive this true light from heaven. “Oh, I am so busy! How I can sleep early?” because you are busy, you have to sleep early. Those who sleep early gets more than, and people who got sleep late become lazy. Because the cerebral nerves are asleep in the evening, student take a long time to study, but if they sleep early and wake up early. When the brain nerves, cerebral nerves have wake it up, then, they can study more things within a short hour, instead. That is why students and adults go to so much trouble due to ignorance of the Bible. They eat this and that because they feel sleepy at night and they study so hard but it’s useless and it only caused them headache and when they get in the morning, they feel agitated and they can’t even concentrate during class time in school. So even if you sleep in the evening and you study one hour at dawn it would be beneficial than studying three hours in the evening. So remember how to sleep, how to drink water, and don’t forget that overeating and snacking is the same thing as digging your own grave. So you should be very careful. It’s better to die without suffering. You know, overeating and having a hard time with that is no better than going to the mountains or going somewhere and exercising and doing work. There is no way to escape when you overeat and your brain becomes clogged too, but we must be careful not to eat too little and heavy workers should not skip a meal. Sometimes, they eat two meals a day, but people who work hard should not eat like that. In our country some people eat five meals a day but that is intemperance. People should eat three meals a day who work hard. So, by not eating enough can also make us sick. We must make sure that we chew well.   
And nowadays people drink a lot of milk, and eggs and sugar and salt. But the milk and eggs that are sold in the markets are not good anymore, so it’s better not to buy any of them. It’s better to live in the countryside and drink our own milk from the cow that we grow that we take care of. That kind of milk is more delicious and nutritious. I once had the opportunity to travel with a man who was raising many dairy cows. When I told that dairy farm owner ‘I do not drink milk’, he replied that he do not either. He said that dairy cows sometimes contract mastitis and secret pus when they are milked, and so, not only do they always need to be injected with antibiotics, the antibiotics mixed into their feeds. He said that in many cases, even if the cow becomes sick, they just sell the milk after straining and boiling it. That was why he did not drink milk either. I told him that instead, I drink milk from goats fed with grass from the unpolluted mountains, and he praised me for doing so. So, if you feed babies, there are once, they discovered pesticides in mother’s milk. Why? Because the mother drank the milk that are sold in the market, and that is loaded with all kinds of antibiotics and other chemicals. On top of that, they eat white rice, peeled fruits, and boiled vegetables. And also they say that, you know the cow get sick so much that they have to give antibiotics and drugs all the time. When we drink milk, our teeth, our bones should become stronger, and it should heal even skin diseases, and digestive diseases, but if you drink the milk that sold in the market our teeth fall out, our bones become weak. So if you look at young people in country that were drinking lots of milk, they have false teeth. Why? Because they drink so much milk. And nowadays they said that milk that is sold in the market should give us calcium, but it takes out all the calcium from our body.
            And even the president of Soy Sauce Company does not eat the soy sauce his company makes, and instead eats homemade soy sauce. The president of a seasoning company does not eat seasoning his company makes; even the employees of that company choose to marry women who either  do not use  such seasoning  at all, or consume  small amounts of it. This is because they all know how harmful seasoning is. There were many cases of palsy and paralysis among young people in Japan and no one knew why. Doctors later, discovered that artificial seasoning was the main cause. Seasoning is so detrimental that when its raw ingredients are stored in a new steel drum, they puncture a hole in it.
In the past, everyone enjoyed food without adding seasoning to it. Now people say they cannot eat unseasoned food because it does not taste good. This is because the seasoning has paralyzed their taste buds so that they cannot taste anything. When seasoning was first sold in Korea, one small bag lasted an entire month. These days, however, people add at least one tablespoon of seasoning to everything they cook. Their taste buds have become so paralyzed that they have to first add seasoning to their food before eating it. Once you stop using seasoning, your taste buds will be newly revived after some time, and you should be able to eat everything delicious without having to add any seasoning. That’s how bad it is.
And they say that sugar is a thief of calcium; it steals calcium from our body that is why children who ate a lot of sweets, their teeth become rotten because it weakens our bones and teeth. So sugar weakens our bones and decays our teeth, so we should be careful how we drink milk and eat sugar. It’s better to raise goats and drinks their milk, and then it will cure stomach diseases and even other diseases and makes our teeth and bones strong. And it is the same for eggs, the eggs that sold in the market are laid by chickens which are in cages and they are given lots of antibiotics. Because they are in cages and they can’t barely move and later a couple of months, the chickens are useless and they must be killed. How pitiful people are, so merciless to chickens even though they are animals. And if we eat those kind of eggs, later, then we can go crazy because those kind of eggs have a lot of mercury, and if you eat a lot of mercury you go insane. So, it’s better not to eat those kinds of eggs. Therefore, what kind of eggs that we are going to eat? We should live in the countryside and grow our own chicken and raised our own chicken and eat that egg. Then it’s good for our body and with no mercury. Let’s compare the eggs in the market and the eggs that you grow yourself. The egg that you grow yourself if you crack and open the yellow part of the egg is very yellow, but the ones that is from the market are almost white and it doesn’t taste good and the size is extremely big.
And sugar destroys our bones that is why there was a nurse in America who kill babies, and break their bones and cut them. You know what kind of person she was? She eats sugar at every meal that is why sugar destroys our body just as alcohol does.
And the salt, they call salt the “silent killer” and salt infuses our nerves, you know just like a pickling fishes we must eat a proper manner of salt as much as we need to make blood a small amount because if you take too much salt it really injures your body.
And next alcohol, if you drink alcohol your blood becomes completely acidic that is why alcoholic people who would drink lots of alcohol they cause many problems. They have car accidents, and they’re domestic problems. There are more people who die from alcohol than people who die in world war two, even young people they become pale and sick and destroys the stomach. Let’s look at some of the alcohol which man drink, that strong drinks even you put a match they burn and yet you put something like that into our fragile stomach, and stimulate stomach. So, those who drink lose their mind, they don’t even know if they are fighting or if they kill and makes someone go insane and crazy and it deprives their energy and vitality. So, not only they destroyed their own body but ruin their family and they die. Why did they choose to die in such a miserable death?
Next, tobacco. Tobacco is tremendously harmful to our body. And through cigarettes, many people burned so much money. It was about ten years ago, I heard that Korean smoked a hundred twenty million dollars ($20,000,000.00) every year, and it maybe more than that now because  it was ten years ago. So if all stops smoking then our country will be able to live much better. And if we only eat brown rice then there’s no need to import rice from other countries. You know if a family consumes ten sacks of white rice in one year then they can live out of 7 sacks of brown rice and they will save 3 sacks of rice a year or they can even save more than that. And even if you have eaten a bowl of rice there’s not much strange from it but if you take a bowl of brown rice you feel you gain so much strength and energy.
And cigarettes, it’s really bad for our lungs. It cause a lots of pulmonary diseases and cigarettes can even be more harmful than alcohol, if someone who smokes quits, that person quickly becomes healthy and his body becomes renewed and if he starts again his face becomes pale. That’s why smoking is bad for our lungs and even causes cancer in the end. That’s why it is written in the bible, “Why do you covet that which is not a food?” Can I ask you? Why do people smoke? Why do people smoke? In the beginning it’s not because they really want to use, but because other people smokes and they just joined them. There’s no one who wants to smoke from the beginning, that’s why when people first starts smoking they close their door in a small room and they keep smoking and later they go crazy and become dizzy. And once they starts smoking they become slaves and they become addict to it and their hands smell, their clothes smell, they lose money and they die in sickness. They become slaves to cigarettes. I’ll better to throw it away.
Do you think our Father tells us not to smoke and drink because He so stingy that He does not allow us to? No. If you want to smoke then make a pipe of cigarettes as big as a blanket and smoke. There’s no end to this universe you can smoke as much as you want. If you want to drink, why don’t you just go inside, a Jug of alcohol and drink as much as you want. The reason why He tells us not to smoke and drink it is because He wants us to be healthy and He wants to take us to heaven. If you’re drunk can you listen to this word of eternal life? No. So then you will die. You know, when we drinks alcohol it kills our brain cells and our brain cells can never be restored once they die they’re dead forever. They know that there are 15 billion cells our brain has but once they die, they can never be restored. Every time they smoke and drink their brain cells die and later people who smoke and drink a lot become stupid. One time, let me tell you a time when the cigarettes box looks so nice to me, after meeting I went up to the mountains and there was a cigarettes box unopened on the ground, and there was a young man who came, maybe he came because of his friends. But he met our real Daddy, and it was a new box, he threw it away, and I saw it lying on the ground. That is the sign of regeneration, I’ve never seen such a beautiful looking, such a wonderful looking box of cigarettes, it was my first time, and it looks so beautiful to me. I hope that you will also make that kind of determination as princesses and princes of heaven. How can we close our mouth to smell so bad and become sick? What a shame! I hope that you throw them all away, become healthy and strong in body, in mind and soul and go to heaven. God does not lie. If He promises us to give eternal life, He will give to us. Even Confucius is known not to lie, then how can God lie to us. If He tells us He will take us to heaven, and if He does not take us, then there’s no one who can live heaven, it will be empty.
Then we have sour kimche, pickles, vinegar, and hot pepper. You know when kimche get sour, when pickles become sour we should throw it away because if we eat it, our blood would become completely acidic. If we say that it’s a waste of money to throw away sour kimche. Isn’t it better than spending money to go to the hospital or in medicine? And also the hot pepper is a very strong stimulant. Nowadays we have rubber gloves plastic gloves, but before when our mother make kimche with bare hands and they have to touch the hot pepper they couldn’t even sleep at night later because it stimulates their nerves and makes their hands all itchy. Our skin is so strong and thick but if it goes inside our body, then what will happen? It scratches inside of our body, scratch the inside of our stomach lining. Though we become alcoholics the blood becomes dirty the only good thing for a hot pepper and hot pepper paste is only good when we have sever dysentery and diarrhea. If you are suffering dysentery or severe diarrhea then drink water mix with charcoal and activated charcoal or there are even special herbs, or we can take two pieces of raw garlic and hot pepper paste. One time in Jijuh Island in the army camp they all had dysentery and they take all kinds of medicine but nothing work so they all fed them hot pepper paste and they all became okay. So, hot pepper paste is only good when we only have diarrhea. If you want to eat peppers or pepper paste, there are red peppers which are not hot and that’s good for you.
 Next, how about coffee, why do you drink coffee? Why? It is like just smoking, it’s because everyone else drinks coffee, “you know westerners, Americans drink coffee, I want to be like them too.” And that is why they like to sit in coffee shops, “Ah what would you like? Ah, give me coffee.” And they think that if they ask for coffee, it’s treating them special that is why they ask for coffee. You know, there are many people who die due to coffee. Why you drink coffee? It is so bitter that is why it must mixed with sugar. And then in the beginning they force themselves to drink coffee. Coffee makes our skin pale and our skin loses elasticity and it affects brain activity, destroy our nervous system and later cause insomnia. That’s why we can’t sleep after we drink coffee, right? It does destroy the nervous system. You know, not being able to sleep is no different than committing suicide. That is why when we drink coffee we have insomnia and that is showing that it’s affecting our brain. In the beginning we feel refreshed because coffee stimulates our body and our brain, so sometimes it makes us feel very strong but later after hours away we become more exhausted and we lose all of our strength. Just like alcohol, in the beginning we feel good but in the end we become exhausted. So when you drink coffee you become dehydrated and you may begin a headache and you have nervous break downs and your hands and feet starts to shake, they call it a tremor. I hope that you will never drink coffee. If you want to die, why you want to die such a miserable death? People only like to take things which will kill them like alcohol cigarettes, coffee, tobacco. That is why so many are sick in the world.
And things like soft drinks, soda, it’s not good for us. Water, water is the best. If you want to spend money for that, then buy fruits and make juice. Another thing, concerns meat. Let me tell you how harmful, how bad meat is. Inside our body there are all kinds, there are countless small blood vessels in our body thinner than the strand of hair. You know if we join all of our blood veins together it can circle around the earth. But we have this little capillaries, these are small vessels throughout the body. And so those who eat meat like beef, pork, chicken, and anyway if this animal fat, enters our blood, not only make the blood acidic but this animal fat starts to clog our blood vessels. As we keep on eating it keeps building up and later the blood cannot circulate, they call it arteriosclerosis and sometimes it causes heart attacks and strokes. That is why people who eat meat are very fat and look healthy, but in reality their health is truly awful. And people who eat meat are not able to control their beast passions and they become so brutal, they are like animals and are cancerous. Cancer germs likes meat. That’s why people nowadays who eat so much meat have cancers. There is so much cancer in the world nowadays. There were no such things as cancer in our country even sometime ago. You know long time ago in America, there were four hundred thousand people who died a year from cancer and that was long time ago and who knows how many people die a year nowadays from cancer. But you know why they have cancer? It’s because of meat. So, long time ago in the time of Noah or Jesus or even before, the animals were not sick as they are now. In the time of Noah they are all very, very clean. Nowadays all animals, like cows, pigs, chickens are all sick, and they have many kinds of strange diseases and if we eat that meat we also receive that disease. And so we suffer from that disease that the pig was suffering from. And the disease of the cows, are transferred to our body. Do cows eat meat or vegetables? Yes, they only eat grass and other leafy vegetables and yet they were so strong and healthy. That is why we should also eat fresh fruits and vegetables, that way we can become healthy and strong. But if we eat cow we can take the disease that the cow may have, so here in this way the blood cannot circulate. But if we eat brown rice the oils and the fats from there can circulate throughout the capillaries with no problem and it does not even build up.
Nowadays, they inject chemicals and medicines which one make cows big and fat, even they’re even just two months, they are given hormone injection and they become big and fat. And if you eat that meat, it causes the person to become fat and bloated. So, because of that hormone injections it cause the people who eat that meat to all swells up, bloat and become fat and their bones become weak and they can’t even manage their own weight and could hardly walk. And that kind of person when falls they’ll break their bone. And the blood vessels become clogged. Their face looks healthy but actually inside they are very, very sick. Fat people are truly in dangerous ground. That is why meat eaters are attacked by cancers, tumors, pulmonary diseases or even skin disease like leprosy.
You know modern medical science or theology or anything are all useless unless it is interpreted through the Bible, they deceive to the end. I used to visit a leprosy village, I ask one of them, “Elder, Why did you get leprosy?” “I don’t know, I felt itchy here and I starts to scratched and it became leprosy”. Do you know why he became like that? It’s because that elder used to eat a lot of pork. That is why leprosy comes from pork but people don’t know that nowadays. So famous doctors, medical doctors come out on TV saying it’s good to give slice of pork to children as a snack and if someone has cancer they tell that patient, “Oh you have cancer you must eat a lot of nutritious food, eat a lot of meat”. They got cancer from meat but they are telling them to eat more meat and later even doctors become sick from cancer and die. One time a certain head doctor of a hospital came. He was sick and he went back home, it’s too bad, if he attended the ten days meeting, but he leaved, because this head doctor has strange disease. If he hits and bangs to the door his bones break, if he hits this side the bones break and if he hits that side, bones break. Even though he is a doctor, who can heal that kind of disease? But when that doctor came back here, he became healed. And even though he is a doctor, he has to tell everyone he knows, “let’s listen to this seminar, and let’s listen to this message”. So, whether it is medicine or theology it all falls from the Bible. They tell someone who go cancer from eating, telling them to eat more meat and they themselves, those doctors get cancer  and die, and when they get cancer they’re embarrassed that they can’t say anything, so they just die silently unable to say that they have cancer. That is why if you look in America, Europe, they have lots of cancers, because they eat lots of meat. In Korea we didn’t eat a lot of meat, so there weren’t so much cancer, but nowadays, lots of cancer. Why? Because of eating meat, and this cancer is incurable. And when it comes the cancer if you have surgery or you take cobalt treatment radiation treatment they are hopeless. That’s why even though medical science has become developed, people still tremble in cancer and say, “well, since you’re going to die, you can eat whatever you want.”
Cancers are incurable in the world but if they come to us cancer can be healed, cancer is no problem its nothing. If we will just eat the food which our Daddy tells us to eat then we will become healed. Brown rice, almonds, those kind things can heal cancer and we use to drink water and have water treatment, we can be healed, no problem. But people of today once they have cancer they give all their money to the hospital and they end up in death. Why do they go to such a hard time making money and then in the end they take all their money to the hospital and die without being able to be healed? I hope that you will make a lot of money by obeying our real Daddy. All the things you need to do are to eat what our Daddy tells us to eat. Did they tell us to eat meat in the Garden of Eden? He never said so. But in the Bible, in the time of Noah after the flood, Noah and his family ran out of fruits, vegetables and grains that they are loaded on the boat and so when they came out from the boat, there was nothing to eat. No vegetables, no fruits because they were all destroyed from the flood. That is why until fruits and vegetable could grow again Daddy allow them to eat meat. And Even then the animals were very, very clean at that time and they were not sick, because the earth was a paradise before the flood, wasn’t it? They were animals from the Garden of Eden, so they were not sick and even then, it was just for a short time until the fruits and vegetables grow again.
Do you know why the Israelites die in the wilderness? Because of eating meat. It was never our Father’s will that we should eat meat. So even though the Israelites asked for meat our Father didn’t give it to. He only gave them manna, so they said, “Oh, we don’t want to eat manna anymore, we eat a lot of meat in Egypt, how can we eat just eating this manna? Give us meat!” So our Daddy, allowed the quails to come down and did they live while eating that meat? They died while chewing on the meat. That is why God forbid us to eat meat because he knew it ruins our body. This meat contaminates our blood. What is meat? It’s a dead body, it’s a corpse. It’s eating a dead body of an animal. Let me tell you, meat eaters can never be saved, “Ah, that’s too severe, no, it’s not severe at all, meat eaters can never go to heaven. What are you talking about?  You know people who eat meat, no matter how much they pray to God to become regenerated and transformed, they can never become regenerated. How can we go to heaven? We can go to heaven only when our characters transformed and we are regenerated. Why? Then let me give you an illustration, “Do cats eat meat or vegetables? How about tigers or lions or wolves, fox, eagles, whether it is a flying birds or running animals they all live on meat. Then look at them, look at their characters how merciless and barbarians they are, that even if they do not eat it they tear their prey apart. From cats to lions, and even birds, any animals that eat meat are so cruel. Then how about sheep, do they eat meat or not? Cow, sparrow, pigeon’s animals or birds that eat vegetables are gentle and meek and they have such wonderful characters.
So one time a man had experimented with the very ferocious dog and the dog that people could not even go near that dog. So they took this dog and they stop giving this dog meat and only gave them vegetarian meals, steam beans something like that. A couple of months later it became gentle and it wouldn’t bite anyone. Then this restaurant give them meat again, like bones, and later it starts to become ferocious again. At that time that man realized how fearful it made the dog.Why? Because when you eat meat it changes the blood and depending on what kind of blood that determines what kind of person we are. So people who have acidic blood cannot control themselves, then those pastors or fathers who eat meat, how can they become changed in their character even God has told them not to? People, if there is written in the Bible anywhere that tells we can eat dog or pork meat, please let me know. In the sixty six books in the Bible, is there one Bible verse that allows us to eat pork or dog meat? It’s written in the Bible that if the dog or pig dies, don’t even touch it because it defiles us and it should not enter into the holy camp and they should not come back until they’re purified themselves. But nowadays, so called religious leaders and servants of the Lord eat pork and dog meat, and they jump up and down and say that they receive the Holy Spirit. Do you think that they have the Holy Spirit? Even Buddhist monks don’t even eat pork and dog meat, and yet those professed religious leaders and servants of the Lord eat all the meat they want and did they say that they are men of God? Please don’t be fool by them, they are all deceivers.
Let’s look at 1 Corinthians chapter 3 verses 16, [Do you not know that you are the temple of God? Do you not know that your body is the temple of God? And the spirit of God dwells in you?  And God the Holy Spirit dwells inside your body? Next, anyone who defiles the temple of God, God will destroy them] It says, anyone who defiles the temple of God will not be taken to heaven. God will destroy them. You know what will happen to those who eat pork and dog meat? Can you believe even Buddhist don’t even eat that kind of dirty meat, and yet pastors and others so called religious leaders they eat meat and they said that they receive the Holy Spirit? They receive the demon. You know when Jesus came when he cast out a legion of demons do you remember where those demon went on? They went on to the pigs. Foul demons like foul things, dirty things like dirty things, so they all went on to those pigs. Now you know what’s spirit has possessed those pastors, they are possessed by those legions of demons. Do you think that they are led by the Holy Spirit? That is why they jump up and down like that. Did Jesus of two thousand years ago and everyone jump up and down and scream out loud the way they do? And when does Jesus want money and covet money the way they do? Can you believe this? They eat pork and dog, which the Buddhist don’t even eat and still they called themselves as God’s servants. I wish they couldn’t even call on God and makes them so sick. Now is the time that we cannot even eat beef and sheep even they are not considered unclean but they can be eaten. Dogs and pigs, even God said in the Bible not to touch them, but they still eat them. Let’s think about this, let’s think about it, and let’s consider this deeply. If there is one verse in the Bible that tells we can eat pork and dogs meat, I will quit what I’m doing right away. Anyone can bring me one Bible verse, “Oh but its written like that in Acts” In acts? While Peter had a vision in the dream and there’s a big cloak from heaven where all kinds of unclean things like pig, dogs, snakes. God said, “Peter eat them. Father how could I eat such foul thing, I’ve never eaten them even before, I can’t! No. Just eat them, because I said they are holy” and this vision shown to him three times, and then surely after this vision someone knocked on the door. Who was it? Cornelius, he was a pig and a gentile, and he said, “Peter can you please come and teach us the words of Eternal Life?” He was invited, and at that time the Israelites regarded gentle as dogs and pigs because they are eternally doomed and they are not going to heaven. They are just like of Christians today, they are so narrow minded though they are all have same God’s children they divide themselves from them and because God knew that the Israelites thought that way. He said, “Peter go to my Children, those gentile children are holy in my sight go to them, they are not dirty. So after the vision did Peter eat pigs and dogs? He didn’t. He only went and committed the gospel to those gentiles. Did Jesus eat pork or dog? Jesus, or Peter, Noah, they didn’t even eat them and even the Buddhist doesn’t eat them. Then how come those so called servants of God, servants of the Lord eat that kind of meat and they jump up and down. How abominable they all are. And you think the latter rain of the Holy Spirit will come down upon them, when they gather together even if there are millions of them? As we hear in God, He will destroy them all.
And that is why pastors and layman alike, they suffer from cancer and all kinds of strange diseases and they are going to the hospital and still they jump up and down saying that they lay their a hands and will heal people. I hope that you will never be touched by them, if you become touched by them and if you become touched by them and laid their hands on you, you may become possessed and jump up and down. I can tell a lot of you and jump up and down like they did. I hope that you will never go there anymore. What kind of God, what kind of Holy Spirit enter to the body of those kind of people? That is why God allowed Noah to eat meat temporally for the short time. He did not even allow the Israelites to eat meat, but because they ask for, He gave it to them and when they ate it, while they are eating they died. They betrayed Him, they’re used eating meat in Egypt and their blood was dirty and that is why they want to eat meat again. That is why those who eat meat can pray for a hundred days, but they never, never become changed. Let’s look at the character of those people, those pastors who eat pork and dog meat. Are they Jesus or the devil? Ah how scary they are!
            You know a certain wife of pastor said that after the sermon her husband grab her hair and dragged her into their room in front of all other church members  and hit her, and yet he still say, “oh  he is a servant of our Lord.” So, no matter how much they pray, they can never be regenerated or changed. Please follow me, “Prayer cannot substitute obedience, nor can obedience substitute prayer”. Obedience is obedience, and prayer is prayer. How can we eat meat with faith? If it’s good for eating, to eat pork and dog meat then those who eat snakes have more faith.
You know I heard a certain deaconess of a certain protestant church, they said that, “You know before I knew this if our pastor saws a snake on the road, he will catch a snake and eat it.” Yes that Pastor has good faith. Do you think God’s Holy Spirit will abide in such a dirty body? Even though I explain it to you, why do you feel so offended and hold on to your self-respect? What makes you so upset? You will be freed from diseases, you have become holy temple and God’s law abide in you, you become holy, you may be able to go to heaven. Why do you follow such dirty people and live in such a filthy life? Why you have to struggle with yourself?
Meat eaters cannot go to heaven and their character will never become changed and the Holy Spirit will not enter into their defiled body.
On the way back from America on the airplane, (because you know westerners like to eat lots of meat so they are quiet fat, they look like a big steel drum) I saw this tremendous fat person, over weight person and the wife was also over weight, that I don’t think, I can hug him over. I’m sure if the two of them are in one room they will fill a whole room, that’s probably why their bed is so big, anyway he was over weight, his bones are weak and he couldn’t manage his body. He tried to stand up from the sit but he couldn’t, he tried so hard again and again, but he can’t lift up his body and later when he’s about to get up the sit broke. You know the sit, how strong they made it by the “Boeing Company” but still broke. He was so over weight and big that he couldn’t even control himself, manage himself. How pitiful, ignorance made them like that. And so people came and they fix that sit. You know the company that sold the plane ticket lost the money on it. He was sitting right in front of me, he looks so pitiful and someone like him falls while walking, his bones break because his bones are so weak. And we never know when someone like that will die, because their blood vessels are so clogged, they never know when they’ll die. That’s why so many of those kind of people they die while they sleep, they die while walking. How pitiful they are. And even if the meat eaters would be taken to heaven, they cannot live there.
When we go to heaven, can we kill anything, can anyone kill? No, but when we go to heaven there is a delicious fruit of life. But meat is meat, and the fruit of life has its own flavor and taste, but they want to eat meat, so there is a deer walking by and they want to eat that deer. That is why they can’t live in heaven. But what if they kill that deer in secret and eat it? Then there’s going to be killing again in heaven. You know someone said that tigers have to walk side by side from the other, a couple, a pair, they have to walk side by side. Why? Because if they walk one in front of the other, the one at the back wants to eat the one in the front, so they walk side by side. Please do not become tigers, we are God’s sons we are not tigers. And when we go to heaven, those who want to eat meat still want to eat meat, and they want to the deer and the sheep that walk around, and they cannot live there. So I hope you keep your body temple holy and without disease you must go to heaven.
Then let’s look in the Bible and see what happen to those who eat pork and dog meat. Let’s see in the God’s word: Isaiah chapter 66 verse 17 [Those who sanctify themselves and purify themselves, to go to the gardens after an idol in the midst, eating swine’s flesh and the abomination of the mouth, shall be consumed together,” says the Lord] Yes, says the Lord, it will so surely be fulfilled. Those who professed to be holy and clean and says I’m God’s holy servant; I’m God’s worker,” they go to the gardens and they eat pork and abominable things, what will happen to them? They will be destroyed all together. Then now, what will happen to those who eat pork and abominable meat? It is said, they will be destroyed together in one place, says the Lord. Who said this? Says the Lord. Now do you know what will happen to those pastors and those churches who say that they received the Holy Spirit even though they eat pork and dog meat? I hope that you will not go near to those people but keep your body temple holy that your Real Father may abide in you.
Let’s look Isaiah chapter 65 verse 1,5 [ There are those who sit among graves, and spend the night in secret vigil; who eat swine’s flesh, and the broth of unclean meats is in their pots; who say, Keep yourself, do not come near me, for I am holier than you! They are smoke in My nostrils, a fire that burns all the day.] It says that they sit among [the graves.] The grave is speaking of this earth, [spends their nights is keeping secret vigil, eating the flesh of pigs and hold broth of unclean meats in their pots, they eat pork and the broth of the dog meat; and they said to the people, keep away from me, “I am God’s holy servant, don’t come near me for I am holier than you,” Such self righteous people, its written that they are smoke in My Nostrils]. It means that they causes God to be angry. God is greatly displeased and He is filled with wrath; they are fire that is burning all day. Now, do you know what will happen to those who eat abominable things such pork and dog meat? Can you believe a pastor catches a snake on the way to the home of one of his member and eats it raw? People are so blind, even the Bible plead them like this, they do whatever the God’s servant tells them too. I hope that you will be the true servants of God. That’s why even if a million, billion of those kinds of people gather together and pray, they will never receive the Holy Spirit but instead a legion of demons will fall upon them.
 That is why 1 Corinthians 3:16 says, [Do you not know that you are the temple of God and the Holy Spirit of God abide in you?] Who is this? A layman or pastor, those who defile his body temple, God will destroy them. I hope that you will keep your bodily temple holy that God may abide in you. That is why those who do not strictly obey the health laws, God will never answer their prayers. In other words God does not listen the prayers of those who become sick after eating pork and dog meat and eating whatever they want. The true God will never answer that prayer. But those pastors that eat pork and eat dog meat and later they profess to heal people laying on their hands on them, saying that Jesus’ hands, that is the demon’s hands and that is why they demand  money and even though they don’t cure them, still they ask money for praying. So all you must keep your bodily temple holy, if you don’t, the latter rain of the Holy Spirit will never be poured upon you, even if it is poured upon everyone else of the world. For the Latter rain of the Holy Spirit comes on holy temples only. Be holy for I am holy. If one among of the children all of a sudden comes home with a snake or rat in their hand, you to tell them, “Throw it away! Or else I leave you and you can’t even come home! I will not let you in, in the house!” Our Father is holy isn’t it? Then we should be holy, that way we can live with him and eat with Him. Did our Father and Jesus eat pork and dog meat? Do they drink or smoke? We must be the same in order that we may be able to live together in one house. So, if you want to live in that eternal world you have to be like Him, and we have to eat like our heavenly Father and Jesus.
The reason why He told us to offer a lamb of sacrifice is for us to understand the truth and the plan of salvation. Do we kill lamb today? No! Jesus said, “That we should eat his flesh and drink his blood and have eternal life. And it was same as eating lamb. He said that we should eat the bread of his word. So even at that time and now, we are not allowed to eat sheep lamb meat anymore. At the time of Jesus, the fish were clean, but nowadays even if you catch fish in clean water sometimes people die from them. Why? Because they were contaminated and they had eaten poison in contaminated water and get caught in clean water, so, those who eat, die. And they are those sea foods that have no scales like shell fish and other fishes that many people died from food poison after eating them. Many people also die of food poisoning from eating pork. A certain doctor in America said that pork can cause one to be so sick. But can’t even be cured after having surgery a thousand times. Can anyone live after receiving surgery a thousand times? That is why they say, pork is given for nothing. And pork have some germs which spread when it becomes warm. So when you cook it, that virus or that germs spread even more. So, they did not gain a single but instead they lose a hundred thousand things. So, the time is come now, we all not even eat fish, because all the oceans of the world have become polluted. Some says, “If I could not eating meat, will I get malnourished? But please do not worry. You will get malnourished from eating meat, and if you give up, you will suffer from malnutrition. Why? Well, you are going to die, because your blood vessels are all clogged and you just appear big and fat but you are not healthy at all. Why will you ask any professor or pastor to do the very work that I’m doing? They’ll die right away. You know, long time ago, I heard a college professor say this. In this college, professors don’t even lecture all day long like I do, but they take turns from morning to evening. They take turns and sometimes they will just speak maybe three or four hours a day, and that’s all, and still after a week they lose 6 pounds during one week and they’re even not speaking three or four hours a day and so they have a meeting like that, then they had get turns this revival meetings and loose weight even during seven meetings. So, if they do for two weeks they lose 12 pounds, three weeks 18 pounds and then later they die. But me, I am not a pastor or professor but I speak from five in the morning to eight or nine in the evening, speaking from almost 10 to 12 hours every day for ten days, all by myself and yet I’ve done like this up to now. This is of course through my Father’s cry and also because I obey my Daddy’s word and kept the health laws. If you would like to enjoy that kind of health that I am enjoying, I hope that you will also obey our Fathers word.
Nowadays Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity, have all become crack and they are all eating meat, they are all a mess. So with the money you use to buy meat you can buy other kinds of nutritious foods. You know how much nutrition in a bowl of rice? It equals 2 cups of milk, 20 eggs and 50 sheets of dried seaweed. That kind of nutrition can be found in a bowl of rice when it is chewed well. So if we eat brown rice we are filled with energy that’s why in any case, if the family eats ten sacks of white rice a year then they can live on 7 sacks of brown rice, what a great gain, they are not sick, they eat less rice and they don’t have to pay money to the hospital because they are sick. Isn’t this a secret way to become rich? But they eat a lot of white rice, they are busy going to the bath room, busy going to the hospital, busy giving their money to doctors and in the end they are busy dying. They are just busy, so you may say, “Will I suffer malnutrition if I don’t eat meat? So the money that you used to buy beef and fish, you can buy nuts, peanuts, sesame, walnut, other nuts and even you when you buy those kind of nuts, please do not roast it too much. Vegetable oil can also cause arteriosclerosis if we roast too much, so it’s better to eat it raw, if we wanted roasted, then slightly roasted, don’t roast it too much. You know if we just eat according to Gods way, we do not get sick. I did not learn this from any medical school, not only did I not go to medical school, I did not go to any theological school. But what it says in the Bible? If we will just understand the Bible we can understand everything in heaven and earth.
 So last time there was someone who went a degree in nutrition who came to me after and he said, “Teacher, I’m going to give my degree in nutrition to you, she’s here this time, this meeting. Your nutrition is strange, doctors all learn about nutrition. Let’s see, is there oil in grass? Is there fat in grass? But cows feed and yet they become so big. And on the other hand let’s see people who eat lots of fatty food, they are not even strong and still they become sick and die and also the amount of nutrition in vegetables depends on the quality of the soil and no matter how much they care it, still contains this  kinds of nutrition, it’s all useless. Anyway, with the money they used to buy meat, fish, and beef, they buy nuts, sesame, peanuts, and vegetarian needs a lot of calcium that is why they must need a lot of seaweed. And we should live in the countryside. It’s good to live in the country. Before you eat breakfast or lunch you go up to the mountains and go to the fields and collect your vegetables, you go shopping in the fields and mountains. When you go to the mountain and you get this wild herbs and root its better than eating ginseng. Nowadays ginseng, they spray with all kind of chemicals that is why nowadays ginseng is poisonous. I don’t even eat ginseng, but there is certain wild roots like balloon flower and lansilauda, they are wild roots our Real Daddy given to us. And every season there are fruits like persimmon, chestnut, apple, pears, peaches, strawberry, grapes, apricots, oranges, water melon, and cucumbers. How fresh and how nice they are, it will clean our blood, it will make skin look very healthy. If I eat like the people of the world I wouldn’t be able to do this, I wouldn’t be able to hold even one seminar; I would just die in the middle of one seminar. That is why we should take nutrients from different kinds of foods so you should prepare your meal to be just very simple; two, three or four side dishes is enough. If you have five or more then it confuses your brain. If you are invited to someone’s house and there are many different kinds of side dishes, then just choose the ones you will eat and at lunch you can eat different side dishes, and at dinner different too. And if you only eat three different side dishes for each meal that’s nine in a day. Someone who says, “Oh, I eat 3000 dollar meal,” saying, “Hey, crazy!” there are complaining in your mind. Eating too many different kind of foods at one time confuses the brain. That is why people in the world nowadays have so many complicated brains. The truth of heavens is simple, that’s why only those brains that are simple can easily understand and accept.
One time a certain protestant minister, a protestant pastor from Seoul attended this meeting and he was someone who evangelize all his life. He goes to the bus terminal and train stations and tell people to believe in Jesus, but his character was so awful. People are very scared just by looking at his face. And he told me, “You know teacher I was so ignorant concerning the Bible, I used to eat pork and drink coffee for breakfast and I go and do evangelical work”. So, do you think he will ever become changed and did the Holy Spirit ever come down on him? And he thought that he will be punished for not evangelizing. So he used to do roaming around and work like that. If pastors are like that, then you can imagine what other people are like. I hope that you will not again put abominable things into your body but keep your bodily temple clean and receive our Father, and do not let Him depart from you ever again. Then, when you make up your mind not to eat meat and when you go back home, you may become fool by meat. If you stop eating meat all of a sudden, you can become dizzy; if you stand up you feel dizzy, “Ah see because I don’t eat meat I’m suffering from malnutrition”. And if you get fried chicken and you eat it and you feel like strongman, “yes, meat is so good”. “Teacher Park lectures are all good but except from this one thing”. Yah it’s true, if you stop eating meat you feel dizzy and so if you get some beef and make it some soup or something and cook it, you feel better. That’s true. Let me tell you why, because inside meat, there are stimulants which will excite our nerves. Meat has stimulant just like alcohol. You will be stimulated for a while and if you become so over, you feel exhausted. It is the same thing with meat, it excites us, raise our blood pressure that we become excited but afterwards we become more exhausted and weak. Please do not be deceived by meat, even if you collapsed do not be fooled. Just as I told you here, you eat instead nuts. And continue eating this way, then later the dizziness will disappear and eventually you will have great energy and vitality just like me. So I hope that you have a holy body and received Gods Holy Spirit. Like Jesus, Elijah and Moses have you all go to heaven. Please do not be deceived by those who lived by such abominable lives.

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